

598 Uppsatser om Estate Agents Act - Sida 3 av 40

Fastighetsmäklares icke-verbala kommunikation

Background: During a house demonstration a real estate agent have the chance to make new contacts which is of big importance to spread the word about the agency and keep up with the competition. If the realtor makes a good impression on the customers, it increases the chance for making the customers return to the same realtor when time comes to sell their own house. The interpretation of this non-verbal communication has been shown to have a fundamental effect on the participant?s perception of the encounter. This makes the study aim regards investigating which non-verbal signals a real estate agent express.Purpose: This study has a two-parted purpose whereas the first part intends to point out similarities and differences in a realtor?s non-verbal communication.

Finansiell analys med avseende på risk: En studie av svenska fastighetsbolag

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the status of Swedish real estate companies in terms of financial health and risk of financial distress. The background is the ongoing financial crisis, which partly can be derived from the American real estate sector. Publicly available accounting information from 16 listed real estate companies has been analyzed for a period of one year using financial ratios covering both the operational and financial activities. We find that the deceleration in the economy and in the real estate sector have forced the real estate companies to make large write downs, in line with the relatively new accounting rules, IFRS. Write downs are likely to reoccur during the following periods and real estate companies will therefore probably be forced to continue to show negative results.

Förvaltning på distans : Hur optimeras förvaltningen av en fastighet på distans?

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how the distance between real estate manager and the managed item influenced the real estate management process. The overall real estate management within Lantmännen Fastigheter AB was investigated to give suggestions on how to improve the quality of the real estate management within the company. To do this, questionnaires, interviews and observations was performed within the Lantmännen Fastigheter AB organization. Real estate managers answered questions about their role as real estate manager, maintenance planning, decision processes, leasing and strategies within the company.The analysis of the questionnaires, interviews and observations showed that the real estate managers wants to rearrange their spent working hours around on working tasks to spend more time on the tasks that brings income and spend less time on tasks that are unsatisfying and unnecessary. The analysis also shows in which areas the real estate managers want more support and education and that they mostly work with unplanned maintenance.

Konkursboets miljörättsliga ansvar : Särskilt vid gruvverksamhet i konkurs

The thesis addresses the issue of when a bankruptcy estate, under environmental law, is responsible for the debtor?s environmentally hazardous activities. A fundamental principle of insolvency law is that the bankruptcy estate is not responsible for the debtor?s prior obligations. The environmental legal rules do not distinguish whether an injunction liability is directed against a bankruptcy estate or another operator.

Problematik vid analys av fastighetsbolag efter införandet av IFRS

The study describes the problems with analysis of real estate companies after the introduction of IFRS. With the introduction of IFRS (2005) and specially IAS 40 the real estate companies get the ability to appreciate its real estates to real value. With the difference in the accounting, grows the question if it has become some differences for analysts with analysis and valuation of real estate companies. We also look into how well this new standard effect the real estate companies from the view of the accounting quality and its characteristics..

Änglar och Demoner göms under samma påföljd : - Ett nytt påföljdssystem måste utvecklas.

Syfte:            Denna studie har som syfte att utvärdera påföljdssystemets betydelse för den enskilde fastighetsmäklarens handlande. Vi ska även försöka utveckla det nuvarande påföljdssystemet för att skapa en mer rättvis bedömning av varje enskild fastighetsmäklares handlande.Metod:          För att kunna uträtta vår studie har vi analyserat Fastighetsmäklarnämndens årsböcker år 2007 ? 2009 samt utfört intervjuer med personer inom branschen. Utifrån detta har vi erhålligt vår empiriska data. Dessutom har vi förstärkt vår analysering genom att jämföra systemet med advokatsamfundets påföljdssystem samt använt oss av väsentlig litteratur och lagstiftning.Resultat & slutsats:           Våra slutsatser visar att branschen är i behov av en nyutveckling av sitt påföljdssystem för fastighetsmäklarna.

Fastighetsmäklarbranschens rykte

Title: Real Estate Brokerage Industry's reputation - a study from a relationship marketing perspectiveLevel: Bachelor thesis in business administrationAuthors: Sanna Soininen & Sofia PulkkinenSupervisor: Jonas KågströmDate: 2013 ? AugustBackground: The background to this investigation was primarily another survey, conducted by Fastighetsbyrån, a Swedish real estate agency. According to the survey, only 5% of the Swedish population claims to have high confidence for realtors. The problem discussion revolves around statistics about how few real estate agents who are notified and receive sanctions each year. We believe that those numbers doesn't make sense when compared to how few people trust realtors, which is where our aim with the study comes from.Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the real estate brokerage industry's reputation by previous research in relationship marketing.Method: The study was conducted with a deductive and for the most part with a positivistic approach.

Kan fastighetsmäklaryrket bli ett förtroendeyrke?

ABSTRACTTitle:Estate agent is a trusted profession - a study of how real estate broker working on Codes of ConductLevel:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Mikaela KarlssonSupervisor:Agneta SundströmDate:2012 ? JuneAim:There is a lack of confidence in the branch of real estate which makes me wonder: How do the bransch of real estate work with Code of Conduct to strengthen their confidence? The aim is to describe and analyze how the branch of real estate works with confidence and codes of conduct.Method:I have an qualitative approach in which interviews have been used to collect data and literature studies to collect theoretical information. The collected material have been analyzed from a hermeneutical perspective.Result & Conclusions:To some extent the real estate branch works with the establishment of Codes of Conduct to strengthen the confidence. This is shown by increased transparency to increase customers commitment in the bidding. As confidence has been risen for the part of the process this indicate that Codes Of Conduct has the ability to strengthen the confidence for the real estate as a branch.Suggestions for future research:One topic that is interesting to study is how the real estate brokerage companies could controll their stakeholders to follow the company´s guidelines for social responsibility.Contribution of the thesis:The thesis gives people involved in real estate branch suggestions on how a trust could be built up by working with Codes of Conduct.Key words:Corporate Social Responsibility, Code of Conduct, confidence, real estate broker, the bransch of real estate..

Konkursboets inträdesrätt i ett pågående skiljeförfarande

ABSTRACTTitle:Estate agent is a trusted profession - a study of how real estate broker working on Codes of ConductLevel:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Mikaela KarlssonSupervisor:Agneta SundströmDate:2012 ? JuneAim:There is a lack of confidence in the branch of real estate which makes me wonder: How do the bransch of real estate work with Code of Conduct to strengthen their confidence? The aim is to describe and analyze how the branch of real estate works with confidence and codes of conduct.Method:I have an qualitative approach in which interviews have been used to collect data and literature studies to collect theoretical information. The collected material have been analyzed from a hermeneutical perspective.Result & Conclusions:To some extent the real estate branch works with the establishment of Codes of Conduct to strengthen the confidence. This is shown by increased transparency to increase customers commitment in the bidding. As confidence has been risen for the part of the process this indicate that Codes Of Conduct has the ability to strengthen the confidence for the real estate as a branch.Suggestions for future research:One topic that is interesting to study is how the real estate brokerage companies could controll their stakeholders to follow the company´s guidelines for social responsibility.Contribution of the thesis:The thesis gives people involved in real estate branch suggestions on how a trust could be built up by working with Codes of Conduct.Key words:Corporate Social Responsibility, Code of Conduct, confidence, real estate broker, the bransch of real estate..

Verkligt värde : implementation of IAS 40 in quoted real estate companies on the Stockholm stock exchange, and effect on the company key ratios

Background: Within real estate companies assets according to IFRS/ IAS 40 should be valued at fair value, to compare with previous valuation criteria according to which real estate should valued at cost. Two models can be used within IAS 40, these are value at cost and fair value. When valued at cost the real estate value in the balance sheet should be specified at cost. The method chosen by the company should be used for all real estate within the company except for the premises used by the company. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyse and evaluate how real estate companies experienced the problems that arose when converting to IAS 40, and to analyse the effects on the companies key ratios as a result of the change of accounting method.

Redovisning till verkligt värde: Tillämpningen av IAS 40 i svenska fastighetsbolag

The aim of our master thesis is to study the way valuation of real estate is conducted by real estate companies. Furthermore we want to identify the factors that affect the relevance and reliability of the valuation. The reason for this is the introduction of IFRS, in 2005, and the application of the IAS 40 rules stating that real estate are to be recognized at fair value on the balance sheet. To do this we have performed a case study on 10 Swedish real estate compa-nies listed on the Stockholm stock exchange, OMX, Large Cap and Mid Cap list to see how the share value has performed in relation to the reported net asset value since 2005 and how they value their collection of properties. We also studied the assumptions made by real estate company analysts.

Livespelningars organisering : Hur organiseras och styrs dagens liveunderhållning?

The purpose of our study is to provide a deeper understanding of the organization at alive concert. We want to identify and bring together different agents implicit knowledge and make it explicit. We contribute to the theoretical discussion by examining how liveconcerts are organized and why, what goals there are to participate in the organizationof the concerts as well as how the organization manage and control towards these goals.Our study is based on 15 interviews with different agents involved in the creation of liveconcerts. The study has shown that the organization of live concerts is similar to atemporary, imaginary organization because there is a temporary and implicit structure.Relationships are created by the agents? cooperation and customer relations with thesubcontractors.

Konflikter och organisationer : En diskursanalytisk studie av två handböcker i konflikthantering

The situation that one can discern on the Swedish real estate market is that while there are several offices vacant, the need for apartments is high ? the vacancy rate for apartments is non-existent. According to the rebuilding of Skatteskrapan one will realise that the project requires a lot of money, even though it promotes the residential situation. The real estate owner experiences a risk in rebuilding real estates ? whether it will generate good yield or not.

Landskapsarkitekturens ekonomiska värde : en explorativ studie om utemiljöers inverkan på fastighetsvärden.

Can landscape architecture be seen as an economical asset rather than as a cost? Can well designed outdoor environments affect real estate values? This study investigates the economical value of landscape architecture and its influence on real estate prices. Research results on the relation between landscape architecture and real estate values are here compiled together with a survey made among players on the Swedish real estate market of their attitudes towards the problem. This study shows that the players on the Swedish real estate market often are unaware of the economical effects of landscape architecture pointed out in the compiled research. The study also shows that to use this information in actual projects several steps need to be taken: better knowledge of the problem, more and better compilations of research results, effective channels to spread the compiled information, proper employment and implementation of the knowledge. Extended knowledge of the relation between landscape architecture and real estate values will result in new ways of making money on outdoor environments. This would in turn have consequences for how the real estate business treat outdoor environments and how landscape architects work. The study is divided into four main questions: 1: Is there a relation between good landscape architecture and real estate prices? 2: What is the view of the players on the real estate market in this matter? 3: Is there more knowledge, research and practical models at hand? 4: What future steps can be taken to broaden the knowledge and apply it to real situations?.

Skyddsombudets Roll : En undersökning av skyddsombudets säkerhetsarbete på byggarbetsplatsen

Safety in the construction industry has become a question of top priority in recent years. Despite a massive investment of time, money and knowledge, the occur-rence of fatal accidents in Sweden alone is around one a month.The purpose of this study is therefore to improve the safety on the construction site. By an examination of the role of the safety agents and their cooperation with the construction workers and supervisors as well as examine how safety agents can improve safety on the construction site, which is the goal of the study.Four questions were formulated based on the purpose and the goal of the study.The methods used to answer the questions were a questionnaire survey, multiple interviews, a literature review and a document analysis.The report describes the safety agent?s role as a complex one with many different tasks. The role of the safety agents is regulated in the health and safety law, but it can sometimes be difficult to interpret and the agents can therefore interpret their role differently.

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