

1183 Uppsatser om European Correcting Fuse - Sida 52 av 79

Fildelning : Avvägningen mellan upphovsrätt och integritetsskydd

The relation between copyright and the right to privacy is complex and difficulties exist in balancing the rights. Copyright should not be limited. Therefore, to ensure the economic rights of the copyright owners, must the right to privacy instead be limited whenever the two rights collide.The implementation of IPRED into Swedish Law meant a vast change as private operators are able to request information concerning a suspected infringer before as well as during a proceeding concerning an infringement of intellectual property. The chosen implementation method goes beyond IPRED?s requirements and also sanctions a lower standard of proof to grant the requested information.

KONTRASTERANDE V?GAR TILL EKONOMISK TILLV?XT En j?mf?rande studie av utl?ndska direktinvesteringars inverkan i Serbien och Montenegro

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is widely regarded as a significant catalyst for economic development especially in emerging and developing economies. While previous research has found different effects from foreign direct investments in different countries this study aims to explore the varying effects of FDI in Serbia and Montenegro. The study focuses on how FDI influences key economic indicators, specifically GDP per capita and employment rates, in the context of their aspirations to join the European Union (EU). Employing a comparative approach, the thesis examines the differing trajectories of Montenegro and Serbia in utilizing FDI for economic advancement. The research reveals that while Serbia shows significant positive correlation between FDI and both GDP per capita and employment rates, Montenegro displays no significant relationship in these aspects.

Strategies for Goodwill Allocation

Since 2005 all companies listed on a regulated stock exchange within the European Union are required to present their financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS). The purposes of these standards are to accomplish international harmonization of accounting rules to make financial reports more comparable. However, recent research has shown that some firms tend to use goodwill strategically in a business combination by manipulating the acquired assets and consciously allocate the intangible assets to goodwill to reduce the depreciation in the income and decrease costs. This phenomenon may reduce the comparability between financial reports and thus has an opposite effect on the purpose of IFRS and IAS.The aim of this study is to show how the companies involved in this study allocate goodwill strategically. Furthermore, the introduction of the new standards has contributed to that goodwill now is a subject for impairment test, therefore we want to show whether this affected the comparability of the companies in this study.An empirical study was conducted, based on interviews with four Swedish managers.

Regionalisering i Sydöstra Sverige : En studie om: identitet, legitimitet och demokratisk förankring

The purpose of this study was to investigate the problems of building a new region in the Southeast part of Sweden. The idea of a big south Swedish region is brand new; no former studies in this area have been done before. The main analytical focus of this study is legitimacy, identity and democratic credentials. The study has been carried out by interviews with several leaders in organizations working with the collaborations of the smaller regions in to the big region. The method of this study has been a single-case study and dialogue interviews.

Franskt ledarskap : En teoretiskt jämförelse av den svenska och den franska ledarskapsfilosofin

With 25 countries being members of the European Union, travelling and working in other countries has become significantly easier. But what happens when one culture meets another one in a work situation? More specifically, what happens when French and Swedish cultures meet? Would a Swedish manager lead his team in the same way as a French one would?My question is: What is management philosophy like in Sweden and France? Do the two philosophies resemble? And if not, in what ways do they differ?The purpose of this essay is to find out, by looking at the material used at management courses, what the Swedish management philosophy really is. And then look at whether there are any similarities between this philosophy and the French one. The idea is to examine how management is being taught in both countries, by looking at what management litterature is used at some of the highest ranked management schools in Sweden and France.There have been numerous ethnological studies concerning nationality and cultural behaviour, one of the most important ones is the study done by Hofstede.

Implementeringen av miljöansvarsdirektivet i den svenska rätten : En europarättslig studie om förvaltningsförfarandet vid miljöskador utifrån principerna om god förvaltning och processuell autonomi

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the EU directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability impacts the Swedish administrative legal order. The thesis examines the directive through two main EU principles - the principle of good administration and the principle of procedural autonomy. The EU principle of good administration as a concept contains various procedural and substantive obligations that make up the subject for examination of the directive, both as regulated in the directive and as general principles of EU law. The directive is analyzed using a comparative method to determine to what extent the procedural and substantive principles of the directive impacts the Swedish administrative law, and weather or not the Swedish regulations comply with the EU principle of good administration.The results of the study shows that, althought there?s a general principle of national procedural autonomy, the EU principles of good administration do affect the Swedish administrative regulation in various aspects, through the implementaion of the directive on environmental liability as well as general principles of EU law.

Övergången från SAB till Dewey i forskningsbibliotekssverige: En organisationsförändring ur de anställdas perspektiv

In November 2008 the National Library of Sweden decidedto switch classification system from SAB to Dewey decimalclassification. SAB had then been the main classificationsystem in the whole of the Swedish library field for 87 years.Included into the decision was not just the nationalbibliography but also the research libraries of Sweden. Thisdecision was in alignment with a West European tendency tochange in favor of the internationally well-spreadclassification system Dewey in order to co-operate more inthe cataloguing process. The purpose of this study takenplace in the autumn and winter of 2013 is to examine howlibrarians involved in the transition feel about what differentways the implementation has affected the research libraryorganizations. We also aim to study the librarians? view onthe involvement of the research libraries into the decision ofthe changeover.

Genomförandet av bemanningsdirektivet 2008/104/EG : En problematisk implementering för Sverige?

AbstractThe use of temporary agency workers has increased significantly during the last decades. Due to considerable differences in the legal status and working conditions of temporary agency workers within the EU, the directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work was adopted in 2008. The current directive has a two folded purpose, first and foremost to improve the employment and working conditions for temporary agency workers, by establishing the principle of equal treatment. The second purpose is to create greater acceptance for the temporary work agencies, and also to review and remove any unjustified restrictions or prohibitions against them.There are several different models for labour market regulation represented within the EU. The Swedish and Nordic model has through history relied heavily on regulation via collective agreements, entered into by the social partners, with a minimal amount of state interference and regulation.For Sweden there is a potential problem in the implementation of the directive on temporary agency work, since it follows from case law by the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

Medling vid konsumenttvister : ett lämpligt komplement till förfarandet vid Allmänna reklamationsnämnden?

Since 2005 all companies listed on a regulated stock exchange within the European Union are required to present their financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS). The purposes of these standards are to accomplish international harmonization of accounting rules to make financial reports more comparable. However, recent research has shown that some firms tend to use goodwill strategically in a business combination by manipulating the acquired assets and consciously allocate the intangible assets to goodwill to reduce the depreciation in the income and decrease costs. This phenomenon may reduce the comparability between financial reports and thus has an opposite effect on the purpose of IFRS and IAS.The aim of this study is to show how the companies involved in this study allocate goodwill strategically. Furthermore, the introduction of the new standards has contributed to that goodwill now is a subject for impairment test, therefore we want to show whether this affected the comparability of the companies in this study.An empirical study was conducted, based on interviews with four Swedish managers.

Den dolda europeiseringen : En studie av svenska partiers retoriska förändring mellan 1995-2010

This thesis studies the indirect effects of Europeanization on national political parties. I argue that Europeanization has affected the way national parties operate, and communicate with the voters, by restricting the national policy space through increased economic and political integration. Furthermore, I argue that the impact of Europeanization is likely to be reflected in electoral manifestos and changed patterns of party competition. Accordingly, Europeanization is hypothesized to change party rhetoric in a cartel-like manner by diminishing voters? expectations, and also by avoiding EU-affairs in electoral manifestos. The hypothesis suggests, moreover, that Europeanization is reflected in convergence among parties regarding the rhetoric concerning EU-affairs. The purpose of the thesis is to examine to what extent the rhetoric concerning EU-affairs has changed in electoral manifestos sinceSwedenjoined the European Union in 1995.

Mer kreativitet med fler patent? En textanalys av förslaget till nytt EU-direktiv Patenterbarhet för datorrelaterade uppfinningar och anslutande dokument.

In February 2002 the European commission put forward a proposal for a new directive on The patentability of computer-implemented inventions, but which during my work on this essay has not been decided on yet. The directive has divided the decision-makers in the union, the commission and parliament, into two different positions regarding by which range computer-implemented inventions should be patentable. The parliament has amended the commissions proposal in a substantial way and the legal process has caused a heated debate both within the unions administration and among various interest groups both in favour of and against a patent on computer-implemented inventions. The loudest protests have come from a group that feels threatened by a possible software patent: Open Source. In this study I examine both the arguments by the decision-makers and by the lobbying for and against the proposal.

Fel i tjänster

Företag köper tjänster av varandra i allt större utsträckning och tjänster blir allt viktigare för var dag som går, både i Sverige och i Europa. Trots detta är gällande rätt till stor del oklar på tjänstområdet i Sverige. Det finns ingen lag som är tillämplig på tjänster i kommersiella förhållanden. Tjänster är till sin karaktär varaktiga, individualiserade, framtidsbetonade och förtroendeberoende. Detta är något man måste ha i åtanke när man utformar felregler på tjänstområdet.

Att skaffa barn, samspelet mellan institutioner, arbetsvillkor och resurser : En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Spanien

Svårigheter att kombinera arbete och barn ses som en av de främsta anledningarna till den låga fertiliteten i Sydeuropa. I Skandinavien med välfärdsinstitutioner som ger stöd för föräldrar att kunna kombinera arbete och familjeliv är fertiliteten desto högre. Studier på individnivå har visat samband mellan individers arbetsvillkor och resurser och deras möjligheter att skaffa barn, däremot efterfrågas fler studier som jämför detta samband mellan olika länder med olika institutionellt stöd. I denna studie ligger fokus på sambandet mellan arbetsvillkor och individuella resurser och barnafödandet i Sverige och Spanien, två länder med olika institutionellt stöd för familjebildning, och huruvida dessa samband skiljer sig mellan länderna. Genom att tillämpa Amatya Sen?s capability-perspektiv fördjupas förståelsen för hur den institutionella kontexten tillsammans med individuella livssituationen formar människors olika möjligheter att skaffa barn.

Den svenska modellen och dess framtid

This study reflects on the swedish model and the models future. The swedish modelmeans that legisilation acts with the collective agreements . The wage issue is notregulated by law instead it is managed by the social partners in the form of collectiveagreements. In 2008, a report was presented by the Commission on a joint regulation ofthe minimum wage for all EU countries. The issue has become increasinglycontroversial and was especially disccused for the election of candidates to theEuropean Parlament last spring.

Mission och mänskliga rättigheter : Svenska Missionsförbundets missionsverksamhet i Kongo-Brazzaville 1909-1961 ur ett ma?nniskora?ttsperspektiv

This paper?s purpose is to examine a Swedish missionary activity from a human rights perspective. As a scope I have chosen the Swedish evangelical mission to Congo-Brazzaville, from its establishment in 1909 to the congolese church's self-determination in 1961. I consider certain elements of the missionary activity that affect human rights, to discover wether the activity was in order with modern day human rights standards or not. During these years, Congo was part of the French colony Equatorial Africa, so the missionaries? part in the colonial discourse is taken into consideration.

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