

414 Uppsatser om Ethics - Sida 22 av 28

Sverigedemokraterna i skolan : En undersökning om mellanstadielärares förhållningssätt till Sverigedemokraterna i samhällskunskapsundervisningen

A majority of conducted studies connected to democratic socialization and the party-political education has primary affected students in higher education. In this study I intend to find out how primary school teachers handle controversial issues in social science connected to the political parties.  The Swedish Democrats are by many perceived as a controversial party and while the school?s mission is to educate students to think independently another mission implies that certain views are not to be uttered if they stand contrary to the basic democratic values. The aim of this study is to obtain knowledge in and about the teachers view on the dilemma between the more nurturing assignment versus the knowledge assignment and in connection to this how they approach the Swedish Democrats in the classroom. For further immersion the research treats the following questions:  How do teachers view their own role as intermediaries in democratic education?  How to teachers portray the Swedish democrats in education?The survey was conducted by using qualitative interviews.

Professionell färdighetsutveckling på ett civilingenjörsprogram : en utvärdering av kompetenser hos alumner

The Master of Science in Energy Systems Engineering program at Uppsala University started in 2000 and 221 students has graduated since. This master thesis aims to answer what competencies alumni considers most important for successful professional practice. It also seeks to find out how these competencies are reflected in the program to identify potential gaps between importance and how the competencies are being prepared. With inspiration from similar research a method has been developed consisting of two steps: (1) A survey and (2) interviews with alumni. The alumni survey rates the professional importance of 13 competencies and how well the corresponding competency is prepared in the program.

Konflikthantering i skolan utifrån ett lärarperspektiv : om lärarens ansvar och roll i arbetet med och kring konflikter som uppstår i skolans vardag

In this thesis I have discussed about conflict management in school, from a teacher´s perspective. Focus has been on Swedish schools, especially on the teachers who are active in primary school. Several perspectives have been given, including an intercultural approach which has been the most recurrent. The importance of teachers? emotional maturity, knowledge about democracy and values, as well as teacher?s impact by being a sharp leader in different ways are other subjects the essay has touched.

När Pippi blev Pippi ? en receptionsstudie av Pippi Långstrumptrilogin

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine how The Trilogy of Pippi Longstocking, written by the author Astrid Lindgren, has been received by the critics in the Swedish daily press. A second aim is to examine how the critics could be of importance for the consecration of Pippi as a literary character. The study is mainly based on reviews from the daily press with nationwide coverage. The theoretical framework consists of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu?s theories of the literary field, and the method of the reviews is a qualitative text analysis.

Fri att missbruka: tvingad till vård. En argumentationsanalys av 70-talets debatt om tvång i socialvården

Can coercive care be justified against drug and alcohol addicts or should treatment be offered on a strictly voluntary basis? This was one of the central questions debated in Sweden during the 70's when the development of a new social legislation, The Social Services Act (Socialtjänstlagen), took place. The first aim of this thesis was to analyse whether the arguments that were presented both in favour for and against coercion were sound. To achieve this, a method for analysing arguments was employed, where a sound argument is defined as acceptable, relevant and adequate. The analysed material consists of both official government reports and books of influential debaters.

P?minnelse: Barnen beh?ver extrakl?der och en dubbel upps?ttning ytterkl?der : Att leva med knapp ekonomi i en f?rskolekontext

Families with limited financial resources risk social exclusion in today?s consumption-based society, where status and identity are tied to items like clothing, gifts and activities. Limited financial resources can therefore often lead to social isolation because consumption is central to social participation, something that can rarely be prioritized in poor families. In preschool, unclear policies on extra costs can negatively affect families. The purpose of the study was to investigate how socioeconomically vulnerable families experience and are affected by the preschool and its requirements, as well as how preschool teachers work to reduce the economic gap among families in the preschool context.

Kan den praktiska kunskapens teori hjälpa en präst att vara i sitt esse?

This essay describes how the author gradually gets a deeper understanding for his profession and the development of his professional skills, attitude and practice. The essay contains two main narratives representing examples from the author´s occupational practice, and through those narratives he tells how his practice alters and develops. These stories are also the basis for considering different aspects on how to get good models for practising a profession when you are a beginner, and how to manage ethical dilemmas. The starting point is when the author in the beginning of his career as a rural pastor is visiting a seriously ill parishioner at a province hospital. The course and the outcome of this call is surprising the young pastor, and the author tries to analyze the background to the outcome and assesses several possible explanations for the result of his call. The narrative is used to examine the attitude, the professional skills and the social and existential context for the author at that time. The patriarchal patterns in the parish are illuminated and questioned. In the second part of the essay the author investigates what will happen when pastoral cure transforms to psychotherapy, and how the author deals with phenomena in the therapeutical process such as idealization and secondary traumatization. On basis of texts written by among others Ingela Josefson, Fredrik Svenaeus, Christian Nilsson and Ulla Ekström von Essen the author seeks explanation for the development of his practical knowledge. With references to philosofers as Plato, Aristotle, H.G.

Sjuksköterskans möte med etiska situationer och problem

I den dagliga vården möter sjuksköterskan ständigt situationer som har ett etiskt perspektiv. En utvecklad personlig etisk förmåga och en god kännedom om egna och andras värden är en betydelsefull del vid dessa möten. För att kunna möta etiska problem måste också den egna och patientens sårbarhet uppmärksammas och reflekteras. Sårbarheten kan ses som en tillgång, men kan också upplevas som en påfrestning som leder till känslomässig stress och ohälsa. På grund av denna påfrestning är det betydelsefullt att identifiera de situationer som sjuksköterskan uppfattar som etiskt problematiska samt beskriva upplevelsen av dessa för att kunna ge patienten en bättre vård.

Arbetsformer och metoder på handelsprogrammet

By studying the forms of work and methods teachers choose for their teaching on the Business and Administration Programme and by examining the experiences gained by these teachers, I hope to gain a clearer insight into how the demands of national policy/governing documents are met in the actual teaching of the courses within the programme. In my qualitative study,teachers in a team from a Business and Administrative Programme have been my informants. The team combines multiple forms of work and methods in line with the intentions of the national policy/governing documents. Students usually have an unbroken school day with block teaching where they work with case studies and interdisciplinary  work. Morals and Ethics are integrated in class.

Det finns en hel karta av påverkansmetoder : Gymnasieelevers påtryckningar i betygssättningsprocessen

The setting of pupils' final grades in the Swedish upper secondary school system is the responsibility of their teachers and once grades are set, they are not open to appeal. This can be compared with the British system where an external, central examination board sets the final grades based on the result of externally marked examinations (A-levels). These grades are then open to appeal if it is felt that an injustice has been made.This research paper has been an investigation into how pupils in one Swedish upper secondary school attempt to influence their teachers in the grade-setting process and how these teachers are affected by these different methods. Five teachers in total were interviewed in a qualitative case study. The study has also taken up the controversial issue of how grades, which are set individually by thousands of teachers across the country, can be deemed to be fair and equivalent.The study revealed that pupils employ many different methods when trying to influence their teachers in the grade-setting process e.g.

Rätt klädd? : En studie om klädföretags arbete och kommunikation av CSR

The number of firms adapting the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is constantly growing. It is no longer enough only to supply your customers with demanded products and services since todays? customers have an increased awareness and are demanding more transparence when it comes to the manufacturing and responsibility for society.Along with a growing interest in social, ethical and environmental matters, many firms have received critique, consequently forcing them to start taking more responsibility for their activities. The clothing industry was among the first to get critized and therefore early in starting their work with CSR.The purpose of this paper is to investigate how firms in the clothing industry work with CSR today, and also how they choose to communicate this work, both internally and externally. The methodology of the paper is qualitative and aims to deeply investigate four different firms, along with an additional interview with a CSR-consult from one of the leading communication-firms in Sweden.The theoretical foundation includes a frame of reference around CSR and the communication thereof, and also a few relevant theories around CSR and business Ethics.After analyzing the empirical material the paper have reached a few conclusions.

Rekryteringsprocessen och sociala medier : Hur arbetar olika HR-funktioner i Sverige med sociala medier i rekryteringsprocessen

An increased use of social media has enabled a new arena for HR functions and the work with HR issues. Proponents are critical of this, as it can lead to ethical and legal dilemmas. So far the research on this area is limited. On this basis I found it interesting to study how social media is used in connection with the recruitment process. Those who will benefit from this study are primarily those dealing with recruitment, but also others working with HR issues.

En fallstudie av normativ kontroll på ett telemarketingföretag : En diskursanalytisk studie av etik som motiv till övervakning och styrning

The strive for control over employees has developed throughout the years. This paper has its focus on how normative control can work as a powerful method to create and uphold a sought for behavior. Many companies have found an interest in a higher moral stance to get competitive advantages, and offer their customers and partners a more ethical product. This phenomenon has in Sweden resulted in a sphere of companies who has earned the R-licens. The R-licens is earned by companies if they fulfill ethical and cultural criteria.

Lean i Sjukvården : Ett tillämpat verktyg eller en symbol?

In this text I will work on three situations from my daily work as a pedagogue at preschool. The situations are about how pedagogues at preschool relate to children in difficult situations, e.g. when they pee in their pants or long for their pacifier. Those are situations which occur frequently at preschool, but they are still rarely coming up for discussions. The problem in the situations is difficult to describe which makes the essay a suitable form for me to explore and discuss it.

En glimt av hur barnsynen speglas inom två olika länder : En jämförande studie mellan en förskola i Sverige och en förskola i USA

In this thesis I have discussed about conflict management in school, from a teacher´s perspective. Focus has been on Swedish schools, especially on the teachers who are active in primary school. Several perspectives have been given, including an intercultural approach which has been the most recurrent. The importance of teachers? emotional maturity, knowledge about democracy and values, as well as teacher?s impact by being a sharp leader in different ways are other subjects the essay has touched.

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