

796 Uppsatser om Eye Movement Desensitizationand Reprocessing - Sida 40 av 54

"En gåva vi ska vara glada för" : Identitetspolitiska lässtrategier i den svenska receptionen av YAHYA HASSAN

This essay focuses on the reception of Yahya Hassan?s debut YAHYA HASSAN in Swedish media, mainly daily newspapers. Following the work of Magnus Nilsson it analyzes the ?reading strategy of the politics of identity? in ?immigrant literature? and outlines structural racism in the literary scene. By bringing attention to the critics? use of this reading strategy, it is possible to unveil the ?ethnic filter? through which literature by Swedish authors with a ?non-Swedish identity? is being read in contemporary Swedish literary criticism.

Doktoranders förhållningssätt till Open Access: En studie av epistemiska kulturers betydelse för doktoranders tankar kring vetenskaplig publicering

The aim of this bachelor-thesis is to study how postgraduates approach open access during times of change within scholarly communication. Our theoretical framework is based upon Knorr Cetinas epistemic cultures and Cullen & Chawners theory that there is a paradigmatic conflict within scholarly communication due to the fact that open access has failed to reach the same level of prominence among researchers as it has within research libraries. We interviewed six postgraduates at Malmö högskola in order to find answers to our research questions. We identified a shared epistemic culture among the postgraduates, which can be explained by the fact that being postgraduates, they all share similar experiences and values. We chose to call this epistemic culture the horizontal epistemic culture.

Välkommen till Kanarieöarna. Våldsam skillnadspolitik i bemötandet av turister och båtflyktingar

This is a qualitative case study about tourists and boat migrants in movement to and in place on the Canary Islands, Spain. The aim is to study how these two groups of guests are treated differently, either as guests or strangers, based on how they move, illegally or legally, where they come from and where they have rights to go. To analyze the case I use theories of how differences in ethnicity, culture and religion etc. are created and recreated in society in interactions among humans and in the politics - the politics of difference. The politics of difference creates and recreates categories of mobility such as tourists and boat migrants.

Föreningsidrotten-en hälsosam plats för vuxna människor? : Intervjustudie om drop in-aktiviteter för vuxna inom föreningsidrotten

This paper has it?s background in Physical Activity on Prescription, a projectwhich the Swedish sports movement is part of. The study refers to a limiteddivision of sports for adults, namely a phenomenon here by referred to as dropin-activity. This form of physical activity is characterized by an understandingthat the participant often lack experience and that it is possible to pay for eachoccasion. The purpose of the study was thus to take a closer look on organized,non-profit sports clubs which offer this type of exercise for adults.

Utvärdering av metoder och modeller för att simulera växlingskomfort i entreprenadfordon

Good comfort for the driver of a construction machine is crucial. Gearshift comfort is an important part of the total comfort. Volvo Construction Equipment Components has a simulation environment of the powertrain, SimPow, which is implemented in Matlab/Simulink. SimPow is mostly used for simulation of control strategies and performance. In order to be able to study gearshifting comfort, Volvo has an interest in developing new models for SimPow.

Mätningar av statiska och dynamiska egenskaper för bakaxel.

To design new and high tech products the engineers rely more and more on computer based simulations to investigate the properties and behavior for a component or system.To verify these computer based simulations the dynamic properties for the components of the drivetrain needs to be verified. Therefore measurements of the stiffness and vibrations for the rear axle has been performed. This report show how the measurements has been implemented and evaluated, along with some interesting results for the rear axles properties.The static stiffness for the drive shaft along with the axle-gear has been determined. It is found that the stiffness for the whole rear axle is near the stiffness for the drive shaft, which means that the drive shaft becomes the dominant component of the system and affects the rear axle stiffness the most. The measured stiffness of the driveshaft is close to its theoretical stiffness.The stiffness for solely the hypoid-gear have been calculated using the stiffness for the rear axle and driveshaft, and thus has a range for the stiffness of the hypoid gear been determined.The backlash for the whole rear axle and for some individual components has been determined, where the backlash between pinion and crown-wheel has negligible impact on the total backlash.Measurements of the crown-wheel and pinion movements have been conducted, where the direction of movement is consistent with the theoretical direction of the forces.The vibration measurements show that the vibrations are more severe at certain rotational speeds.

Styrketräning för truppgymnaster : mer än bara kroppsvikt som belastning?

Syfte och frågeställning: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka de eventuella fördelar styrketräning med yttre belastning kan ge kvinnliga truppgymnaster på juniornivå. Frågeställningar: Vilken effekt på explosivitet i nedre extremitet har sex veckors powerträning med yttre belastning på truppgymnaster? Skiljer resultaten sig från de som uppnås vid traditionell gymnastisk styrketräning?Metod: Två lag som representerar Sverige-eliten på damsidan i juniorklassen delades in i test- (n=7) och kontrollgrupp (n=8). Testgruppen genomförde under sex veckor ett specialdesignat träningsprogram riktat mot power medan kontrollgruppen genomförde traditionell gymnastisk styrketräning. För- och eftertester genomfördes för att utvärdera effekterna av programmen.

Sagans grodmänniska i Birgitta Trotzigs Dykungens dotter

In Peter Weiss debut Fra?n o? till o? (1947) the ?I? travels from island to island as a castaway. The island here can signify, or work as a synecdoche for exile and the feeling of isolation that exile often induces. But the movement from island to island also implies a restless state: Peter Weiss shifting from painting to writing to filmmaking and theatre, from German to Swedish and then back to German. The years during exile and the years that followed the exile until his breakthrough in Germany with Schatten des ko?rpers des Ku?tchens (1960), Abschied von den Eltern (1961) and Fluchtpunkt (1962), were the formative years of Peter Weiss authorship.

Att vara i rytmiken är att vara i ögonblicket : en vetenskaplig essä om rytmikens betydelse för barns utveckling

This essay tells about the meaning of eurhythmics for children?s development and why it is so difficult to draw attention to the value of eurhythmics compared to other activities in preschool. The essay builds upon a story that shows what consequences may follow when the meaning of the eurhythmics in the process of learning is not acknowledged. By looking at the relation between rhythm and human beings in a global perspective, I have examined the meaning of rhythm for the human well-being. The question I have researched is; why does eurhythmics appeal to almost every child in spite of being rejected by so many teachers? By researching the reasons behind these completely different points of views, I have tried to enhance the understanding for the different perspectives.

Bemötande : En observationsstudie om hur flickor och pojkar bemöts i förskoleåldern

The aim of this study is to examine metaphors and what may be perceived as motif-circuits in Stig Dagerman?s play Den dödsdömde (The Man Condemned to Death) and the two short stories ?Den dödsdömde? (The Man Condemned to Death) and ?Mannen från Milesia? (The Man from Milesia). My intention is to discuss a single theme and identity-marks that unites all three works, using Paul Ricoeur?s The Rule of Metaphor (La mêtaphore vive) as well as the ?thematic critique? of Jean-Pierre Richard.What is metaphor for Ricoeur is for Richard themes (theme): an organizing principle, a sort of schedule around which a world is constituted. Hence, I find similarities between the motif-circuits, Ricoeur?s metaphor-theory and Richards?s themes.

Äldres delaktighet : Om delaktighetens betydelse för individer i socialtjänstens handläggningsprocess

In Peter Weiss debut Fra?n o? till o? (1947) the ?I? travels from island to island as a castaway. The island here can signify, or work as a synecdoche for exile and the feeling of isolation that exile often induces. But the movement from island to island also implies a restless state: Peter Weiss shifting from painting to writing to filmmaking and theatre, from German to Swedish and then back to German. The years during exile and the years that followed the exile until his breakthrough in Germany with Schatten des ko?rpers des Ku?tchens (1960), Abschied von den Eltern (1961) and Fluchtpunkt (1962), were the formative years of Peter Weiss authorship.

Konstnärligt intrång : om att hävda sin rätt till plats i det offentliga stadsrummet

?Claiming the right to space? is an argument frequently used by street artists for justifying illegal art in the public space. The public city space as a room of democracy and right to free speech is by some people considered threatened by commercial interests, and street art has become a way to demonstrate disapproval towards this. Street art is illegal and often anonymously performed in our cities. It developed in the late 1970s from the urban graffiti scene in America, and has therefore a lot in common with the graffiti movement.


Children and youth inactivity and sedentary at school is increasing. This means that some of the students have a significant unhealthy lifestyle with physical inactivity, which in turn implies risks of suffering from various diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, all related to a sedentary lifestyle. To prevent illness, it is important that children and young people early get a positive attitude towards physical activity.The purpose of this study was to study the causes of child and adolescent physical inactivity in school, based on teachers 'and parents' perspectives.A qualitative research has been selected. To achieve the study objectives, the author has conducted seven semi-structured interviews, with an appropriate choice of five teachers and two parents with children in school. Data was analyzed with a manifest content analysis.The results show that teachers and parents felt that physical activity is a protective factor for children's health.

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere- a qualitative thesis about the organization Empower and their sex working women in Thailand.

This thesis examines the organization Empower and their members, who consist of sex working women in Thailand. The purpose is to explore the more liberal point of view of prostitution and how the female members perceive Empower. Furthermore the study investigates if the organization can improve the sex workers empowerment. The study also delineates how these women reflect on their professional role as a sex working woman and whether the women relate to feminine discourses. The study is implemented in Chiang Mai, Thailand during the fall of the year 2010 and is based on qualitative methods like interview, focus group, observations and text analysis.

Illusion och verklighet : Metaforer och motivkretsar i Stig Dagermans pjäs Den dödsdömde och novellerna ?Den dödsdömde? och ?Mannen från Milesia?

The aim of this study is to examine metaphors and what may be perceived as motif-circuits in Stig Dagerman?s play Den dödsdömde (The Man Condemned to Death) and the two short stories ?Den dödsdömde? (The Man Condemned to Death) and ?Mannen från Milesia? (The Man from Milesia). My intention is to discuss a single theme and identity-marks that unites all three works, using Paul Ricoeur?s The Rule of Metaphor (La mêtaphore vive) as well as the ?thematic critique? of Jean-Pierre Richard.What is metaphor for Ricoeur is for Richard themes (theme): an organizing principle, a sort of schedule around which a world is constituted. Hence, I find similarities between the motif-circuits, Ricoeur?s metaphor-theory and Richards?s themes.

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