618 Uppsatser om Evidence - Sida 39 av 42
Det personliga nätverkets funktion : Etablering och underhåll av presonliga nätverk inom ljuddesign för rörlig bild
The aim of this paper was to discover the functions and workings of personal networks and their advantages for self-employed sound designers and producers whose focus was upon the moving image (film, advertising, tv, etc). Investigations on how entrepreneurs develop their networks were made, as well as inquiries on how these networks are used for generating work. Another important aspect perused was whether or not the networks are dependent on specific geographical locations in order to function. A case study and comparative analysis was undertaken, based upon three qualitative interviews with entrepreneurs whose operations shared several similar characteristics. The results pointed out the importance of constantly making new contacts, and maintaining and managing current ones.
Att Marknadsföra Döden : En jämförande studie mellan tjänstemarknadsteori kontra begravningsbyråers arbetssätt.
Författare: Alexander Falck, Ekonomprogrammet inriktning marknadsföring Sebastian Ivarsson, Enterprise and Business DevelopmentHandledare: Kåre SkållerudExaminator: Frederic BillTitel: Att marknadsföra döden: en jämförande studie mellan tjänstemarknadsteori kontra begravningsbyråers arbetssätt.Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Produkter och tjänster marknadsförs på olika sätt, för att marknadsföra tjänster så har den ursprungliga marknadsföringsmixen från Kotler utökats med ytterligare tre delar för att beskriva det som är viktigt i tjänstemarknadsföringen. Begravningsbyråer befinner sig idag i en efterfrågesituation som kallas negativ efterfrågan. Negativ efterfrågan innebär att kunden inte vill veta av företagens produkter. Denna situation skapar frågetecken till hur begravningsbyråer egentligen marknadsför sig då kunden inte är intresserade av företagets produkter. Vid vår förberedande forskning visade det sig att det hade författats väldigt lite på området.
Miljöarkeologi i Umeå stads hamn och slagfältsarkeologi på Krutbrånet : Två fallstudier inom historisk arkeologi i Umeås 1800-tal
This master thesis deals with two case studies in environmental archaeology and battlefield archaeology focusing on two major events in the late history of the Swedish coastal town Umeå and its nearby village Sävar. Established in the early 1600's, Umeå was known for its export of timber and import of cereals. The town has suffered from numerous fires, the fire in 1888 being the most devastating. Few written records of the town remain from before the 1900's. The latest war in Sweden's history is documented in historical sources and took place at Krutbrånet, Sävar where the Swedish troops suffered defeat against the russian forces in 1809.
BCAA-supplementering i samband med levercancerkirurgi
Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: BCAA supplementation in patients undergoing resection for liver cancerAuthor: Mikael Semaan and Viktor SjölingSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 10, 2013BackgroundLiver cancer is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and the third largest to cause death. Protein-energy malnutrition is common in patients with liver disease and they often suffer from changes in the hepatic metabolism of nutrients and other substances. There is a basis for recommending BCAA supplementation in other certain liver diseases. Given the similar clinical picture of liver cancer surgery, it is possible that supplementation of BCAA can be beneficial for these patients as well.ObjectiveThe aim was to study the scientific basis for the effect of branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation in liver cancer patients. Can it improve their recovery in terms of nutritional status and albumin levels, and does it changes the duration of hospital stay, after surgery?Search strategyFive extensive searches were performed on PubMed and Cochrane after appropriate study material.
Är företagen maktlösta? : En studie om hur tjänsteverksamheter kan gynnas av eWOM.
Syfte & Forskningsfråga:Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur regionala flygbolag arbetar med elektronisk word-of-mouth (eWOM) genom att undersöka och analysera på vilket sätt företag kan arbeta med eWOM, vilken betydelse eWOM har för tjänster inom turismsektorns privata marknad samt vilket inflytande konsumenter har genom eWOM. Med syftet i baktanke formulerades forskningsfrågan: Vilken betydelse har eWOM för företag inom turismsektorn och hur kan de använda eWOM i sin marknadsföring? Metod:I denna studie har vi använt oss utav en kvalitativ metod för att ha möjlighet att få en djupare förståelse för det valda forskningsämnet. Redan från början av studien har vi haft ett växelspel mellan teori och empiri, varför det abduktiva synsättet har använts. Vidare har empiriska data samlats in genom sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer tillsammans med användandet av en intervjuguide för att till viss del kunna styra samtalet men samtidigt få mer flexibilitet där respondenterna haft möjlighet att svara fritt.
Turkiet vänder blickarna mot öster : -en fallstudie av Turkiets utrikespolitiska förändring gentemot Mellanöstern
AbstractTurkey has emerged as a major actor in the Middle East over the last decade, since the ruling party AKP came to power in 2002. Turkey is now playing a mediation role in regional conflicts and has been speaking out loudly on sensitive issues such as the Iranian nuclear program and the Palestinian- Israeli conflict. Furthermore, Turkey has established close ties with the Arab world which has suffered the relationship with its long-time ally Israel. This new presence in Middle East has been criticized by Turkey's allies in west. Critics argue that the country is about to abandon its former western relationship and strengthen their ties with the Arab world instead.This thesis has two main purposes.
Sociala krav i byggentreprenader : En tillfällig trend eller här för att stanna?
Europe has, since the economic crisis of 2007, gained increasing social segregation. The gap between rich and poor has increased and the large number of hidden statistics regarding people excluded from the labor market is greater than in many years. Social exclusion has thus taken a toll on community groups that already before the crisis had a hard time getting included. Groups such as young, elderly, immigrants and people with mental of physical disabilities. To curb this development, the European Commission have, since the 2004 directives, enabled public sector clients to, through procurement of goods, services and contracts, include measures that promote social consideration.Social consideration is a term that have been a part of Swedish procurement legislation since 2007, and was updated in 2010.
Undantagande av handlingar vid Skatteverkets revision
AbstractThe tax authority has an obligation to ensure that all tax cases are adequately investigated according to 40:1 SFL. In order to fulfill this obligation the tax authority has a number of investigation options. The most common form of investigation is so- called desktop investigations, which means that the tax authority will send written inquiries or injunctions to taxpayers. The most intrusive and resource-intensive form of investigation is audit. The general rule is that the tax authority?s auditor may examine all accounting records and other documents related to the business.
GMO Food Products - The issue of marketing and selling them in Europe.
Title: GMO Food ProductsThe issue of marketing and selling them in Europe - A Business and Legal Perspective.Author: Shane KingSupervisors: Anneli Carlsson and Ewa RabinowiczProblemThe European Unions regulations in regard to GMO?s and the approval process for both release into the environment, and onto the market, has been under fire by the USA along with Canada and Argentina. The WTO has ruled on this issue in favour of USA et al.The problem that was identified was in regard to consumer opinion in the EU. How could the EU meet its numerous international trade obligations while at the same time meetingthe needs of the citizens of the Union? Added to that was the issue of whether or not the?EU? perspective was indeed an EU perspective or rather the perspective of a fewMember States.
Bankernas räntesättning och dess påverkande faktorer
Since the financial crisis of 2007, the global financial market has been characterized by instability. At the same time the banks? lending rates and its link to the reporänta have been in the spotlight in various debates in the media. The government with Anders Borg leading the charge has criticized the banks for not lowering their lending rates when the reporänta has been lowered. The banks defend themselves by saying that the reporänta does not have a direct link to their lending rates anymore.
Etnisk diskriminering i arbetslivet - ett svåråtkomligt problem
Racial discrimination is a highly topical and burning issue, of special interest in working life. Most researchers agree on that discrimination is a problem in the Swedish labour market. To counteract the ongoing discrimination, a new Anti-Discrimination Act was founded in 1999. The Racial Discrimination Act although appears to be ineffective on the basis of legal usage. Of all the legal cases about racial discrimination in the labour market, there has only been one sentence of guilty stated by the Swedish Labour Court.
Skiftarbete i byggindustrin och dess värde för aktieägarna
The foremost objective of business organizations is to generate value for shareholders and to opt for strategies which optimize it. Hence it is of key concern for business leaders to appreciate how operations best are run to maximize value creation. This study explores how financial theory can reveal the link between one particular business strategy and the corresponding effect on shareholder wealth. The question in focus is whether construction companies can enhance their value creation by implementing shift-work to increase the weekly production rate. The thesis particularly targets apartment block projects in Sweden and has the construction company Peab AB as primary object of study.
Fastställande av referensintervall för fibrinogen i plasma hos friska föl :
Establishing a reference interval for plasma fibrinogen in foals
Fibrinogen concentrations were analysed in EDTA preserved blood plasma samples from 34 thoroughbred foals born in 2001 and 2002 at one stud farm. The foals were between 0 and 240 days old at the time of the sampling, and there were 19 fillies and 12 stallions in the group. The foals were examined for clinical symptoms of disease and their body temperature was measured before blood was sampled from the jugular vein. From totally 156 blood samples, 31 were selected as originating from clinically healthy foals, and used to determine a reference range for thoroughbred foals. Samples originating from foals showing clinical symptoms of disease or an abnormal body temperature at the time of sampling, were classified as coming from unhealthy animals.
Bosättning, agrarkris och fäbodväsende : vegetations- och markanvändningshistoria i Läde, Dalarna
By using pollen analysis, 14C-dating and historical sources, I studied the history of vegetation and land use at an abandoned forest settlement near the Lade summer farms in the parish of Mora, Dalama. The aim of this paper is to investigate the agricultural establishment and development, the effects of this on forest vegetation, and the origin and development of summer farming.
The analysis of pollen in a peat core revealed that a settlement was established at Lade around 1000 AD. Cereal cultivation, hay-making on the mire and extensive forest grazing were intro-duced as a complete agricultural system. Pollen analysis and the presence of ancient fields suggests that cultivation took place on permanent fields. Barley was the main crop, but rye and hops/hemp were also grown at the settlement.
Utvecklingspotential till en mer attraktiv bostadsmarknad : En teoretisk värderingsanalys av stadskvaliteter och dess relevans för bostadsbyggandet
Stockholm has in recent years experienced a strong population increase but despite that fact, the demand for housing has not been followed by enough housing contracts. According to forecasts, growth in population will further be continued upward. With more condominiums than rental units on the market, new apartments are too expensive to live in. This creates unsustainable problems for those in lower classes of society. Creating a housing market in the periphery of Stockholm is not sustainable from a social perspective.