

240 Uppsatser om Existential phenomenology - Sida 7 av 16

?Att vara flerspråkig : ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv

The following essay describes a study made in Sweden in the autumn of 2010 at Södertörn University. The main purpose with this study is to find out and describe how people´s own understanding of being multilingual has influenced them. The objective behind this is to create a wider understanding for the phenomena. Therefore, the phenomenological perspective is used to describe the subjective reflection of a phenomena, in this case multilingualism. A qualitative method is being used for data gathering, implying conversational interviews with six multilingual people born in the 1970s and 1980s.The results show that the people interviewed mostly use their mother tongue in conversations with their parents and relatives today.

Nonprofitorganisationer inom vård och omsorg : en kunskapsöversikt

Our study aims to discover how young men aged 15-19 perceive the image of men in women?s magazines. To do this we let eight young men read the two women?s magazines most read by young women their own age, Vecko Revyn and Cosmopolitan. We want to find whether they consider this image to be representative of their own reality.

Kreativitet ur individuell synvinkel : En fenomenologisk självstudie

Temat för arbetet är musikskapande och har som syfte att undersöka min individuella kreativitet och dess kännetecken. Men syftet består också i att avgöra användbarheten av detta. Det rör sig om en psykologisk självstudie med ett fenomenologiskt angreppssätt. I mitt fall har detta inneburit att jag, efter att ha arrangerat en i mitt tycke kreativ upplevelse, beskrev denna händelse för att sedan analysera texten på fenomenologiskt vis. P.g.a.

Egensinnig dialektik : En studie i frigörandets paradox i dialog med Hegel och Judith Butler

Hegel?s master-slave dialectic has often been used as a model or starting point for later theories about emancipation and subversive changes in society. But one often overlooks the fact that the chapter in The Phenomenology of Spirit ends in disaster, as Judith Butler remarks. Instead of realising freedom, the consciousness gets entangled in self debasing activities in its attempts to master the unrelenting principles of the abstract freedom. We get ?the unhappy consciousness?.

Lägerelden : Betydelsen av känslor och emotioner för reklamvärldens skapelser. En studie i kreativitet hos en reklambyrå.

Denna studie är grundad i intervjuer som ägde rum på en reklambyrå. Studiens syfte är att utforska innebörden av 'kreativitet' i reklamvärlden. I intervjuerna betonade informanterna i synnerhet vikten av att reklam kommunicerar genom känslor och emotioner. I denna uppsats ges en närmare inblick i vad informanterna anser att känslor och emotioner har för innebörd för reklamskapande.Detta görs genom att tillämpa fenomenologisk teori. Den fenomenologiska analysen förser oss med en djupare och mer vidsträckt förståelse för den intuitiva kunskap informanterna förmedlar.

Om Ideellt engagemang och dess betydelse för yrkesrollen

The aim of this study was to reach a better understanding of voluntary work and its possible influence on the work role. Based on a phenomenological approach, five voluntary workers from the leisure field were interviewed. The interpretation of the empirical data was based on the Humanistic psychology and its theories about personality, self-realization, motivation and emotion. The results show that the motive behind the voluntary engagement varied amongst the participants and all of them stated more than one motive. However, social motives, wanting to learn more and develop their skills and also wanting to help others, were the most frequent motives among the participants.

"Är det vårat hus bomben har träffat?" : En kvalitativ studie om vuxnas krigsupplevelser från barndomen

The purpose of this study was to illustrate how adult people think that, experiencing a war during their childhood has affected their lives. Questions at issue: 1. what does it mean to live in a war as a child? 2. How do the respondents think about possible significance of experiencing a war in their childhood and how their lives have turned out today?The study is performed with a qualitative method of research, based on studies of literature, two individual interviews and a group interview.

Anorexiterapi : En undersökande essä om att arrangera en kontext som subtilt förmedlar att förändring är möjlig

This scientific essay aims to more closely study how to best arrange a context that subtly conveys that change is possible in the treatment of patients who starve themselves. By describing a number of situations during the first weeks of a girl´s therapy, this essay focuses on some central themes in the initial stage. The essay is mainly aimed to explore the conditions for a meaningful communication with a patient who has a low BMI value and who quitted the nutrition-oriented care in her clinic. The essay is a form that allows for reflection on one´s own considerations about the wisest line of conduct in various situation. The work is based on an existential understanding of the starvation as a fragile person´s one and only way to reconcile with herself in the world that is hers.

Helande, härligt och helt förfärligt: Om upplevelsen av musik och ljud för personer med utmattningssyndrom

Abstract in English:This essay constitutes a case study based upon in-depth interviews held with people who have, or have had, Exhaustion Disorder (ED), concerning their understanding and use of music and sound, encompassing experiences which are both positive and negative. The intention is to document how the illness influences the subjects' music use. The study shows that the respondents intuitively and consciously are using music by regulating, getting in touch with and manifesting their emotions. Music is an important tool in performing self therapy and to achieve a good existential health. Music can also provoke negative physical and mental reactions and affect the general health status for those diagnosed with ED.

?Hur ska jag kunna lära mig det här när jag inte förstår?? : Hur elever erfar lust och olust i skolmatematiken

The aim of the study is to examine factors influencing students? feelings of pleasure or pain associated with school mathematics. Own experience of students? frustration about mathematics and concern about students not reaching desired goals is the driving force in this study. It contributes with knowledge from the students' perspective.

Musik i palliativ vård : en intervjustudie med vårdpersonal

Denna uppsats har som syfte att underso?ka om musik anva?nds i palliativ va?rd i Sverige och hur det i sa? fall beskrivs, motiveras och dokumenteras. Det a?r en kvalitativ intervjustudie med hermeneutisk fo?rsta?elseansats. Intervjuer har genomfo?rts med fem personer med olika yrkesprofession inom palliativ va?rd (sjuksko?terska, sjukgymnast, arbetsterapeut, kurator och o?verla?kare).

Om Ideellt engagemang och dess betydelse för yrkesrollen

The aim of this study was to reach a better understanding of voluntary work and its possible influence on the work role. Based on a phenomenological approach, five voluntary workers from the leisure field were interviewed. The interpretation of the empirical data was based on the Humanistic psychology and its theories about personality, self-realization, motivation and emotion. The results show that the motive behind the voluntary engagement varied amongst the participants and all of them stated more than one motive. However, social motives, wanting to learn more and develop their skills and also wanting to help others, were the most frequent motives among the participants. In the light of the theoretical background for this study, these motives can be understood as being due to the need of self-realization and appreciation from others, and also a wish to reach an ideal self.

Mellan dig och mig

How can I make art that face people in their everyday lives, which is integrated into their lives, becoming a part of the discussions both in the mundane and in the room of society? Can I do this by working with performative interpretations that are participatory driven? I have explored how artists and participants can create spaces that are both open and confiden- ce-building, and how they at the same time enable us to question established norms. How to engage in dialogues concerning social, political and existential issues like; What is freedom for me - What is freedom to you? What is it that is important? Which topics are never upraised for discussion?The project is about putting thoughts, experiences and bodies (my own, the participants and the viewer?s) in relation to each other and to the location and context they are in. It ?s about creating a broader perspective where everyone?s voice is important and can take place.

Lyssna! : Sex vuxna individers upplevelser av att berätta om de sexuella övergrepp de har utsatts för i sin barndom.

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine six individuals' experiences to talk about the sexual abuse that occurred in their childhood. We interviewed five women and one man, using a phenomenological approach during the work process. The theories emerged as we analyzed our results and appeared to be communication, cognitive theory, validation, trauma theory and taboo. The results showed that the respondents, whom disclosed the abuse as children, were most likely to get a negative response from both formal and informal support systems. While as adults they were confirmed to a greater extent and therefore achieved a better physical and mental wellbeing.

Närståendes delaktighet inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : Ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv

Today adult patients' relatives are seen as a resource in psychiatric care but few researchers have examined the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The aim of this study was to illuminate how mental health staff and relatives of adult patients experienced the relatives' participation in psychiatric care on hospital ward.The study was guided by a phenomenological approach and a lifeworld perspective. Data were collected through in-deep interviews with ten adult patients' relatives and three group-interviews with ten mental health carers from two hospitals in Sweden.The essence of the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care in hospital ward is described in the constituents: invitation to participate in psychiatric care; meet the staffs' care; to participate in own or others terms; bring the common everyday world with you; feel burden; participation a trip in time and space. The findings of the study show that the relation between the staff and the relatives are important for the relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The relatives' participation can alter from no participation to a meaningsful participation, from suffering to well-being.This study can help medical staff to understand relatives and their participation in a new way..

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