

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 17 av 98

Sol, sand och socialt ansvar? : En studie om svenska researrangörer, svenska resenärer och rättvis turism

Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet turism och rättvis handel ur en geografisk synvinkel. Utgångspunkten är den ideella organisationen Tourism Concerns kriterier för en rättvis turism, som poängterar researrangörernas uppfostrande roll i marknadsföringen. Enligt detta NGO-perspektiv borde researrangören tillgodose resenären med information som möjliggör ett medvetet val, uppmuntrar resenären till ett mer ansvarsfullt och rättvist beteende väl på destinationen samt en rättvis beskrivning av destinationer i marknadsföringen. De menar att en påläst turist bidrar till ett mer rättvist förhållande mellan turist och lokalbefolkning. Fair Trade ? rättvis handel inom turism behandlas i uppsatsen dels som ett medel för en mer rättvis regionalgeografisk beskrivning av platser, dels som en väg till regional utveckling.Uppsatsen syfte är att beskriva och analysera de tre största svenska researrangörerna, Apollo, Fritidsresor och Vingresor, information till resenären gällande ansvarsfullt och rättvist resande, dels genom konkreta råd till resenären, dels i marknadsföringen av destinationer i utvecklingsländer.

Vem bryr sig? ? en studie av Corporate Social Responsibility som konkurrensmedel

The competitive situation for businesses has experienced drastical changes as an effectof globalization and changes in consumer demands. Product related competitive advantages arerisking to quickly become presumptions for competition. The demand for increased innovationpace, along with the intense price competition, has led to buisnesses trying to find new ways todifferentiate themselves and Corporate Social Responsibility has became one way of doing so.The bad working conditions associated with the textile industry have rised a debate about thebusinesses? Corporate Social Responsibility. The future is heading towards more and morecompanies choosing to take their social responsibility, many of those experiencing this to be anadvandage in the relation with the consumers.

Varumärket Stockholm : En studie om imageutveckling

During my practical training I have seen what after-school offers children. Large groups of children and little staff, often results in that the children had to play freely until they go home. Few activities are offered to the children and the staff is busy looking after the children and ensures that they are not fighting.The purpose of this study is to find out how children feel about their leisure activities and if they think they are being offered a meaningful leisure. The main research questions were:How do children experience their leisure-time?Do after-school offers children a meaningful leisure and is it the children's interests and needs that govern the activities and the environment?How do the number of children in the leisure group affect the leisure time?The methods to collect data in the study are observations and interviews.

Ledarens och deltagarnas beteende vid drop-in-idrott : En kvalitativ studie kring drop-in-idrott på Ersboda

May 2010 a project called drop-in sports was started to get boys and girlsin the ages of 13-20 more physically active and keep them away from  committing crime. With the slogan ?come as you are, whenever you want and do what you want for free ? spontaneous sports was organized. To evaluate the project a research of the activity was carried out, where two of the objectives were to investigate how responsibility and empowerment is taken. Twelve hours of observations studies were used to collect data about leadership decision-making and democratic values in forms of respect, everybody?s right to play and influence.

Ta rast! : En sociokulturell studie om rastverksamhet

The purpose of this study is to highlight play and learning in the lower school ages in organized and non-organized break actives. The premise is that the break is a part of the schoolday and that the school has responsibility to live up to the goals and guidelines of the curriculum even in recess. Leisuretime-pedagogy and the professional competence the pedagogs possess about games and the social relations of children are also in focus in this study. The study is a qualitative study where the empirical material consists of observations in a schoolyard environment during one week and interviews with children. The material has then been interpreted and analyzed using Lev S.

Förmågan att leda en klass - något som kommer med tiden

During my practical training I have seen what after-school offers children. Large groups of children and little staff, often results in that the children had to play freely until they go home. Few activities are offered to the children and the staff is busy looking after the children and ensures that they are not fighting.The purpose of this study is to find out how children feel about their leisure activities and if they think they are being offered a meaningful leisure. The main research questions were:How do children experience their leisure-time?Do after-school offers children a meaningful leisure and is it the children's interests and needs that govern the activities and the environment?How do the number of children in the leisure group affect the leisure time?The methods to collect data in the study are observations and interviews.

Flerspråkighet i förskoleklass : Förskollärares beskrivning av deras arbete med flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling

The purpose of this study is to find out how some Swedish preschool teacher discussing how children's Swedish colloquial interaction can be enhanced in the free play. In this case where children are aged three to five.My research questions in the study are:-          What type of free play do preschool teachers talk about in relation to children's Swedish colloquial development?-          What do preschool teachers say about child's colloquial interaction?-           How do preschool teachers reason regarding in what environment children?s colloquial interaction occurs?In my study I have used an interview with elements of a visual method called The Diamond. The approach is that the participants in the interview will be enhanced to discussing about a wise certain number of images. These images are then to be ranked accordingly with a specific theme and terms.If a child has difficult to speak, you can take help of  the interest the child has, the child can tell you and the other children what he or she know about the interest.

Flow i fokus : processen att göra ett spel genom research through design

Starting out as a minor form of amusement, the game industry has become one of the most lucrative andsuccessful in the entertainment business competing against giants such as television, movies and music.As the internal competition within the developer community grows companies work hard at discoveringnew ways to attract and keep customers. By having a playcentric approach focusing on user experiencethey hope to achieve that goal. This thesis describes the process of designing a game with focus on theplayer. We apply the concept of flow on game development and investigate through research throughdesign if we are able to create a game that keeps the player in flow.Play tests showed several elements such as control issues and too difficult challenges early in the game,affecting the possibility for players to experience flow while playing. These negative factors came to becalled flowleakers.

Lustfylld läsinlärning : Fyra pedagogers syn på lustfylld läsinlärning i förskoleklass

The study seeks to investigate four preschool teachers? views of making literacy learning a pleasurable experience in preschool class and to identify any differences in their views. The study is based on interviews with four teachers with at least ten years? experience of work in preschool class. The teachers work in three different municipalities.

Kunden i centrum : att nyttja potentialen i den interna förmedlingen av kunder

LRF Konsult is a big consulting-firm with offices located all over Sweden. The corporation offers a wide range of services and a lot of the customers are small businesses active within the green sector. An analysis of the corporation made in 2006 showed that one of LRF Konsults weaknesses is that many customers are unaware of the wide range of services that LRF Konsult offers. The internal communication is believed to play a big role in marketing these services. Therefor, the objective of this thesis has been to investigate why the transfer of customers between accounting consultants and business advisors is not greater and how this can be improved.

Vuxnas delaktighet i barns fria lek i förskola och förskoleklass : Vad det innebär och hur det kommer till uttryck

 Syftet med studien var att genom intervjuer och observationer undersöka pedagogers delaktighet i den fria leken i förskola och förskoleklass. De frågeställningar som låg till grund var, Vad innebär vuxnas delaktighet i barnens fria lek? På vilket sätt kommer den vuxnes delaktighet till uttryck i den fria leken? Detta för att vi ville veta om vuxna deltar och på vilket sätt de deltar i barnens lek. Vår studie är kvalitativ och i metoden är vi inspirerade av fenomenografi och sociokulturellt perspektiv. Studien grundar sig på sju intervjuer med pedagoger i förskola och förskoleklass och på observationer, en i förskola och en i förskoleklass.I resultatet kom vi fram till att vuxnas uttryck av delaktighet har visat sig på flera olika sätt.

Hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av sitt arbete

Purpose: Our aim is to get an insight on how home care workers experience, handle and looks upon their work. We also want to form an opinion of how home care workers experience the relationship to the clients they meet.Questions: How does home care workers experience their daily work with their clients? Home care workers daily meet many different sorts of clients with different needs, how do they handle this? What kind of support does home care workers get in their work?Method: A qualitative design with semistructured interviews.Conclusion: The most central conclusion from all of our interviews were: that home care service workers has a very stressful and demanding occupation, that the work has a low status, that the personnel has a big responsibility for the wellbeing of other people and that they often find their work satisfying and fun. To have someone to talk to and exchange ideas with was also mentioned by the informants as a vital part of feeling support in their work. From the Antonovskys theory, a sense of coherence, and Goffmans views of the society, we also find that the larger part of our informants feel a high sense of coherence and that when they have to adjust to their different caretakers they play different roles..

Hej, kom spela med oss! (Hi, come play with us!)

People play games now more than ever before. While the digital gaming industry dominates the market, boardgaming has been living in its shadow. Board games offer a physical tangibility and a social experience that can be found in few digital games. How do we create a tool that further builds upon those strengths? The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of developing a service that consists of an mobile application and board game events to promote social face-to-face interaction. Focus has been on the social face-to-face interaction in the context of a board game session.

Sabina Spielrein i verklighet och fiktion : Kvinnorepresentationer i centrum för en studie av pjäsen Namn: Spielrein Sabina

This thesis discusses how a historic woman is represented on stage today. The woman in mind is Sabina Spielrein, and she is portrayed in a play called: Name: Spielrein Sabina. She was born in the late 19th century and made a significant impact on the development in psycho-analysis. Since her letters, diaries and fragments was found 1977, and later on in 1982, nu-merous of people have been fascinated regarding her life, especially with her relation to Jung and Freud. One of my arguments is that there could be another story to tell, as she is living in a context when women were organized and struggled for their rights on many levels.

Hamlet på motorcyklar : En komparativ analys av TV-serien Sons of Anarchy och Shakespeares drama Hamlet

In 2008 Fox first aired its hit show Sons of Anarchy, a drama series about a Californian motorcycle club. The main thrust is about the club?s vice-president and his struggle to find his place in a life of violence. According to creator Kurt Sutter the series is partly based on Shakespeare?s 16th century drama Hamlet - Prince of Denmark, which causes the show to often be referred to as ?Hamlet on Harleys?.Focusing on the first two seasons of the series, this essay looks into the relationship between the two works of art.

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