

2417 Uppsatser om Establishment activities - Sida 45 av 162

Avdrag för FoU : Innebär tillägget verksamheten i övrigt en faktisk utvidgning av avdragsrätten för FoU i förhållande till den tidigare lydelsen av IL 16 kap 9 §?

In recent years, the possibility to deduct expenses for research and development (R&D) has been interpreted narrowly. As a response, the Income Tax Act chapter 16, section 9 (the R&D-rule) was amended to increase the possibility to deduct R&D of more general character. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the meaning of the R&D-rule to be able to decide if the amendment is an extension of the deductibility and whether this amendment can be considered adequate.According to the R&D-rule, the recipient of the grant needs to conduct R&D activity and there needs to be a sufficient connection between the R&D activity and the company to be allowed deduction. The difficulty in applying the R&D-rule is mainly when the research is conducted outside the company and the aim of the research is not to solve the company?s specific problem.The connection between the R&D-activity and the company needs to be reasonable. This means that only R&D-activity that falls completely outside the company?s activities should be excluded from deductibility.

Personlighetsskillnader mellan gymnasielärare och blivande gymnasielärare : Differences in personality between high school teachers and future high school teachers

The climate issue is a significant question, and the problem is mainly caused by human activities. Everyone can help to counteract the enhanced Greenhouse effect by reducing the amounts of energy they use and by not consuming more products then they need.Schools are some of societies many consumers and therefore contribute to the Greenhouse effect. The School also has an important task; to teach and disseminate knowledge and information about the climate and the environment. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, Skolverket, must all schools regularly consider the environment and sustainable development throughout the entire education process. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many schools in Sweden today.One of many tools that can be used to coordinate environmental work and initiatives, and also to make it more efficient, is environmental management systems.

"I am neither a freak nor a monster" : En analys av Paradise Lost-dokumentärernas argumentation

The purpous of this master?s thesis is to explore how the swedish public library evolved between 1890-1911, before the state implemented the library reform in 1912. The material used to cunduct the study concists mainly of texts published during the time frame of the thesis in the form of books, booklets and articles from Folkbiblioteksbladet, a journal dedicated to the subject of the swedish public library.Drawing upon Habermas theory of the structural transformation of the public sphere and Bourdieus theories about taste as social distinction and symbolic capital, the thesis seeks to show how the public participated in the evolvement of the public library and which aspects of society that contributed to the public library?s establishment as an institution. The findings are also discussed in relation to previous research of the history of the Swedish public library.

Förbättrad lagerhållning genom identifiering av kärnprocesser : En fallstudie av Nordic E- commerce Group

Syftet med detta arbete är att öka förståelsen för hur kärnprocesser kan förbättra lagerhållningen i ett företag. Genom att först kartlägga vilka företagets kärn- och stödprocesser är och sedan undersöka hur kärnprocesserna påverkar lagerhållningen kan syftet uppnås. Därmed besvaras problematiseringsfrågan som är följande;På vilka sätt kan lagerhållningen, genom identifiering av kärnprocesserna förbättras på ett företag med E-handel?Arbetet har genomförts på ett av koncernen Nordic E-Commerce Groups dotterbolag, Nordic Inc som är ett E-handelsföretag som säljer bläckpatroner och kontorsmaterial till både företag och privatpersoner.Inledningsvis genomfördes en kartläggning av Nordic Incs processer genom observationer och intervjuer med koncernens VD. När kartläggningen var sammanställd visade det sig att de kärnprocesser som fanns på Nordic Inc var Lager, Inköp och Kundservice.

Mervärdesskatt för ideella föreningar : Kan allmännyttiga ideella föreningar behålla fortsatt befrielse från skattskyldighet?

The harmonization within EC Company Law has been relativley successful. Despite its relative success; important differences still remains in European company law.The freedom of establishment itself, and the ECJ?s interpretation of the freedom provides European companies with a substantial cross-border mobility. As a consequence of this mobility, together with the differences in national legislation; mandatory rules in company law can be easily evaded. A typical example of this is that a Swedish enterprise, by running their business through a British private limited company, can escape the Swedish legislation on capital contributions when forming a company with limited liability for its members.

Vattenkvalitet och risker vid ändrat intag för vattenförsörjning i Västerås

Water is the most essential resource for life. In cases where drinking water is processed from surface water it is important to ensure the raw water is of good quality, and is suitable for processing through the water treatment plant.The drinking water for Västerås is sourced from Västeråsfjärden, in the western side of Lake Mälaren. The city itself is home to marinas, ports, a wastewater treatment plant, the Svartån outlet, sewage pumping stations and stormwater outlets. Because of the negative effects these activities have on surface water quality, Mälarenergi AB is interested in relocating the raw water intake point to Granfjärden, 10 km east of Västeråsfjärden. At Granfjärden the intake point would be less exposed to the activities in Västerås, and could be placed at a greater depth, resulting in better water quality.In this Master?s thesis the water quality and the pollution risks at Västeråsfjärden and Granfjärden sites are compared.

En uppsats om hur golfklubbar kan anpassa sig till den individuella golfaren

Since 2005, the number of golf members in Swedish golf clubs has declined. This is a major problem for many golf clubs since it can lead to over establishment of golf courses. This essay is about how golf clubs in North West Skåne, the second golf densest area in the world, work to maintain their members. The sample consists of eight golf clubs which have been geographic delimited by a 30 km radius out of Helsingborg. The research is based on qualitative interviews with the manager of each golf club.

Den manuella kontanthanteringen : Beslutet av en oförändrad affärsstrategi

The work aims to problemize and increase the understanding for the new labour market's flexible organising. By using Elias and Scotson's theory, the new organisational form of hiring doctors in healthcare will exemplify the developments taking place with many temporary jobs and how it affects the intrinsic structure of a work to be studied. The essay will focus on examining how the interaction affected between established nurses and new temporary doctors given the new form. How the interaction of the recently established group possesses a higher social-, economic- and cultural capital than the already established working group? The method is a qualitative study with three long and deep semi-structured interviews.

Flerspråkiga Tesaurer: Att uttrycka ett och samma begrepp utifrån skilda kulturer och olika språk.

The aim of this paper is to investigate the problems in multilingual thesauri, with a focus on the problem of conceptual equivalence between different languages. This study compares the problems and solutions that have been carried out in the Eurovoc multilingual thesaurus with the ISO 5964 ISO 5964 is a guideline for establishment and development of multilingual thesauri. The Swedish descriptors in the subject area "education and communication", from Eurovoc have been observed and compared with the guidelines recommendations. The results show that, the majority of the investigated Swedish descriptors do not present any problem. Most of the terms that are used as descriptors are found in dictionaries and glossaries or appear with high frequency in Swedish websites.

Från top down till bottom up : - Att förklara och utvärdera psykosocialt arbete inom hälso- och sjukvården

Today, activities funded with public funds needs to present relevant and reliable information which shows the results obtained. Requirements increase in welfare activities to be run based on scientific, empirical knowledge. This applies particularly to social work. The social work is, however, poorly researched in areas such as knowledge of interventions in the content, context and effects. One way to evidence-base social work can be to conduct regular and qualified assessments.

?Våra långväga vänner": folkbibliotekarierna och de ensamkommande barnen

Purpose: The purpose of the study reported in this thesis is to addto the knowledge concerning what public librarians do to meet theneeds of unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors, thereby helpingthem to develop and establish themselves in a new environment.What tasks, activities and tools do the librarians have at theirdisposal? What problems do they encounter? What values, normsand attitudes guide their work? Method: The thoughts andexperiences of six public librarians have been captured throughqualitative semi-structured interviews, the result of which has beenthematically analysed using notions of social capital and socialexclusion. Findings: Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors facea number of challenges which the public library with its librarians,collections and various activities can assist in coping with byproviding the children with opportunities to increase their socialcapital and decrease the risk of social exclusion. Researchlimitations: It has for several reasons proven difficult to studyunaccompanied asylum-seeking children as a distinct group, whichis why this study also uses material that deals with refugees as awhole. A significant amount of the latter are undeniablyunaccompanied minors, an especially exposed and vulnerable typeof refugees.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Alla företag har ett klimatavtryck, det är bäst vi lägger oss ner och dör!

Sustainability work is something that is emphasized more and more. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is discussed and the question of how much responsibility companies should really take is frequently in the news. Companies tend to ask themselves how much responsibility they should take. CSR is a common concept of companies environmental and social work and a concept we tend to see here and there in our modern society. CSR includes companies? social responsibilities, both in terms of carbon footprint, working conditions, social responsibility and more.

Undersökning av självspridning av contortatallen i norra Sverige

Over the past 40 years 600 000 ha of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia (Engelm.) Critchf.) has been planted in Sweden (280 000 ha on SCA's forest land alone which represents about 15% of the company's total forest land area). In the early 70's SCA situated a number of experimental stands in order to investigate different aspects of the exotic tree, primarily growth rate. To be able to compare the two species plots with scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), this species was also planted at the same time and under the same conditions. A number of questions should always be raised when exotic species are introduced in an ecosystem. Invasiveness, the pathogen situation and purely ethical issues should be discussed.

Turismens inverkan på inflyttning till en ort : En studie av orten Kisa, Kinda kommun

Today, the tourism sector is the fastest growing industry in the world and also includes one of the foremost for instance in the number of work and added tax. The sector entails a lot of positive factors but also negative consequences, such as overexploitation and wear on natural areas. However, even the visitor industry contributes to smaller localities boost by creating new jobs where depopulation occurs. This study focuses on the town Kisa in Kinda Municipality. The purpose of the study is to highlight the importance of tourism for migration to a town and to show the importance of developing sustainable destinations.In the results of this study it emerges that more job opportunities are requested by respondents for increasing Kisas attractiveness.

Ägarlägenheter : En studie av tre delmarknader i viss jämförelse med bostadsrätt

Background Apartment ownership is a popular and well established type of housing in many countries, such as Norway, Denmark and UK. During spring 2009 the Swedish Parliament passed a new legislation which made it possible for apartment ownerships also in Sweden. But apartment ownership has had a slow start, which partly can be explained by the recent recession.Purpose & methodThe purpose of this paper is to study the market of apartment ownership in Öckerö, Stockholm and Karlstad. The study is a qualitative examination where relevant companies from the submarkets have been interviewed.ResultThe result of this study shows that the interest for apartment ownership is over all high in all three submarkets. It is yet clear the knowledge about apartment ownership is generally poor among the public, and when the banks still misses proper routines for mortgages, it creates uncertainty, and slows down the market.

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