618 Uppsatser om Evidence - Sida 32 av 42
Vad kännetecknar en bra respektive mindre bra lärare? : En studie om gymnasieelevers syn på ledarskapskompetens i klassrummet.
The purpose of this project is to examine students' pespectives on quality in teaching. The characteristics that are described to denote a 'good' and 'less good' teachers are linked to ideas about types of corresponding leadership styles in the classroom. The report is based on surveys of students in Upplands-Bro high school outside Stockholm. In order to get better insight and further knowledge of the subject, the student accounts have been related to current discussions in the literature about good leadership and teaching quality.Following the methodology of grounded theory a pilot study was constructed to design the research instruments. In the pilot study I collected students' perceptions on quality-related categories in teaching and leadership which then formed a bases for a survey which was distributed to a larger student sample. The survey includes questions that relate to the middle order, which is based on three criteria that make up the characteristics of a 'good'/ 'less good' teacher and the leadership style that suits students descriptions of good teacher characteristics.The results of the study show that a good teacher should have subject knowledge, be good at writing and illustrating the curriculum on the whiteboard and explain and clarify their instruction through good communication.
Anestesi och intensivvårdssjuksköterskans hantering av mekanisk ventilation : - en litteraturstudie om minskning av atelektasbildning och förebyggande av komplikationer
Background Atelectasis is a commun respiratory complication related to general anesthesia and may contribute to pneumonia and acute respiratory failure. Atelectasis apear within 10 minutes after anesthetization and occur in 90% or more anesthezied patients regardless of age and gender. The aim of this study was to indentify if there are any Evidence for which methods are ultimate or are most efficacious to reduce and prevent the formation of atelectasis. Methods This study is a descriptive litterature study where 28 scientific studies have been indentified for review and analysis. ResultsThe use of 100% oxygen during the induction of anesthesia favors the developement of atelectasis. This can be prevented by preoxygenation with oxygen content of 100% combined with a PEEP of 6-10 cmH2O. When free airway is secured, oxygenation with 100% was found to be unnecessary.
Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans tillämpning av evidensbaserad kunskap i omvårdnaden av trycksår - en litteraturstudie
Syfte: Var att beskriva vilka faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans tillämpning av evidensbaserad kunskap om trycksår i omvårdnaden.Metod: Litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design, utfördes utifrån två kvalitativa, sju kvantitativa samt en vetenskaplig artikel med en kombination av ansatser. Vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan åren 2002 till 2012 söktes i databasen Cinahl.Resultat: Sjuksköterskans tillämpning av evidensbaserad kunskap i omvårdanden av trycksår, påverkades av attityder, kunskapsnivå samt den organisatoriska struktur som råder på arbetsplatsen. Sjuksköterskan som medverkat i special utformad utbildning eller som arbetar aktivt med kvalitetsförbättringsarbete har uppvisat en förbättrad kunskapsnivå. Vilket tillsammans med en positiv attityd medför en god förutsättning till en förbättrad följsamhet, gällande tillämpning av evidensbaserad kunskap i omvårdnaden av trycksår. Dock förekommer bristfällig, inadekvat såväl som föråldrad kunskap hos en mindre population sjuksköterskor.
Informationsöverflödets dystopi : En intertextuell diskursanalys från Future Shock till The Shallows
Today it is common to state that we are living in an information overloaded society. But there are many different definitions of what can be said to constitute Information Overload and there is a lack of substantial research on the subject. Conclusions in the available literature on Information Overload are often drawn on anecdotal Evidence and carries a dramatized picture of the causes and effects of the phenomenon.With the tools of discursive analysis this two years master?s thesis explores how the phenomenon Information Overload is portrayed in six popular science books that deals with the subject: Alvin Toffler (1970) Future Shock, Orrin Klapp (1986) Overload and Boredom, Richard Wurman (1989) Information Anixety, Andrew Keen (2007) The cult of the amateur, Maggie Jackson (2008), Distracted and Nicholas Carr (2010) The Shallows. The result of the analysis shows that there is a common discourse of how the subject of Information Overload is represented, which stretches in and between the books intertextually.
Smart plombering och märkning
The background for this degree thesis is a need to replace the existing seal used to protect equipment containing secret or sensitive equipment used by Swedish Defence. The target design should satisfy both the need for tamper Evidence and reduce Life Cycle Cost. In developing a new design for a seal, additional benefits such as improved logistics support and indication of attack methods such as heat and solvents have been considered.The lack of guiding principles for end users of seals became evident during the interviews. Major concerns for the future are education of users, information about actions if a seal is broken and user liability.The design work was divided into several phases. A feasibility study was performed including investigation of theory of labels, materials and possible technologies.
Gruvrätten vid Stora Kopparberget 1641-1682 : en undersökning över rannsakade brott och utdömda straff
The purpose of this essay is to examine and explain how the Swedish mining court of Stora Kopparberget (the Great Copper Mountain) implemented its judicial legislation between 1641-1682. Questions are asked about which counts of indictments the court tried, which sentences they handed out, in what quantities and how these results looks in comparison with other contemporary courts. The index cards of the court judicial protocols are the primary source of information. The methods are those of quantity- and comparative analysis.The results show that theft of copper ore was the most common crime ransacked by the court. Other common crimes were (in order): sin of omission, transgression of work directions, fights, slander and disdain, trade of stolen ore, failing appearance in court etc.Fines were by far the most common sentence followed by shorter imprisonments, gauntlets, loss of right to mine possession, twig beating, loss of work, penal servitude, banishment, ?wooden horse riding? and finally military transcription.
Kvalitetsgranskning av svenska ambulanssjukvårdens behandlingsriktlinjer rörande patienter med svår sepsis och septisk chock
Svår sepsis och septisk chock är sjukdomstillstånd som kan orsaka ett stort lidande för patienten genom att de är förknippade med hög mortalitet och morbiditet. Tidig identifiering och adekvat antibiotikabehandling är avgörande för prognosen. Detta ställer höga krav på ambulanssjukvårdens kvalitet. Ambulanssjukvården har behandlingsriktlinjer som ska utgöra beslutsunderlag och kvalitetssäkring för den givna vården. De potentiella vinsterna med en behandlingsriktlinje blir dock aldrig bättre än kvaliteten på behandlingsriktlinjen i sig.
Äldres sexualitet - hinder och möjligheter i vårdgivarens främjande arbete. : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie
The aim of this study was to describe how elderly?s sexuality can be expressed and to describe factors that affect older people's sexuality. The aim was also to describe the opportunities and barriers to health care providers to promote older people's sexuality and to describe the articles quality based on the methodological aspect of selection. A literature review with a descriptive approach was conducted on four qualitative and ten quantitative articles. The included articles were published between 2003 and 2013.
Studenters kunskap om fruktsamhet och deras önskan om barnafödande. : en väntrumsundersökning
Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe, analyze and compare university students? desire to have children, when they wanted to have their first and last child and their knowledge about fecundity in relation to the background factors: age, gender and educational level. This study will also investigate differences regarding university students? desire to have children along with when they wanted to have their first and last child and their knowledge of declining fecundity at increasing age. Method: A descriptive, comparative, cross-sectional study with quantitative method was used in the study.
Metodfokus på Affekt; Hur känns det?
Evidence-based psychotherapeutic methods compete with each other, while meta-analysis have shown that variability due to different methods related to outcome is remarkably low. In this qualitative study six former patients were interviewed about experiences of method and technique in Affect-focused therapy, with a slight overweight towards unsatisfactory experiences. Responses were analysed and categorised in emergent themes. Methodological focus on affect showed to be a much appreciated, as well as insufficient, element. Alongside positive experiences or summaries of therapy, methodological frames were felt to be at times restrictive, even invalidating, as far as not allowing focus on what was felt to be the more predominant need.
Överviktiga barn - Sjuksköterskors och föräldrars reflektioner : En litteraturstudie
Background: The prevalence of dementia increases both in Sweden and in the rest of the world. People with dementia often display some types of behavioral and psychological symptoms. These symptoms include, among other things, aggressiveness, inactivity, activity disturbance, anxiety, hallucinations and depression. The symptoms can create a negative impact of those with dementia, their caregivers and their next of kin. Aim: To describe the effect of non-pharmacological treatments have on the behavioral and psychological symptoms of people with dementia.
Specialistsjuksköterskors beskrivning av yrkesroll och omvårdnadshandlingar inom den psykiatriska heldygnsvården
Background: The goal of psychiatric nursing interventions is to enhance people?s ability tocope with feelings of futility, to get control of their lives and to learn coping strategies inorder to manage their mental illness and its consequences. Specialist nurses in psychiatric carecoordinate and direct nursing care based on Evidence-based knowledge.Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of nursing acts specialist nurses usein the psychiatric inpatient unit and investigate how they perceive their professional role.Method: The design used was a descriptive qualitative interview study. Nine specialist nursesworking in psychiatric inpatient units were interviewed. Six of the participants were womenand three were men aged 28-53 years.
Medialisering i det politiska systemet: en kvalitativ studie om en politiskt styrd organisations medialiseringsprocess
AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine to which extant the politically governed organization, Swedish association of local authorities and local regions (SALAR), has been mediatized. Furthermore the purpose was to examine how SALAR being a Meta-organization affected the mediatization process. To accomplish this the thesis studied how SALAR organized themselves internally in order to form opinion through the media in one of their prioritized issues. A further purpose was to equalize SALAR?s mediatization process with the mediatization process for the whole political system. Method: This is a qualitative study which the gathered material has been collected through two types of methods, semi structured interviews and field observations.Material: A total of eight interviews were made distributed over three departments inside SALAR.
Effekter av vårdhund och robotdjur hos patienter med demenssjukdom : En litteraturstudie
Background: Dementia is an umbrella term for a group of diseases that affects the brain and causes cognitive impairment. Animal-assisted Therapy's goal is to meet patients' physical, psychological and social dimensions within the current health care field. To avoid problems like infections and allergy, robotic animals has been developed. The purpose of robotic animals is to induce relaxation and well-being of persons with cognitive impairment for example.Purpose: To compile scientific articles on which effects care dog and robotic animals have on mental and physical health in patients with dementia. Method: A literature review consisting of nine quantitative research articles.
Burmas demokratiseringsprocess ? också för kvinnor?: En kvalitativ studie av hur politiskt aktiva burmesiska kvinnor ser på sina förutsättningar för politiskt deltagande
In the beginning of this century United Nations expressed their concern about the lack of female participation in politics through a number of resolutions and conventions. To ensure sustainable development and democracy, United Nations argued the importance of women?s participation in every level of politics within a state.Burma is a country that is in the middle of an ongoing democratization process and women are not considered to participate in this process. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to analyze the experience of politically involved Burmese women in their political participation progress.This study has been realized through semi-structured interviews with nine Burmese women, in both Thailand and Burma. The questions that have been asked are about what societal and cultural barriers women meet when they are, or want to be, political involved, both from the society and within their own political organizations.