265 Uppsatser om Extraction of harvesting residues - Sida 18 av 18
Environmental variables determining the occurrence of the red-listed Carbonicola anthracophila and C. myrmecina in boreal forests
The global biodiversity loss is mainly due to human activities such as an intensification of forestry. Boreal forest ecosystems in Fennoscandia are characterized by disturbances such as forest fires, storms and floods. However, industrial forestry practices suppress forest fires and change the landscape, leading to a loss of habitats and associated species. Particularly lichen species with slow adaptation abilities and a strong substrate specificity face an extinction debt in boreal forests since their substrates are long-lived but no longer created. In this study the species-substrate relationship of two red-listed forest-fire dependent lichen species Carbon-icola anthracophila and C.
Undersökning av extraherbara ämnen från gummi som används i sprutkomponenter med hjälp av SPME och GC-MS
Q-Med är ett medicintekniskt företag som tillverkar medicintekniska produkter, exempelvis produkter som är baserade på gel som innehåller bland annat hyaluronsyra. Gelen är placerad i en spruta som innehåller en gummikolv som är i kontakt med gelen.Idag används allt mer polymera material för olika tillämpningar, bland annat som medicintekniska produkter och läkemedelsförpackningar i läkemedelsbranschen. Q-Meds produkter betraktas som medicintekniska produkter på många marknader. Medicintekniska produkter och läkemedelsförpackningar innehåller ofta material som består av polymerer, exempelvis gummi och plast. På dessa material ställs olika krav så att dessa inte kontaminerar den produkt de är i kontakt med, då detta kan leda till olika negativa konsekvenser, exempelvis toxiska reaktioner i kroppen eller sänkt effektivitet hos läkemedlet/produkten.
Askgödsling och dess lämplighet i torvmarksskogar tillhörande Sveaskog Förvaltnings AB : en litteraturstudie
During whole-tree harvesting, there is a risk that the soil will become impoverished of nutrients. To prevent this, nutrients are returned to the harvested site as wood ash. This action also reduces the risk of soil acidification. Nevertheless, the ash does not result in any increase of tree growth if it is added on mineral soils, which is where the measure is most commonly used in Sweden. Due to the lack of growth response, the interest from landowners is small, which is why ash amendment today is not done enough to compensate for the need.
Plantering av gran (Picea abies) på kalhyggen och självföryngring under högskärmar av björk (Betula pendula och Betula pubescens) : föryngringsresultat 7-10 år efter avverkning
The aims of the silvicultural method natural regeneration of spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) in birch (Betula pendula and pubescens) shelterwoods are to establish a new stand of tree seedl-ings and to protect those from high groundwater levels, frost damages and grass competition during its first life years.
The aim of this work has been to (i) describe how shelterwood and stand characteristics influ-ence the results from using natural regeneration of spruce protected by a shelterwood of birch, and to (ii) compare those regeneration results with planting of spruce after soil scarification in clear-cut areas.
Totally 17 harvesting sites have been inventoried and 15 of those included natural regenera-tion in birch shelterwoods, and two were subjects to soil scarification and planting of spruce. The sites represented 7-10 year old final cuts and are located in the coastal (eastern) region of the province of Norrbotten in Sweden. In all areas shelterwood and stand characteristics, as well as the number of main crop seedlings and the height of the highest main crop spruce seedling, were estimated and registered in all areas.
Post-harvest losses in fruit supply chains : a case study of mango and avocado in Ethiopia
Food insecurity is a great problem worldwide and Ethiopia is one of the sub-saharan countries that are suffering from poverty and food insecurity and a large part of the population are living in a state of undernourishment. To reduce these problems, a successful horticulture production can be an important factor. Compared to other crops, fruit production in Ethiopia has not been a large part of the agricultural sector. However, the demand on the domestic market is increasing as well as the production for avocado and mango. To increase food security it is important to focus on ways to decrease post-harvest losses of food products and not only have the productivity of agriculture in focus.
Etanolmarknaden i Brasilien : etanol som fordonsbränsle
According to the EC fuel regulations 2 % bio fuel has to be blended in all fuel by the year 2005, and 5.75 % by the year 2010, which means ethanol for gasoline driven vehicles, so there will be a substantial demand for ethanol. Brazil already has an established industry for producing ethanol and is the leading producer and exporter of fuel ethanol. My purpose with this paper is to investigate why Brazil decided to develop ethanol production on a large-scale operation and to find out today?s situation. Focus will mainly be on ethanol production with sugarcane as a feedstock.
Metangasutsläpp från deponier och osäkerheter i beräkningsmodeller kring detta
I Sverige finns uppskattningsvis mellan 4000 och 8000 stycken deponier. De flesta av deponierna är nedlagda och år 2001 fanns det 142 stycken aktiva deponier för hushållsavfall. År 2010 hade antalet minskat till 76 stycken. Vid nedbrytning av organiskt material i deponier bildas metanhaltig deponigas som bidrar till växthuseffekten. Utsläppens omfattning prognostiseras med hjälp av beräkningsmodeller, exempelvis IPCCs. Dessa modeller fordrar att antaganden görs av exempelvis andelen gas som utvinns via gasuppsamlingsutrustningen, det organiska materialets halveringstid och avfallets sammansättning och mängd.
Effects of storage time, die channel length and moisture content on pellet quality of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia)
The use of renewable resources is rapidly increasing in Sweden, especially the use of fuel pellets. Through pelletizing the energy content per volume unit is greatly increased and the pellets are more homogeneous with regard to moisture content, particle size and density compared to unrefined fuels like forest residues and chips. For further development of the Swedish pellet industry, the use of different assortments from lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia) is of particular interest, mainly because of its high volume production.
Produktionseffekter och behov av dikesrensning i Sveaskogs skogar :
Ökad efterfrågan på virke har lett till ett ökat intresse för och användande av olika produktionshöjande åtgärder. En sådan åtgärd är dikesrensning som innebär att befintliga diken eller dikessystem rensas för att de skall bibehålla eller återfå sin ursprungligt avvattnande och produktionshöjande funktion. Sveaskog avser att öka omfattningen av dikesrensning. Därför behövs en kartläggning av behovet på deras marker. På samma gång behöver produktionseffekterna och livslängden på dikena utrönas.
Studien genomfördes via en studie av befintlig litteratur om skogsproduktionseffekter efter dikesrensning och dikning samt förfall och livslängd hos diken.
English Arts and Crafts gardens and how they can be modernised in Sweden
The aim with this thesis was to investigate what characterises an English
Arts and Crafts garden how they could be modernised in Sweden. My
research was limited to 20 weeks of full-time writing and worth 30 ECTS.
Through literature studies, interviews and site visits I could analyse my
findings which resulted in a concrete garden design project.
The Arts and Crafts was a movement that started in England during the
1880?s and evolved as a reaction towards the industrialisation. The influence
came from the writings and practices of John Ruskin (1819-1900)
and William Morris (1834-1896) who advocated the importance of craftsmanship.
The Arts and Crafts movement also became a ?recipe for life?
and was associated with a healthy and morally pure way of living.