

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 49 av 98

Prekontraktuellt ansvar inom svensk rätt och UniP samt PECL

Den tilltagande globaliseringen ställer nya krav på juridiken och nationella beteenden ersätts av gemensamma tillvägagångssätt. Internationella regelverk i form av UniP och PECL aktualiserar frågan om vilken betydelse dylika regelverk har för svensk nationell rätt. Den situation som behandlas i uppsatsen är den då två parter har ingått förhandlingar men avtal av olika anledningar inte slutits. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för det prekontraktuella ansvaret inom svensk rätt samt enligt bestämmelserna i de internationella regelverken UniP och PECL. Detta i avsikt att med utgångspunkt i tre rättsfall, göra en jämförande analys och söka utröna likheter och skillnader avseende ansvaret i situationer då parter förhandlat men avtal inte kommit till stånd.

Ägarlägenheter i miljonprogramsområden : - Ur ett förvaltningsperspektiv

AbstractIn November 2011 the Swedish Government announced that they were conducting an investigation to examine what impact the conversion of existing rental stock to condominiums could have on the development of the Million programme areas. The proposal of converting rental stocks to condominiums aims to help people living in these neighbourhoods to private ownership, while still allowing people who want to continue to rent their homes to do that. This thesis intends to investigate the effects of the proposed reform from a management perspective. The maintenance of the areas built during the Million Programme gets more neglected every year that passes. The majority of the housing stock is rental properties and extensive renovation of the surface layer, tribes and public spaces are essential in all Million programme areas studied. By transforming a portion of the housing stock into condominiums and by improve the living environment through renovations, these areas would be able to gets more attractive.

Missuppfattningar inom genetiken: En litteraturstudie om hur missuppfattningar inom genetiken hos h?gstadie- och gymnasieelever kan motverkas

In schools, misconceptions about genetics can arise due to several factors, and the consequences of these misunderstandings can be significant. Lack of education can play a central role in the spread of misinformation about genetics. When teachers lack sufficient knowledge or do not have access to up-to-date resources, they risk inadvertently conveying inaccuracies to students. Additionally, students own preconceived notions and misinterpretations can be reinforced through interaction with their peers, creating a vicious cycle of misinformation. In this study, various misconceptions within genetics education have been identified and analyzed, while different strategies to prevent these misconceptions have been examined. The study revealed that the two most common misconceptions are the confusion between "genes" and "DNA" and the simplified perception of genetic determinism.

Komponentavskrivning enligt K3-regelverket : Hur identifierar fastighetsbolag komponenterna?

Problembakgrund och problemformulering: Komponentavskrivningar är en del av BFN:s allmänna råd som även kallas K3, vilket blev tvingande från och med år 2014. Vi har i denna komparativa studie behandlat hur familjeägda och kommunala fastighetsbolag tillämpar komponentmetoden, eftersom de kan ha olika skäl till förvaltning. Vi kom därför fram till följande problemformuleringar: Vilka kriterier har familjeägda respektive kommunägda fastighetsbolag vid identifieringen av antal komponenter? Hur förhåller sig dessa fastighetsbolag till begreppet rättvisande bild i samband med valet av antal komponenter?Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att utveckla en förklaringsmodell för vilka kriterier familjeägda respektive kommunägda fastighetsföretag beaktar vid urskiljning av antal komponenter enligt K3-regelverket.Metod: Studien har ett explorativt syfte eftersom området är outforskat. Studien har genomförts med en triangulering, där vi först gjorde en pilotstudie där vi tog reda på om fastighetsbolagen hade tillräckligt med kunskap för att svara på våra frågor.


In the year of 2005 the international standard IAS 40 came in to use in Sweden, this lead to an opportunity for the corporations to choose either to evaluate their investment properties according to the historical cost accounting principal. The model contains the obtaining price with reduction for the planned writing off. The alternative that IAS40 offers is the fairvalue principal, which evaluate the investment properties by consideration of the income versus outcome and surrounding factors for every accounting periodSince the fairvalue is buildt on numbers the corporations them self choose what to publish and for how long the value depreciation should be lasting before it should be taken up as an unrealized value change in the reporting material. This means that there is a big chance that the evaluation can be distortedSince we just recently have had strong cyclical variation and are on our way from an excess boom into a weak economic climate, this will be the first study performed about fair value in a weak economic climate since the adoption of IAS40.The purpose of the essay is to find out how well the booked value of investment properties owned by corporations listed on the Swedish stock market accord with the fairvalue that the market and the Swedish property index indicates on. To be able to test this connection we gathered information from the corporation?s annual reports which we compiled to see how the market comprehends.

Att bli en riktig låtsasmamma : En kvalitativ studie av hur styvföräldraskapet kan upplevas.

This is a qualitative study aiming to study stepparents? view of the relationships within the stepfamily and their thoughts about what makes it work. It is based upon three stepmothers? life stories focusing on their relationships with their stepchildren. The study is based on a symbolic interactionistic theory and explores the experiences and unique perceptions of these women in their life as stepparents.

Trygghetens betydelse för fritidshemmets vardag

In my essay I'm studying what aspects of the school environment that influences the pupils experience of safety and what aspects that strengthens the experience of safety. I'm introducing three different dilemmas from three different places in the school environment. The three dilemmas have that in common that they focus on safety. I'm introducing the after-school centre commission according to the National Agency for Education, presenting results and theories from various researchers and authors about how you can work with safety regarding children's development and learning. My conclusion is that safety is a very important aspect when it comes to learning and for the overall development of children.

Glöm inte barnteatern! En studie om barnteater på folkbiblioteket.

This master?s thesis deals with the issue of children?s theatre at the public library. I want to examine what purpose children?s theatre play for the children according to the children?s librarians, what different factors that may influence the purchase of plays to the public library and what the children?s librarians think of the children?s theatre at the public library at present and in the future. Interviews have been conducted with four children?s librarians, at different libraries, who are somehow involved in the purchase of children?s plays to the library.

Tjänst eller björntjänst? En studie av europaparlamentarikernas röstningsbeteende gällande EU: s tjänstedirektiv

When studying the voting behaviour of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) concerning the Services Directive within the EU, what patterns can be observed? With a starting point in previous findings about voting behaviour, this study analyses the results of the given Roll-call votes in the European Parliament in regards to the Services Directive. Here I focus on the division of votes within and between the member states and the parliamentary political groups; with the aim to identify patterns that might show clash of opinion concerning this issue. I found that ideology seems to play a role in the MEPs voting behaviour. Parties on the far left reach the highest level of cohesion and together with the party on the far right, they voted against the Directive, but due to different reasons.

Personal branding: artister som varumärken

The purpose of this thesis was to study the importance of an artist?s personal brand from a record company and artist management perspective. We also aimed to investigate how these companies work to create and maintain an artist?s personal brand. The study conducted was a case study based on interviews with staff members of a major record company, Universal Music AB, and an artist management, United Stage Management Group AB.

Ett svenskt landskap i Australien : svenska kyrkan i Melbourne

As a Swedish landscape architecture student living in Australia for five years, I have often wondered if my memories and my associations with the landscape and the nature in Sweden, are the same as other Swedish people living in Melbourne. Most of the Swedish people who live here in Melbourne remember and associate Sweden?s nature and landscape with where they grew up or where they used to live. The plants that most of the Swedish people I asked missed from Sweden were associated to special feelings or activities. The general type of landscape people remember from Sweden is that of a landscape covered in forests, which you can walk freely through. With these memories as a foundation and with inspiration from the Swedish landscape architect Thorbjörn Anderson?s way of creating places, by letting a few strong changes play against the existing elements,2 but also with consideration of the climate and the severe shortage of water that is current in Melbourne, will I create a design concept for the garden surrounding the Swedish Church in Melbourne. A design concept that will generate memories and associations to Swedish landscapes..

Det litterära spädbarnet ? en undersökning av folkbibliotekens program för de allra yngsta barnen

The objective for this Master?s thesis is to study literary programs for infants at six Swedish public libraries, their relevance and importance for infants and how the infant?s perspective in the program design and implementation is taken into consideration. The questions I pose are: In which way do the programs take the infants need for development and their literary prerequisites into consideration? Which functions can the programs have for infants? I have used a qualitative method, based on deep interviews with six library staff, working with literary programs. A model was developed based upon Daniel Stern?s theories of the interpersonal world of the infant together with Joseph Appleyard?s reading development theory.

Verkligheten ? Here we come! En beskrivning av socialisationsprocessen hos studenter vid Växjö polishögskola

This thesis investigates and emphasises on the way students at Växjö police academy describe their socialization into their profession as police officers and the creation of profession identity. The scientist?s main questions are: In what way do the students at Växjö police academy describe their socialization process into the police profession? What role does the organisation play in the socialization process of the police students? How do the students develop their police identity? Which qualities are encouraged? The study is based on qualitative interviews with nine police students, performed in groups of three. Group theory, role theory, and organization theory are applied to the material to provide an understanding through which it is possible to understand the process of socialization. The study shows that there seems to be patterns in the description of a professional identity.

Jonatan - tronföljaren som inte blev kung : om en relation och dess konsekvenser

The story of Jonathan and David is a part of the deuteronomical view of Israels history from the occupation of the holy land all the way to the exile in Babylon. I am aware of that this is not true history, but it is nevertheless interesting to ask oneself: Why are those people a part of the deuteronomical history? What was the meaning in telling the story in this way?Exegetes and researchers are trying to give the relationship between Jonathan and David a place in the political realm, but here I have used several sources to show that it is not only a political story, but a loveaffair, where Jonathan is pictured as a submissive woman and thereby excludes himself from the throne of Israel. David on the other hand, acts as the perfect man, who is in command in spite of his youth. He does not break the rules of the patriarchal society, where the relation between two men was accepted as long as the older one did not play the womans role.

Myrorna - subkulturens butikskedja : en studie i varumärkesutvecklande

AIM This report studies the Swedish vintage store company Myrorna from a branding perspective.METHOD The study has applied the qualitative method where four personal interviews have taken a fundamental ground. The four respondents are taken from different professionals and from different positions by the reason that the brand would be based on a fair assessment. The study is obtaining data that further was collected from the library of University of Gävle, the articles from Emerladinsight.com and remaining pictures- and text materials is taken from the organization Myrorna. The theoretical material have been adapted on the brand Myrorna and then been used to analyze the empirical part. From the general impression that portrays the brand the researcher leads the discussion.RESULT AND CONCLUSION The result shows that the brand Myrorna in some extent do not fulfill the image the brand in the media mediate, between the illusion and the reality there is an empty space according to the research.

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