

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 5 av 98

Ingen ser mig ? finns jag? : En uppsats om exkluderade barn i leken

The aim of this study is to describe successful strategies to include children in free play activities at the preschool. The methods that pedagogues use to act and work with excluded children will be examined. To get answers to my questions I have conducted interviews with five pedagogues in four preschools. During interviews they mention two different approaches to encourage free play activity. One way was to participate and play along with the children.

Vaka över barnen - En studie kring barns och pedagogers tankar om tillsyn av den fria leken.

This survey is about pre-school teacher?s supervision over children?s play. In an earlier study children expressed that they had places they called their own. In those places where they were in charge the adults were not welcome unless they were invited by the children. This aroused our interest to do a survey about children?s influence over their playing time.

Verkligt värde : Hur verkligt är det egentligen?

Masters thesis in Business Economics IV, VT 2012Linneuniversity in Kalmar Authors: Johanna Susaeg and David JohanssonTutor: Petter BoyeExaminer: Karin JonnergårdTitle: Fair value - How real is it? Background and research discussion: The concept of fair value is today connected with great uncertainty, which may be a result of the various guidelines developed during recent years. Hence, auditors have an important role in situations where they have to make projections concerning fair value and also do inspections of the management´s own assumptions.     The critique that has been shown regarding fair value is that it can be difficult to estimate, especially when there is no active market to proceed from. This problem has been confirmed through that the management often uses the estimations subjectivity to deliberately show higher or lower values in the accounts. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to study and describe auditors, appraisers and real estate companys interest and procedure in valuation of real estates.  We also going to describe theirs view on fair value of real estates plus analyze and explain the actor?s roles in the valueprocess and how their particular interests can affect the final valuation in different situations. Methodology: The study is characterized by a qualitative method containing a pilot interview and several personal interviews with auditors, estimators, and real estate companies.

Barns fria lek : En socialpsykologisk studie

AbstractGroup processes within the free play- in a socialpsychology perspective In our socialpsychology study we have demonstrated how children?s free play is by observing 2-5 years old children in preschool. We have also interviewed two preschool teachers. The major subject in this study is how children?s group processes expresses in their free play.

Tillgänglighet och användbarhet på webb-tv för synskadade : En studie om vilka problem som kan uppstå för synskadade användare på webb-tv

Idag är internet ett av de mest använda medieverktyg som bör finnas tillgängligt för alla människor, även personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Målet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om webb-tv på internet är tillgängligt för användare med funktionsnedsättning, särskilt synskadade. Två stora webb-tv-plattformar SVT Play och TV4 Play undersöks i denna uppsats för att veta om webb-tv på internet är något som är tillgängligt för synskadade användare. För att webbplatser ska vara så tillgängliga och användbara som möjligt för personer med synskador bör de följa riktlinjer som WCAG 2.0 och ISO 9241-11.För denna uppsats har det använts skrivbordsundersökningar och fallundersökningar. Två olika typer av fallundersökningar användes i denna uppsats, enkäter och observationer.

Lekens betydelse för lärande av engelska i förskolan : Pedagogers tankar om och arbete med lek för att belysa det engelska språket

The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge on how pedagogues use play as a way to expose children to the English language. I chose the qualitative method of interviews to conduct my study. The objects of study were four English speaking pedagogues at a preschool with English in their profile. This profile was a major factor when choosing where to carry out the study, as not every preschool in Sweden offers English.The interviews were conducted in English, as all four pedagogues were native English speakers and I did not want a possible language barrier to influence the results. The questions were composed with play as a focal point and a way to expose the children to English.My findings showed that play is an important tool for children to take part of and learn English.

Frilekens betydelse för barn i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie av några pedagogers syn på den fria lekens betydelse för barns lärande

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding of free play or free fun time importance for children of age around five years in preschool, in order to promote children?s development and learning. The focus was on exploring and better understanding of teacher?s and educators? approach to the free fun play time as a tool in their educational work, and also about their own role in this context as well as analyzing of forms, rules and structures spontaneously created by groups of children having free play fun time. Another important moment of this study was to give more light on approaches to this issue in education theories by Piaget, Vygotsky and Freud among others.As to the practical experimental part of the study it has been performed at a preschool and kindergarten in a suburb at the outskirts of Stockholm, with four employed educators there and with groups of children of age around five.

Minimalist design for children?s games

The aim of this report is to see whether the graphic design of a game influences children?s will to play games. I am especially looking at minimalist graphic design and how well it works for a game aimed at children age 7-9. Does the style of the game design have any impact at all concerning the children?s wish to play the game or is the game mechanic all that matters.

Barnens fria lek

This thesis is based on research and observations of children on a preschool when playing in the free-play. What do the children choose to play with, when they get to choose for themselves? And how do they play? Do boys and girls together or do they divide themselves up? How important is the free-playing for the development of the child? Genus is also an important element which is interesting to observe and to see different patterns in. The abidance?s have been made while the children have been playing, and from discrete observations notes have been taken.I have been working with material, and literature from distinguished researchers within the subject.

The final final final cut : Fan edits och hur de samverkar med filmindustrin

Begreppet ?fan edits? betecknar filmer som klipps om av fans, vilka är missnöjda med hur en adaption för vita duken som gjorts. I min uppsats vill jag påvisa dels hur samspelet mellan fans och filmmakare/filmbolag sett och ser ut, dels försöka klargöra varför copyright/fair use är så knepigt att applicera på området..

Matematik genom lek : en undersökning om barns matematikinlärning på två förskolor

The purpose of this study is to investigate the children?s mathematics learning through play. The questions to be answered are: how can teachers facilitate children?s mathematics learning through play? How can play affect children?s math learning? Are the children aware of the role of play in their mathematics learning?My method is based on interviews and observations. My informants are three teachers who work in two different preschools.

Ändamålsenligheten med revisorers arbete vid granskning av goodwillvärdering

With the introduction of IFRS, the IASB left the previously used method of amortization and instead introduced fair value. Studies show that firms manipulate the value of goodwill based on agency related incentives and opportunities, such as bonus payment, management tenure and acquisition of firms. The responsibility of checking the quality of financial reports, and give other market participants reasons to trust them, is primarily on accountants. The transition to fair value thus creates a problem for accountants to actually check the fair values produces by firms. Our purpose is to investigate whether the working method of accountants is purposeful in order to maintain the credibility of goodwill values.

"Jag ska också göra chokladbollar" : En undersökning om hur tillgången till konstruktionsmaterial påverkar barn i förskolan

The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the availability of construction materials affect children's constructions and play. Observations were made when the children were allowed to play and build with very little and much of the material play-doh dough in preschool. The study is aimed at children aged 3 ? 5 years. Interviews were also conducted with educators in departments where the children spent time to give support to this study.The result shows that the children create as many designs of any material amount.

Sound and Play

AbstractThe project "Sound and Play" have been implemented in collaboration with the toy company BRIO in Malmo. The purpose of the project was to examine whether and how BRIO in the future could develop toys around sound for Toddlers.The problem formulations that would be answered after completion of the project was "How could BRIO broaden its product range with the help of audio toys?", "How can you combine toys and sounds in an interesting way for children?", "How do you create a toy with sound that is fun for the child, but not annoying for parents?". Currently BRIO only has two toys with sound in this age group.The expression of the toy was going to be a mix of classic and cool and the overall feeling of the toy was going to be explorative and arouse curiosity in the child. This feeling would be communicated through simplicity and joy.

Investigating the reward cycle for play in young pigs

A reward cycle for investigating the emotional status in animals has been developed and it requires that animals go through three main phases, i.e. anticipation, consumption and relaxation. The reward cycle has not been tested previously for access to play in pigs. Therefore, the aim of this Master thesis was to investigate if growing pigs showed more behaviours indicative of excitement than pigs that were not allowed to play, performed play in a play arena and showed more behaviours indicative of relaxation after play when they were back to their home pen than pigs that were in their home pen the whole time. Forty undocked piglets (10 litters of Specific Pathogen Free half pure-bred Yorkshire and half hybrids of Yorkshire x Landrace balanced for breed between two treatments were used.

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