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Elevers tillämpning av källkritik på Internet
This paper, called Pupils' practice of source criticism on the Internet, is investigating pupils? use of source criticism. The main research question was: how much knowledge pupils from an upper secondary class have about the use of source criticism, regarding examining data from the Internet intended for assignments. Furthermore, developing a suitable method to investigate this was included. The main research question led to further sub questions that aimed to answer to what extent pupils consider source critique criteria as sender, aim, up-to-dateness, credibility and dependence.The study has been conducted by using mixed methods, both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Att motivera med belöning : En studie av attityder och beteenden på ett företag i hemelektronikbranschen
The underlying question addressed in this paper is whether or not it is possible to influence the way a company?s employees behave using monetary incentives. How efficient is money as a means to enhance work motivation? Today, the assumption that employees perform better when bribed with rewards is questioned by scholars. The previous confidence in monetary reward systems is increasingly being replaced with hope for more effective programs, where employees to a greater extent can be motivated by non-monetary incentives.
Who is Irish? - En kritisk diskursanalys rörande nationell identitet i medierapporteringen vid folkomröstningen om rätten till medborgarskap på Irland
The economic growth in Ireland, during the 1990s, lead to changing migration patterns. Ireland became a destination country for immigrants instead of an emigration country. Before 2004 people who were born on the island of Ireland had a constitutional right to Irish citizenship. This right was removed after a referendum in 2004.National identity is a sense of community constructed through common history and defines who belongs to the nation. The purpose of this thesis is to do a critical discourse analysis of the debate in media before the referendum.The analysis was done on texts from The Irish Times, one of the major newspapers in Ireland.
Foderbetor och kogödsel som substrat för biogasproduktion; anaerob mesofil samrötning i labbskala
One of Sweden?s sixteen national environmental objectives strives to decrease the impact on the climate. By 2020, green house gas emissions should be 40 % less compared to the levels of 1990 and a minimum of 50 % of the energy consumption should come from renewable energy sources. Because of this there is a great need of increasing the production of renewable energy. This is where biogas comes in as a competitive alternative.
?It´s still real to me damn it!? En retorikanalys av amerikansk wrestling
Professional wrestling has been around for over a hundred years. Its origin can be traced back to immigrants in the 1800´s whos collar and elbow style of wrestling became popular. Soon it found its ways into the carnivals traveling the country and there it became the wrestling that we know today. Two men, screaming and bragging how good and strong they are, trying to convince its audience that it shall pay to see the fight.The purpose of this essay is to look at two of wrestling?s biggest names in Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair from a rhetorical standpoint and see what they do to convince their audience to buy their matches.
Fisk, fågel eller mittemellan? : En studie av tre multiprojektmiljöer
Background: A great part of all projects within Swedish industry are conducted in a multiprojectenvironment, which means that several projects are performed simultaneously. The research within the field of project management is though focused on single projects. Projects are highly dependent on the context in which they are conducted, although the organization of the multiprojectenvironment is only partly explored. Furthermore is the research within the project management highly concentrated on standardization of the project work. The question is whether this implies to the basic advantages with the project-oriented organization, which is flexibility and creativity? Purpose: To describe and obtain an understanding for the multiprojectenvironment regarding management control and organization.
Säkerställning av kommunal bredbandsutbyggnad
The purpose with this paper is to examine if tertiary education and democracy have an impact on economic growth. In order to decide how democratic the examined countries are the democracy index constructed by The Economist is used. Besides the two central theories the purpose is also to explain why these variables could affect growth and to examine direct and indirect effects. Indirect effects mean that one variable affects another variable which thereafter has an impact on economic growth.34 OECD countries are compared in order to investigate whether education and democracy are strongly correlated with BNP per capita. Therefore a statistical design is used as method.The empirical results suggest that there is significant correlation between democracy and economic growth.
Affärsförhandlingar : en studie av relationsskapande förhandlingar avseende köp- respektive säljsituationer i företag med olika typer av affärsverksamhet
Background: The starting point of the thesis is the growing importance of negotiations that serve to establish a relationship between the parties involved as companies? business activities are getting more complex. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to find and to analyze which elements are of importance for parties, when creating a successful negotiation with regard to building long-term relationships, and if those elements differ for sales and procurement negotiations in companies with business activities of various kinds. Research method: The study was realized with the help of twelve qualitative interviews. Result: The elements of importance when creating a successful negotiation with regard to building long-term relationships were mainly elements of co-operation and to some extent elements of competition.
Sakprosans genrer: en analys av fyra universella klassifikationssystem
The aim of this paper is to investigate the implementation of genres, pertaining to non-fiction, in four different universal classification schemes BC2, UDC, DDC, SAB. It is not the aim of this paper to answer the question why certain genres are more implemented than others, or vice versa. Instead it is intended to be an investigation into the concept of non-fiction genres with the aim of attracting attention to the many interesting aspects of this concept for library- and information science research. An analysis of the schemes general auxiliary tables is performed by comparison with a specific genre-system devised by Ottar Grepstad. This genre-system is organised by dividing different genres into groups according to linguistic criteria.
PR-olitik: En fenomenografisk studie av konstruktionen av kunskap och kompetens i gränslandet mellan politik och näringsliv
The Swedish Public Relation industry has gone through a rapid growth in the recent decade. A peculiar, although perhaps not unexpected, development is that former politicians and politically employed individuals to a larger extent have been the subject of recruitment effort from the industry. Simultaneously there has been a public debate concerning the influence on Public Relations and Lobbying over the political agenda. The purpose of this thesis is to widen and deepen the discussion concerning Public Relations consultants. It centers on the individual consultants and takes their competence as the point of departure.
Musik och kommunikation - en kursutvärdering
Bjelkenbrant, Pernilla, 2007: Musik och kommunikation ? en kursutvärdering (Music and communication ? a course evaluation)
The purpose of this study is to do a quality assurance of the course ?Music and communication? (MUPR1205) as it was implemented in a class of music students at the program of Arts and Culture at Törnströmska upper secondary school in Karlskrona during 2006/2007. The overall question is to what extent the shaping of the course involves the attainment of the values and goals formulated in the national school documents.
The study includes an interpretation of course goals related to overall goals, and a suggestion of how theories of the relationship music ? society can be applied to those goals to make a successful course structure.
How drinking behaviour in automatic milk feeders can be used as early disease detection
Healthy calves are the foundation in order to run a profitable diary production. Being healthy as calf results in a better start in life and good growth is expected to follow. Within dairy production it becomes more common to rear calves in groups and feed them by an automatic milk feeder. The milk feeder enables for the calves in greater extent to ingest milk or milk replacer several times per day and they are also able to perform natural behaviors in greater extent. Group rearing of calves puts higher demands on the animal keepers to localize individual calves in the group pen, showing signs of illness.
In autumn in 2010 the project group came in contact with the travel company Golf Joy in Halmstad. They had been briefed on the problems of their customers had when they travel with their golf bags and contacted Halmstad University for help in solving this problem. When we heard about this idea, we became curious and contacted the company. After a successful meeting, we took the problem with us to the school and began to brainstorm to see how we could solve the problem. The goal was to produce a stylish and functional travel golf bag with the cart and bag in one and launch it in the golf season in 2012.
Stockholm Arlanda Airport : En undersökning av upplevelser och logistik av en storflygplats och dess påverkan på resandet
The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how the logistic and the configuration of the terminal buildings and the perceptions of the passengers at Stockholm Arlanda Airport are related to each other, and what effect it has on the passengers and their traveling within the airport.The focus will be on the logistic at all four terminal buildings that is within the Airport. To create a perception of the logistic at the Airport and how it is related to the passengers perceptions, the investigators need to make knowledge of the terminal buildings, and thereby try to link the logistic with the perception of the experience room.Swedavia is the company that own, operate at and manage Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The investigators will make an interview with employees at Swedavia to get a more profound understanding of how the company is thinking about the logistic issues that they need to overlook. There will also be interviews with travelers to get their perception of the logistic, design and atmosphere at the Airport.Observations will also be made at various times at the Airport with focus on all of the terminal buildings. The investigators use qualitative and quantitative methods to reach a result. To achieve a result, the investigators will use theories and scientific facts and other available facts that will be helpful to reach a result that will be analyzed..
Bilden av Mörk och Ljus turism : En semiotisk analys av destinationsmarknadföring
In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.