414 Uppsatser om Ethics - Sida 3 av 28
Krigsmetaforer i AIDSdebatt : Semiotiska bildanalyser av ACT UP/NY: s affischer
The purpose of this study is to examine whether the high school textbook on religious studies differences in how Christian Ethics and in what way it is presented in comparison with the presentation of Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism and it´s Ethics. The analyzed material is textbooks from the late 1960s to the 2010s. Due to the survey´s nature the focus is first and foremost the chapters dealing with religious ethical issues and what amount of pages or space the different religions are given in the books. The results from the textbooks are compared with the curriculum that is or was effective during the time the books were published. This is done to determine whether there is a clear link between the books and the guidelines of the curriculum.
Etiska Fonder : - Ett steg mot en mer hållbar värld?
Today, there is no uniform definition of what an ethical fund is. Fund management companies choose themselves what they believe is ethical and not. The lack of the definition makes it difficult for consumers to understand why these funds are special compared to other funds. The purpose of this study is to examine three Swedish companies; KPA Pension, Swedbank Robur and Folksam, to obtain a clearer picture of the concept ethical funds and its definition. The study describes each company's view of Ethics and how they may affect other companies to work for a more sustainable world.
Nya medier, gamla regler : En studie om svenska journalisters förhållningssätt till medieetik på Twitter
The aim of this study was to look into the approach of swedish journalists towards Twitter and how they apply the media Ethics when using Twitter.The method for this research was a survey answered by 371 Swedish journalists, from workplaces of various contents and geographical spread, of which 271 were users of Twitter. Our results are based on the survey and theories such as the social responsibility theory, the code of Ethics for the Swedish press, radio and television, gatekeeping, normalizing twitter and the private sphere of Habermas.Our results showed that swedish journalists aim to apply the media etics in most aspects such as objectivity and gatekeeping. Also the guidelines of using twitter as a journalist, according to the respondents, mainly comes from the workplace and not the code of Ethics. It also showed that the majority of the journalists were pleased with the current guidelines, or the absence of guidelines..
The Intimate Connection Between Autonomy and Decision-Making in Applied Health Care Ethics
The intimate connection between autonomy and decision-making in applied health care, especially in various kinds of consent and refusal has taken center stage in medical Ethics since the Salgo decision in 1957. Prior to that time, the physician?s supposedly moral duty to provide appropriate medical care typically surpassed the legal obligation to respect patient?s autonomy. The Salgo decision concluded that physicians have a legal duty to provide facts necessary for the patient to make an informed decision. "The doctor knows best" long ago was replaced with "The doctor proposes; the patient disposes." There is no legal obligation for the patient?s choice to be palatable to anyone, other than that patient himself/herself.
Ansvaret för tillämpningen av vissa familjerättsliga skyddsregler : Om gränsen mellan opartiskhet och etisk plikt som jurist
AbstractWorking as a lawyer demands not only legal skills, but also ethical ones due to the involvement with humans. The area of Ethics is far from as regulated as the area of law is. The reasons for this are both historical ? as the area of Ethics is, in comparison with the practice of law, a relatively new area, especially combined with the traditional work of lawyers ? and technical, since Ethics is an area that seems difficult to regulate due to its adopting skills. Ethics looks different depending on which work area it addresses; who you ask; and in what situation it shall be enlightened.
Det dygdiga ledarskapet - politiskt ledarskap ur ett etiskt perspektiv
A question that is asked far to seldom is what it means to be a good leader. The answer is not all that simple. It is a comlex and multi-faceted question that varies between the values and what ethical perspective you choose to have. As the title indicates, this essay has one particular ethical-theoretical perspective in focus, virtue Ethics. According to the virtue Ethics perspective a good political leader is a virtuous leader.
"Hjärnan mot hjärtat": En kvalitativ studie av Migrationsverkets handläggares upplevelser av etiska dilemman.
This study is focused on the caseworkers of the Swedish Migration board and their
experiences of ethical dilemmas in their daily work with asylum seekers. Our research
question is aimed at examining the ethical dilemmas that the caseworker as a social agent is
experiencing in the meeting with the asylum seeker.
The empirical material in this study is based on interviews with five caseworkers of the
Swedish Migration board. The material has been collected through semi-structured interviews
and has then been analyzed through professional Ethics as a theoretical framework.
The results of this study show that ethical dilemmas are constantly being present in the work
of the caseworkers. Ethical dilemmas are in different ways occurring in the meeting with the
asylum seeker. The law that regulates the caseworkers work is functioning as a limiting
aspect, which leads to a feeling of contradiction between the caseworker?s personal Ethics and the professional Ethics..
"Var är Emma!?" : En essä om integrering av barn med problematik i skolan
This essay contains two stories that reflect the reality I face as an educator, as well as a reflective discussion about my self-perceived dilemma. The dilemma reflects a classroom situation where I as an educator have trouble dividing my focus, my focus is either put on entire the class or on the child with special needs. Through this self-perceived situation I have started to question how children with special needs find their place in the school today. I discuss how I can handle and look at the unique situation that occurs when meeting this child.Terms like integration, inclusion, segregation, social rights and the expression "a school for everyone" will be discussed in this text, as well as how we can connect these terms and expressions to the problems I find in the school system?s way of handling children with special needs.I also highlight my dilemma from different ethical perspective.
Historien om Masar -e Sharifs belägring - Postmodern etik och militär våldsanvändning
This study draws from Zygmunt Bauman´s theory that a governmental policy of values can reduce the personal responsibility and moral choices for employees, to focus only on maintaining the government?s internal rules and regulations. The apparent risk with this type of moral attenuation is that the employee is deprived of the possibility to react morally on conduct of the government?s external misuse of power. In this study, this theory is connected to the Swedish Armed Forces? policy of values, as these values do not include a critical standpoint for officers and soldiers.
Utdelningar och utdelningspolicy i Sverige : En undersökning om utdelningar och utdelningspolicy bland de Svenska börsbolagen
The aim of this paper is to examine the capacity for ethical reasoning of Swedish certi-fied auditors in the five largest accounting firms in Stockholm, and also how Ethics courses affect the auditors' ability to ethically statement. To calculate the auditors ability to ethical statement, questionnaire has been used. The questionnaire is based on a psychological instrument, the so-called Defining Issues Test. At the beginning of the questionnaire some questions are asked about the Ethics courses. From the questionnaire a calculation was made of an average index called p-score (Principled score).
Lévinas och den andre. Nycklar till en gångbar etik i det postmoderna samhället
Emmanuel Lévinas is one of the great Ethics in the 20th century. His contribution to the philosophical discourse defies our thinking and behavior in a revolutionary way. He dismisses every categorization, every tematization, every moral based on an analytical reflection and compels us with an Ethics that demands us not only to think, but to act and be responsible. The 21st century?s emphasis of the individual, globalization, plurality and the questioning of authorities has created new challenges for the individual who sees herself as the nave of morality.
Konsten att skapa lojalitet : En undersökning om relationsskapande åtgärder i mindre tjänsteföretag
Today, there is no uniform definition of what an ethical fund is. Fund management companies choose themselves what they believe is ethical and not. The lack of the definition makes it difficult for consumers to understand why these funds are special compared to other funds. The purpose of this study is to examine three Swedish companies; KPA Pension, Swedbank Robur and Folksam, to obtain a clearer picture of the concept ethical funds and its definition. The study describes each company's view of Ethics and how they may affect other companies to work for a more sustainable world.
Politikerns (o)etiska beslut -en fallstudie av Olof Johanssons avgång som miljöminister
Central in this paper is Olof Johansson, Swedish minister for the environment, there the focus lye on his resignation from this duty which occurred in 1994. This essay is a case study there I?m trying to identify which ethical reasons which lye behind his resignation. The relationship between politics and Ethics is an interesting aspect to investigate and my ambition with this paper is to analyze that relationship in this specific case.The analysis has its focus built on the occurrence of role conflicts and the making of ethical decisions. Aspects like personal Ethics versus organisational Ethics, objective responsibility versus subjective responsibility etc.
Förmågan till etiskt resonemang hos svenska auktoriserade revisorer : Tillämpning av Defining Issues Test
The aim of this paper is to examine the capacity for ethical reasoning of Swedish certi-fied auditors in the five largest accounting firms in Stockholm, and also how Ethics courses affect the auditors' ability to ethically statement. To calculate the auditors ability to ethical statement, questionnaire has been used. The questionnaire is based on a psychological instrument, the so-called Defining Issues Test. At the beginning of the questionnaire some questions are asked about the Ethics courses. From the questionnaire a calculation was made of an average index called p-score (Principled score).
Webb-spårning eller Urspårning? : - En kvalitativ studie inom etisk marknadsföring
Bakgrund: Det konsumenter oftast inte är medvetna om vid deras Internetanvändning är att de iakttas av företag. Företagen samlar avsiktligt in personlig information och spårar vilka hemsidor och produkter eller tjänster de intresserat sig av genom så kallade webb-spårningssystem. I samma takt som tekniker så som webb-spårningssystem börjat användas har också etisk marknadsföring på Internet blivit ett diskuterat och aktuellt ämne. Etisk marknadsföring på Internet handlar om vad som uppfattas som accepterat beteende av konsumenterna och företag måste ta hänsyn till konsumentens etiska koder.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka konsumenters uppfattningar om webbspårningssystem utifrån etiska koder.Forskningsfråga: Vad är etiskt accepterat användande av webb-spårningssystem från konsumentens perspektiv?Metod: I studien har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi samt semi-strukturerade intervjuer tillämpats.Slutsats: Slutsatsen i studien är att konsumenters uppfattningar om webb-spårningssystem inte alltid uppfyller konsumentens etiska koder.