1864 Uppsatser om Event organizations - Sida 60 av 125
Man måste brinna för att tända glöd i andra. : Kvinnliga ledare i arbetslivet.
Society is facing rapid and continuous change. In order to participate in the development, organizations need to take advantage of all the knowledge and skills available in the labor market. Women leaders in top positions are still in the minority but do as good a job as their male colleagues. She brings different dynamics and a new dimension in the work culture but is nevertheless excluded from the mightiest rooms. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the organizational factors that determine and facilitate for women to take on leadership positions.
Gridens svar på överlevnad : -en studie om revisorers beaktning av fortsatt drift
An auditors? job is to review the company's figures and, as an independent part, give an accurate picture of its financial situation. Auditors have to relate to ISA where ISA 570 can be found and which deals with the going concern. The standard addresses a couple of factors that may be indications that a company can have problems with their continued operation. The problem is that ISA does not evaluate the events, which is more significant than others in the assessment, but it is up to the auditor to consider.The purpose of this paper is to describe the factors, which the auditor believes is more important than others in assessing the going concern and explain why it is so.
Trendstudie kring företags kvartalsrapporter
Problem: Idag finns detaljerad information gällande när ett företag skall publicera sina kvartalsrapporter, kan denna information vara till hjälp för en investeringsstrategi. När själva rapporter är publicerad blir det olika kursreaktioner på börsen, går det att förutspå riktningen på denna rörelse med enbart den senaste veckans trend som jämförelse? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan en akties kursutveckling innan kvartalsrapporten offentliggörs och efter publicering av den samma. Vi skall också i uppsatsen besvara frågan om det går att erhålla överavkastning beroende på trenden innan en kvartalsrapport? Tillvägagångssätt: Vi har valt att göra en event study där vi samlar in aktiekurser för de aktuella datumen kring företagens kvartalsrapporter.
I Sverige har förekomsten av klamydia ökat hos ungdomarna sedan 1997 och fortsatt stiga under 2000-talet. Den sexuella aktiviteten har förändrats till att ha fler tillfälliga partners och att skydda sig med kondom är inte alltid så självklart för de unga. Det kognitiva- och socioemotionella ssteme i hjärnan är inte färdigutvecklat hos tonåringarna vilket kan leda till spontana beslut och riskfyllt beteende. Syftet för denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva skolhälsovårdens hälsofrämjande omvårdnadsåtgärder för att påverka ungdomars sexuella risktagande. Event History Calendars, en metod för det individuella hälsosamtalet visade efter en månads postintervention en minskning av det sexuella riskbeteendet.
Vulkanisk svaveldimma : Risken att det drabbar Sverige
In the year 1783 a fissure eruption from Laki in the southern part of Iceland produced a large amount of volcanic gases during a period of eight months. The volcanic gases and aerosols spread across the northern hem sphere due to ideal weather conditions and had a substantial impact on the environment, human health and also climate effects. This, so called dry fog, caused severe health problems, which led to death casualties, killing animals, crops and other vegetation. The consequence was a widespread famine which was aggravated by a hard and long winter in 1783/84. Analysis shows that the Icelandic volcanoes are the primary risk to produce dry fog that can affect Sweden.
Sponsring som finansieringsmetod : Kulturens nya villkor
Sponsoring is today a more common form for corporation in the trade of culture. This has led to a situation, in which companies and institutions of culture, must be more versed in sponsorship. In this essay, we aim at understand and give an account for how the corporation, in a sponsorship relationship might work.A sponsorship relationship also means that a lot of knowledge is needed in other doctrines. The law aspect is one of these, which we also will concern in this essay, another aspect is the integrity of the culture.The main purpose with this essay is to find information, which might work recommendingly, for organizations that works with sponsorship. Mainly we will considerate sponsorship as a source for the financing of culture.In this essay we have discovered that sponsoring has become increasingly important for financing cultural activities, and a good corporation demands a great deal of commitment from both parties.
Att göra det oväntade - en utvärdering av marknadsföringskampanjen "Låna dig rik" på ett mindre folkbibliotek
Futurum.kom is a collaborative marketing project with the aim of strengthening the internal organization of Länsbibliotek Sydost, Regionbibliotek Kalmar and the 25 public libraries within the southeast region. The project intends to externally build the brands of the public libraries in Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronobergs län. This thesis is a study and evaluation of the implementation and results of Futurum.kom?s first campaign "Låna dig rik" at a public library. The analysis is based on the following issues:? What goals does the library have with the "Låna dig rik"-campaign.? What is the feedback from the staff's experience of the users in terms of needs and demands?? In which way does the library choose to implement the marketing campaign and what role do the users have in this process?? What is the internal performance of the library's marketing campaign, what was the experience of the staff of the campaign?? What is the external result of the library's marketing campaign?The method is based on a case study of a single library, with a series of interviews and document analysis of written and electronic documents.
Pluralism eller propaganda? En ideologianalys av franska Front nationals folkbibliotekspolitik och debatten kring denna
The focus of this master thesis is the library politics of the French Right wing party the National Front and the debate that followed the application of this politics. This qualitative study is divided into two parts where the critics to this politics represents one side and the adherents the other. The critics are composed by representatives from the French, Swedish and ? to some extent ? international library sector, while the adherent side is made up of politicians from the National Front and their adherents. The empiric material mostly consists of articles published in library, Right wing and daily press.
Emotionell intelligens : En studie av den dskursiva produktionen av begreppet emotionell intelligens i ett organisationssammanhang
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a highly used concept in contemporary organizations, especially in the recruitment process or education of employees and managers. The aim of this study was to examine the discursive production of the concept emotional intelligence and how it, linked to an organizational context, is expressed in web-based articles and course homepages. In total 11 texts related to emotional intelligence and organizational contexts were used as the object of study. A three-stage model was used as a method for analysis. The model included a content analysis, argument analysis and a deconstruction analysis in order to expose what was said about emotional intelligence and how it was said.
Mobbning - En fallstudie av en antimobbningsplan och dess effektivitet ur elevens perspektiv
The purpose of my essay is on one hand to research and evaluate the measures that one intermediate school in Sweden, uses in order to prevent bullying and stop it in the event that one pupil happens to get bullied or harassed. In other words, I would like to show how that school is capable of creating a safe environment. Qualitative research is used to obtain these findings.On the other hand, I also wish to examine what pupils at the school think about these measures and how they perceive the attitudes of the school?s teachers and management regarding the prevention of bullying. In order to acquire this information quantitative research is used.The conclusions that I draw after conducting my research are as follows:1- Regarding the ?Anti ? bullying Performance Plan?, my essay shows that school teachers and management actively work in order to maintain a safe environment and as a result bullying is successfully prevented the school.
Det Sociala Intranätet
Social intranets are based on the Enterprise 2.0 expression and create a new way for organizations to communicate and work. It brings possibilities to leverage user generated content and engage in cooperation across organizational borders where users can get to know each other and share knowledge.This thesis aims to explore what expectations motivate decision makers in implementing social intranets. It is interesting to discover what is expected to happen in an organization that implements a social intranet and chiefly what the actual effects are. Through interviews of both management executives and intranet users at a consulting company called Ninetech, we have plotted out managers? expectations and effects experienced by users.We have categorized managements? expected effects in two themes; expected effects on corporate culture and expected effects on informational work.
Problemrepresentationer vid tillkomsten av änkepensionen 1920-1948
During the 1960s and 1970s an increased interest in Native Americans can be seen in Sweden, e.g. through the establishment of organizations such as the Indian Club of Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to study the portrayal of Native Americans and its role through Albin Widén, a Swedish author, ethnologist and member of the Indian Club, and his non-fictional works on the Swedish migration to America, Swedish-America and Swedish contacts with Native Americans. The study is divided into four parts. The first part looks at the portrayal of the Native Americans in Widén?s writings, in comparison with Euro-Americans? and Europeans? traditional stereotypic images of a good and a bad Indian.
Reformen, visionen och modellerna - En fallstudie om den offentliga reformens påverkan på stora investeringar i Stockholms stad
This thesis is based on a case study of the City of Stockholm. The study aims to explore the effects on the city's large investments caused by the public reform. Furthermore, the question concerns the character of the impact and if it will affect what type of investments that will be prioritized. The theoretical background is based on Brunsson's ideas about political organizations shifting towards corporate nature, and Almqvist's interpretation of New Public Management (NPM). Moreover, models explaining public management reform, and the main components of corporate shifting, are used.
Barn med språkstörning interagerar : -en samtalsanalytisk studie av samtal mellan barn och barn samt barn och logoped
This paper explores the interaction of children with language impairment (LI). The present essay is a conversation analytic study of child-child and child-therapist dyads. The aim was to explore in what ways children with LI reach common understanding. Another purpose was to investigate if there are differences in interaction between dyads with children with LI and dyads with children with LI and speech language therapist. Seven children, three girls and four boys, with LI participated in the study.
Köpa konsulter via konsult, en tuff match för bemanningsbranschen -Fallstudie av konsultmäklares förmåga att matcha bemanningskonsulter med konsultuppdrag
During the last two decades, temporary staffing has been the fastest growing industry in Sweden. The latest development within this industry is the integration of third-party providers of temporary staffing. Client organizations outsource the process of recruiting temporary workers to intermediaries with procurement management expertise. The concept is called Vendor Management Services (VMS) and aims to standardize decision-making and lower costs through improved efficiency. However, studies have shown that VMS intermediary functions have negative impact on placement matching.