1517 Uppsatser om Exchange rate forecasting - Sida 50 av 102
Subventioner och hyresrätter? En bostadspolitisk studie
Since the early 1940s in Sweden, subsidies have been a recurring feature in housing politics.Throughout history, these have been used as a management measure to control theconstruction of housing and to promote the Swedish welfare state. The political parties aretoday disagreeing on how much responsibility the state should carry for citizens housing. Tosolve the conflict, the dwelling has to be defined. Is the dwelling to be considered a socialright, like education and healthcare or is the dwelling to be considered a product for the freemarket, driven by supply and demand?The positive population growth in Stockholm has lead to an increased demand for dwellings.The supply of dwellings has not been growing at the same rate, which has implied higherhousing prices and longer wait for rented apartments.
Hålla rågången : En kvalitativ studie av relationen mellan lokalpolitiker i Kalmar och journalister
This study focused on how local politicians in Kalmar perceive journalists and their intertwined relationship. We based our study on the theoretical understanding of today?s media-centric democratic society. The ?adversary model? offered an understanding of the intricate relations between politicians and journalists.
Marknadens värdering av redovisningskvalitet
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether accounting quality is a priced factor by investors. The event studied is the release of year-end result and the release of the annual report. To assess accounting quality a sample of 30 companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during 2003 to 2007 are studied. We assess accounting quality by the absolute size of discretionary accruals using the modified Jones model developed by Dechow et al. (1995).
Finns det faktorer som särskiljer Stockholmsbörsens sanktionerade bolag från dess övriga bolag - En studie om Nasdaq OMX Stockholms Disciplinnämnd
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine whether companies listed at Nasdaq OMX Stockholm (Stockholmsbörsen) sanctioned by the legal unit Nasdaq OMX Disciplinary Committee (Disciplinnämnden), could be distinguished from the remaining companies that have not been sanctioned. As Stockholmsbörsen is the most influential unit when trading shares in Sweden, listed companies need to behave in legal aspects. Actions and decisions that affect investors do also influence the listed companies and their performance. Some companies might be tempted to manipulate financial statements and public information to retain stakeholders; other miss to report properly without being fraudulent. To control this, the legal unit Disciplinnämden is introduced.
Spillvärmeåtervinning ur kylvattensystemet ismältverket på Sapa Profiler AB i Sjunnen
The smelting process at Sapa Profiler AB in Sjunnen generates large quantities of waste heat which is absorbed by the cooling water when the aluminum is cooled down. This paper is the result of a Master?s Degree Project aiming to present the conditions for recycling the waste heat. The cooling water absorbs the heat from the aluminum at an average rate of 600 kW and the paper shows that it can be used to replace electrical power consumption for heating the production plant?s facilities.
Att resa till och från Arlanda med bil: Bakomliggande orsaker och motiv
The main purpose of this study is to clarify the underlying reasons as to why people choose to travel by car or taxi, and to do so by using people´s choice of transportation to and from Arlanda Airport as an example. Furthermore it is also in our interest to see what changes are needed to make more travellers use the available public transportation.Because of the increasing pollution rate from the means of conveyance headed to and from Arlanda Airport, Luftfartsverket is attempting to decrease the amount of emission from the connecting transportation sources. Luftfartsverket has a pollution limit which is about to be reached in a few years, based on a prognosis made by Arlanda´s office of environmental issues. In order to investigate people´s travel mode choice a survey was conducted at Arlanda Airport, Stockholm. 82 travellers were interviewed on a three day basis inside terminal 4 and 5.
Bibliotekariers syn på utbildning och kompetens ? de små folkbibliotekens perspektiv
The aim of this thesis is to examine librarians' view on the knowledge and competence required at a small public library and how they look upon their education in retrospect. Library education in the 1970's and 1980's was mainly practical, a vocational training, but since 1995 the education results in an academic degree in Library & Information Science. Due to this, we focus on the ongoing generation shift in Swedish libraries as an aspect of knowledge and education. The empirical study is based on interviews with librarians working in minor public libraries. The informants form two groups, based on their education; ?old? ones and ?new? ones.
Praxis och praktik i flerspråkiga tesaurer
A prerequisite of an international exchange of information is multilingual tools for information retrieval, such as the multilingual thesaurus. There is an ongoing discussion about the construction of, and the guidelines for, multilingual thesauri. In recent years the praxis as defined in ISO 5964 Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri 1985 has been the topic of a scientific discussion. It has been about how equivalence across languages is to be established when it comes to concepts, terms and relational structures. This masters thesis treats the praxis and practice of multilingual thesaurus construction.
Primärvårdschefers uppfattning om arbetet med patienter med risk- och missbruksproblem
The Purpose of the study was to highlight the primary care managers' perception of the barriers and opportunities in the implementation of the national guidelines for harmful drinking and alcohol abuse in KalmarCounty. The data was collected by questionnaires which were directed to all primary care managers in the county. The response rate was low, 40%. The data collection was complemented at a later stage with a non-response analysis. To analyze the results implementation theory with following terms were used: wants to, understand and know.
Förbättringar av prognosprocessen - i ett livsmedelsföretag : Improvement of the Forecasting Process - In a Company the Food Industry
Företag bör helst bara genomföra aktiviter som skapar värde för kunden. Ett värdeflöde är de processer som används när en produkt förädlas. Genom att göra en värdeflödesanalys går det att identifiera vilka aktiviteter som är värdeskapande respektive icke värdeskapande. Uppdragsgivarna för detta examensarbete vill genom värdeflödesanalys sänka ledtiderna och höja leveransprecisionen. Vi kommer att ge förslag på förbättringar som kan uppnå detta men också att undersöka värdeflödesanalys som verktyg när produktionsordningen varierar.
Komplikationer vid behandling med cochleaimplantat
Cochlear implant has become a common treatment for people with severe hearing loss. As the field of cochlear implants is developing rapidly a larger group of patients will be implanted. Therefore, it can be of interest to identify which complications are most frequently occurring. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify and present the most common complications in cochlear implant treatment and to identify surgical issues that have to be addressed during implantation. Method: A review of retrospective case studies regarding complications has been made.
Corporate Social Responsibility i svenska textilföretag
In Sweden we have the highest rate of nontraditional students among Europe. Coincidently, we also have the highest rates of drop outs among OECD. In this particular field, drop out from higher education, there is a need fore more qualitative studies that can support the "statistics". Studies about experiences of drop outs are significant for society, university and individual. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how nontraditional student experiences drop out from higher education.
Linnéuniversitetet : - en studie om hur de anställda uppfattar fusionen
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka de anställdas vid blivande Linnéuniversitetet stöd för fusionen av Växjö universitet och Högskolan i Kalmar. Vidare undersöktes bland annat vilken effekt olika faktorer som information, möjligheten att delta samt tilliten till högsta ledningen hade på stödet för fusionen. En enkätundersökning gjordes med ett slumpmässigt urval med 185 deltagare varav 95 var från Växjö universitet och 90 från Högskolan i Kalmar. Enkäten var baserad på fem mätinstrument: a) Leader-Member Exchange, b) information, deltagande och tillit till högsta ledningen, c) öppenhet för jobbförändringar, d) individens uppfattning av sin egen kunskapsbredd och e) motstånd mot förändring. Resultatet visade att motstånd mot förändring hade negativa samband med information, deltagande och tillit till högsta ledningen.
Företagsförvärv ? Värderingsprocessen för svenska investmentbolag
Det har blivit allt vanligare att köpa och sälja företag vilket gör att företagsanalys väcker stort intresse bland revisorer, investerare och analytiker. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur professionella analytiker på investmentbolag i praktiken arbetar inför ett företagsförvärv. Detta kommer förhoppningsvis mynna ut i större förståelse för hur förvärvsprocessen tillämpas i verkligheten. Studien kommer att fokusera på hur värderingar genomförs tills dess köpet är avslutat. Frågan som studien ska besvara är; Hur ser förvärvsprocessen ut för svenska investmentbolag fram tills dess köpet är genomfört?Studien använder sig av en kvalitativ metod och har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer samt ett beskrivande företag.
Europaparlamentsval och partipolarisering : En kvantitativ analys av polariseringens effekter på valdeltagandet i Europaparlamentsvalen 2004 och 2009
The main purpose of this study is to examine if variations in voter turnout for the European Parliament elections in each member state is affected by the rate of national party polarization on the EU-dimension of party politics. The theoretical background assumes that a high level of polarization generates higher voter turnout since more alternatives are presented to the electorate. This makes it easier for the electorate to find a party that represents their preferences. This will, in turn, increase the likelihood that they will participate in the election.This study uses a research design based on a quantitative analysis with data from each member state, except those with compulsory voting, in the European Parliament elections of 2004 and 2009. The results of the analysis indicate a relationship between high levels of party polarization and lower turnout in the European Parliament election.