

1137 Uppsatser om External credit - Sida 4 av 76

Betalningstider : En statistisk undersökning om företags faktiska kundkreditdagar.

Account receivables tie up large amounts of capital in. Various reports show that the actual time for customer to pay their invoices is getting longer. This is a problem both from a society and a business economic perspective. The purpose of the essay is to find out if Swedish companies have longer credit days than normal contractual terms of payment and if so, can the business cycle or the geographical distribution of sales have an impact and does it make a difference if the companies have an active monitoring of the actual customer credit days. To answer this, we studied 12 listed companies in four different sectors between the years 2000-2008. In the analysis, we reason about the results of the study and how the various factors may have influenced the outcome.

Omvärldsbevakning som ett verktyg inom Business Intelligence. En kvalitativ studie av omvärldsbevakning inom en verksamhet

Intelligence is an elusive concept with strong links to business intelligence , in which organizations have recently more and more have incorporated the use of IT (Information Technology). A research carried out recently have identified the importance of effective monitoring, but there are few studies showing how organizations actually work in the field.A qualitative study consisting of the interviews with employees at an IT company was done to see how external monitoring is carried out in practice, in a specific company and how it would help the company to develop. The company we visited did not work with special procedures of any kind regarding external monitoring but still knew about the term and its meaning.The conclusion account for detected patterns as well as difficulties, including the definition of external monitoring which differs a lot between individuals. The patterns discovered points to the importance of clarity and objectives regarding the use of external monitoring for it to be effective and measurable.Keywords: External monitoring, Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence..

Förvärvsgarantins förutsättningar : Svårt att utforma fungerande politiska reformer

The title of this thesis is ?The preconditions of the acquisition guarantee- hard to design working political reforms?. The acquisition guarantee (förvärvsgaranti) is a form of credit guarantee issued by the Swedish government to credit institutes that give out housing loans to debtors with poor credit history. The reform hasn´t been used in any substantial extent.The purpose of the study is to investigate whether you could identify any problems with the preconditions that the governmental agency BKN was given to implement the acquisition guarantee, and if so describe which these problems are.Two questions are answered:1.      What preconditions for a working implementation of the guarantee, in the form of rules, objectives and directives was offered by the government in their steering of BKN?2.      How did the structural preconditions for a working implementation of the guarantee look like?By doing a text analysis of central documents I find that the lack of outcome could to some extent be related to weaknesses in how the reform was formulated.

Managing Credit Risk: Assessing the Probability of Corporate Bankruptcy using Quantitative Risk Analysis

Managing credit risk might be the single most important business area for any commercial bank. The assessment of "good" and "bad" corporate clients is a important task for a creditor. A bad debtor is a corporate client with hardships in meeting the continous claims (interest payments) that a creditor requires. One way of evaluating or separating a "bad" client from a "good" client is to assess the propensity for the client to file for bankruptcy. This thesis examines 226 firms in the Swedsh market in the quest of predicting corporate bankruptcy.

Skuldsättningsproblematiken på marknaden för snabblån : En granskning av proposition 2009/10:242 och dess motverkande av skuldsättningsproblematiken kring snabblån

Through certain exceptions in the Swedish regulation on credit agreements for consumers, a new form of instrument for credits has arisen on the national market. The instrument, which is most commonly known as easy credits and was first seen on the Swedish market for consumer credits in 2006, has developed to become part of a vast problem with excessive debt incursion. In order to counteract this development and to harmonise the internal market within the EU, directive 2008/48 EC on credit agreements for consumers was introduced in 2008. In Sweden, the implementation of the directive has led to a proposition for a new regulation on credit agreements for consumers (SFS 2009/10:242 Ny konsumentkreditlag) coming into effect on the 1 January 2011. The proposition puts up stricter rules on creditors granting consumer credits in their course of business, and revokes the former exemption on information and practices preliminary to the conclusion of the credit agreement for minor credits.

Minimering av risker vid kreditgivning

Nedgångar i världsekonomin med påföljande likviditetsproblem hos företag har medfört negativa konsekvenser för banker, vilket skapade behov av effektiv kreditriskhantering. För att förhindra stora kreditförluster försöker banker ständigt minimera sina risker vid kreditgivning genom att identifiera fallgropar.Syftet är att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till kreditförluster och belysa hur Nordea kan minimera risker vid kreditgivning utifrån dessa faktorer.Datainsamling skedde via granskning av litteratur och en fallstudie. Studieobjektet var affärsbanken Nordea där det genomfördes flera intervjuer med kreditansvariga på en regional nivå. För att ta reda på utvecklingen av kreditvolym inom Sverige sammanställdes data utifrån kreditgivningsstatistik från Nordea Hypotek AB.Enligt teorin är kreditförluster beroende av direkta och indirekta faktorer. Medan de direkta faktorerna kan påverkas av en kreditanalytiker ligger de indirekta faktorer utanför dennes inflytande.

Hur kredithandläggare lantbruk i sina kreditgivningsstrategier beaktar den potentiella riskfaktorn att säkerheten i form av åkermark faller i värde

The increase in farmland value in Swedens plain areas is a well known fact in today's Swedish agricultural. In connection with the fluctuating prices of crops and inputs, are increasing the risk exposure to agriculture. The increased value of agricultural land has in Sweden over the years been due to a high demand for land that has existed and exists in Sweden. The increasing demand is linked to a structural rationalization of Swedish agriculture, leading to fewer and larger farm units (www, privataaffärer, Carl Johan Jurss).The purpose of this study is to examine the potential risks associated with the farmland value falls or remains unchanged, according to a farm credit administrator's perspective. The idea is to get a picture of the main factors taken into account when lending and the problems with falling or stable land prices into account when lending.

The role of relationships in lending to farmers : a study from the loan officer?s perspective

There have been significant changes in the agricultural sector during the past 20 years (Jordbruksverket, 2008). The development of today is towards deregulation and adaption to global market conditions. As farmers try to adapt to the changed and more competitive market conditions investments are often necessary (LRF Konsult et al, 2012). Loans to agriculture and forestry businesses have increased to record levels and debt has doubled over the past years. The financial turbulence of the past years has contributed to an increase of the meaningfulness and willingness of the banks to be able to understand and handle risks associated with agriculture and forestry (Breiding, 2010).

Kreditgivning till lantbruksföretag : en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Danmark

In relation with structure transformation in farm companies with bigger animal population and pressure at the milk price, the farmers in both countries have to invest more money in the company to endure. This had conduct what more owners had seen grown requirements to invest in bigger population barns. The investment is necessary to retain stability in the economy for the companies, at that time when the profitability for small production barns decrease. This essay carries out through a case, there the activities main part are milk production. The present operation consists of 82 milk cows in long stall with a yield on 10 500 kg ECM. The idea is that the company should increase the activity to 180 cows.

Securitization as An Alternative Tool of Financing Student Loans ? A Case Study for CSN

The purpose of the study is to highlight the issue of student loans securitization, and assure the importance and benefits that could be realized by performing such a transaction. The methodology is a case study for The National Board of Student Aid. It is a qualitative study, mainly using interviews, literature and scientific articles. By using this information we construct a securitization transaction structure ?CSN 2006-1?, and conduct a cost/benefit analysis.

Mikroföretags kreditpreferenser beroende på bransch och företagsstorlek : periodiseringsfonder kontra externa lån

Det här är en kvantitativ studie av hur kreditpreferenser hos mikrobolag med en årsomsättning om mindre än 10 miljoner SEK beror av branschtillhörighet och företagsstorlek. Mikrobolag är små bolag med mindre än 10 personer anställda och en årsomsättning på mindre än 2 miljoner euro. Det teoretiska ramverket utgår från asymmetrisk informationsteori och mer specifikt från pecking order theory, POT samt trade off-teorin. Kreditpreferenserna mäts genom två olika parametrar, dels genom mikrobolagens avsättning till periodiseringsfonder vilket kan ses som ett mellanting mellan extern och intern finansiering, dels genom förekomsten av externa lån från kreditinstitut. Branscherna som undersöks är tillverkning samt tjänster vilka anses skilja sig åt vad gäller kreditpreferenser.

Från disk till rum : Basel II-effekter på kreditrisk och information

This study examines the effects of credit risk and information disclosure in the new bank regulating system Basel II on bank and bank customer. The effects are then discussed in a perspective of the economic man and information asymmetric theories. Furthermore is the Basel II effects on the capital adequacy of Andelsbanken för Åland examined.The approach of the study is qualitative and several interviews with individuals on different levels of the examined bank, Andelsbanken för Åland, have been carried out during the collecting of empirical facts about the effects of the regulating change from the Basel I system to Basel II.The research findings are as follows:Andelsbanken för Åland have increased its capital adequacy ratio from 12,7 percent to 14,4 percent, mostly due to lower risk weights on housing mortgages compared to Basel I. Andelsbanken för Åland have started to use a completely new credit risk and customer assessment system which classifies every customer and gives them a credit rating. The system cause a much heavier information gathering of the customers profile as well as a much better assessment of risk than the previous system, which the bank finds positive.

Risker vid svensk företagsverksamhet i Estland

All companies face risk in their daily business. Internationalised companies tend to experience higher risk due to for example unfamiliar business environment than companies that act only on the national market. Estonia became independent as late as in 1991 and is therefore a new interesting market for many companies in neighbouring countries like Sweden. Risks that are most apparent for an internationalised company are political risk, currency risk, capital and interest rate risk, business risk and credit risk. Our intention of this study was to find out how Swedish companies acting on the Estonian market faced the different risks when entering the Estonian market and how they value the risks today.

Betalningsmedel & dess risker

Today you can pay in many different ways. You can for instance use cash, credit cards, internet and now even with your mobile phone. Today we can also see new types of technical payment solutions being developed, such as Near Field Communication (NFC), mobile banking or through the use of QR-codes. We have today many different payment methods; therefore it?s interesting to see which payment method people prefer the most.

Revisionens betydelse vid kreditprövning : Påverkan ur kreditgivares perspektiv.

Bachelor thesis in business administration with emphasis in accounting and auditing. Spring term 2011, Mälardalens Högskola.Authors:Jim Hansson, Filip Sahl and Pererik Sewerin.Advisor:Lennart Bogg.Key words:Abolition of mandatory auditing, optional audit, auditor, audit.Title:The role of audit in a credit review - impact from the creditor's perspectiveBackground:As of November 1st2010, auditing became optional for micro companies in Sweden. This leads to an opportunity for about 70 % of the joint-stock companies to choose whether or not to keep their auditors. Creditors are affected by this as they may receive a less trustworthy base to make a good credit review if many companies choose to proceed their accountings without the control of an auditor. Creditors have the option to require that companies are to be reviewed by auditors, while authorized accounting consultants may be a possible substitute as a quality control for the accountings.Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to examine what impact optional audit has had in credit processes so far and look into alternative forms of reviews for businesses.Problem definition:? Does auditing simplify for the creditors in a credit review? ? Is there some kind of accounting that could be a substitute for the audit?Method:The study is qualitative in character through six interviews.

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