

413 Uppsatser om Ethical - Sida 10 av 28

"The Machine Made Me Do It!" : An Exploration of Ascribing Agency and Responsibility to Decision Support Systems

Are agency and responsibility solely ascribable to humans? The advent of artificial intelligence (AI), including the development of so-called ?affective computing,? appears to be chipping away at the traditional building blocks of moral agency and responsibility. Spurred by the realization that fully autonomous, self-aware, even rational and emotionally-intelligent computer systems may emerge in the future, professionals in engineering and computer science have historically been the most vocal to warn of the ways in which such systems may alter our understanding of computer ethics. Despite the increasing attention of many philosophers and ethicists to the development of AI, there continues to exist a fair amount of conceptual muddiness on the conditions for assigning agency and responsibility to such systems, from both an Ethical and a legal perspective. Moral and legal philosophies may overlap to a high degree, but are neither interchangeable nor identical.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser när de medverkar vid genomförandet av abort : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Abortion implies that the pregnancy is interrupted. According to the World Health Organization approximately 46 million induced abortions are carried out each year. Different methods of abortion can be used such as medical and surgical methods. The medical method especially affects a nurse?s experience of the procedure.

Aktiebolagets vinstsyfte : en juridisk, rättsekonomisk och affärsetisk diskussion och analys av det privatägda aktiebolagets syfte att öka aktieägarnas förmögenheter

Problems: How is the purpose of the swedish limited liability company to increase the wealth of its shareholders given in swedish corporate law? Based on which legal and economical grounds has this regulation been made? Which problems may occur when the purpose of the company is to maximize the wealth of its shareholders? Which strategies can be used to prevent the problems that may occur? Should the purpose of the company be to maximize the wealth of its shareholders? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether a limited liability company primarily shall aim at maximizing the wealth of its shareholders or not. Delimitations: This thesis only attend swedish limited liability companies. It also only treat swedish corporate law de lege lata. The thesis focus on larger commercial companies which shares are widely spread.

Från profit till ansvar, ett företags anpassning till verkligheten : en studie av användandet av ekologisk bomull inom H&M

In the last years people has become more aware of issues regarding corporate social responsibility. This has led to a more thorough control of big multinational companies, which are often held account of violating social, Ethical and environmental values. The term most often used for this is corporate social responsibility (CSR). H&M is a Swedish multinational company and the concept of H&M is fashion to a low price. The material most often used in producing clothes is cotton.

Undervisningsvillkor i praktiken : lärarnas syn på villkoren för undervisning anpassad till alla barns individuella behov och förutsättningar

The purpose of this study is to reach an understandingfrom the teachers' perspective of their possibilities to successfully teach ina way that fulfills every child's individual needs in a classroom, according tothe idea of a school for everyone. This study also aims for an understanding ofhow the inclusion of children with special needs in the classroom effect the otherpupils. The main questions asked are:How do teachers think that the conditions of teaching adaptedto all pupils look like in practice?What are the factual conditions that affect the terms forinclusive education according to the teachers?The empirical data were obtained through qualitativesemi-structured interviews with six teachers in primary school, stage 1-3. The materialwas processed using an inductive thematic analysis.

Hegels kritik av Rousseaus allmänvilja : Frihetsbegreppets utveckling hos Hegel

This is a study concerning Hegel?s critic of Rousseau?s common will and shows how Hegel?s concept of freedom should be understood from this criticism. This is done first of all through a study of Rousseau?s social contract and Hegel?s Philosophy of Right. The different state theories which Rousseau and Hegel represent, are evaluated separately, first Rousseau?s then Hegel?s to see how Hegel?s philosophy is a continuation of Rousseau?s philosophy.

Svensk Krigarkultur ? En samexisterande subkultur i Försvarsmakten?

The study seeks to clarify a cultural change in the armed forces (FM). The study is based on the hypothesis that repeated operations in war-like environment, where the FM sends professional combat units, develop a warrior culture. The empirical results indicate that there is an existing warrior culture at all three units surveyed.The subculture is verified by the constants of western warrior culture described in theory. The cultural change leads to Ethical / moral and leadership challenges for FM..

Trauma, vittnesmål och etik. Representationens möjligheter och omöjligheter i Hayden Whites "The Modernist Event" samt i Shoshana Felman och Dori Laubs "Testimony"

This essay is a meta-theoretical study that aims to show normative and Ethical implications that might follow from theories concerning representation of traumatic events in four essays from Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub?s Testimony. Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History and in Hayden White?s essay ?The Modernist Event?. Through a comparative analysis the essay mainly discusses how these writers deal with the problem of narrative.

Inför den Andre är jag dum : om dumhet, etik och kreativitet i Samuel Becketts pjäs Slutspel

This study constitutes an attempt to bring the notion of stupidity into relation with ethics and creativity, through a reading of Samuel Beckett's Endgame. Employing Emmanuel Lévinas' theories on ethics - the responsible responsiveness in regard to the Other and the concept of the Face - the objective is to demonstrate how stupidity, conceived as lack of control and knowledge, functions as a precondition for the Ethical relation between humans, as well as that of the individual to her creativity..

Is the Use of the Rubber as a Preventive Measure to the Spread of HIV/AIDS Morally Justifiable? Ethical Reflections on the Controversy

Since the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was discovered in the 1980s, the condom has scientifically proven to be the only technological device that can prevent transmission of the virus during sexual intercourse. This technical approach to the HIV has strongly emphasized that prevention is only possible if the condom is properly used. However, as a technological artifact the condom has shown that its use is laden with values. The question of values on condoms has brought in a heated debate on the moral justifications of its use. In Malawi, just as in other African countries, the Faith Community has rejected the Governmentsplea to promote condoms as the preventive measure against the virus.The Faith Community has emphasized on abstinence and mutual faithfulness as the only reliable means to the prevention of HIV/AIDS.

Monster, Motstånd, Makt & Magi

The aim of this thesis is to model my artistic practice on an adaptation of Joseph Campbells monomyth and, using this model, investigate challenges of performativity in art (in public spaces). The overall themes are personal, aesthetic and Ethical sovereignty and an uncompromising search for a deepening of the artistic practice. More than anything else it is a map and a story of an artist?s expansion out into an artistic field that is little developed in Sweden. It is my hope that this thesis, by using a thoroughly subjective tone, will contribute to the milieu of performative arts in Sweden as well as widen the ?how? regarding the making of a written thesis..

Bibliotekariens kunskap: en diskursanalys

This Master's thesis concerns the professional knowledge of the librarian. The image of this knowledge is regarded as constructed in a social context, which is why the discourse analytic approach is selected as method. The empirical material consists of two texts concerning the education of librarians. A theory of knowledge, emanating from Aristotle, is applied to the results to find examples of the forms of knowledge that are excluded from the discourse. A number of themes, or ways, in which it is possible to discuss the phenomenon of the librarian's knowledge, are identified in the texts.

För mycket lycka : om lyckan och det politiska hos Simone de Beauvoir och Sara Ahmed

Happiness is often considered our ultimate goal in life. This essay explores the political im- plications of this view, through the critique of happiness found in the works of Simone de Beauvoir and Sara Ahmed. Ahmed and Beauvoir consider happiness to be harmful as a po- litical goal, since it tends to diminish dimensions of power and conflict in favor of harmony, and is not compatible with a political philosophy based on freedom or liberation. Happiness is often confused with the Ethical Good, but this essay argues that happiness does not ne- cessarily entail good things. Indeed, happiness can be used to justify oppression and unjust political systems..

Bibliotekariens kunskap: En textanalys av SOU 1969:37

The aim with this Masters thesis is to examine the professional knowledge of the librarian. The method used is text analysis of a state public investigation, SOU 1969:37, that concerns librarian education. The theoretical starting point is a theory of knowledge thats descended from Aristotle. Three different forms of knowledge are central concepts in the theory: the theoretical, the practical and the Ethical. The main issue in this thesis is: In what ways did the investigators look at the librarians knowledge? Was it in a changeable period of time? In that case, what reasons could there be? The conclusion shows that educational political changes were affecting the whole educational sphere at the late 1960:s, and in the beginning of the 1970:s, including library education.

Vad är ett gott samhälle? : En kvalitativ studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattningar kring vad som utgör ett gott samhälle, i förhållande till kursplanen i religionskunskap 1.

This essay is an analysis of how Swedish sixth form students interpret ?a good society?,an expression which is part of the main content of Religion1, the mandatory course inreligious studies. It is based on a a survey asking 198 students to define and reflect onwhat a good society might look like. A hermeneutic method has been used to analysetheir answers in relation to regulations and research.The conclusion is that although most students show themselves able to reflect on whata good society might be, their ability to use Ethical theory and concepts required by thecourse?s grading criteria is limited.

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