414 Uppsatser om Ethics - Sida 4 av 28
Etik i tanke och praktik : - en kvalitativ studie i hur studenttidningsredaktioner resonerar kring etik.
Title: Ethics in thought and practice ? a qualitative study in how editorial staff at student magazines reason about Ethics. (Etik i tanke och praktik ? en kvalitativ studie i hur studenttidningsredaktioner resonerar kring etik)Number of pages: 30 (37 including enclosures)Author: Bianca GidebackTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Spring 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore how students that work at student magazines reason about Ethics of journalism and how they transform it into practice. By identifying what circumstances in the context of the student magazine that can affect the work this study aim to see if and how this can affect how they conform to Ethics of journalism in practical situations.
Könet som en omöjlighet: en studie av etiska kvaliteter i feministiska mäns berättande
How do men who define themselves as feminists create and maintain an identity as men? In this qualitative study four men involved in feminist organizations were interviewed about their views on women, men, sex and feminism. Theories of language, psychoanalysis and Ethics were utilized to further our understanding of the material these men produce in their effort to define themselves. Our object of study is the text, which we believe holds the key to understanding how an individual shapes his world and himself. The result is our interpretation of the text and its underlying mechanics.
Etik, öppenhet och relationer : Svenska PR-konsulters syn på sitt arbete
This essay concerns PR-consultants and their view on their work. The purpose was to find out which type of communication they use in contact with the target. By target, we mean the group of people the employer wants to reach with help of the PR-consultant. For example: Jägarförbundet wants to get help from a PR-consultant to influence someone in the government so that Swedish hunters can shoot more wolves, than the target group is the one in the government. We also wanted to find out if the PR-consultants are aware of the image the public have of them and if they are trying to change it into a more positive one, by using more Ethics, openness and to have more focus on the relations aspect. PR in the future with new social media (like Internet) was also a subject, where we wanted to know how much they involve social media in their work. Our main questions were:How do PR-consultants relate to openness in communication, Ethics and social media?Which one of Grunig?s PR-models is most occuring in the PR-consultants work? We made a qualitative study where we carried out interviews with six PR-consultants.
Global Ethics in Dialogue : Church Studies on Globalization in Relation to Global Theories of Justice
The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.
Könet som en omöjlighet: en studie av etiska kvaliteter i feministiska mäns berättande
How do men who define themselves as feminists create and maintain an identity as men? In this qualitative study four men involved in feminist organizations were interviewed about their views on women, men, sex and feminism. Theories of language, psychoanalysis and Ethics were utilized to further our understanding of the material these men produce in their effort to define themselves. Our object of study is the text, which we believe holds the key to understanding how an individual shapes his world and himself. The result is our interpretation of the text and its underlying mechanics.
Kristen etik i en nazistisk kyrka : En analys av Deutsche Christens etik
This is an analysis of the Ethics of the Deutsche Christen, a pro-Nazi christian movement in the Third Reich. The movement was a part of the German protestant church and attracted as much as one third of the church members. They incorporated Nazi symbols in the church activities and aimed to ?cleanse? the church from what they called jewish influenses. It is debated if a group that supports Nazi ideals can be considered ethical, or even christian, but this analysis examines their etchics and raises the question if the Ethics of the Deutsche Christen can be compared to other christian ethical models.
Fallet, korset och Gaia. : En studie i kristen miljöetik.
Denna studie handlar om att beskriva, diskutera och jämföra de olika argumenten som de två teocentriska filosoferna Michael Northcott och James Gustafson har om miljöfrågan. Studien fokuserar på vad de har för tankar om ursprunget till miljökrisen, vilken position mannen har i skapelsen, vad naturen har för värde och vilka konsekvenser deras ställningstagande har för lösningen till miljökrisen. Till sist undersöker studien vad de har för kritik mot samhället, vilken lösning de har för en fortsatt utveckling av samhället utan att ytterligare skada naturen..
Vardagsprat eller marknadsföring? : En studie i Buzz Marketing
This essay is focused on the marketing phenomenon buzz marketing. Buzz marketing is all about making the consumers to talk about your product. In the world we are living in with all the marketing messages, companies tries to find new ways to reach the consumers with their marketing message. The essay consists of 6 interviews with a low level of structure and standardisation. The material from these interviews has been analyzed with the help from the theories of buzz marketing, word of mouth, marketing communication, consumer behaviour, relationship marketing, one-to-one marketing and marketing Ethics.
I strävan efter anti-estetik och musikalisk etik
In his master thesis, Johan Jutterström pursues an anti-aesthetic and ethic artistic process. He?s using mainly three different strategies; reasoning through text, composing for ensemble, and solo improvising on the saxophone. Through composing the piece for 12 musicians Trästolen, Jutterström tries to erase himself and his taste from the music. In that endeavor he looks to physics as a catalyst.
I organisationskulturens tecken, budskap om organisationskultur
This is an essay with anticipations to bring out knowledge about organisational culture for the interested reader or explorer of culture in organisations. Focus positions on ingredients that can be understood as fabricating organisational culture. The essay is, for example, about values, norms, Ethics peoples characteristics, that shapes an organisation. In this area of expertise there are numerous categories of scientists and disciplines that do research on this theme. Therefor it exists a rather various collection of definitions of what organisational culture is, or can be.
Ethics and Animal Experimentation in the Laboratory. A Critical Analysis of the Arguments for"Animal Rights"and"Animal Equality"
Growing up as a child, we had a Dog. To us, it was like a means to an end. That is, hunting other animals for food and for protection, with no special care and treatment given to this animal. Butas days passed by I began to witness a wind of change against such actions. I was made to understand that we were committing two crimes-: using the Dog as a means to an end (for hunting and for eating animals).
?Ibland känner jag att jag vacklar?- yrkesetiska gråzoner på folkbibliotek
This study examined gray areas within professional Ethics of a public library organization and investigated the relationship between the library as an organization and the librarian as an employee when it comes to support and opportunities to make exceptions to rules and regulations. This relationship is then related to workplace issues.Data were gathered via interviews with six librarians who were placed into two focus groups. Library organization documents that contain rules and regulations (guidelines) were examined. The presumption was that conformity between librarians? experiences and actions and the organization?s guidelines will tell us something about workplace conditions.
Journalistik på liv och död En kvalitativ studie om journalisters syn på medias roll i asylprocesser!
The main purpose of this thesis is to explore journalists? views of the role of journalism in the asylum processes. The potentially problematic phenomenon is growing, and its spread will affect the way publishing decisions are made in the future. The subject is new and foreign to many journalists, and little to no research has previously been done on the subject. Our study will therefore provide new insight in the field of journalism Ethics.We have conducted a qualitative study based on interviews with eight Swedish journalists who in oneway or another have reported on threatened asylum seekers.
Etiken och det heliga En studie av relationen mellan etiken och det heliga i Giorgio Agambens och Emmanuel Levinas filosofier
The first aim of this study is to discuss and try to understand the relationship between the holy andEthics, and more specifically how it can be understood, which is the critical question that I haveformulated, in Giorgio Agamben?s and Emmanuel Levinas? philosophies. The second, moreconstructive aim is to discuss whether the holy can be understood as something good or problematicin relation to the society.Rooted in philosophy of religion and Ethics, I have first tried to discuss how the holy has beenunderstood in the philosophy of phenomenology and in the texts of Rudolf Otto, Mircea Eliade andEspen Dahl. The holy has in the history been understood as something central in religions, and hasalso not been connected to the idea of Ethics. Recently it has also been critized ? by Dahl ? for notbeing so pure as first thought of.In Levinas texts the holy has been understood as something differentiated through his distiction,in the Talmudic reading ?Desacralization and Disenchantment?, between the holy, which can beseen as something pure, and the sacred which can been seen as something impure and a form ofdegenerated holiness.
Jakten på de optimala lösningarna : En vetenskaplig essä om förskollärarens ansvar och yrkesetik
Swedish childcare has undergone radical changes in the last 15 to 20 years. It has evolved from kindergarten to pre-school, in other words, gone from simple childcare to an active learning environment with the child as the center. Official documents, such as the pre-school curriculum and other guide documents, define the role and work Ethics of the pre-school teacher. In my thesis I argue that it is essential to have an ongoing and continuous discussion at pre-schools on the practical applications of these frameworks and ambitious goals.What do you do when you simply cannot give every child the individual time they should have according to rules and regulations? How do you stay an active and present pedagogue in today?s pre-school with large classes and heavy workloads? How do you establish a common professional work Ethics within a pre-school so that all children are treated equally? In my scientific essay, I examine these issues based on a real-life situation: Ellen in the hallway.A pedagogue must continuously make balanced decisions based on rules and regulations, on life- and work experience which, in many cases, contradict each other.