2319 Uppsatser om Extent of traveling - Sida 11 av 155
Extramural English Activities. Teachers? perceptions of students? extramural English activities in relation to vocabulary
Because of the globalization of society, English as a foreign language (EFL) has become easier to access through internet and outside school English activities, so called ?extramural English activities? (EEA). Previous research indicates a positive relation between pupils? EFL vocabulary development and EEA (Sundqvist, 2009). This development may influence teachers? lesson planning, because of pupils? wide span of interests and the resulting different levels of EFL vocabulary.
Demokratisk innovation eller ett spel för gallerierna? : En demokratiteoretisk utvärdering av Participatory Budgeting i en svensk kommun
The aim of this thesis is to explore the institutional design of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in Sweden and how the design may contribute to realize central democratic goods. The study records the different PB experiences in Sweden and focuses on one particular case, which is the only case that successfully qualifies as a genuine PB-process according to international standards and definitions. To examine this, the following questions are asked: which municipalities in Sweden have implemented Participatory Budgeting? How can the institutional design of Participatory Budgeting be described and to what extent does it enable the realization of central democratic goods? To what extent does the institutional design enable the realization of the democratic goods inclusion, popular control, considered judgment and transparency? To what extent does the institutional design enable the realization of the institutional goods of efficiency and transferability?The study is based on an institutional theory of democracy. The method used is a mixed method ideal type analysis that combines document analysis, surveys and interviews.
Utbildning och kompetens inom funktionshinderomsorgen : En jämförande studie av chefers och baspersonals reflektioner kring kompetens och utbildning
The study aims to describe, compare, and analyze how managers and basic staff in disability care reflects on education and competence in the organization and from an organizational context explain how the professionalization efforts can be understood at different levels of disability care. Highlighting these questions can stimulate discussion within this field when it comes to the evaluation of competence and skills of staff working with people with various disabilities, which is also sought after in society even more today. The study is qualitative and the result is based on five semi-structured interviews with managers and basic staff in disability care. The interview questions were categorized according to the concepts that are central in this essay: competence, training, professionalism and organization.The results show that there is some doubt about what a higher competence of personnel in direct contact with the users would mean. Among the basic staff uncertainty seems to be highest.
Shamanism - Att färdas mellan de kosmiska planen : En introduktion till Mircea Eliades filosofi samt till Åke Hultkrantz och Carl Johan Gurts religionsfenomenologiska forskning.
This essay is a work on Mircea Eliades's interpretation of the religious human understood as "homo religiosus" and the role of the shaman from the Eliade perspective. In Eliade human existence consists of a dichotomy between the sacred and the profane. The question is whether one can understand the concept of Eliades ?axis mundi?, center of the universe? Can we create an understanding of human existence with Eliade? Can one use phenomenology of religion as perspective for the exploration of ?reality?? Furthermore, this paper aims to understand the role of the shaman has religious worldviews. Shamaism is through an ecstatic technique traveling to other cosmic plane, in order to gain knowledge that would otherwise not be reached.
Statistik, nyckeltal och mätmetoder ? Vad ger de för bild av bibliotekens verksamhet?
The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis is to investigate how library statistics, performance measurement and indicators represent the modern public library activity. During the last decades the public library has gone through a lot of changes. Information overall has increased and new technology has been introduced into the library. This new development has had effects on the library users. The statistics reported to the Statens kulturråd (National Arts Council) has not changed in the same way.
Nedbrytning av propylenglykol i uppsamlingssystem för avisningsvätskor : En studie utförd vid Stockholm Arlanda flygplats
Deicing fluids based on Propylene glycol are used at Stockholm Arlanda airport to remove or prevent ice on aircrafts. The high oxygen demand of propylene glycol can cause oxygen depletion in rivers downstream from the airport if not collected. Mass balance calculations made by Swedavia indicate that the actual amount of gathered propylene glycol is underestimated. Suspicions that propylene glycol is degraded in the stormwatersystem designed to collect deicingfluids, called the B-glycolsystem, have to be investigated in order to establish with certainty that no propylene glycol in other ways leaves the B-glycol system.The purpose of this study was to determine if degradation of propylene glycol is present in the B-glycol system and also to estimate the extent of the degradation. Propylene glycols high biological oxygen demand can cause oxygen depletion in waters downstream from Stockholm Arlanda airport if not collected.
ABB Gate Model : En processledningsmetod för ABB:s produktutveckling
Organisations tend to focus more and more on product and process development to increase their competitiveness. Several major organisations, among them ABB, have developed models aimed to more effectively control and manage product development processes. ABB is using its standardised model ABB Gate Model for this. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the introduction of ABB Gate Model has affected the outcome of decisions and also the decision-making in the product development process. The study is limited to elucidate the version of ABB Gate Model handling product development projects.
Det är ju en familjehemlighet : En studie kring hur socialsekreterare förhåller sig till barn som upplever våld och deras behov av stöd
In November 2006 and July 2007, changes were made to the Social Services Law and the Criminal Injuries Law, defining children who have witnessed domestic violence as crime victims. The objective of our study is to examine if these changes have affected how social workers responsible for child protection inquiries interact with children who have witnessed domestic violence, and to what extent these children?s need of support are taken into account. Qualitative interviews have been carried out with five social workers, with the aim to evaluate how they meet and become aware of these children. Our problem-formulation is based upon the question how social services implement the recent changes to the law.
Raä 977 - En lokal och tre aktivitetsytor. : En tvärvetenskaplig undersökning av Raä 977 vid Vojmsjön i Vilhelmina socken
This candidate thesis concerns the ?all but forgotten? material from the bronze age site named ?Raä 977, Hansbo 1:3, Vojmsjön, Vilhelmina?. During 1975-76, an archaeological dig was carried out by Västerbottens museum led by Ulla Walukiewich in an attempt to preserve the information the site held, before it was destroyed by the erosion brought on by the recently regulated sea ?Vojm? (Vojmsjön). The archaeological dig yielded a stunning amount of finds, samples and information previously unknown.
Värderingar som styrmedel : en studie av Clas Ohlson ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv
Values, where an organization describes the attitude its members should have towards their work, are being used to a larger extent than before. The neoinstitutional theory describes organizations? attempts to create legitimacy through activities that are not really connected to their core activities. On the basis of the aforementioned theory this study examines to what extent employees and store managers at Clas Ohlson use and relate to the values of the organization in their everyday work. The study covers these individuals awareness of the impact of values in their work as well as the way they relate to values.
Kognitionsforskning i djurhållningen: grisars kognition och dess tillämpning vid slaktsvinshållning
Pigs are often mentioned as relatively intelligent animals when compared to other nonhuman species. Despite this knowledge, the vast majority of pigs are kept under conditions that lack opportunities to satisfy their cognitive needs. Therefore, a need to evaluate the present scientific studies about pig cognition was acknowledged, in order to evaluate to what extent the knowledge is applied in the husbandry of finishing pigs. If a considerable lack of application was determined, suggestions about how to use the obtained information to improve pig welfare were also to be made.
A synthesis of the present literature was made, and it could be concluded that a considerable amount of studies had been carried out in the present area. The pigs of today appear to have the same behavioural and cognitive needs as their ancestor, the wild boar.
"Nytta vet jag inte om vi har, men vi har roligt i alla fall": En studie av äldres IT-användning
The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine the use of IT, that is the Internet and other applications of personal computers, among seniors 65+. It also deals with issues of access to IT for seniors in public libraries. The theoretical background of the study consists of Rogers "Diffusion of innovations", Hektors categories of information activities, and the Swedish IT-commissions categories of motives and prerequisites for the use of IT. The research questions focus on factors motivating the use of IT, the extent and the purposes of IT use, the consequences and the barriers that IT-users experience, and views on IT in public libraries and IT courses, respectively. Qualitative interviews were carried out with nine senior IT-users.
Charterturismens sociala effekter på lokalbefolkningen : Svenska charterresenärers medvetenhet om de sociala konsekvenser som drabbar lokalbefolkningen på olika turistdestinationer.
In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.
Är problemen ett problem för ungdomsboken? Hur uppfattar ungdomar beskrivningarna av problem i samtidsrealistisk ungdomslitteratur utgiven 2001?
There can be a gap between the author and the reader. This gap is especially remarkable when the author is an adult and the reader is a young person. The librarian has an important role as an intermediary of literature when it comes to selecting literature for young people. From this perspective the purpose of this paper has been to investigate how young people comprehend the problems and the stories of youth novels, first published in 2001, and to investigate to what extent descriptions of problems occur in this literature and what kind of problems that are described. The investigation consists of three parts: an examination of reviews of youth novels written by editors from Bibliotekstjänst and an examination of a number of youth to examine a number of youth novels that have been read, and sixteen interviews with college students in the first and third grade have also been done.
Jämställdhet ? en otydlig vision med svenskhet som norm : en genusvetenskaplig fallstudie och intersektionell analys av jämställdhetsarbete i en kommunal kontext
This is a case study of work for gender equality, performed by the Employment and Competence Centre (Arbets- och kompetenscenter) in the municipality of Botkyrka. The aim of the study is to explore how gender equality is understood in the context of a municipality, and what underlying assumptions this understanding is based upon. The questions raised are; How is gender equality understood by the personnel? How do they understand gender? To what extent are women and men seen as homogeneous groups and what differences are (un)visible? What other power hierarchies besides gender are seen as important when working for gender equality? The analysis show that gender equality is a blurry vision, mainly understood in terms of equal conditions and rights, equal results for male and female participants and equal amount of women and men employed. Gender is seen as a binary system and differences between the genders are highlighted.