1183 Uppsatser om European Correcting Fuse - Sida 60 av 79
Underskott vid gränsöverskridande fusioner : Utgör de svenska reglerna en inskränkning i etableringsfriheten?
This Bachelor?s thesis focuses on those terms that, from a Swedish perspective, have to be fulfilled to entitle deduction for definitive losses in a cross-border merger situation. The thesis analyses one of the ten rulings from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court which were published in 2009.The ruling is analysed in the light of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the merger directive and the Court of Justice rulings in Marks & Spencer and Lidl. The purpose is to examine if the Swedish rules concerning cross-border mergers is compatible with the EU-law. The Swedish rules concerning mergers are found in chapter 37 in the Swedish income tax act.
Implementering av CSRD i Sverige - f?rberedelser i noterade bolag
I dagsl?get f?r h?llbarhetsinformation mer utrymme i f?retags h?llbarhetsrapportering ?n
f?rut, men l?g j?mf?rbarhet f?rsv?rar investeringsbeslut. D?rf?r antog EU CSRD, vars syfte
bland annat ?r att ?ka harmoniseringen av h?llbarhetsrapportering. N?r CSRD inf?rlivats fullt
ut i EU- medlemsl?nderna kommer fler f?retag successivt bli skyldiga att f?lja direktivet.
Syftet med denna studie ?r att beskriva svenska noterade bolags f?rberedelsearbete inf?r
CSRD, samt vilka faktorer som ligger bakom de beslut som tagits och hur det p?verkar
Hållbart ansvarstagande för ett medelstort byggföretag i Sverige - En analys av värdeskapande aktiviteter som bidrar till hållbar utveckling.
This report deals with activities that from a CSR perspective are considered to create a shared value for a medium-sized construction company in Sweden. The CSR definition used in the report is the European Commission?s since it reflects the valuecreating aspects of CSR, in contrast to the traditional philanthropic aspect of CSR.Companies in the building construction industry have difficulties identifying activities that create value in society and in the company. The aim with the project is to, from a CSR perspective, identify and evaluate value creating activities in a building construction company. The activities will be evaluated with respect to competitiveness and how they can be implemented into an organization.
Det svenska spelmonopolet : Sätter EG-rätten stopp för statens kassako?
AbstractThe subject for this thesis is the Swedish gaming monopoly. This thesis describes the Swedish legislation that regulates the market for gaming in Sweden. The European legislation is also explained in the thesis; both the rules in the EC treaty and the rulings made by the EC court of justice (ECJ). The purpose with this is to see if the Swedish legislation can be upheld considering the rules set up by EC law. The second part of the thesis is focused on the actuality of the problem and the future possibilities for the regulation.
Patientupplevelser vid brachyterapi mot prostatacancer
Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.
Förloppslandskap : ett sätt att betrakta landskap
Begreppet landskap kan betyda både utsiktslandskap, så som det används på engelska , och område, region, som är grundbetydelsen i de germanska språken. Torsten Hägerstrand introducerade i början på 1990-talet begreppet förloppslandskap, som vänder sig mot ett statiskt betraktande av landskap och istället tar fasta på landskapets processer. Målet med denna litteraturstudie är att presentera en översikt av förloppslandskapets idéer. Syftet är att med detta som bakgrund föra en diskussion kring förloppslandskapets relevans i dagens planeringssituation. Europeiska landskapskonventionen företräder en landskapssyn där samspelet mellan natur och samhälle betonas, men till skillnad från förloppslandskapet så är fokus inställt på människans upplevelse.
Entry Mode Strategies for ire in to the Polish Market : A Case Study of ire Möbel AB
Background: In today?s business environment it is important to find new customers. An action that has been widely used is to enter foreignmarkets. Most firms are always seeking to maximize their profits,which can be achieved if an entry into a foreign market is performed.Due the European Union (EU), new economies open theirborders for international trade and foreign investments. In 2004 Poland received membership.
Kvalitetssäkring av Patent- och registreringsverket : EPO-praxis som förebild för svensk handläggning av patent
Svensk patenträtt har i stor omfattning harmoniserats med praxis utvecklad av det europeiska patentverket (EPO), vad avser patenterbarhetskriterier. Anledningen till harmoniseringen har motiverats av att det ska bli en mer enhetlig bedömning av patent i Europa. Harmoniseringen har i vart fall inte innefattat så kallad formell praxis, som innefattar regler om handläggandet hos det svenska patentverket, i förhållande till handläggandet av det vid EPO. Vid Sveriges anslutning till European Patent Convention (EPC) år 1978, förespråkades att det svenska patentverket ansågs hålla en godtagbar standard i sin handläggning, men att det framtida förhållandet mellan svensk patenträtt och EPC kunde komma att innebära förändring om kvalitetsnivån inte kunde anses tillräcklig hög. Efter ett nyligen taget beslut av Patentbesvärsrätten (PBR) har Patent- och registreringsverkets (PRV) handläggning ifrågasatts, varför författarna valt att undersöka om en förändring av handläggningen vid PRV bör genomföras, i enlighet med det förslag som framställs i proposition 1977/78:1, med beaktande av praxis utvecklad av EPO. I uppsatsen redogörs för hur EPO har tydligare regler avseende patentärenden än vad PRV har, varför en harmonisering av detta område bör diskuteras för säkerställandet av hög kvalitet vid handläggningen hos det svenska patentverket. Det är författarnas uppfattning att en ofullständig harmonisering även av formella regler resulterar i ett problem för säkerställandet av rättssäkerheten, eftersom lagregleringen i Sverige kan anses bristfällig.
Gränsöverskridande natur-och kulturvård : Konflikt, motsättning och samarbete i den pyreneiska gränstrakten Monte Perdido
Transboundary protected areas are a fairly recent concept that have been increasing in popularity and are increasingly being integrated into large international organizations? environmental policy making. This essay examines the phenomena through the cooperation between two national parks, Parc National des Pyrénées in France and Parque Nacional Ordesa Monte Perdido in Spain. The theoretical framework used in this essay is based upon border theory, focusing on the different factors that influence the behavior of the border dweller and how the different social conceptions of nature influence the way it is managed. The results in this study result from researching published and private documents from the national parks and interviews carried out with staff from the park administrations from both countries.
EU i nyheterna : En diskursanalys om EU och EU:s anseende i det svenska medieutbudet
The purpose of this essay is to analyze the EU discourse in the Swedish media. The questions that the analysis seeks to answer are; what image of EU is portrayed in the Swedish media? To which degree does the EU discourse fulfill media?s ?news values?? And what are the potential effects of the discourse on EU?s reputation? After several demarcations, I chose 8 articles form Sweden?s four largest newspapers to base the analysis on. The theoretical and methodical structure behind this analysis is the theories and practices of Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis. Added to the theoretical structure are also theories about reputation and theories about news values. The method used in the analysis is a modified version of Fairclough?s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis.
Behandlingseffekt av rituximab jämfört med infliximab vid reumatoid artrit
The aim of this study was to compare the effect between the drugs rituximab and infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disease that affects the peripheral joints and is associated with exacerbations. Various immune reactions in the body cause inflammation of the joints which further results in cartilage and bone damage. The diagnosis is made by the classification system "The 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) / European league against rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis", which is an update of the older system called "The 1987 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for RA". Approximately 0.5-1% of the population is developing the disease, but it varies slightly between different parts of the world.
Statliga strategier för minoritetshantering: Israel
According to old european tradition the ideal national state has a unified people, but in reality practically all states has one of several minorities that to a smaller or greater degree differs from the majority. One such minority that have been present in many countries and managed to avoid becoming completly assimilated are the jewish people. Their dream of a state of their own eventually lead to the founding of the state of Israel where they themselves are now in majority. The purpose of this report is to study how the jews historic experiances has affected the political parties in Israel, how they choose to meet the ?challenge? of their own minorities och whatever they treat different minorites differently.
Strömsbergs köksträdgård - en historisk inventering
An era ended in 1920 when the Walloon ironworks village of Strömsberg closed. The Wallon people had lived on the spot for 300 years and influenced the region was a lot. The kitchengarden in Stromsberg was a gardencenter 1920-50.
The count´s good profits made him reinvest a lot of capital in the Wallon ironworks village to make it better and to construct forges, buildings and gardens. The kitchen garden´s history in Stromsberg started in 1660-70s, when Johan Vervier, built Strömsbergs first manor house.
Rum och rörelse - analys av alléns betydelse för människa och landskap
Within literature, politics and science, there is a claim that ?tree avenues are important?. But the question and the goal for this essay are to explore the pretext to how and why. Planting tree avenues is a 4000 year old tradition and they are a common element in the Swedish and Scanian landscape since the 18th century. They were first mainly planted by aristocratic land-owners or on their initiative, but since the 19th century also by farmers.
Obligationsmarknaden och Baselfördragen
Det första Baselfördraget har kritiserats kraftigt för sin okänslighet för låntagares riskattribut. Empiriska undersökningar så som Arak, Corcoran 1996 visar hur låga risker hos kreditvärdiga aktörer passerar ouppmärksammade av banker. Hos obligationsmarknaden premieras dock de låga riskerna vilket speglas i lägre kreditkostnader för de kreditvärdiga aktörer som sökt sig dit. Uppsatsen utreder de förmodade framstegen inom Baselfördragen i deras förmåga att kvantifiera samt prisjustera för kreditrisk. I detta syfte definieras och testas tre kreditprissättningsmodeller.