

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 27 av 98

Ruins of Wilderness : sensual Spaces in between

Ruins and derelict places have since long fascinated and attracted humans. With my starting point in the wild vegetation and the spontaneous activities taking place on derelict land and in industrial ruins, I explore with help from the theoretical sociology, what creates not only this fascination but also fear. The purpose of the thesis is to explore and exemplify how the industrial ruin as a place outside the restrictions and control as well as design intentions of modern society can be used as an inspiration in a landscape architecture context.The modern city consists of areas and places with a well defined purpose. A piece of derelict land or a disused building is instead ambiguous, undefined and open for new purposes. However described in negative terms, these placesare often perceived as places of mystery and magic.

Dimensioneringen av revisionens budget

This study represents the different factors that may have an influence on the budgetproposal in the local government for the revision. The revision in the local government is an important part of councillors and public insight into the different activities. The budget for revision decides how much of the activities runned by the local government can be observed by the elected representative accountant. The aim of the study is to see how the following variable affect the dimension of the budget appointed for revision. We have used Institutional theory, theory that contains the role-play between guardians and advocates and Agent theory with help of accountability.The dissertation is written in Swedish..

Kan man se med öronen? : En uppsats om filmljud

This thesis is about the interaction between composition, notation and interpretation and what occurs between the fields with an extended notation.The purpose of my thesis is to examine the possibilities tothoroughly describe and map the sounding samples through composition prototypes.The thesis has a qualitative approach, and the empirical material consists of different documents about notation and from interviews with musicians and students about the instruments used in the thesis.It also consists of 17 compositions recorded at Örebro University School of Music as an appendix.The analysis shows that the context in which the symbols are found, play an important role in performing them. It also shows that the performers are rooted in a traditional way of performing..

Medielek och digital kompetens i en förskolekontext : Design för meningsskapande

The aim of this thesis is to make a contribution to the field of design oriented theory, regarding young children and their way to digital competence. My research question is: How can a preschool with a certain pedagogical ICT-design give the children affordances for media play and for developing a digital competence?The European Parliament points out digital literacy as one of the Key Competences for life long learning. A digital competence is built on basic ICT (Information and Communication technology) skills. Skills you can develop any time during life, weather you are young or old.

Human value for the investors : Fair value vs. human capital

I denna studie undersöktes faktorer som kan påverka individers positiva attityder gentemot organisationsförändringar. Syftet med studien var att titta på individen och dess attityd gentemot organisationsförändringar. Undersökningsmetoden bestod av en enkätundersökning, i vilken fokus ligger på åtta olika faktorer som kan tänkas påverka eller skapa positiva attityder hos individerna i organisationen vid en förändring. Urvalet bestod av individer från tre olika organisationer med olika förändringserfarenheter. Kön, ålder, erfarenhet samt utbildning varierade bland våra respondenter.

Bedömning och betygsättning på mellanstadiet : Förr, idag och i framtiden

This report deal with grades and evaluation in intermediary school, which grading systemshas been and is used in intermediary school and their benefits and disadvantages. The purposewith this report is to find out how the different grading systems has functioned since thebeginning of the Swedish intermediary school to present day and speculate what the futurewill show considering the changes the Swedish school in general is facing. My main result isthat the literature and the teachers, both retired and active, share the same view regarding thepros and cons with grading. When it comes to the matter of in which class should initiate, allthe approached teachers has different opinions. The procedure which I used to get my resultsincludes a literature analysis about grading and evaluation, covering both printed andelectronic sources, where I have compared the views of the different scholars.

Name your price - a study of a pricing strategy

An industry in distress was the breeding ground for a noted pricing strategy, labeled name-your-price. The industry was the music industry and the pricing strategy bears reminiscence of how medieval buskers earned their living during the dark ages; by letting the customers decide how much the good was worth, embodied by a thrown coin into a hat or similar collector. Translated into the contemporary corporate environment of today, where technical innovations provides access to the intellectual property for free, a few mighty economic actors have once again turned to the strategy were it all started; letting the customer set the price. The hat has been replaced by a box for your credit card number and the live music by a MP3 file, but the similarity is striking. The business model have been applied in other industries as well with various levels of success, thus the purpose of this thesis is to set up a framework for where the name-your-price strategy is applicable.

Svenska renodlade Internetbanker i det finansiella systemet

Syfte: Att undersöka svenska renodlade Internetbanker - ?PPI-banker?, och utefter deras strategi studera deras lönsamhet samt om de utgör risker för den finansiella stabiliteten.Teori:  Tidigare forskning kring PPI-banker har påvisat varierande resultat och fokus har skiftat från PPI-bankernas prestation till deras påverkan på den finansiella stabiliteten. Det teoretiska perspektivet vidgas med traditionella teorier kring bankers strategier och risker. Riskerna som behandlas är främst likviditetsrisk samt risker för stabiliteten i det finansiella systemet.Metod:  Studien har genom blandad strategi, med kvantitativ metod för datainsamling och en kvalitativ analys studerat svenska PPI-banker. PPI-bankerna har jämförts mellan varandra men även som grupp mot de fyra svenska storbankerna för att studera strategi och prestation på marknaden.

Den serviceanställdes användande av humor, charm och flirt i kundmötet

Abstract This essay is written to answer the questions of why, how and against who employees in the service sector use humour, charm and flirt in the interaction with their customers. The service management research is quite extensive, but despite this the research partly misses studies around why employees tend to act in certain ways while interacting with their customers. To understand the reasons of why they act in these particular ways, we need to know which factors that can be crucial when it comes to the employees? behaviour in these situations. By knowing the underlying reasons of using a special way to communicate with customers, it is much easier to achieve a clearer overview of the subject.

Humor i Religionsundervisning

The contents of the school subject religion in Sweden, has gone through a radical change during the past century. With an origin of only treating Christianity and being a major cultural and social actor, it has developed into more of a multicultural and philosophical subject. The fact that the subject no longer has cultural recognition makes it more abstract and harder for students to relate to. Additionally, religion is experienced as a rather dull subject in school. My essay is therefore written to provide teachers encouragement of interest for religious education, by using humor. The well-known psychologist Jean Piaget claims play to be a prime state of learning.

Lucia eller tomte? : om våra stereotypa tankar och handlingar kring genus

The purpose of my study is to highlight how children at preschool are affected by adult?s awareness of norms and interpretations of masculinity and femininity. The essay shows examples of boys? and girls´ expectations of each other and the preconceived notions of what boys and girls should or can do, and how we pedagogues relate to this matter. One example is about an encounter with a mother, where we have different opinions about her son´s wishes to be Lucia instead of Santa Claus.

Ensamkommande barn i vuxenlivet : en kartläggning om ensamkommande barns etablering i samhället

The paper aims to examine how well a small group unaccompanied children have established themselves in Swedish society. In order to determine how well they have established the empirical material which is primarily based on quantitative data has been measured with a theoretical model developed by the theorists Nancy Fraser and Alistair Ager and Alison Strang. Based on the theoretical framework the unaccompanied children establishments have been measured in example income, education, debts with Kronofogdemyndigheten and social network. It was found that the unaccompanied children had not achieved the establishment in the society that was expected from the theoretical framework. Their results were also generally below the national average for young adults in Sweden who are the same age.

I gränslandet mellan not och ton : - notbilden i nykomponerad musik

This thesis is about the interaction between composition, notation and interpretation and what occurs between the fields with an extended notation.The purpose of my thesis is to examine the possibilities tothoroughly describe and map the sounding samples through composition prototypes.The thesis has a qualitative approach, and the empirical material consists of different documents about notation and from interviews with musicians and students about the instruments used in the thesis.It also consists of 17 compositions recorded at Örebro University School of Music as an appendix.The analysis shows that the context in which the symbols are found, play an important role in performing them. It also shows that the performers are rooted in a traditional way of performing..

Rättvis betygssättning - vad, varför & hur?

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur lärare går tillväga då de planerar sin undervisning och då de sätter betyg i årskurs nio i fysik, samt vilka förutsättningar detta ger för rättvisa betyg. Vi ville med detta arbete fördjupa vår förstålese för och vår kunskap om hur man som lärare uppnår rättvis betygssättning. Vi är inte ute efter att generalisera eller göra några jämförelser mellan de utvalda lärarna, utan snarare att visa på likheter och skillnader i deras arbetssätt och tankegångar kring planering av undervisning och betygssättning. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra utvalda lärare, verksamma på högstadiet. Det är deras uttalanden samt relevant litteratur som ligger till grund för detta arbete.

Hälsofrämjande egenskaper av djurassisterad omvårdnad : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Animals are used in several health care areas and have been shown to promote many aspects of patients? health. Animals have potential for use in nurses? health promotion work. Nurses need a deeper understanding of the importance and health-promoting properties of animal-assisted therapy.Aim: The aim was to describe the importance of animal assisted therapy for patients? health.Methods: A literature review was conducted based on ten nursing science studies with both qualitative and quantitative approaches, which were selected after critical review.

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