

1228 Uppsatser om Excessive play - Sida 15 av 82

Flickor och elektroniska spel: Fokusgruppintervjuer med flickor om deras syn på och användning av elektroniska spel

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine what part and importance electronic games play in the life of girls, how the girls use electronic games and what the girls think and say about their use of electronic games. We also intend to examine what girls have to say about electronic games at the public library. Our attempt is to illuminate and bring knowledge to those who work within the library with the selection, purchase and conveyance of electronic games. Method used in the survey is focusgroup-interviews with girls in the age between 12-14 years in three different schools. The findings are related to four different perspectives, theory of child development, from a gender perspective, theories of understanding how young people use computer games and theories to understand the purpose of public libraries.

Balanced Scorecard i Abetong : Prototyping av ett ekonomiskt styrverktyg

AbstractEqual opportunities from an employer brand perspective- What does the future manpower inquire?Authors: Erik Frick & Niklas HalldénInstructor: Karin JonnergårdExaminer: Sarah PhilipsonBackgroundWe are living in a society that originates from a patriarchy founded many thousand years ago. This has put women in an inferior position in the labour market. To promote equal opportunities we argue for that companies can utilise employer brand. Employer brand is a new theoretic concept that is being used more frequently among scholars and companies.Presentation of the problem? Which role do equal opportunities play to attract potential manpower from an employer brand perspective?MethodOur method has a quantitative approach and we have choosen to carry out a survey.

Jämställdhet ur ett employer brand perspektiv : - Vad efterfrågar framtidens arbetskraft?

AbstractEqual opportunities from an employer brand perspective- What does the future manpower inquire?Authors: Erik Frick & Niklas HalldénInstructor: Karin JonnergårdExaminer: Sarah PhilipsonBackgroundWe are living in a society that originates from a patriarchy founded many thousand years ago. This has put women in an inferior position in the labour market. To promote equal opportunities we argue for that companies can utilise employer brand. Employer brand is a new theoretic concept that is being used more frequently among scholars and companies.Presentation of the problem? Which role do equal opportunities play to attract potential manpower from an employer brand perspective?MethodOur method has a quantitative approach and we have choosen to carry out a survey.

Funktioner inom Video on Demand-tjänster : En användarstudie inom online streaming

Sedan 2013 har allt fler börjat använda sig av streamingtjänster för film och TV på internet (Findahl,2014). I takt med att användningen ökar är det viktigt att tjänsterna är välutvecklade och lättillgängliga för användaren. I denna uppsats undersöker vi funktioner på de tre största Video on Demand-tjänsterna (VoD) i Sverige ur ett användarperspektiv. Med hjälp av befintliga teorier och litteratur diskuterar vi användarbarhet och genomför en områdesanalys av de utvalda VoD-tjänsterna. Utifrån analysen har vi gått vidare med tio funktioner för att avgränsa studien.

Problemhundar : En studie inriktad på hundar med grava aggressions- och rädsleproblem

Dogs with behavioral problemsThis study was made to investigate if there was a problem in today?s society regarding dogs showing for example excessive aggression and/or anxiety. The main questions in this study was "is there a problem today" and "if there is a problem, what can we do to prevent it". To investigate these questions interviews were made with six different professions concerning the dog domain. The result of the study shows that three of the interviewed considered it to be a problem, one did not have an opinion on the matter and two choose not to call it a dog related problem because it mostly depends on the owner.

En karneval går inte att stoppa! : En designpedagogisk undersökning om barn och normer

A carnival can not be stopped! A design pedagogical study of children and norms In Basel, the only Protestant carnival in Europe takes place. The carnival is called Fasnacht. For three days, there is a wild and uninhibited play with tradition, crossing borders and social criticism.The aim of this thesis is to expand the understanding of the concept of the carnival, and how to use it for an educational purpose. Three children from Basel have been involved in an workshop where they designed and talked about norms and power structures through the carnivalesque principle. The study is based on the questions: How can you use the carnival as a starting point for designing and talking about norms and power structures together with children? And; How can the design process support such a project? To spot this, I made arrangements for a design educational project.

'Jag vill bli alldeles vansinnigt älskad' : en närläsning av Line Knutzons dramatik

This essay investigates the function of fictional space and thematics in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works.My main theoretical concept is thematic unity, factors that unite several plays by one author.I have found three major themes: the encounter, identity and childhood, which I study in five of Knutzon?s plays: The Splint In The Heart, The Latest Thing, First You?re Born, The Air Others Breathe and The Time Will Soon Come.I study three aspects of space: fictive space, where the play is set, the characters? inner space and exterior space, that which is outside fictive space: society. Fictive space is shown mainly via dialogue and context.It is evident that the themes, most clearly visible in the five chosen plays, are very important in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works. Most typical is the way she portrays childhood memories, in monologues showing that her characters exist in a ?hole?, in the void between childhood and adulthood.My investigation leads to the conclusion that Knutzon deals with existential matters: there is a kind of constant chaos, within her characters, expressed in actions and thoughts.

Let´s Dance : För att utveckla motoriken?

AbstractDancing and the body`s ability to express itself has been an interest of mine for a long time. For that reason I would like to find out more on how you as a pedagogue can work with dancing as a way to develop motoric activity. The purpose of my research is to find out how pree-school-pedagogue`s and sportsteacher`s are working with dancing, and also how children in a pree-school class apprehends the idea of dancing before and after a dancelesson.My question for this paper is:How can dancetutoring in pree-school develop children`s motoric activity?To find out the answer for this question I have also chosen to use relevant litterature within the subject. Since the examination covers only the answers from four pedagogue`s and six children I can not make a generell conclusion that covers all children or pree-schools.

Kan ett tillskott av tryptofan ha en inverkan på  sjukdomstillstånd som depression och/eller smärta?

5-hydroxytryptamin (5-HT) is biochemically derived from Tryptophan. Kynurenic acid and quinolinic acid are also known metabolites of tryptophan. 5-HT is considered to play a role in depression and today selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used for treatment of depression. 5-HT may also play a role in pain perception. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a supplement of tryptophan may affect conditions such as depression and/or pain.

Skulle du spela vidare? : En analys av narrativ och spelmekanik i episodiska spel

Episodic gaming is a relatively new phenomenon, that hasn?t been as extensively explored as other areas in game research. In this paper we research how episodic narratives and gameplay engage players compared to regular continuous storytelling. By exploring this we get a better understanding of how to design games that captivate players to the point of them wanting to play the next episode.  A user study is conducted where ten players play two episodes each of an episodic game. We apply observations and interviews to capture a large amount of empirical data.

Datorstödd konstruktion och analys av skyddsbur : Hållfasthet och konstruktion

In motorsports competition, safety reasons require that the vehicle is equipped with some form of protective roll cage. The roll cage should withstand the forces involved in a collision to protect the driver and the co-driver from the vehicle body deformation. The roll cage also works to protect the vehicle from excessive deformations to more easily make any repairs afterwards. For the roll cage to be certified and approved for motorsports competition, it requires that the cage is built after one of the recommended options. One of those options is to design the roll cage like a cross-construction at the driver and co-driver doors.

Dynamisk analys och utmattningskontroll med hjälp av fältmätningar och FEM : Fallstudie över SL:s Bro norr om Söderströmsbron

AbstractThe project "Sound and Play" have been implemented in collaboration with the toy company BRIO in Malmo. The purpose of the project was to examine whether and how BRIO in the future could develop toys around sound for Toddlers.The problem formulations that would be answered after completion of the project was "How could BRIO broaden its product range with the help of audio toys?", "How can you combine toys and sounds in an interesting way for children?", "How do you create a toy with sound that is fun for the child, but not annoying for parents?". Currently BRIO only has two toys with sound in this age group.The expression of the toy was going to be a mix of classic and cool and the overall feeling of the toy was going to be explorative and arouse curiosity in the child. This feeling would be communicated through simplicity and joy.

Vi kallar personlighetstypen för kreativa dagdrömmare : En kvalitativ studie av professionellas erfarenheter och åsikter kring ungas dataspelsproblematik

Dataspelsproblematik är ett eskalerande problem som har visat sig påverka många unga människors utveckling och välbefinnande. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka ungas dataspelsproblematik, vilka konsekvenser ett överdrivet dataspelande medför samt vilken behandling som ges till unga med dataspelsproblematik. Empirin erhölls genom kvalitativa intervjuer med professionella som arbetar med denna typ av problematik vid verksamheterna Game Over och Theory in Action. Resultatet visade att dataspelsproblematik idag inte har en bestämd definition och att det är ett problem som inte är tillräckligt uppmärksammat. Synen på orsaker till dataspelsproblematik hos unga är komplext då det kan tänkas bero på många olika faktorer.

Förskolans lekmiljö och leken den erbjuder : Med utgångspunkt i barns perspektiv

Denna studie syftar till att ta reda på vad för slags platser som barn i svensk förskola ser som lockande samt vilken lek som sker vid dessa platser. Studien utgår ifrån barns perspektiv i ett försök att se barns röster och göra dem hörda.Metoden som använts är kvalitativa intervjuer med barn men med utgångspunkt från barns egna fotografier på de platser de helst leker. Intervjufrågorna är öppna och riktade mot platsen i sig och leken som utspelas där.Resultatet visade att barnen helst lekte på platser där det fanns material och rekvisita för att utföra rollekar, rum med öppna ytor och förutsättning för konstruktionslek samt platser där material fanns tillgängligt för att barnen skulle kunna utföra roll-, konstruktions- eller rörelselek. Något som även tydliggjordes var att barn även valde dessa platser på grund av att de erbjöd lek med andra kamrater och fanns i närheten av vuxna.Något som kommer att diskuteras i studien är hur barnens val kunnat se annorlunda ut om man utgår från att det kan finnas förbestämda tillskrivningar i handlandet/leken på platsen..

Bland figurer, gubbar och mutanter : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på populärkultur i förskolan

The purpose of the study is to investigate educators? attitudes and didactic positions on popular culture as a form and a means of children?s learning in preschool. The questions posed in the study are:? How do the educators define popular culture, which examples of popular culture do the educators give?? How do the educators describe the spoken and unspoken rules and positions regarding popular culture in preschool practice?? What are the risks and benefits when including popular culture in preschool, according to the educators?In this qualitative study four educators from different preschools have been interviewed. The preschools take as a starting point different educational philosofies.

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