

446 Uppsatser om Extreme metal - Sida 2 av 30

Betyg och identitet : En undersökning av elevers föreställningar om betyg

A major issue that has been a subject for quite some time is whether there will be a scarcity of metals in the bedrock in the future and whether or not we might end up with a problem similar to that of the big oil crisis in the mid-seventies. Following the oil crisis many oil companies started up with risk management to control future risks. This work presents how Swedish mining companies work with risk management to handle risks that might come up in the future due to metal scarceness. How Swedish mining companies look at the possible metal scarceness and if they use risk management in their decision-making process is studied. By doing interviews with Swedish owned mining companies it was found that the mining companies did not see the future metal scarcity as a risk, even though 2/3 of the companies acknowledged the scarceness to be a reality.

Icke förnyelsebara risker : Svenska gruvbolags riskhantering av en eventuell framtida metallbrist

A major issue that has been a subject for quite some time is whether there will be a scarcity of metals in the bedrock in the future and whether or not we might end up with a problem similar to that of the big oil crisis in the mid-seventies. Following the oil crisis many oil companies started up with risk management to control future risks. This work presents how Swedish mining companies work with risk management to handle risks that might come up in the future due to metal scarceness. How Swedish mining companies look at the possible metal scarceness and if they use risk management in their decision-making process is studied. By doing interviews with Swedish owned mining companies it was found that the mining companies did not see the future metal scarcity as a risk, even though 2/3 of the companies acknowledged the scarceness to be a reality.

Finngruvan - Uppföljning av vattenkvalitet, analys avavrinning och recipienter i området efter gruvdrift

This thesis raises the problem with acid mine drainage around the closed mine Finngruvan.The purpose of the investigation was to compare metal content in surface water in the areaand its catchments between year 2010 and 2003, also to make calculation of specific runoffand metal load, furthermore determine the recipients in the area. Surface water samplingwhere preformed at the same place as 2003 and also at a few other places of interest. Adigital elevation file were used in GIS to calculate the area of the watersheds in the region,observations in the field where also made. The collected data were used to make comparisons,calculations and conclusions. The result showed that the surface water 2010 had somewhatlower metal concentrations.

Extrema sportutövare : Heroiska äventyrare, naiva idealister eller galna risktagare?

Man has always in one way or another had to take risks in order to survive, but in today's society, voluntary risks increased markedly. It is about both physical and financial risks. The aim of this essay is to problematize what it is for properties that drive people to extreme sports and adventure travel. We want to see how extreme sports performers own picture looks compared to how the media presents them. We have in this essay interviewed two long sailors, a BASE jumper and an ex-mountain climber to see how the performers own picture of reality looks.

Användarcentrerad design och agila metoder : Integrering av prototyping och Extreme Programming

 Agila metoder är en relativt ny ansats inom programvaruutvecklingsområdet och ses som en reaktion mot plandrivna metoder som har svårt att hantera oförutsägbara och skiftande krav. Agila metoder förespråkar nära och frekvent kundkommunikation och iterativt arbete för att ständigt kunna skapa, prioritera och verifiera krav. Dock uppmärksammar inte agila metoder aspekter som berör programvarans användbarhet. Syftet med rapporten är därför att integrera användarcentrerad design för att öka fokus mot programvarans användbarhet hos agila metoder. Användarcentrerad design är en process som fokuserar på användbarhet genom att användarna är en central aspekt i utvecklingsprocessen.

Kiselalgernas missbildningar under toxiska förhållanden

A research of 14 toxic affected study sites in Sweden showed a significant increased proportion of deformed diatoms. The six metal polluted study sites in the region of Dalarna showed a 4, 2% average of deformed Fragilaria (deformed diatoms reference sites, 0, 1%). The results also indicate a significant increased proportions of deformed diatoms in the eight pesticide polluted sites in the south and middle of Sweden, compared to the reference sites, howsoever the toxic content was low. The results indicate that there are no lager differences in neither teratological forms nor variations that segregate metal polluted and pesticide polluted shells. One of the reasons may be that both heavy metals and pesticides can affect the development of the diatom shell..

The legacy of the mill : a metal polluted forest soil in Gusum

Soils in a metal contaminated site on Stångberget in Gusum in southeastSweden were investigated and compared to relatively unaffected soils a fewkilometres away. Pollution came from historical release of untreated flue gasesfrom a brass mill. The objective was to find information on how high the metalconcentrations are, if metals from the polluted soil affect the surroundings andif the metal contamination affects the microbial community. The soil wasinvestigated using several different methods, such as field XRF measurements,chemical analysis of metal, carbon and nitrogen content, pH, acid neutralizingcapacity, texture, soil depth, field leach tests, sequential extraction and microbialfunctional profiles. The study showed that copper and zinc concentrationswere above Swedish Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for lesssensitive land use on the entire investigated area.

Utveckling av förpackningssystem för torra insatsvaror i livsmedel

This project includes development of new packaging for dry spices and an investigation of how to automate the production line. The preliminary investigations show needs of an environmental friendly packaging possible to re-close. After screening for suitable materials three concepts were developed, a stand-up pouch, a plastic jar and a metal can. The pouch was excluded in a concept choosing process. In this process it was also decided to further develop the metal can concept.

Retention av tungmetaller i en anlagd våtmark : studier av Vattenparken i Enköpings kommun

The aim of this study was to examine the amounts of heavy metals in the sediment of a wetland constructed for stormwater treatment. The wetland is called Vattenparken and is located in the city of Enköping. The heavy metals which were analysed were Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cu, Cr and Hg. The total metal concentrations were determined using HNO3 chemical extraction. From 8 sampling sites 5 sediment cores were taken.

Framgångsfaktorer för parprogrammering inom Extreme Programming

Det här arbetet har med hjälp av en kvalitativ undersökning tagit fram framgångsfaktorer för parprogrammering. Detta har genomförts med hjälp av intervju samt enkätundersökningar med sex respondenter. Då litteraturen inte behandlar hur parprogrammering kan bli framgångsrikt har detta arbete haft som syfte för att göra detta. Resultatet har kategoriserats i fyra nivåer. Exempel på framtagna framgångsfaktorer är att:? ledningen måste införskaffa kunskaper om parprogrammering? projektledaren uppmuntrar till byte av par ofta? projektdeltagarna är öppna och mottagbara för konstruktiv kritik.

Från opera till metal: En förening av två till synes oförenliga världar

Syftet med mitt arbete är att arrangera om två operaarior till metal och spela in både originalversioner och metalversioner för att sedan kunna jämföra dem med varandra. Frågeställningarna jag utgick ifrån var: " Hur ska jag kunna skriva om två operaarior till trovärdiga metallåtar, utan att bruka allt för mycket våld på originalen?", "vilka skillnader gör jag i min sångteknik och interpretation, om jag ens gör några, i de klassiska versionerna jämfört med metalversionerna?", "vad är det för skillnader och likheter mellan de klassiska förlagorna och metalversionerna?" och "vilka val gör jag i arrangeringen och varför?".Ariorna som jag har valt att arrangera om är Dido's Lament ur operan Dido and Aeneas av Henry Purcell och Svegliatevi nel core ur operan Giulio Cesare in Egitto av Georg Friedrich Händel. Den konstnärliga delen av mitt arbete har bestått av fyra delar; en inspelning av de klassiska versionerna av ariorna, själva omarrangeringsprocessen från klassiskt till metal, inspelningen av metalversionerna och jämförelsen mellan de klassiska versionerna och metalversionerna. Projektet visade att det sällan blir som man har tänkt sig och jag reflekterar även kring hur det kom sig att de förväntade skillnaderna i min sångteknik från klassiskt till metal aldrig riktigt uppstod, men att interpretationen var annorlunda i de olika versionerna.

Ideas of Gender in the Swedish Radical Right. : An Ideological comparative Study Between the Sweden Democrats, the Party of the Swedes and the Swedish Resistance Movement

This thesis analyses ideas of gender in the Swedish radical right. The aim of the study is to see if there are any differences or similarities in the way gender is being formulated by a populist radical right party as the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna), the extreme right party, Party of the Swedes (Svenskarnas Parti) and the extreme right movement Swedish Resistance Movement (Svenska Motståndsrörelsen). Ideas of gender are presented in the theory chapter which is used later on in the analysis to compare with the radical right organisations of Sweden. To fulfil the aim we have performed a comparative ideological analysis between the three organisations and the base for our analysis is texts from each organisation?s webpage.


Uvån Hagfors Teknologi AB (UHT) has developed a process ? GRANSHOT® ? for quicksolidification of metals in water baths. In the process liquid metal is splintered ? granulated ?into small drops. The drops are rapidly cooled in a water bath where all the heat energy from theliquid metal is transferred into the water.

Extreme Production - Administration Makeover : ur ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv

Extreme Production Makeover? fångade vårt intresse för en tid sedan, strax innan vi skulle börja skriva vår C-uppsats. Metoden går ut på att under mycket kort tid förändra och effektivisera en produktionslina för att höja produktiviteten. Vi blev genast nyfikna på om Extreme Production Makeover? skulle gå att omsätta i administrativa flöden och tjänste-flöden med ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv.Inom produktion finns det en lång tradition av att arbeta med effektiviseringar och förbättringar.

Risken för översvämningar vid de svenska kärnkraftverken : en statistisk och historisk extremvärdesanalys

This thesis investigates the overall risks of flooding over the Design Basis Flooding Level (DBFL) at the Swedish nuclear power plants (Oskarshamn, Ringhals and Forsmark), using statistical data and methods, but also considers historical events which might affect the overall risk of flooding at the specified sites.Considering the nuclear accident which happened in Fukushima in conjuction with the earthquake and tsunami which struck eastern Japan on 11 March 2011, operators and licensors of nuclear power plants all over the world conducted reviews and investigations on the overall risks posed to the plants from external events. One important such event is extreme water level.One part of the thesis includes an extreme value analysis (using Generalized Extreme Value distribution and Generalized Pareto distribution) of water level data from SMHI (Sweden's Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) measured at stations close to the Swedish nuclear power plants. The results of the statistical studies indicate that considering the return period used in the thesis (100 000 years), the water levels at the Swedish nuclear power plants are not expected to exceed DBFL.The other part of the thesis consists of a historical study of extreme weather-related events. The results of this study indicate that no historical events seem to have occured which would indicate a higher risk of flooding than the one suggested by the statistical study. .

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