1183 Uppsatser om European Correcting Fuse - Sida 38 av 79
North European Gas Pipeline : Ett säkerhetshot mot EU och dess medlemsstater
Extreme Production Makeover? fångade vårt intresse för en tid sedan, strax innan vi skulle börja skriva vår C-uppsats. Metoden går ut på att under mycket kort tid förändra och effektivisera en produktionslina för att höja produktiviteten. Vi blev genast nyfikna på om Extreme Production Makeover? skulle gå att omsätta i administrativa flöden och tjänste-flöden med ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv.Inom produktion finns det en lång tradition av att arbeta med effektiviseringar och förbättringar.
En upplysande förstudie om kontrollrumslyssning : Ett förundersökande arbete om högkvalitativa kontrollrums komplexa ljudmiljö
Detta examensarbete är en förstudie där väl lyssningsanpassade rum har undersökts både objektivt och subjektivt med syftet att kunna identifiera och tolka allmänna akustiska fenomen som uppstår, och upplevs, samt upplysa läsaren om dessa. Rapporten behandlar ljudfysik så som akustik och våglära, ljudteknikerns roll, psykoakustik, kontrollrum och teknisk utrustning. De mätningar och lyssningstest som utförts har alla utgått ifrån den tänka lyssningspositionen som sedan ställts mot specifika krav och rekommendationer från AMS (Audio Measurement Standards) och EBU (European Brodcasting Union). Lyssningstesten har gjorts efter EBU-standard. Även intervjustudier har genomförts med erfarna ljudtekniker.
Kommunala roller i megaprojekt - Lunds kommuns hantering av ESS-projektet
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how municipalities handle planning of megaprojects. The term megaproject here refers to a large project in terms of time, space, investments, numbers of agents etc. With an increasing importance of the phenomena the need of discussing the role local politics could take in this process is important.How do municipalities handle the difficulties that come with megaprojects and what roles do they take in their work with megaprojects? These empirical questions are tested on a case where the municipality of Lund works with the megaproject European Spallation Source (ESS). A theoretical question discusses the megaproject in the light of governance and government, and structures the analysis around these two important terms.Different parts of the municipality handle there part of the planning from there own logic.
Made in Sweden : En studie av svensk jordbruksproduktions villkor på en konkurrensutsatt marknad
Background: The situation for Swedish agricultural production today is characterized by an increased competition, particularly after the country joined the European Union. Swedish agricultural production laws guarantee safe, high quality foodstuffs. However, due to these strict laws, Swedish farmers face higher production costs than their competitors. Meanwhile, cheaper imported goods compete freely on the Swedish market. Swedish agricultural production must find new ways to survive in the increasing competition.
Den tokiga svensken - Synen på vansinne i statliga utredningar
The disciplinary role of madness in the European society was major during the17th century rise of the national state.By studying the view on madness in Swedish governmental investigations duringthe modern years of the Swedish psychiatry, 1950 to today, it's possible to seehow madness function in society have changed. The study is based on a discourseanalysis and done in three important aspects of Michel Foucault's philosophy:terms of existence, control and knowledge.Based on Foucault's theories of self-discipline, exclusion mechanisms and adetailed investigation on the concept of power, the empirical survey shows howthe ?crazy? Swede changes from a disciplinary object of society into a drone toserve under the structures of capitalism. In a psychological condition previousscience has judged as animal..
Det ideologiska budskapet om integration : En innehållsanalys av riksdagspartiernas samt Sverigedemokraternas partiprogram
The aim with this paper is to study how the integrational ideology of the Swedish parliaments party platforms, including the right wing Sverigedemokraterna, is formulated. The integration theories examined are assimilationism, multiculturalism, universalism and residualism. In turn these theories are simultaneously applied to the party platforms extracting explicit or implicit messages of the four former mentioned theories. The Swedish history of integration as well as immigration, which per capita is one of the highest in the European union, pinpoints the reason why this subject is due to further investigation. The results show that most of the parties contain traces of more than one integration theory, with the exception of primarily Sverigedemokraterna which focuses on assimilationism.
Det redovisade resultatets värderelevans - före och efter IFRS
This thesis aims to investigate if there are any differences in the value relevance of yearly earnings announcements before (2000-2004) and after (2005-2009) IFRS were implemented for listed companies in the European Union. To assess the value relevance of earnings, an earnings response coefficient (ERC) is estimated using a linear OLS-regression model. The regression model uses accounting earnings per share as the explaining variable, with the corresponding return starting from (but not including) the previous year's earnings announcement date, ending at (and including) the current earnings announcement date, as the dependent variable. This study finds that there is no statistically significant difference between the estimated ERCs for the two periods. Although no statistically significant difference is found, data shows that the R2-values, which measure the explanatory power of the regressions, are higher for the period before IFRS.
Planning is Everything, Plans are Nothing : - En kvantitativ studie om styrelsearbete och långsiktig planering i byggnads- och anläggningsföretag
The goal of this paper is to analyze the influence of the EU on Turkish democracy. In order to achieve this aim, the paper concentrates on three areas, as representative institutions, opposition parties and freedom of expression. The impact of the EU on Turkey has been more explicit during the last decades. In particular since 1999 when the country became a candidate for membership, and that will eventually lead to Turkey joining the European Union. Thereby this paper will examine the demands EU set up for the country and how Turkey accomplishes these criteria.
Mötesindustrin : samarbete, nätverk och värdeskapande
Background: The meeting industry has had undergone a extensive changes due to a number of factors. The globalization has meant that supply increases and congress organizers have more options to choose from. Development in communications, for instance internet, means that meetings can take place without a physical presence. Congress organizers as clients have also changes. Stockholm as position as a leading city to hold congresses in has also changed for the worse, in 2006 Stockholm dropped of the top-10 list.
Vad vet gymnasieelever om betygskriterierna och kursplanen i Idrott och Hälsa?
The Scanian woodfences has been determined by two mainly elements: Scania's composition of tree species, with a large element of deciduous forest, and the local building tradition which has more in common with the European continent than the Swedish tradition. By examining responses from ethnological question lists deriving from the first half of the 1900s, combined with literature studies, I have been able to deepen and broaden the knowledge behind the various fencing design. In addition I ?ve constructed maps which could illustrate their historical geographic distribution.I have come to the conclusion that there was three main types of woodfences that was most common until the barbed wire was introduced in the early 1900s and later on replaced the elderly woodfences. Common for the three main types is that the base material was made out of Juniperus communis, this largely because of its durability against rot.
Integritetsskyddet vid forskning : - En analys av det rättsliga stödet för att lämna ut och behandla känsliga personuppgifter vid registerforskning
The study explores collective action in Sweden between 1980 to 1995 using time-series data from the European Protest and Coercion Database. In spite of severe hardship during the crisis of the early 1990s, Swedish strike-rates declined. However, contention merely shifted from workplaces into the streets; there was indeed a protest movement against austerity, as shown by a series of large demonstrations, and some riots, between 1989 and 1993. Further analysis indicates this movement faded as it was increasingly chanelled into the electoral campaign of the labor pary; having won the 1994 election, the organised labor movement no longer had an interest in sustaining the protest movement against austerity..
HACCP-Implementering och tillsyn
The food-safety legislation in Sweden were changed and updated in 1996, much because of demands from the European Union for a common legislation regarding the food-safety issues in the EU. This report discusses how the Swedish authorities are dealing with the new legislation in Sweden. Further on the report presents how the food safety officers in the municipalities in Sweden are implementing this new legislation in their daily work, especially the requirements regarding the HACCP, Hazard Analysis Control and Checkpoints. The report shows that the implementation is quite slow and that many foodsafety-officers don?t implement the legislation in the same way all over the country.
Informationsasymmetri och redovisning till verkligt värde - en studie av nordiska fastighetsföretag
This thesis aims to investigate the information effects of fair value accounting in Nordic real estate companies. As a consequence of the mandatory IFRS adoption in the European Union in 2005, listed Nordic companies are allowed to recognize investment property at fair value in accordance with IAS 40. Theory suggests that fair value accounting should lower information asymmetry. Therefore, this study aims to examine correlation between fair value accounting of investment property and information asymmetry on the stock market. To investigate this, we use bid-ask spread as a proxy for information asymmetry and examine Nordic real estate companies before and after the implementation of IFRS.
?Mångkultur, det är ju idag...? : En interkulturell och intentionell analys av förskollärares föreställningar om begreppet mångkultur
This study highlights how pre-school teachers in a monocultural Swedish district looks at the concept of multiculturalism and what multiculturalism and /or intercultural approaches means in their pre-schools. The study takes its starting point in Johannes Lunneblads thesis "Förskolan och mångfalden" (2006) and Lpfö-98 (2006). The present study is a qualitative study in the form of interviews and the study have an intercultural and intentional perspective. The study shows that preschool teachers in the area perceive multicultural work as a compensatory education for children with non-European background. An analysis of the interviews on a deeper level shows that there is a broader understanding of multiculturalism that includes the class, sexuality and everyone of the children's "home culture?.
Affärsmetoder, ett undantag ifrån patenterbarhet? -En komparativ studie av USA, Europa och Sverige
There is no commonly accepted definition of a business method. It ought to consist of a method or a process of doing business. Business methods constitutes a broad category of patents, it is hard to tell exactly what can be interpreted in to the term. Most of the world's legal systems have made an exception from patentability for business methods. In the USA the exception was abolished in a case 1998.