

349 Uppsatser om False Belief - Sida 16 av 24

?Intoleransen får inte gå därifrån utan att bli ifrågasatt? : En undersökning av so-lärares upplevelser av intolerans på högstadiet och gymnasiet.

This Master's Thesis studies the attitude that library employees have regarding a sex and gender-neutral treatmentof their clients. The analysis is based upon replies to a questionnaire which was submitted though channels directedat library employees, like BIBLIST and BiblFeed. The respondent?s replies contained a number of welldevelopedcomments making the resultant analysis both quantitative and qualitative in nature.In performing the analysis a theoretical framework combining Hirdman?s gender system with symbolic interactionismhas been used together with literature about gender roles.The questionnaire showed that gender neutrality is a complex concept that can be interpreted in many differentways and is therefore easily misunderstood. It is obvious that sex is an important category when respondents aredealing with their clients, but also that sex and gender are problematic concepts which respondents find difficultto know exactly how to relate to.

Politiska bloggar i det amerikanska presidentvalet : Bloggande svenska riksdagsledamöter om resultatet i 2008 års amerikanska presidentval

 The 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections were in many ways special, where the USA got its first president of Afro-American origin, Barack Obama. The elections will also be historical since the great use of social medias - as the community Facebook, the video sharing site YouTube and web based diaries, blogs - broke through during the campaigns. This study's purpose was to examine how a few members of the Swedish parliament described the result of the Presidential Elections in their blogs. The main question - how the election results were described in the blogs - was divided into three themes, created on the basis of the blog's content.

Matematikintresse. Lärares uppfattningar av ett attitydmål

AimThe main aim of this study was to find out how teachers reflect on their work with developing pupils? interest towards mathematics in grade nine. As a teacher in mathematics, it is important to be aware of different views on interest towards mathematics and how it is possible to work in that direction. Since developing interest towards mathematics is written the in syllabus as criteria for teaching mathematics in grade nine, it is important to know and take an active role in finding ways to approach the issue.Main issues? How do teachers in grade nine reflect over their work with development of interest towards mathematics?? How are teachers? Beliefs Systems reflected in their work with interest?MethodThe main focus of this study was teachers? perspective on their own work on developing interest towards mathematics.

Öppenhet och förändring: Gorbatjov som reformator i Sovjetunionen 1985-91

Abstract1985 tog Michail Gorbatjov över makten i Sovjetunionen, och en ny omskakande period tog vid. Gorbatjovs reformer, glasnost (öppenhet) och perestrojka (omdaning), blev början till slutet för sovjetstaten genom de oerhörda följdverkningar de fick för landet: det kommunistiska Sovjetunionen, bestående av 15 delrepubliker, blev till ett land, Ryssland, med en demokratisk författning. Vi har valt att utgå från fyra olika teoretiska perspektiv för att kunna förklara reformernas bakgrund och Gorbatjovs roll i detta skeende: individ-, grupp-, stats- och systemnivå. Vi driver tesen att interna och externa faktorer inom Sovjetunionen har framkallat en situation varigenom Gorbatjov kunde ta makten och förändra samhället, något som aldrig tidigare skett i samma utsträckning. Gorbatjovs personlighet och inre värderingar anser vi hade stor betydelse för utvecklingen, men beslutsfattandet var en kollektiv process vilket krävde skicklig manipulation och sluga metoder.Sovjetunionens historia kantades av våld, lidande och diktatur, men under Gorbatjov kunde befolkningen börja att åtminstone hoppas på något bättre.Nyckelord: belief system, Michail Gorbatjov, förändring, Sovjetunionen, utrikespolitik.

Lönekartläggning och handlingsplan : - en undersökning om det aktiva arbetet för jämställda löner

Swedens membership in the European Union have resulted in an internationalcharacterized labour market. The construction sector is the area who employs mostposted workers among the 7400 employees who monthly enters the market. It?s alsothe sector where a big part of the work-related deaths occurs. The purpose of this studyis therefore to contribute to a greater understanding of the regulation regarding postedworkers, their work environment and the consequences of it.

Värdet av vinglaset : En studie om hur vinglasets sensoriska och estetiska egenskaper påverkar gästens vinupplevelse

The aim of this study is to examine how preschools contribute to the forming of identity in children, with a specific focus on the quiet and socially withdrawn child. How do the teachers describe the quiet child and the socially withdrawn child? Are there any opportunities for children to be quiet/withdrawn in preschools? These questions have also been analysed from a gender perspective. The method chosen is qualitative method. Nine preschool teachers from two Swedish preschools have been interviewed.

Redo för arbete : En studie kring arbetsförmåga hos personer efter förberedande arbetsträning

In recent decades, mental illness has increased in Sweden, and in parallel to this there has been an increase in unemployment. This implies that it is harder for people who have been away from employment for long periods due to ill health to return to work. The purpose of this study was to examine the work situation of people with mental illness who had undergone prevocational training, and to identify psychosocial factors relevant to their current work ability. The aim was also to describe how those who had undergone prevocational training perceived that it had affected their work ability. The study involved 19 participants who were interviewed and assessed with the Worker Role Interview, and an open question was asked about how they perceived that the prevocational training had affected their current work ability.

  Yrkeskulturen  i hotell och restaurangbranschen.En fara för lärlingar och elever? :  

 English abstract  The culture of hotel and restaurant work.Dangerous for apprentices and students?The study is based on a survey targeting 50 teachers at chef schools with good geographic distribution of 9 schools. Teachers answer questions on bullying and sexual harassment in the hotel and restaurant sector, and students practice shock in the meeting with the industry. Students face a hard and tough environment where it is expected that it will suffer a great deal of harassment and degrading treatment as part of a tradition. There seems to be a general but erroneous belief that the professional climate has improved.

Någon måste ta hand om friska människors vilsenhet : Coaching - en framtidens arena för psykologer?

Psykologi är ett ämnesområde som hittar nya tillämpningsområden, och under inledningen av 2000-talet har coaching blivit en trend. Uppsatsens syfte är att förstå hur teoretisk och empirisk bakgrund verkar in på hur professionella, heltidsarbetande coacher arbetar, samt hur psykologer kan hitta en vetenskaplig ingång i att arbeta med friska människors behov av växt och utveckling. Intervjuer utfördes med åtta coacher med varierande teoretisk bakgrund, samt psykologförbundets ordförande Lars Ahlin. Rapporten visar att coaching är ett mångfacetterat område, där utbildningar och branschstandard fortfarande är fragmenterat och svårt att få en överblick över. Coacher som inte är psykologer eller beteendevetare använder sig av sk erfarenhetsbaserat empiri med ett belief-based teoretisk ramverk.

Regeringens transportinfrastruktursatsningar : En studie av tågtrafikens utrymme i regeringsanslagen för transportsektorn

In the government's bill on infrastructure for 2010-2021, the government presents that road investments should be prioritized before investments in the railway. The grants for operation and maintenance of the railways are much higher then in the last government's bill. Furthermore the current founding of investment in railways is higher then for road investment which is in opposite of the bill on infrastructure's directives. Therefore the purpose with my thesis is to find which factors that can explain how come the government has chosen to take these actions. As a model to help me achieve my purpose I have been using a modified version of the DBO-theory, where the basic factors to explain an action is Desire, Belief and Opportunities.

Folkbibliotekspolitik i Göteborg under slutet av 1940-talet: En ideologianalys

The aim of this Master thesis is to delineate the ideology behind the public library politics in Gothenburg, during 1945-50. The study is an archive survey. To be able to account for the public library politics in Gothenburg during the period, the author has studied documents in the archive of the public library board in Gothenburg. The description of the politics is the source for the research papers analysis. The thesis principal issue, is on what ideological basis the public library politics has been formulated in Gothenburg, during the period of interest? The concept of ideology is defined as a coherent system of norms and values.

Enkätstudie om gymnasieungdomars attityder till stark musik

Bakgrund: Tinnitus och ljudkänslighet är symptom som tycks öka bland ungdomar. En förklaring kan vara att ungdomar tillbringar allt mer och längre tid i bullriga miljöer utan att använda hörselskydd. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att jämföra gymnasieungdomars attityder till stark musik i relation till olika självupplevda hörselsymptom samt med avseende på variablerna norm, risktagande och riskmedvetenhet.Metod: Enkätstudie på 281 gymnasieungdomar i åldrarna 15-19 år, om deras attityder till stark musik. Enkäten bygger bl.a. på frågor och påståenden från Youth Attitude to Noise Scale, Health Belief Model och Theory of Planned Behavior.Resultat: Personer med permanent tinnitus hade mer negativa attityder till stark musik än de som inte hade det.

Psykosociala faktorer som befrämjar återhämtning från alkoholberoende

Background: In scientific literature there are various treatment programs for people with alcohol dependence described, however, are psychosocial factors that promote recovery process described to a limited extent.Purpose: To describe the psychosocial factors that promotes recovery from alcohol dependence.Method: Literature study of ten scientific articles, published between 1999-2011 with both qualitative and quantitative design.Results: According to the literature, the recovery process can be considered to begin when a person with alcohol dependence reached his personal rock bottom. The longer the recovery progresses, the greater are the overall level of performance. Social support is described as an important factor to prevent relapse and reduce the need for professional help. Self-belief and support of self-help groups are described as important to maintaining sobriety. Social support and influence from family members was related to increased ability to analyze and assess their situation during the recovery.

Utvärdering av en snabbtest för diagnostisering av hypokalcemi hos nötkreatur :

Clinical signs of hypocalcaemia in dairy cows are easily recognized, and a rapid response to treatment generally confirms the diagnosis in the field. However, clinical signs of other disorders in cows, such as toxemia, calving paralysis, or muscoskeletal injury, may mimic those associated with hypocalcaemia. Therefore, making a diagnosis of hypocalcaemia on the basis of clinical signs alone may be difficult. In ambulatory veterinary practices, cow-side tests are useful to make the diagnosis and prognosis easier. Kruuse?s Kalcium Test is a cow-side test based on the principle that calcium ions are necessary for coagulation of blood, and that chelation with EDTA prevent coagulation.

VEM HÖR TILL? : Eller inte?

Over the past two decades, trends of integration processes in terms of citizens of different ethnicities, different gender and different sexual belongings, etc. has grown thanks to debates and new legislations. A marginalized and discriminated group in society such as women, immigrants, homosexuals, transsexuals and people with disabilities during this time has gained momentum in the community. The curiosity over whether these developments have changed our attitudes and values to the world around us, and if so how, is the reason for this master's thesis in disability studies.The Swedish development forms the basis for my belief on a younger generation of people who would be more tolerant than previous generations, in terms of what is considered to belong to the norm in our society, or not. The purpose of this study is therefore to increase knowledge about what beliefs young people today have about people with disabilities.

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