

2319 Uppsatser om Extent of traveling - Sida 22 av 155

Intern kommunikation av inköpsprocessen

This thesis was performed at Scania?s purchasing department of non-automotive products inSödertälje, Sweden during spring 2007. The management of the purchasing department ofnon-automotive products believe that their internal customers might not have fullunderstanding of what the purchasing department does. This is a problem because the internalcustomers might not use the contracts negotiated by the purchasing department or they mightnot involve the purchasing department when making purchases.The purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how the internal customers? perception deviatesfrom the purchasing department?s perception regarding the task of the purchasing department.And also to create a communication package with the purpose of increasing the internalcustomers understanding of what the purchasing department does.

Konsekvenser av ett byte av patientadministrativt system på Kungälvs sjukhus

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Den patientnära datorarbetsplatsen : Tablet PC för klinisk dokumentation vid postoperativ vård - en kvalitativ studie för OP/IVA kliniken på Uddevalla sjukhus

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Fornisländsk litteratur : Dess utrymme och roll som litterärt kulturarv i svenska gymnasieskolan

With this essay we would like to examine to what extent the ancient Icelandic literature could count as a part of Sweden?s literal cultural heritage in schools today, if it through seeking information is possible to say whether this literature have any connections to Sweden. Our questions of issue are:1. What kind of connection is there between ancient Icelandic literature and Swedish literary cultural heritage and what are the ancient Icelandic literature premises? in the Swedish upper secondary school?2.

Projektrisk : en studie av svenska bygg- och anläggningsföretag

Background: Today businesses are largely structured in projects and temporary organizations. In many companies, the ability to pursue projects is decisive for the business efficiency and competitiveness. The risk literature do not discuss identification and handling ofproject risk in building- and construction companies to a large extent, which has led us to investigate how project risk can be treated and handled in Swedish building- and construction companies. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to cover and describe business risk in Swedish building- and construction projects with focus on different risks and risk tools, and also to modify a model for evaluating the business risk maturity. Realization: This thesis has both traces of a case study and a cross-section study and examines eight different companies that are active in the building- and construction business.

Hjältar med låg lön : En studie om en ?yrkessåpas? påverkan på personalens motivation

The amount of television entertainment of the character ?reality program series? has increased on Swedish television, because of this it could be generally considered that television entertainment is in a ?reality series era?. In recent years so called ?work soaps? have become very popular. This is a television series, where through the TV screen; we have the possibility to view ordinary people in their daily lives and often dramatic work.

Strategisk kommunikation : En fallstudie om kunskapshantering och kommunikationsstrategier vid produktfel

Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse how corporations can learn from past issues and corporate crises and to see how they use this knowledge in the management of subsequent issues and corporate crises. Furthermore, the influence of media on the possible intensification of the issue or corporate crisis, but also its impact on the company?s usage of knowledge management, was to be analysed.Method: The study was carried out through a case study method, in the hope of being able to analyze how a company makes use of knowledge management in the communication that occurs during issues and corporate crises. A semi-structured interview was conducted, with the head of public relations of the chosen company as a respondent. The purpose of the interview was to analyze the underlying factors behind a specific way of communicating.

Narrativ förmåga vid afasi : analys av strategier vid gemensamt berättande

Aphasia is a linguistic impairment which affects communication and may have an impact on a person?s narrative ability. The purpose of the present study was to analyse the narrative ability in aphasia by narrative interviews with people with aphasia and their partners. The interviews were scrutinised for strategies used in joint narration involving couples where one of the spouses has aphasia. The definition of strategies was methods to cope with communicative difficulties often due to aphasia.

Politiska visioner och regionala krafters inverkan på kulturarv : En studie om hur Kalmar läns kulturarv används och värderas i det postindustriella samhället

This is a qualitative essay that has its starting point in the deindustrialized community in the county of Kalmar. At the time deindustrialization started, the globalization and the technical development took form, this resulted in increasing traveling in the world. The communities that had lost their industries had to find new ways of surviving. The politicians used the increasing travelling and tourism and saw a new industry in the tourism, therefore they made cultural heritage visible. Main focus lies in the will from politicians to visualize cultural heritage for economic gain and the administration of cultural heritage that in essence had to accept a new use of the cultural heritage.

Syns du inte så finns du inte. - En studie om irreguljära immigranter och socialtjänsten

Different studies have shown that somewhere between 10 000 and 75 000 persons live in Sweden as undocumented migrants. They are not entitled to basic human and social rights such as access to health care on the same basis as persons holding a residence permit in Sweden. Undocumented migrants are often exploited as workers in the informal economy and they are not allowed to organize in unions. The Swedish Social Services is by law bound to care for all people living in Sweden, though in reality undocumented migrants are excluded from benefits and efforts granted by the Social Services. Our aim with the study has been to investigate the situation of undocumented migrants in Sweden and in relation to Social Services.

Samband mellan luftföroreningar och klimatfaktorer - en statistisk unersökning

That air pollutants of different kind has impact on our climate can hardly haveavoided anyone during the past years environment explosion in the media. But howis it actually with the reverse, i. e. the climate's impact on air pollutants? The aimwith our degree thesis is to try to find out if different weather factors, statisticallyseen, promotes atmospheric pollutants and particles in the air and vice versa.We got access to data on air pollutants and weather factors that was registeredduring year 2007 at Femmanhusets air pollutant and weather station in Gothenburg.In order to do a statistical investigation of these data, and to be able to analyze if itoccurs relations of various kind, we used the statistics program SPSS.

Faktaboken i praktiken : hur ett antal barn- och ungdomsbibliotekarier arbetar med faktaböcker i sin lässtimulerande verksamhet

The purpose of this thesis is to study how children's librarians in public libraries use non-fiction books in their work to promote reading. My research questions are: What methods do children's librarians use för promoting non-fiction books? Are there children who can gain more from non-fiction books than other children do? Are there any differences in working with fiction and non-fiction books? To answer these questions I have interwieved five children's librarians about their methods, attitudes and thoughts on non-fiction books.The result shows that all of the librarians use non-fiction when it comes to promotion reading but not to the same extent. Some hardly use it at all, mainly because the schools that they are serving demands fiction books when practicing reading skills. while others use it but in less extent than fiction, as a way of separating the library reading from school work either because they want to keep the experience of reading in the library apart from school work or because they find it more efficient to do so.

ITis och IT inom Orust kommun : en kvantitativ utvärdering av ITis och IT inom Orust kommun och kranskommunerna

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

What factors correlates with the use of game meat, wild fish, berries and mushroom in Swedish households : urban vs. rural areas

This study was made to see too what extent Swedes uses consumptive resources such as berries and mushrooms, game meat and meat from fish in their household on a yearly basis. I have also looked into the difference between rural and urban areas in Sweden. Further aim was to determine what factors that correlates with the participation in berry and mushroom picking and the use of game and fish meat within the household. The study was conducted in form of a mail survey that was sent to randomly chosen persons in every municipality in the six northern most counties in Sweden and in the county of Stockholm. In addition a sample was sent to randomly chosen persons on a national level.The results showed there is a difference in use between rural and urban areas in Sweden in all 4 investigated consumptive resources.

Hur medvetna är lärare om svenska språkets betydelse för elevens matematiska förståelse? To what extent are teachers aware of the Swedish language´s significance for students´understanding of mathematics?

Vilka problem med den matematiska förståelsen anser matematiklärare att elever med problem i svenska språket har? Vilka undervisningssätt anser lärare är bäst för att utveckla den matematiska förståelsen hos elever med problem i svenska?.

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