

5904 Uppsatser om Experience feedback. - Sida 27 av 394

Hur formar handledningen mig som psykolog? : En kvalitativ studie av nyutexaminerade psykologers upplevelser av yrkeshandledning.

The aim of this study is to, by individual interviews focusing on specific dimensions of supervision,examine how integratively educated PTP-psychologists experience the interactionin the supervision they receive as a part of their PTP-work and to describe if and how theyexperience that these components of the supervision promote, does not exert a direct influenceon or restrain the preservation and development of an integrative psychotherapeuticapproach and -attitude. The eleven people who are interviewed for this study all belong tothe group of psychologists who graduated from the first group of psychologists with an integrativepsychotherapeutic approach at Örebro university in the year of 2007 and who arenow completing their PTP-work. The interviews were analysed according to a qualitativecontent analysis. The results show that ten out of eleven PTP-psychologists experience thatthe interaction in the supervision is either good or excellent and that this promotes or doesnot exert a direct influence on the integrative approach.Keywords: Supervision, PTP-psychologist, integrative approach..

Bemötandets makt

The power of the meeting is a qualitative study primarily examining how homeless men and women and social workers experience the meeting between them. The homeless are the more vulnerable part in these meetings so their experience of these meetings is my focus in this study. I have in this paper also examined and analyzed how and whether homeless women and men tends to be treated and ad-dressed differently with basis on their gender. The main results I have found is that the homeless but also social welfare officers actually feel that there is com-municative problems when the parts meet and cooperates which often results in conflicts and lack of trust. I have chosen to highlight a number of factors that have been claimed as the main reasons for the experience of a poor meeting.

Barn och preoperativa förberedelser : Hur upplever barn olika förberedelser inför en elektiv operation?

AbstractBackground: An elective surgery can be something new that is frightening and unpleasant. The children and their individual needs are not always considered when surgery is prepared. Children?s needs differ and depend on their sense of coherence. Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate how children experience preparations before elective surgery.

Att dela perspektiv på marken : om kommunikation mellan naturreservatshandläggare och berörda markägare

How do the administrators of nature reserves experience the communication with the land owners concerned? The article is a qualitative study within the environmental communication subject. The study has been performed through qualitative interviews with administrators of nature reserves. Being in action the administrators must know how to communicate with people. The result of the study shows the administrators lack a language to describe their experience of the communication with the landowners. .

Spelarupplevelser i Azeroth : Immersion och Presence i World of Warcraft

This study examines the players experience, environments and objects in the videogame World of Warcraft. The purpose of this study is to get more knowledge about the players experience in the game with the focus on factors contributing to some form of immersion or/and presence. The data for this study were gathered using interviews as method and then analyzed with relevant literature in the chosen field. A game content analysis and a group of questions are tested with the results of the study which is presented at the end in with an analytic discussion. .

"Den boken hade jag aldrig läst annars" : Om barns deltagande i bokcirklar

This two years master?s thesis is about book circles for children, arranged by the public libraries in Sweden. The purpose is to gain knowledge about how children experience their participation in book circles, and how they experience their own reading. It focuses on children aged 10 to 12 years, and their leisure reading. The research questions are: What are the book circles? function for the participants? How and why do the children read? What kind of literature do they like? Do the children experience that their reading has developed through their participation in the book circles? What parts of the reading process do the book circles influence?The theoretical framework is threefold.

Inkludering av rörelsehindrade högstadieelever i idrott- och hälsoundervisningen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

AbstractOur study illustrates how disabled high school students, their assistant and physical education teacher experience inclusion within the physical education. A total of seven interviews have been done to show their experiences. The questions we have chosen are: How do the student, assistant and physical education teacher experience their relationships? How do the student, assistant and physical education teacher experience the physical education? How do the student, assistant and physical education teacher experience inclusion of the student in the physical education?To illustrate their experiences a total of seven interviews have been done. They were carried out at the students schools, in the environment they are familiar to.

Feedforwardreglering av ventilation på Kiruna flygplats

Denna rapport utreder huruvida feedforwardreglering av ventilationssystemet på Kiruna flygplats leder till lägre energianvändning. Rapporten jämför ett feedforwardreglerat system simulerat i Simulink med ett feedbacksystem som motsvarar det existerande systemet på Kiruna flygplats. Jämförelsen görs på fläktens energianvändning och rapporten använder sedan energianvändning för värme och kyla för att avgöra huruvida systemet är ekonomiskt gångbart. Systemet är tänkt att kunna användas i alla miljöer med kända störningar i avseende till tid och storlek som till exempel flygplatser, biosalonger, teatrar och så vidare.Rapporten ger en kort teoretisk bakgrund till hur ventilationskrav, reglerteknik, feedforwardreglering och feedbackreglering fungerar för att sedan gå vidare till att redogöra för de förutsättningar som gäller för Kiruna flygplats med avseende på klimatskalets täthet, rummens volymer och utformning och drifttiden för ventilationssystemet. Med hjälp av simuleringar i Simulink görs en jämförelse av energianvändning då de båda systemen är optimerade utan att för den sakens skull kompromissa med kvalitén på inomhusmiljön.

Ett informativt och förberedande program utvecklat i samverkan med Barnöverviktsenheten på Mas i Malmö

This report is the outcome of an exam work made in interaction design, bachelor degree, at the School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University. Working in collaboration with the childhood obesity unit, Region Skåne, our aim was to fulfill their request of a web based application preparing the children for treatment at their facility. Furthermore the application intends to give the children knowledge concerning obesity as well as teaching them how to obtain a healthier lifestyle in terms of provision and activities. The application concerns children in different ages and therefore different stages of their learning abilities. Our conclusions are that they need to be challenged and obtain feedback in different ways to get motivated.

Politiska organisationer i skolan : En studie om politiska organisationers möjlighet att verka och medverka i skolan

Nyare klassrumsforskning visar att arbetet i klassrummet idag mer sällan leds av läraren i helklassundervisning, utan istället organiseras som bänkarbete, gruppsamtal och grupparbeten. Samtidigt är det preciserat i Lpf94 att elever själva ska ta ansvar för sitt lärande och resultat i förhållande till kurskriterier. Min undran utifrån detta var hur eleverna förvaltar dessa lärandesituationer och hur ansvarstagandet kan se ut i kommunikation elever emellan. Syftet med uppsatsen är att försöka förstå vilka möjligheter och begränsningar för lärande som skapas, genom att beskriva och analysera elevers kommunikation i en lärandesituation. Kommunikationen som undersökts är tre autentiska gruppsamtal mellan elever arbetande med en rapport i religionskunskap.

Förra säsongen, hur gjorde vi då? : en studie om hur ett säsongsbaserat företag tar tillvara på anställdas kunskap och blir en lärande organisation

The purpose of this study is to describe if and how a seasonal based company named SkiStar, learns through the exchange of experience and knowledge. We have analyzed gathered qualitative and empirical data to explore this subject. We conducted three semi-structured group interviews with employees from the SkiStarshop division. They described their routines and procedures in SkiStarshop. The collected data was processed and analyzed through our theoretical framework.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stressoch faktorer som bidrar till arbetsrelaterad stress : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Long-term stress can lead to reduced health among nurses which can result in impaired quality of care. Stress in nurses' work needs to be studied in order to prevent stress and impaired quality of care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress. Method: The method used was a literature review. Results: The analysis resulted in five themes which describe nurses' experiences of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress.

Spelifiering som motivationshöjande hjälpmedel för fysisk aktivitet

In today?s world there are plenty of technological tools and methods available with the purpose to increase peoples motivation for a healthier lifestyle. One such tool is a so-called activity tracker which uses sensors to log the user's everyday life and present it as automatic feedback. Gamification is a new and successful method to motivate and engage people in fulfilling tasks by using game elements and mechanics. In this study, five participants were instructed to use the activity tracker and pedometer Fitbit Flex daily for three weeks. Halfway through the study the participants were ranked and listed against each other in a ranking list in order to evoke competition.

Betydelsen av ledares kommunikativa förmåga : En studie av ledares och medarbetares uppfattningar gällande ledarnas kommunikation

Bakgrunden till varför vi valde att undersöka ledares kommunikation är att vi fått uppfattningen att kommunikationen på arbetsplatsen är en avgörande faktor för att organisationen ska fungera tillfredställande. Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa, beskriva och förstå eventuella likheter eller skillnader mellan de intervjuade medarbetarnas och ledarnas uppfattningar vad gäller ledarnas kommunikation på ett mellanstort IT-företag. Genom tio stycken kvalitativa intervjuer har det empiriska materialet samlats in. Det är fyra ledare och sex medarbetare som har intervjuats. För att få ut bästa resultat av intervjuerna användes en semistrukturerad intervjuguide.

Barnsjuksköterskors erfarenheter i möten med små underviktiga barn och deras föräldrar

The aim of child health care is to promote health and development for all children, to early identify problems that concern children´s growth and development and to prevent ill-health among children. Today in our society the proportion of children who are underweight are few.The aim with this study was to describe paediatric nurses experience in meeting with underweight children and their parents. Interviews were implemented and analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Focus was placed on looking at differences and interpretations in the text content. The analyse resulted in six main categories, such as a need of sensitivity and a holistic view from the nurse, difficulties in handling the meeting because lack of tools.

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