

414 Uppsatser om Ethics - Sida 20 av 28

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av etiska dilemman inom sluten psykiatrisk vård

Bakgrund: All sjukvård som bedrivs i Sverige är frivillig, även den psykiatriska vården. Dock kan vården ibland ske med tvångslagar mot patienters vilja. När sjuksköterskan begränsar en patients autonomi i form av tvångsåtgärder kan det bidra till att sjuksköterskan upplever det etiskt jobbigt även om syftet är att göra gott för patienten. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att utföra tvingande åtgärder mot patienter med psykossjukdom inom psykiatrisk slutenvård, ur ett etiskt perspektiv. Metod: En litteraturstudie med tio kvalitativa artiklar bearbetades och analyserades av författarna.

Det synliga och det osynliga : en studie av fritidsledarens yrkesroll

Recreation leaders on youth recreation centres is a professional category, mostly mentioned in the public conversation when it comes to taxes and youth problems. But what do they really do, what outlook do they have to their task, and finally, how are their daily lives like at work? The stories of twelve people represent the basis of this essay which itself consists of two separate studies. Six professional recreation leaders speak about their view of their own work, based on background, mission, education, Ethics and position. The recreation leaders´stories reflect a worksituation with meetings of great significance andimportant standpoints.

Biblioteket i terrorns tid : en studie av hur the USA Patriot act har påverkat tre amerikanska bibliotek

The aim of this thesis is to study what impact the USA Patriot act has had on American libraries. The authors intent has been to see what changes have occurred in the librarians work-routines and to study their attitudes toward the Patriot act. The authors have also intended to find out what the consequences would be for the libraries. The findings are related to Swedish circumstances. The material used in this thesis consists of six interviews conducted at three libraries in the Bay Area in California.

Bioteknologins politik och berättelsernas transformativa makt

This thesis aims to respond to the need of adjust GMO politics for meeting the demands of the late-modern society and the changed condition that follows from an accelerating complexity. The central objective for this study is to contribute with a narrative understanding of Sweden?s GMO politics with the purpose of examine an alternative possibility for formulating and assessing the politics of biotechnology. This is done by investigate Sweden?s politics of GMO through a narrative approach.

Om dödens betydelse eller icke-betydelse : ? En läsning av epikurismens förhållande till döden, utifrån Lucretius Om tingens natur

Uppsatsen tar upp frågan om döden inom den epikureiska filosofin. Det visar sig att frågan kan delas upp i flera frågor. Dessa delfrågor kring döden är kopplade till olika rädslor. Uppsatsen tar även upp hur frågan kring döden blir bron mellan metafysiken och etiken inom den epikureiska filosofin. Uppsatsens huvudpunkt är utredningen av Lucretius, De rerum natura.

Journalisters val av källor : En kvalitativ studie av yrkesvardagen

In this study we have investigated how local journalists in Kalmar think when they choose their sources to interview. We have also studied several factors that can affect their choices of sources.We have interviewed eight news journalists from the two largest local news papers Barometern and Östran in Kalmar.The journalists were asked about the sources they often use as interview objects. They were supposed to tell about how they think when choosing sources and define which sources they commonly use. There are different factors that can affect the choices and we have narrowed them down to Ethics, source critics, credibility, stress, hard production conditions, public and their own interest and if they consider themselves to be individualistic or controlled by the news desks. Furthermore the journalists were asked to characterize what changes they would make when choosing sources in a perfect world.All of the journalists had not reflected prominently on the subject of sources before our research.

Mångkulturell lärandemiljö : En studie kring fyra lärares förhållningssätt till kulturell mångfald i mångkulturella skolor

According to the national curriculum guidelines for elementary school, preschool and after-school 2011, (i.e. Lgr11), the Swedish school is based on a democratic foundation. Schools should prepare students to develop an understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity not only in the society as a whole but also how this should be reflected in the morals and Ethics between us. The purpose of this study was to describe how teachers in multicultural schools perceptions and experiences on teaching pupils with diverse immigrant origin, and how they apply these cultural expression in practice.In particular, I focus on four teachers in multicultural schools and how they reason about applying cultural expressions that are transmitted at these schools and by them. Explicitly, I review how from policy documents and their own personal pedagogic are reflected in the actual teaching.

Paternalism:The Conflict Between Autonomy And Beneficence In The Case Of The Temporarily Mentally Ill Patients

The health care formulation of the principle of autonomy can be expressed as follows; ?you shall not treat a patient without the informed consent of the patient, or his or her lawfulsurrogate, except in narrowly defined emergencies?. The principle of beneficence refers to a moral obligation to act for the benefit of others. In heath care, the good or benefit in question is the restoration of the health of the patient. In fulfilling this obligation of beneficence, the physician sometimes intentionally overrides the patient?s preferences or actions for the purpose of benefiting the patient.

Implementering av Likabehandlingsplanen i skolmiljön : Finns viljan, kunnandet och fo?rsta?elsen?

The main purpose of this paper is to examine how the regulatory environment of ?equality plans" are implemented at the municipal level of decision making in the school environment - in terms of both local politicians, school structures and management by teachers.The paper will present how the implementation theory works in practice by examining two high schools in the Municipality of Norrkoping and see what differences exist in the implementation process of "equality plans" in schools with a variety of high and relatively low immigrant background among students.We will present how it seems from different perspectives. Are teachers today controlled by public professional Ethics or personal reasons, where those street level bureaucrats mainly act on feeling depending on the case? And how might this affect the law? Do they in fact understand, or have the knowledge and the willingness to implement?In our study, we are using a comparative case study method with an interview guide. A comparison between the two school´s equality plan have been analyzed where we have developed key differences and similarities that we recognized regarding the subject.The results of the study demonstrate that the context is very crucial to addressing these issues.

Om eutanasi : Kan dödshjälp utgöra en omvårdnadsåtgärd i palliativ vård?

Varje år genomför cirka 1100 personer i Sverige ett suicid. Varje suicid föregås av i genomsnitt 10 suicidförsök. Detta orsakar förutom kostnader i form av oerhörda summor pengar för samhället också otroligt mycket lidande för anhöriga. Ambulanssjuksköterskan är många gånger den första resursen i vårdkedjan som den suicidnära kommer i kontakt med. Detta ställer stora krav på bemötandet av patienten men också krav på kunskap om medicinska åtgärder för att rädda personen till livet.

Reflektion genom interaktion : En analys av förbindelsen mellan spelarens moraliska handlingar och karaktärernas utveckling i tv/datorspelet Dragon Age: Origins.

The aim of this essay is to investigate the function and development of non-player characters (NPC) in the TV/computer game Dragon Age: Origins. The NPCs are analysed in order to see if their development is affected by the player character?s (PC) background and interactions. The game?s Ethics is also investigated by studying how the NPCs treat the PC and what significance they give to his background and actions.The results show that the NPCs are affected by the PC?s interactions, and furthermore, that they are round characters, which is unusual in TV/computer games.

Kommentera och sprid. : En kvalitativ studie i reklamproducenters syn pa? viral reklam i Sverige.

The purpose of this study has been to examine a few Swedish advertisment producers opinions on the subject of viral advertising and especially the ethical aspects of hidden viral advertising. The specified purpose of this paper is to:To clarify the underlying reasons for the use of viral advertising.To clarify the advertising producers ethical views on hidden viral advertising.The essay is based on a qualitive research metod of an abductive nature where the empirical data is derived from interviews with three advertisment producers. Through a stratified selection method we contacted agencies that in one way or another uses digital solutions as an advertisment method. All interviews were conducted via the digital chat room Skype, one of the interviews were conducted with both picture and sound and the other two with audio-only.The following points are the essential conclusions of our study:Hidden viral advertising is seen as a rare promotional method in Sweden today, however, the viral-spread effect is more commonly used.The economic factors together with the spreading capacity of the viral advertising is contributing to one of the biggest reasons behind the use of viral advertising. In addition to these, viral advertising is seen as an effective way to stand out from traditional advertising.Viral advertising where the sender is hidden or unclear is always seen as unethical.

Vad är det som krävs?

Problem - Det är ingen nyhet att människor idag överkonsumerar och att jordens resursersakta börjar tyna bort. Klädindustrin är ständigt i debatt om mänskliga rättigheter angåendeproduktionen. Barnarbete, långa arbetstider och farliga arbetsplatser är exempel på vad somdiskuteras. Fler och fler företag har dock börjat ta sitt ansvar i fråga om etik och miljö och detses idag som en självklarhet bland konsumenter. Problemet är dock att konsumenterna intevärdesätter de här initiativen utan de lägger större vikt kring pris och trend.

Intellectual Property Rights : A Barricade to Technological Development. An Ethical Analysis on the Less Developed Countries

Debate over Intellectual Property Rights ?IPRs? particularly patent and copyrights is mainly on forward-looking industries in computer software. As part of a trade deal reached in 1994, the member nations of the World Trade Organisation must adhere to a global agreement known as TRIPS, for the Trade- Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights.This study is to analyse the ethical conception of Intellectual Property Rights and in particular its implications on the developing countries in relation to TRIPS. The approach will be to analyse a broad philosophical theories of property to see if there is any justification for a software program to be treated as private property and also argue base on John Rawls two principles of justice in relation to TRIPS Agreement. Some reflections will be put on the use of open-source software by less developing countries.From the study it was asserted that, strong IPRs protection would hinder technological transfer and indigenous learning activities in the early stage of industrialisation when learning takes place through reverse engineering.

Hjärt- och lungräddning eller inte - en etisk konflikt inom prehospital sjulvård

SammanfattningSyftet med studien var att beskriva och sammanställa befintlig forskning om de etiska konflikterna, som ambulanspersonal ställs inför i samband med HLR och att inventera om prehospitala HLR riktlinjer tar hänsyn till etiska aspekter på HLR. En litteraturstudie genomfördes där tretton vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Resultatet visade att etiska konflikter uppstod när det gällde ambulanspersonalens beslut om att påbörja HLR eller inte, på patienter som av litteraturen beskrevs som terminalt sjuka eller äldre terminalt sjuka patienter. Ibland kränkte ambulanspersonalen patienternas autonomi genom att påbörja HLR mot patienternas och de anhörigas vilja, trots att det existerade en Ej HLR önskan från patienterna och deras anhöriga. Den huvudsakliga orsaken till att sådana situationer uppstod var oklarheter i lagstiftningen omkring prehospitala HLR riktlinjer i USA och Kanada.

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