

13 Uppsatser om Ethnocentrism - Sida 1 av 1

"Det var fel, men vi brydde ju oss inte alls om de personerna" : En kvalitativ studie om hur svensk journalistik skildrar relationen mellan polisen och romer

The following study aims to examine how the Swedish journalism portrays the relationship between the Swedish police and the Romani people in Sweden in connection with the disclosure of the registration of thousands of Romani people during the autumn of 2013. The study proceeds from a series of articles written 2013 about what in Swedish media is known as ?Registerskandalen? or ?Romregistret?. The theories used in the study all originates from Postcolonial Theory and Ethnocentrism, and we used van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis for analysing the result. In the end of the study we find that the Swedish journalism portrays the Swedish police's view on the Romani people as negative in comparison to how they view the rest of the majority society in Sweden..

Socialt arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare upplever det tvärkulturella arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn

The purpose of this study was to examine how some social workers in Sweden describe the social work with unaccompanied children. Emphasis was on the role of culture in social work with the unaccompanied children. I wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view on social work with unaccompanied. I also wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view at their own and the unaccompanied children?s cultural backgrounds influence on the social work with the unaccompanied.

IUP och interkulturellt ledarskap : individualitet med syfte att inkludera?

The aim of this essey is to examine how teachers´ work with individual development plans (IDP) can contribute to an intercultural leadership and inclusion. The interwied teacherss ay that IDP forces them to reflect critically on their thinking on aspects as learning methods, gender and ethnicity. It makes them listen to -and think - in new and more including ways to adapt to each pupils individual possibilities to achieve the curriculum standards within the common area. That requires lots of resources like extra teachers and new material.An active reflection can make Ethnocentrism develop into intercultural competence. That is a listening, critical and diversified thinking prepared to deconstruct and create new ways of thinking in relation to different pupils and situations.

Invandrarkvinnor och medborgarskapsbegreppet i Sverige : en studie av integration ur ett feministiskt perspektiv

The official Swedish interpretation of the concept of citizenship is based on the social-liberal concept of citizenship. According to feminist critique, this interpretation of the concept contains male norms that lead to the exclusion of several groups from full citizenship. There is also a corresponding feminist critique which holds that in the womens´ movement and gender research there are strong norms as well, especially in the form of Ethnocentrism. Also, the image of immigrant women in public debate is being questioned and the critics here raise the question of the responsibility of the society for integration. Swedish research on citizenship has focused very little on the situation of immigrant women, and this essay aims at helping to fill this empirical gap.

Hedersrelaterade problem i en mindre kommun

Our purpose was to investigate which readiness, different sectors in a minor city has to meet honour-related problems. We wanted to investigate how they manage honour-related problems and how the co-operation in these cases is between different authorities. Our questions at issue were: Which knowledge's, experiences there are about the culture of honour, which resources has the authorities and how is the co-operation between different organisations work?We have collected present documentation and research about the subject. We made eight quality interviews with different persons within professions, as we understood, came in contact with cultures of honour.

(O)jämställdhet som etnisk markör : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i  förberedelseklasser resonerar kring genus och jämställdhet

The study aims to evaluate how teachers in my research have reasoned regarding gender and gender equality, notions on ethnicity, and specific conceptions or constructions on ?swedish-ness? and ?immigrants?. The vital point in this study will be to examine the relationship be-tween gender equality, Ethnocentrism and racism. The question formulation that I have ap-plied are: On what grounds teachers conceive the concepts of gender and gender equality? How do teachers experience their work with gender equality in remedial classes? Do the teachers that work in remedial classes experience any obstacles in the pursuit of gender equal-ity in their daily work? I have used the method of qualitative interviews with five teachers in remedial classes from five different schools.

Prövning av ett praktiskt verktyg för att främja likabehandling i skolan

The purpose of this study was to examine the laws, govern documents and guiding principals that are available for schools and their work regarding the work against discrimination, insulting and other forms of harassments, and then to form a method for the schools to implement this work in practice.The work to counteract discrimination, insult treatment and other forms of harassments should be done both in a short term and a long term. In this paper there is a presentation of a project, a set of lessons that was created and carried out as a trial. The project aims for conscious making among children and students in school regarding norm, deviation, discrimination and power and the fact that equal treatment is hard to achieve. The basic purpose behind the project is to offer a tool to schools and teachers so that they can decrease the possible gap between the laws and the practice of these laws by creating awareness among students and other teachers. The long term work for achieving equal treatment should be done on a political level.

Kulturens makt: En postkolonial analys av Sidas kulturbistånd

The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the ideology behind Sida's cultural aid by using postcolonial theory. We want to analyse the discourse on cultural aid that is found mainly in Sida's publications. The interpretation of the sources is made with a hermeneutic base and by using postcolonial theory in combination with Paul Ricoeur's theories on the function of ideology: 1. ideology as distortion, 2. ideology as legitimation, and 3.

Cultural Meetings in Child Health Centers : An Interview Study about Child Health Nurses experience of Intercultural Communication.

Increasing immigration to Sweden has transformed a culturally homogeneous society into a more heterogeneous one. As a consequence intercultural communication and interaction have been increasing. Child health care agencies have encountered these increases. The aim of this study was to examine what the health care professionals experienced and communicated in these intercultural environments. Eight interviews with child health care nurses were carried through at four child health care centers in the south of Sweden.

Etnocid i Kosovo ? språk och kultur som vapen i en etno-politisk konflikt

The aim of this master's thesis is to describe the role of language and culture as ethnical identification factors and illustrate how these have been used as political weapons by the Serb regime in Kosovo during the last decade. The thesis discusses the concept of ethnicity, the relations between the politics of identity, nationalism, ethnic mobilization and the importance of language and culture. Kosovo has historically been characterized by severe ethnic antagonism between Serbs and Albanians. Different languages, cultures and religions beside political processes led to ethnic cleavages that paved the way for Ethnocentrism, ethnonationalism, chauvinism, ethnic cleansing and civil war. Since 1989, the Serbian authorities have intervened in all important spheres of life, in an attempt to Serbianize Kosovo.

Försvarad eller försvagad demokrati? : En intervjustudie om hur globaliseringen har påverkat demokratin i Kenya.

The main purpose of the examination research project is to analyze and describe how democracy and globalization is understood when they are integrated in the developing country of Kenya. This has been reflected by interviewing Kenyan teachers in history and government, to receive their view on globalization and its affects on democracy. Another purpose is to discuss this in didactic terms as a way to see how it can be practically used for upper-secondary schoolteachers in the subjects of civics and social studies. The procedure of the project and the method of use are interviews that have been analyzed in all with theoretical perspectives. My queries to be answered for the research are:1.

Vårdtagares och vårdpersonals upplevelser av transkulturella möten i den svenska sjukvården

Bakgrund: Den växande kulturella mångfalden i Sverige har lett till nya utmaningar för samhället och inte minst för sjukvården. Kultur är universellt för alla människor och speglas bland annat av faktorer som religion, värderingar, språk, miljö och kön. Den kulturella bakgrunden influerar våra uppfattningar av hälsa och sjukdom och hur vi ger uttryck för smärta och obehag. Det finns likheter och olikheter som leder till att vårdande kan förstås på olika sätt och kräver därför kulturellt kompetenta vårdgivare. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur vårdtagare med olika kulturella bakgrunder och vårdpersonal upplever transkulturella möten inom den svenska sjukvården.Metod: Litteraturöversikt där tolv kvalitativa studiers resultat har syntetiserats och sammanställts.

Att finnas eller inte finnas : En läromedelsanalys i svenska som andraspråk och engelska med fokus på bias och porträttering av minoriteter

The content of teaching materials considerably affects pupils? attitudes and worldview. This paper is an analysis of textbooks used in 7th through 9th grade of the Swedish School system in Swedish as a Second Language (SSL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The purpose of this paper is to look at which minority groups, the five official national minorities as well as other minorities, are included and portrayed in the textbook series Tre gånger svenska and Wings Mini as well as to see if there is any bias in their portrayal. The seven types of bias investigated; invisibility, stereotyping and generalizations, unreality, imbalance and selectivity, fragmentation and isolation, linguistic bias and cosmetic bias are an adaption of the framework to detect bias in curriculum materials presented by Sadker and Zittleman (2002/2003).