

354 Uppsatser om Factitious disorder - Sida 11 av 24

?Tvärtom kan det gagna att vara bipolär. Kreativitet och sånt.? : - En kvalitativ studie om hinder och möjligheter för personer med ett psykiskt funktionshinder att komma ut på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden

Our aim of this study was to investigate barriers and opportunities for people with mental disorders getting in to the labor market. This from experiences by people whose daily job contains work rehabilitation for this group in particular. On the basis of five qualitative interviews the results showed that prejudices towards people with mental disorders are a barrier for them to get a wage labor. Furthermore the results showed that low self-esteem within the target group and also high educational demands becomes a barrier to a wage labor. The results also showed that to focus on the healthy aspects may serve as an opportunity for people with mental disorders to get in to the labor market and be able to have a paid job.

Attityder kring självskadebeteende relaterat till empati

En experimentell vinjettstudie genomfördes för att undersöka hur graden av em-pati för personer med ett självskadebeteende varierar beroende på bakomliggande orsak samt grad av kännedom om ämnet. I studien deltog 121 respondenter som fick besvara en av tre vinjetter: (a) självskadebeteende utan angiven orsak, (b) Självskadebeteende med orsak borderline personlighetsstörning eller (c) Självska-debeteende med orsak övergrepp. Studien visade att ett samband mellan empati och självskadebeteende utan orsak samt mellan empati och självskadebeteende med orsak borderline personlighetsstörning. Inget samband påvisades mellan em-pati och självskadebeteende med orsak övergrepp. Vidare framkom inga signifi-kanta skillnader mellan grupperna i empatigrad, vilket kan ha att göra med att självskadebeteende som enskild variabel var tillräcklig för att generera ett visst mått av empati.

?Jag vill vara där dom andra är" : Specialpedagogiska insatser ur elevperspektiv

This study was about how pupils described their school situation with special education. The specific focus was on pupils which are described as ?troubled pupils?, unconcentrated pupils?, pupils in social and emotional difficulties or characterised by similar concepts. The study was based on a sociocultural perspective and an interactional perspective. The empirical material consisted of interviews with eight pupils in age between 9 to 12 years old and who had special education.

?Livet gör så förbannat ont? : En litteraturstudie om hur vården upplevs av patienter med borderline personlighetsstörning

BACKGROUND: Previous research shows that many nurses feel that patients with borderlinepersonality disorder (BPD) are more difficult to provide care to than patients with otherdiagnoses. Experiences of these meetings with BPD patients are often negative. With thisbackground, a literature study was made in order to elucidate the patients' perspective. AIM:Compiling knowledge of how patients diagnosed with BPD experience their treatment and themeeting with health care professionals. METHOD: Through the databases PsycINFO andPubMed, twelve qualitative articles were selected and summarized in a literature study.

Kärlek, misshandel och trauma. En fallstudie om kvinnomisshandel och dess konsekvenser.

Male violence against women in close relations has in recent years received increased attention, however, only identified as a problem in approximately 40 years. It is now a social problem that is constantly increasing, but the identification of the phenomenon has been possible thanks to the research on the subject. The purpose of this study is to, from a woman's own story, identify psychological processes in connection with the assault. The aim is also to confirm previous research on the phases of the abused go through until decampment and identify possible consequences of violence against women. I also aim to answer the question regarding the assistance of individuals in extreme situations while getting back to society.

Fluoxetinbehandlings effektivitet vid bulimi utan samtidig behandling med psykoterapi

AbstractSyftet med studien var att utvärdera fluoxetins effekt på hetsätning och kräkning vid bulimia nervosadå ingen samtidigt psykoterapi ges. Även tid för behandlingseffekt, förändringar på andrasjukdomskarakteristika, förekomst av viktförändring och biverkningar undersöktes. Studiengenomfördes som en litteraturstudie. Sökningar efter litteratur skedde i Pubmed, Google, ELIN,Artikelsök, Cochrane, EMEA, SweMed+. Sökorden var; bulimia, bulimia nervosa, fluoxetine, prozac,psychotropic drugs, antidepressive agents, serotonin uptake inhibitors, ätstörning, eating, disorder.Sammanfattningsvis hade fluoxetin 60 mg/dag en god effekt på att minska antalet hetsätningar ochkräkningar per vecka jämfört med placebo.

Mjölk, gluten och ADHD : En litteraturundersökning om mjölk och glutens påverkan hos barn med ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming a more common diagnosis of younger children. In recent years the perception that some ingredients in our food may have a negative effect regarding the symptoms in children with ADHD has grown stronger. Children with ADHD often suffer from irritated bowel syndromes which affect their ability to digest food. This may result in malnutrition as well as a release of substances that are harmful.The purpose of this report is to compile and illustrate the knowledge of how special food, particular milk protein and gluten, may affect the symptoms of children with ADHD. Also, the report aims to evaluate if there should be changes made in Kindergarten to increase the well-being of these children.

Flyktingbarn med Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom : Hjälp de behöver och får

The aim of this research paper was to examine the help required by refugee children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition to this, we also examined the help the refugee children are currently receiving. We have examined this from the perspective of the theory of the ecology of human development. The method we used was qualitative and we conducted eleven profound interviews with professionals working with the target group in question. The essential questions were; which needs, according to the professionals, do refugee children with PTSD have, what characterises the professional's work to help the children and what possibilities and obstacles there are in giving the children optimal help.The results strongly conclude that it is important for the children's development to have at least one supportive adult in their surrounding, a positive experience at school and during leisure activities.

Personlighet samt förekomst av ADHD i barndomen hos en grupp dömda sexualbrottslingar

Varje år anmäls ca 10 000 sexualbrott i Sverige. Forskning har visat att sexualbrottslingar är en heterogen grupp i fråga om personlighet. Studier visar dock på att de ofta har hög aggressivitet och mycket ångest, något som de får utlopp för genom sin sexualitet. Forskare har även påvisat en hög förekomst av Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) i barndomen hos sexualbrottslingar. Syftet med föreliggande undersökning var att undersöka förekomst av ADHD i barndomen, personlighet och samband mellan ADHD och personlighet hos dömda sexualbrottslingar (N = 30).

"Det går inte att lita på föräldrarna" : Hur skildras omsorgsbristande föräldrar i LVU-rättsfall?

The aim of this study was to, with a social constructivistic approach, examine how parents,regarded as neglecting their children, are depicted in 12 LVU-legal cases from the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden. By using a document analysis influenced by discourse analytical tools, we found that there are repeated descriptions of the parents, which constructs an image of parents as shortcoming in the care of their children. The categories lack of emotions, mental disorder, substance abuse and physical maltreatment were the main reasons for child neglect that the parents were described from. Attitudes towards authority, aggression and immaturity, lack of insight, and deficiencies in the home were repeated in the description of the parent. We further found that mothers were regarded as more responsible of the children compared to fathers.

Hot och risker : Hot och risker officerare upplever under utlandstjänstgöring

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka hot och risker svenska officerare upplever underutlandstjänstgöring. Detta för att kanske i framtiden kunna förhindra att officerare drabbas avPTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), eftersom en ökning av dessa fall på senare tid har noterats.Metoden som har använts är kvalitativ intervjustudie där författaren går på djupet för att skapa sig enförståelse för den intervjuades värld. Med inriktning av upplevelser kommer uppsatsen att behandlafysiska och psykiska upplevelser under utlandstjänstgöring samt om dessa hade kunnat förebyggas.Deltagarna i intervjustudien är fyra officerare, samtliga män, med varierande bakgrund och samtligaarbetade vid intervjutillfället inom Försvarsmakten.Resultaten av denna studie och tidigare forskning är att upplevelser av Svenskars hot och risker, kanriskera att leda till PTSD. Resultaten visade också att upplevelser är skiftande och individuella menäven att det finns likheter i upplevelserna om utlandstjänstgöringen har genomförts på sammageografiska plats. PTSD kan förhindras genom kunskap i hur stress motverkas och förhindras..

Omvårdnad vid diagnos borderline personlighetsstörning

Background: Borderline personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that one to two percent of the population and at least every fourth patient that have received treatment at a psychiatric clinic has been diagnosed with. BPD is most common in women between teenage and early adulthood. Purpose: The aim of this literature study was to emphasize the nursing care of patients diagnosed with BPD within different perspectives. Method: A literature study was conducted to get a deeper understanding for the nursing care of patients with BPD. The search for pertinent articles, answering to the aim of the study, was done in different databases.

Hur personer med smärta av WAD upplever vardagen.

The aim of this study was to describe how persons with Whiplash associated disorder experience how the pain affects them in their daily life. The design of the study was descriptive with qualitative, individual interviews, questionnaire with background facts of the examination group, and diary notes from persons with pain of WAD. Method for selection was convenience. Through contact with the association of whiplash group in a county in middle of Sweden, the majority of the examination group for the study was found. Five persons where given information about the study, one of them choose not to take part of the study, and one of the persons did not complete the study.

?Bråkar du ute åker du in, bråkar du inne åker du ut!? : En kvalitativ studie om specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med elever i socioemotionella svårigheter.

The study's aim was to examine the professional role of the Special Education Teachers, working with students in socio-emotional difficulties with focus on externalizing behavior. The study is qualitative in nature, based on 10 interviews conducted at four different schools where four Special Education teacher and six teachers were interviewed. The system theoretical perspective was used as a theoretical basis, based on a holistic view of the schools where relationships, interactions and context is of great importance. The Special Education Teacher is a part of the school context and therefore it has been interesting to study how he/she works with socio-emotional difficulties in school activities on organization, group and individual level. The results show that externalizing students becomes a problem in schools today when they influence their surroundings and requires a lot of time regards to needs of both teachers and Special Education Teacher.

Tillgänglighet på svenska folkbiblioteks webbplatser en kvantitativ tillgänglighetsstudie

Information technology has become an integral part of our everyday lives. The Web is an important part of this development, however, web pages can be inaccessible to many groups of users. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accessibility of Swedish public library websites. Besides examining the general accessibility, this study also covers whether any specific aspect of accessibility is particularly poor and if so which groups may be affected. In addition, this study also examines whether a correlation can be found between the degree of accessibility and the size of the website.

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