

349 Uppsatser om False Belief - Sida 4 av 24

Markskador vid GROT-uttag : en enkätstudie hos skogstjänstemän

Forestry is increasing on an industrial scale where collection of logging residues takes a greater part. This has resulted in more machinery and heavy machinery driving in the clear felled area, this increases the risk of soil damage that will occur in the form of soil compacting and rutting in the clearings. This affecting on the nature in a negative way and especially in rivers and lakes that are affected by siltation and acidification leading to increased levels of heavy metals and methyl mercury. The purpose of this study was to investigate why there is damage to the ground when working with the slash in forest management from the forest officer point of view. A self-designed questionnaire was used and 45 questionnaires were sent out to various companies all over Sweden.

En känsla för Gud Komparativ teologi enligt Keith Ward och perspektiv på religionsteologi

En känsla för Gud ? Komparativ teologi enligt Keith Ward och perspektiv på religionsteologi.(A feeling for God ? Comparative Theology according to Keith Ward and perspectives on Theology of Religion)We all have preconceived opinions regarding people, cultures and especially religion and religiousness, and according to one´s own subjective formed opinion, they are surely truthful and moral. But my main concern with this essay must be thought of as a brief and personal mapping of Christian belief and it´s rational status in relation to both basic philosophy and the other great religious traditions. Furthermore, I am anxious to widen the perspectives of that which theoretically can be considered substantially real, and the existential consequences that follows on such a study. In doing so I must make sure that it´s properly anchored in history of both philosophy and religion, and of course ? with the general idea of God.

Hur påverkar en konkurrensutsättning och ett varumärkesskifte statliga företags varumärkeshantering?

It is important for all companies to be seen on a competitive market. It?s all about positioning yourself so that you?re seen and that you?re are attractive for both customers and employees. A crucial factor to achieve this are how the brand are handle directly by the company it self and by the market. Establishing a brand on the market is not easy and it takes time to establish what the company stands for.

Miljörelaterat beteende: En studie av motiven bakom miljörelaterade beteenden i den privata sfären

Denna studie undersöker motivationsgrunderna till miljörelaterade beteenden i den privata sfären. Med en modell ursprungligen utvecklad av Martinsson & Lundqvist (2010) delas respondenterna från en enkätundersökning upp i fyra idealtyper. De fyra idealtyperna är individer med gröna (miljövänliga) värderingar och en grön (miljövänlig) livsstil ? de troende; individer med gröna värderingar och en grå (icke miljövänlig) livsstil ? hycklarna; individer med gråa (icke miljövänliga) värderingar samt grön livsstil ? de hemliga, samt; individer med gråa värderingar och en grå livsstil ? vägrarna. Respondenterna delas upp i de fyra idealtyperna med stöd i value-belief-norm-teorin (VBN-teorin) ? en teori utvecklad av Paul C.

Value creation from a gender perspective – a case study of Caran

Caran has a strong belief that women leaders affect the financial profitability positive. Since women leaders are intangible resources it is very difficult to calculate its exact value. The authors found that one of their measurement methods can’t be used to calculate the value of women leaders. The other measurement method can calculate significance between women and men leaders and provides an index to be compared to other groups. But there is no prove that women are better creating value than their men colleagues, the figures indicate that women add more value due to their lower wages.

Hur kan företag med lågengagemangsprodukter gå tillväga för att uppnå emotionell och sann lojalitet gentemot kunderna? : En kvalitativ studie på SCAs produkter Edet papper och Libresse

In a competitive market as supermarkets, hundreds of the same products fight for attention in the shops. Every day thousands of targeted advertising messages is given to us. As a natural result of all this, power is transferred to consumers. You can no longer differentiate yourself by only price and function, thus companies must play on the emotional aspects and create a relationship with consumers. A key to success is to understand people's emotional needs and then satisfying them.In various journals and papers you can find highlighted success stories of strong brands such as Harley-Davidson, Apple and Virgin Airlines.

Starka kvinnor och männen i deras skugga : En maskulinitetsstudie i Cirkeln

This paper investigates the relationship between the two modernist writers Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf. The two authors had a frail and complicated friendship that influenced their fiction and fictional characters more than the general public knows. My paper investigates how Woolf can have found her fictional story ideas direct from their friendship. With a comparative theory I?m finding and giving examples of how their friendship is reflected in their fictional stories, and I?m backing up my examples with citations from their own diaries, letters and notebooks.

Analys av fingeravtryck

This report describes a system for verification of fingerprints against a previous created template. It describes how and why a fingerprint image must be processed before it can be used to either identify or verify a person. The method is based on special features of a fingerprint, called minutiae points. The whole process from image to matching is described, every step in the process with image enhancement, binarization, thinning and how to find the minutiae points. Also what false minutiae points are, how they arise, why they deteriorate the result, and how to handle them, is discussed.

Facebook - en falsk utopi? : En studie av politisk polarisering på Facebook

Title: Facebook ? a false utopia?Authors: Anton Furuland & Dominic ChennayaPrincipal research question: Is the political polarization increasing on and through Facebook?Theoretical frame: Identification theory, selective exposure theory, spiral of silenceMethod/Material: Semi-structured interviews which provided our materialMain Results: Our research has shown a tendency for increased political polarization on Facebook.Number of pages: 58Course: Media and communication studies CDepartment: Department of informaticsUniversity: Uppsala UniversityPeriod: HT 2014Tutor: Amelie HössjerKeywords: Political polarization, Facebook, political debate, selective exposure, identification.

I MITTEN AV CIRKELN - en etnologisk studie om nyhedniska identitetskonstruktioner

The aim of this study is to analyse how female neopagan practitioners form their identitiesindividually as well as collectively. Using Ernesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?s discourse theory and Anthony Giddens? descriptions of late modernity and self-identity, I intend toinvestigate my informants? construction and upholding of a meaningful identity and sense ofself. I will also look at how the neopagan movement can be viewed as a phenomenon closely interwoven with the overriding tendencies in our contemporary society. Neopaganism is an umbrella term that is used to describe a number of modern nature religions that take their inspiration from pre-Christian traditions.

Hur påverkar en konkurrensutsättning och ett varumärkesskifte statliga företags varumärkeshantering?

It is important for all companies to be seen on a competitive market. It?s all about positioning yourself so that you?re seen and that you?re are attractive for both customers and employees. A crucial factor to achieve this are how the brand are handle directly by the company it self and by the market. Establishing a brand on the market is not easy and it takes time to establish what the company stands for. To be able to succeed with this you need to have a strategy and a strong belief on the brand.

Value creation from a gender perspective ? a case study of Caran

Caran has a strong belief that women leaders affect the financial profitability positive. Since women leaders are intangible resources it is very difficult to calculate its exact value. The authors found that one of their measurement methods can?t be used to calculate the value of women leaders. The other measurement method can calculate significance between women and men leaders and provides an index to be compared to other groups.

Tro i vardagen : En studie av en undervisningsmodells effekter gällande elevers förståelse och engagemang i religionskunskap

Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15 hpUniversity of SkövdeTitle: Religious belief in everyday life ? a study of the effects of a teachingmodel focusing on religious belief in everyday lifeNumber of pages:42Author: Johanna ClaessonTutor: Kennert OrleniusDate: Jan 2009 Keywords: Religious study, students´ understanding, students´ commitment,Buddhism  This paper presents the execution and the result of a project examining how a tutorial model (called the model of everyday religious practice) focusing on how Buddhism is expressed in the daily life of Buddhists believers, affects students understanding of and commitment in religious studies. In the project, Thai students have partaken by producing sex posters and a picture-show with the help of their own photographs and short texts. However, the picture-show was mainly produced by the author of this paper. These posters and the picture-show were brought to Sweden to figure as teaching material during a lesson in religious studies for students in year eight in a Swedish school.

Börsvärdering av bioteknologiska forskningsbolag

Background: The valuation of Biotechnology companies is difficult in many ways. Patent and human capital are hard to value and also there is a great uncertainty about the success of the compaines research programs. Are traditional valuation models really useful when it comes to research companies or do they result in false values of the companies? Purpose: To study what values different valuation models gives biotechnology companies and how they correspond to the market value. Method:We have studied financial litterature och found the most common used models today.

Katherine Mansfield och Virginia Woolf : Masker och självidentiteter

This paper investigates the relationship between the two modernist writers Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf. The two authors had a frail and complicated friendship that influenced their fiction and fictional characters more than the general public knows. My paper investigates how Woolf can have found her fictional story ideas direct from their friendship. With a comparative theory I?m finding and giving examples of how their friendship is reflected in their fictional stories, and I?m backing up my examples with citations from their own diaries, letters and notebooks.

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