

1602 Uppsatser om Essence of Decision - Sida 52 av 107

Ökad kvinnorepresentation i styrelserummen : Påverkan och strategier

Syftet med denna studie har varit att utreda och föreslå strategier för hur bolagsstyrelser kan öka sin mångfald och bli mer diversifierade. Vidare var syftet att undersöka och presentera hur styrelsearbetet skulle påverkas av den ökade diversifieringen. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie och använt intervjuer för datainsamling. Det insamlade empiriska materialet har sedan analyserats med utgångspunkt i de valda teorierna. I våra slutsatser kommer vi fram till att styrelsesammansättningen påverkar beslutsfattandet och att en ökad diversifiering ger positiva effekter på styrelsearbetet.

Socker i förskolan : En rörig fråga eller en riktig beta?

More and more preschools are choosing to reduce the sugar consumption. The reason is, inter alia, the increase of weight in the community, but there is also research showing that sugar is harmful to children. The discussions on sugar and children are also a hot media topic.I have chosen to use a qualitative method, interviews, to gather material for the essay. I have interviewed a teacher and a cook in three different preschools, in different municipalities. I have also looked at their various nutrition policies to see how the guidelines for their work on diet and health look like.

Nyckeln till self-efficacy : Beslutsfrihet, stress från föräldrar och optimism under sena tonåren

Enligt Bandura (1997) är self-efficacy tron på den egna förmågan att slutföra uppgifter och nå mål. Denna studie undersökte sambandet mellan upplevd beslutsfrihet under sena tonåren, upplevd stress från föräldrar under sena tonåren, upplevd optimism under sena tonåren och self-efficacy. Stickprovet på 133 studenter, varav 35 män och två av okänt kön skattade sina upplevelser och self-efficacy. En multipel hierarkisk regressionsanalys visade att self-efficacy korrelerade positivt med både beslutsfrihet och optimism vilket gav stöd för hypotes 1 och 3. Variationen i de oberoende variablerna och kontrollvariablerna kunde förklara 12% av variationen i self-efficacy.

Faktorer som underlättar för invandrarungdomar att komma in på högre utbildning

SummaryThe numbers of students in higher education with foreign background are still lower than expected. The universities around the country are increasingly committed to attract students among this group. Many of investments and researches have been done to explore new approaches. There is need to understand how students evaluate their choices. These studies will help marketing the educations which are more responsive to student's expectations.

"Det är kränkande men jag behöver göra det" : En kvalitativ studie om personals syn på missbrukares integritet och autonomi vid LVM

The purpose of this study was to examine in which way personnel who work with LVM approach their client?s integrity, autonomy and their participation in decision making. We used a semistructured interview when we interviewed three social workers, one placement secretary and four care personnel who work at institutions for LVM. In the theoretical approach of this study we used the total institutions and the user influence by clients. The study has shown that personnel?s considerations to their client?s integrity, autonomy and participation in decisions are a convoluted problem.

Mamma jag vill? En kandidatuppsats om hur företag kan nå det sekundära segmentet barn, för att påverka föräldrarnas val av resor

Syftet med denna uppsats är att understryka barnens betydelse i familjens beslutsfattande, samt att erbjuda riktlinjer för hur företag kan nå detta sekundära segment. För att belysa detta resonemang har vi valt att studera resebranschen, en bransch där barn inte kan verka själva. Vår hypotes är att barn, i vissa familjer, deltar i den köpprocess som föregår valet av resemål. Vi har i huvudsak använt oss av litteraturstudier men även utfört en empirisk undersökning som grundar sig i intervjuer med barn, 3-10 år gamla. Vi anser att barn påverkar sina föräldrars konsumtion och de bör således vara en viktig måltavla för marknadsföring även för produkter, som inte är direkt ämnade för dem.

Delat ledarskap : En ledningsform med potential - om stjärnorna står rätt

Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie fokuserar etablering av delat ledarskap inom offentlig sektor. Syftet är att belysa varför delat ledarskap uppkommer som en alternativ ledningsform.Förutom beslutsfattares medvetna val och motiveringar försöker studien även fånga underliggande bevekelsegrunder samt identifiera eventuellt andra faktorer som kan påverka uppkomsten av ledningsformen.En komplex bild av faktorer såsom faktisk situation, organisationens normer, förutsättningar och omgivningar liksom de individer som befolkar den, påverkar uppkomsten av ledningsformen.Tilltron till ledningsformens potential är stor och farhågor tonas ner. Ledningsformen ses kunna tillföra organisationen synergieffekter och symboliska mervärden och ses som en lösning på olika problem där den erbjuder ett alternativ. En öppen inställning till att pröva nya ledningsformer, pragmatiskt förhållningssätt liksom enskilda individers arbetsrelaterade egenintressen påverkar också uppkomsten av ledningsformen. .

Electrolux och patenten. En studie av Electrolux patentstrategiska agerande 1950-1970.

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a genre of computerized systems which allows system development corporations to efficiently and more easily manage, maintain and handle the applications lifecycle. These ALM systems have a wide variety of tools which can be integrated to enable and support collaborative work, while they act at the core of the organisation. Todays ALM systems support flexible system development methods throughout the entire development process. This paper focuses on a case-study of a Swedish business- and technology corporation and their use of two ALM systems with an aim to unravel the differences between these systems and their functionality to serve as a basis for decision making regarding their utilization of best practice with their ALM-Systems. Meanwhile we studied their approach to ALM systems to see if they were using them according to the initial idea of ALM systems.

BIM på Trafikverket : Förslag till en utvidgad investeringsprocess

2013 a decision was made that all projects at the Swedish Transport Administration shoulduse BIM (Building Information Modeling) to some extent from 2015. BIM is an approachthat allows for streamlining of projects by the use of a 3D-model created in an early stage ofthe project. The 3D-model can carry information about the facility throughout its life cyclefrom planning to management. The use of a 3D-model can help the project to detect errors inearly stages of the project when it is easy and cheap to fix the error instead of finding theerror in the construction phase when it is costly and time consuming to fix it. 3D-models alsolead to improved communication both within the project groups and with the public.

Kvinna Och Kropp. Två hinder vid en hjärtinfarkt

Purpose: To describe the gender impact on the situation of women at the onset of myocardial infarction and describe why women wait to contact medical caregivers when showing symptoms of myocardial infarction. Method: Literature review with a descriptive design. Articles was retrieved from PudMed and Cinahl. Findings: Women are affected more than men of the so-called atypical symptoms of a heart attack. This means that they can not always relate the symptoms to a heart attack.

Är vinkritik nonsens - En explorativ studie av vinkritiker och deras bedömningsprocess i en kluven industri

With increasing wine consumption and a growing assortment at available to Swedish consumers, there is an interest in understanding the decision making process of Swedish wine consumers. In this thesis the expert phenomenon is studied with respect to wine through wine critic reliability: grading objectivity, understanding the process of wine criticism and possible critic influence on consumer behavior. Two studies were performed; a qualitative in-depth session of interviews with industry connoisseurs and a quantitative analysis of 589 online wine reviews. Our results indicate that wine reviews are highly subjective and defy prediction through analysis of external variables. Critics are likely to judge differently based on what information they have at hand, suggesting that expectations affect grading.

Varför jämställdhetsintegrering? - en studie av Regeringskansliets skäl till att använda jämställdhetsintegrering

Gender mainstreaming has been an internationally dominant policy since the mid 1990?s. In 2004, the Swedish government decided to implement gender mainstreaming within the Government Offices of Sweden. However, little research seems to have focused on the reasons for an organization's decision to implement gender mainstreaming. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to answer the question why the Government Offices of Sweden have decided to use gender mainstreaming.

Socialisation och livsval : en hermeneutisk, fenomenologisk intervjustudie inriktad på socialisationsprocesser inom jordbruksfamiljen

The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the early process of socialization and its influence on the choices in life, with the example taken from the agricultural family. The question is considering how the process of socialization within an agricultural family has influenced on the choices in life of four women. A qualitative method with a hermeneutic, phenomenologic perspective is applied and four interviews have been done with women who all grew up in an agricultural family. The results have been analysed through social constructive-, psychodynamic-, attachment- and cognitive theory. The results indicate that socialization is a complex process.

En studie om ledarskap i äldreomsorgen

The ever-changing modern health care environment places high demands on leadership skills. The purpose of this study was to describe the causes that effect leadership within the health care services carried out in a municipality. Data was collected by interviewing four health care managers, three registered nurses, eight enrolled nurses and one auxiliary nurse. A qualitative approach based on a content analysis method was conducted in the analysis of the interviews. Latent content deals with relationship aspects and interpretation of deeper underlying meaning of text.

EN SKOLA I FÖRÄNDRING : En studie av en ny åtgärd - språkregeln

Focus of this study is an examination of the Swedish school today, its transformation and complexity when also the community outside of school undergoes changes in shape of among other things a different population composition and new political ideas. More specific the aim of the study is to understand how Gustav Adolfsskolan in Landskrona, a compulsory school in south of Sweden, legitimates the language rule that is in effect in the school. It?s a relatively new measure undertaken in the school and both the problems in the school and this measure have been widely discussed in the public media. The theoretical sources of inspiration have come from Weber, Galbraith and Elias and include power relations and dynamics within social mobility when people establishes in new places.

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