1228 Uppsatser om Excessive play - Sida 11 av 82
Spelet om spelandet : En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb
AbstractTitle: The game of playing: A media ethnographic study of children playing videogames on a Swedish after school recreation centre. Spelet om spelandet: En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb.Number of pages: 46Author: Peter BrandbergTutor: Amelie HössjerPeriod: Spring term 2008Course: Media and Communication studies DUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim with this study is to describe how children play video games in an everyday context. In this study this context consists of a Swedish after school recreation centre. By combining three different aspects on the activity this study tries to understand how both the video game and the social and cultural context in which the activity takes place in influences it. This by taking one analyse of the specific game that the children played at the time of the study and how the overall environment is structured into account.
Fenomenet Poppe, mellan scen och skratt : En studie av Nils Poppes komiska skådespeleri utifrån en fenomenologisk utgångspunkt
Scholarly research on comical popular theatre is rare in the Swedish context even though the genre has attracted large audiences throughout the 20th century. Nils Poppe is one of the greatest Swedish actors in the comical genre and he is famous for his playful acting style. With my Master?s dissertation I aim to shed some light on both the genre and this great actor. Another aim of this Master?s dissertation is to gain understanding of what causes the audience?s laughter experiencing Nils Poppe?s comical acting.
Från Värendsvallen till Arenastaden : En studie om Smålandspostens nyhetsrapportering angående uppförandet av fotbolls- och ishockeyarenorna på Värendsvallen och Arenastaden i Växjö
The following essay is a study of the theatre-play Min Arm, a translation and performance by Per Lasson for Fria Teatern in Stockholm 2009-2010. Actor, director and playwright Tim Crouch wrote the original script My Arm in English in 2003.With basis in intermedial theory, as defined by Jörgen Bruhn, as well as Hans-Thies Lehmann?s theory on post-dramatic theatre this study investigates the meaning-building processes in Min Arm as a theatrical performance. Concepts of the difference between stage play and performance text are borrowed from and inspired mainly by Eli Rozik?s Generating Theatre Meaning.
Mode i Kenya ? En studie om Kenya som marknad för inhemska modevarumärken
The fashion industry in Kenya is slowly growing. The middleclass is getting bigger and theinterest for fashion among these consumers is increasing. One major problem for the growthof the industry is the extensive second hand trade, which has given several problematicaffects. The textile production has almost disappeared, the western influences are evident andthe consumer?s price sensitivity is prominent.The aim of this thesis is, by conducting a field study; to qualitative examine how to develop astrong domestic fashion brand on the Kenyan market and to give a foundation for a brandingstrategy for people involved within fashion in Kenya.
Satsa på leken! : en studie om skolgårdens betydelse för barns lek och utveckling
The intention of this final thesis is to examine how to create a schoolyard that inspires children at the age of 6 ? 12 years to play and give them possibility to develop. To get a lot of knowledge in this subject, I have combined studies of literature with practical studies at Hosjöskolan in Falun. During my practical studies I have done interviews, walks in the area with the children and visited other schoolyards. I have based a design proposal for the schoolyard of Hosjöskolan on these studies.
En arms avtryck : En studie av betydelseskapande processer i Fria Teaterns uppsättning av Tim Crouchs Min Arm ur ett intermedialt perspektiv
The following essay is a study of the theatre-play Min Arm, a translation and performance by Per Lasson for Fria Teatern in Stockholm 2009-2010. Actor, director and playwright Tim Crouch wrote the original script My Arm in English in 2003.With basis in intermedial theory, as defined by Jörgen Bruhn, as well as Hans-Thies Lehmann?s theory on post-dramatic theatre this study investigates the meaning-building processes in Min Arm as a theatrical performance. Concepts of the difference between stage play and performance text are borrowed from and inspired mainly by Eli Rozik?s Generating Theatre Meaning.
Tysta barn i förskolan : tillgång eller problem?
The aim of this study is to examine how preschools contribute to the forming of identity in children, with a specific focus on the quiet and socially withdrawn child. How do the teachers describe the quiet child and the socially withdrawn child? Are there any opportunities for children to be quiet/withdrawn in preschools? These questions have also been analysed from a gender perspective. The method chosen is qualitative method. Nine preschool teachers from two Swedish preschools have been interviewed.
Språket vår Järnbörd : Språket spelar roll
In this paper I make an analysis of the play Järnbörd (By burning Iron) written by the swedish author Magnus Dahlström. In this play all the characters has committed horrible crimes wich they easily describes the violence. The starting-point of my analysis is the text itself and not any stage-setting. The reason for this is that I find it interesting to see what can be found in the text only. I investigate if the language itself can tell something.Furthermore I discuss Magnus Dahlström´s literary language and if he has any distinguishing quality, and if so what it may be.
"Får barn inte leka kan de inte heller lära för livet" : Förskollärares perspektiv på barns lek och användandet av lek i förskolans verksamhet
Learning for life through playPreschool teachers? perspective of children?s play and the use of play in the nursery settingStudien behandlar förskollärares perspektiv på barns lek i förskolan och hur de använder sig av lek i verksamheten. Syftet med studien är att få en större uppfattning om hur förskollärare ser på barns lek, hur de anser sig använda leken i verksamheten och om deras synsätt på något sätt präglar hur barns lek kommer till uttryck i förskolans verksamhet. Problempreciseringen i studien innefattas av: Hur anser förskollärare att de använder sig av barns lek i förskolans verksamhet? Vad anser förskollärare om barns olika lekar i förskolan? samt Vilken roll anser förskollärare att de har i barns lek på förskolan? Studien bygger på intervjuer med åtta förskollärare.
Lycklig är den, vars arbete är en lek : Att skapa lust och undvika lustfällor i musiklekandet med förskolebarn
Med hjälp av denna vetenskapliga essä undersöker jag hur man kan uppmärksamma och värna leken och glädjen i musicerandet med förskolebarn. Detta belyser jag inte enbart ur barnens perspektiv utan även ur mitt eget och mina kollegors. Med hjälp av berättelser från min vardag på förskolan och utifrån min praktiska kunskap, ger jag en bild av hur detta kan te sig. Dessa berättelser är ett fundament för mina vidare reflektioner. Vad lek och leklust är skärskådar jag genom att bena upp begreppen i mindre beståndsdelar.
Att arbeta med rörelse i förskolan : Ett utvecklingsarbete
The purpose of my study is to explore which possibilities there are for movement activities and how to use those possibilities. From this study, I will help the pedagogues recognize how to work more or different with movement activities.I have used participant observations and interviews as methods for my study. I did this at one preschool, because it is a development-study. The observations lasted for two weeks and the interviews were made with the majority of the pedagogues at the preschool. The results of my study showed that the preschool teachers think that movement activities are an important part of children?s lives.
Establishment of play in Million program environments
Utgångspunkten för denna kandidatuppsats är att den byggda miljön påverkar våra liv och vårt handlingsutrymme. Den byggda miljön kan möjliggöra eller begränsa olika typer av aktiviteter. Leken är en av de mest grundläggande aktiviteterna i vår sociala utveckling och är en del av den sociala interaktionen med andra människor. Leken förknippas ofta med barn, men leken förkommer och är viktig för alla ålderskategorier.
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur den byggda miljön kan skapa möjligheter för leken att etableras. Vi undersöker om man kan planera och styra leken och vad leken kan tillföra i ett miljonprogramsområde.
Många av de miljonprogramsområden som byggdes i Sverige under 1960- och 70-talet är ofta problemtyngda och den byggda miljön lider av ett eftersatt underhåll.
?Det är svårt att konkurrera med internet.? En kvalitativ studie av musikintresserades informationsvanor.
This thesis aims to investigate the information habits of peoplewith a serious interest in music. What information needs do theyexperience, what information sources do they seek out to fulfillthese needs and what part does the public libraries play in theirinformation habits?To answer these questions a qualitative approach was used. Fourrespondents with a serious interest in music were interviewed.The theoretic framework was based on Robert A. Stebbins theoryon serious leisure and Karen E.
Smartphoneapplikationer ? ett värdeskapande verktyg? : I bank- och livsmedelsbutiksbranschen
The smartphone market is growing rapidly, between Google Play and App Store more than 25 billion apps have been downloaded since 2008. Today many companies develop their own smartphone applications (apps) for their customers. We believe that many apps are developed without much consideration about the actual value it brings to the customer, and through them, value for the company. Instead they create applications with hope of keeping the company modern. Developing and implementing apps in a business is neither easy nor free and must therefore add value to the business in some way.
Barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan : Ur några pedagogers synvinkel
The purpose of this study is to find out how some Swedish preschool teacher discussing how children's Swedish colloquial interaction can be enhanced in the free play. In this case where children are aged three to five.My research questions in the study are:- What type of free play do preschool teachers talk about in relation to children's Swedish colloquial development?- What do preschool teachers say about child's colloquial interaction?- How do preschool teachers reason regarding in what environment children?s colloquial interaction occurs?In my study I have used an interview with elements of a visual method called The Diamond. The approach is that the participants in the interview will be enhanced to discussing about a wise certain number of images. These images are then to be ranked accordingly with a specific theme and terms.If a child has difficult to speak, you can take help of the interest the child has, the child can tell you and the other children what he or she know about the interest.