

3910 Uppsatser om Environmental effects - Sida 22 av 261

Den gröna konsumentmakten - medborgarens ekologiska insats

The aim of this thesis is to form a theory of the green consumer power and to distinguish whether this phenomenon could indicate a movement toward the ecological citizenship. To do so, scientific theories regarding the responsibility of companies have been used, as well as the public choice theory, to link individuals as citizens to individuals as consumers. The motives of corporate environmental responsibility, along with consumers ability to bring pressure in different dimensions, are later drawn on as indicators applied to empirical information. The largest producer of ecological products in Sweden, Arla Foods, is employed as case study to explore if the green consumer power can and does exist. The ecological citizenship uses the ecological footprint, to define in what ways we can minimize our part of environmental degradation.The study seems to strengthen the theory, consumers do have a power to make companies go green and they tend to use it increasingly.

Spelar politiken någon roll? : En jämförelse mellan Kalmar kommun och Karlskrona kommun

Currently, the whole globe is faced with serious problems which negatively affect people around the world: increased pollution, excessive waste, and weather pattern changes. ?Left? and ?right? wing political parties alike have embraced ?green? politics and for many of these parties, environmental issues have become a top priority that is very much reflected in their manifestos. This study examines the environmental goals of two of Sweden?s largest political parties and how these ambitions are reflected at a local level.

Den sista utvägen... : ? En kvalitativ studie om psykiatripersonal och brukares inställning till elektrokonvulsiv behandling (ECT).

 ABSTRACT  Nature of essay:                C-level, 15 pointsPage count:                        47Title:                                   The last way out?-A qualitative study of psychiatric staff and service users attitude to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).Author:                              Hanna Nilsson Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) of professionals and service users within a user organization ? Riksförbundet för social och mental hälsa. (RSMH)Questions: Does the psychiatric staff believe that there are preconceptions about electroconvulsive therapy? What motivates service user?s choice of electroconvulsive therapy? Do the psychiatric staff and the service users think that the positive effects of ECT can outweigh the possible negative side effects?Method: Qualitative study. The study is based on interviews with psychiatric staffthat works with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and with services users who have received electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).Results: The result showed that the psychiatric staff feels that preconceived ideas occur about the treatment of ECT, and that it is affecting their approach to work.Service users motivate their choice by how bad they felt under the depression, and that ECT was their only choice left, that´s why psychiatric staff suggested the treatment.The positive effects of ECT outweighed the possible negative side effects because life is something you value higher than any memory loss and when there is currently no treatment having a similar efficiency.Keywords: Electroconvulsive therapy, Attitudes, Side effects, Experience, Patients, Professionals.

All inclusive, ett hållbart koncept? : En studie kring ekonomisk, social och miljömässig hållbarhet

The purpose of this study is to describe the All inclusive concept and to what extent it can be described as sustainable from economic, social and environmental aspects. The empirical study is based mainly on qualitative interviews with four respondents. Two of the informants find the All inclusive concept to be sustainable while the other two are critical to the concept. In the discussion the essay writers argues around the empirical results of the study and how the All inclusive concept possibly could become sustainable. To consider the All Inclusive concept to be sustainable, it is important that the economic, social and environmental aspects are integrated with each other at the destination..

Produktionsavbrott - förekommer det effekter att lära av?

A large part of the time losses in production in modern manufacturing industry are a cause of unplanned interruptions in production. In this essay we have studied the effects of an unplanned interruption in production. The study was performed during one month on a press production line at Volvo Cars Body Components (VCBC) in Olofström. The effects of the interruptions have been studied on the basis of two perspectives of the environment of the production. The study started at the level of automation and was mainly done as a survey of the unplanned interruptions in production.

Spädbarnsmassage, ett verktyg för socialt arbete? : En kvalitativ studie

The overarching purpose of the study was to examine the effects of infant massage and to put these effects incontext with mother ? child attachment. The intention was also to study whether these effects have any relevancefor social work. This was accomplished by studying earlier research, theory and laws but also through interviewswith mothers who have followed through a course in infant massage. The main questions of the study was: Afterthe completion of the course and after using the massage technique at home, does the mother experience that thebond with their child is influenced by the technique and are the mothers more apprehensive of their child?ssignals? Has the mothers observed any signals from their infants during the massage and if so what has beentheir reaction? Does the mothers experience that the massage has provided any physiological effects? Has thecompletion of the course provided the mothers with knowledge that?s had an effect in their ways of parenting? Inwhat way does the earlier research, reports and laws deal with the benefits and risks of a secure or insecureattachment, and can the quality of the attachment have any meaning in the social work? A qualitative approachwas chosen with respondent-interviews.

Effektiva miljörevisioner - erfarenheter av och synpunkter på miljörevisioner vid miljöcertifierade organisationer

Miljörevisioner har en betydelsefull roll för att arbetet med miljölednings-system vid verksamheter ska utvecklas och leda till ständiga förbättringar av miljöprestandan. Syftet med arbetet är att granska effektiviteten av interna och externa miljörevisioner med utgångspunkt i Pfizer Site Helsingborgs miljörevisionsarbete. Dessutom syftar arbetet till att undersöka möjligheterna till utveckling av såväl interna som externa revisioner inom de definierade ramarna för miljörevision..

Se inte ner på golvmarknadsföring! - En kvantitativ studie om effekter av golvmarknadsföring i köpcentrummiljöer

Shopping malls have been growing in numbers during the last few decades. As an effect, consumers are increasingly placing a greater amount of their purchases under one roof. The problem is that stores within these malls have to fight for the consumers' attention in competition with all the other stores. Thus, making consumers noticing their store is critical for success. Creating attention through floor advertising could be a potential way of doing so.

Flipp eller flopp?: En kvantitativ studie om bloggens potential som marknadsföringsmedium

The blog has become a widely discussed subject, but while marketers do invest in blogs, there is little evidence on the how the blog works as a marketing tool. Therefore, we thought it would be interesting to create a greater understanding of the blog's potential communication effects. To demonstrate the potential of the blog in comparison with more traditional media, we decided to compare the communication effects achieved by a blog with those achieved by an online magazine. We pursued an experiment where we exposed an identical text about a brand to respondents in seven blogs and in seven online papers and measured the resulting communication effects in terms of attitudes and intentions towards the exposed brand. The quantitative study showed that the blog in some basic aspects works as a more traditional media; when the consumer forms positive attitudes toward a text in a blog, the attitude spills over to the attitude toward the brand, with higher buying and w-o-m intentions as a consequence.

Barns egen lek ? En studie av pedagogers deltagande

Questions concerning the Cultural Heritage must be integrated in social planning.Therefore there is a need for adequate methods for cultural environmental analysis, toreceive knowledge that is relevant in an integrated conservation. The thesis is a review ofmethods for cultural environmental analysis and discusses the qualifications necessary fora method in order to receive adequate information as well as it discusses what kind ofinformation to be considered relevant. The thesis also analyzes a specific method forcultural environmental analysis in order to exam if it has got the qualifications concludedas necessary if it is to be used in an integrated conservation. The conclusion is that amethod for cultural environmental analysis should collect information about the entireenvironment (integrated information about nature and culture, in a historical perspectiveand how it is today), about social structures, physical remains (buildings etc) and what thecollected information tell about the history of the studied area, as well as what is importantin the landscape of today. Information about how the environment should be treated in thefuture is also of importance.

Analys och förbättring av en mätenhet för laddning av elfordon

Reducing the CO2-pollution, resulting from the combustion of fossil coal for energyproduction, is important to affect environmental changes. One way to achieve a reductionis to use the oxy-fuel technology. The technology uses O2 and re-circulated flue gasduring the combustion which results in a flue gas mainly consisting of CO2. The flue gascould then be compressed and stored without Environmental effects. A problem thatfollows from the compression is the risk of acidification in sensitive parts of the process.Acidification can occur because of reactions following from the contact of condensedwater and sulphur- and nitrogen-oxides which are also present in the flue gas.This report compiles and evaluates the basis of a scientific unit with the purpose ofexploring the possibilities of extracting impurities of SOx and NOx from the flue gases.The dimensions of the unit are based on basic conditions, defined for an existing oxy-fuelprocess at Chalmers, and on the results of computer modelling.

Biogasinvesteringar i Linköping : samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt eller inte?

Since some years Linköping has invested in biogas production, mainly from offal's, residuals from food industry and manure. The municipality goes for biogas in the local traffic and in all transportation. It is also possible for private car owners to run their cars on biogas. The purpose of this essay is to perform a cost-benefit analysis and examine if the project has been beneficial from a social point of view. The effects have been identified, measured and monetarily valued. The essay is limited to include the year of 2006 only.

Att tala är silver, men är tiga guld

A crisis situation that has been more commonly occurred in the industry of conveniencegoods lately is the product related crises which thereby has become a challenge for everymarketer to handle. As the negative publicity tend to enlarge the crisis and spread to thecategory as a whole, it's not only important to have a crisis management to handle crisesconcerning the company itself. But also to be ready to make the best out of the situationwhere the company is threatened to get infected by the negative effects caused by acompetitor.When companies get the chance to make a response on the negative publicity on theircompetitor, as well as the category, through media, the question is - shall they act And howshall they act Which response is the most effective to send out to get out of involvement, notget infected by negative spill over's or even - to make the valenced comparison a way togenerate positive effects and gain market share The purpose of this paper is thereby to find the optimal strategy for an organization in theindustry to handle their competitor's crises through a pronouncement in media. Anotherpurpose to address is whether the brand strength is moderating the effects from the differenttypes of responses tested in this study. This purpose aims to find guidelines depending onthese moderating effects.The paper commodiously, strongly supports that there are beneficial effects to be generatedfrom making a response in either positive or negative direction in oppose of actively choosingnot to make a pronouncement at all.

Beslut om betydande miljöpåverkan för järnvägsprojekt : beslutsmotiveringar, åtgärder och regionala skillnader

This thesis examines the reasons to why railway projects conducted by Banverket (Swedish National Rail Administration) could be expected to cause significant effects on the environment, on which grounds the County Administrative Board and Swedish National Rail Administration base their decisions/assumptions and highlight regional differences between the different Swedish national rail administrations regions. Total 24 railway projects, conducted or being conducted, during the time period 2001 - January 2010 have been analyzed and studied. These projects represent eight different measures/activities which are dispersed throughout all five of the Swedish National Rail Administration´s different regions. Swedish legislations demands that the planner of a new railway project shall first conduct a pre-study and then conduct a public consultation which provides the participants an opportunity to provide input. The County Administrative Board shall then decide if the project could cause significant effects on the environment.

Metoder för kulturmiljöanalys

Questions concerning the Cultural Heritage must be integrated in social planning.Therefore there is a need for adequate methods for cultural environmental analysis, toreceive knowledge that is relevant in an integrated conservation. The thesis is a review ofmethods for cultural environmental analysis and discusses the qualifications necessary fora method in order to receive adequate information as well as it discusses what kind ofinformation to be considered relevant. The thesis also analyzes a specific method forcultural environmental analysis in order to exam if it has got the qualifications concludedas necessary if it is to be used in an integrated conservation. The conclusion is that amethod for cultural environmental analysis should collect information about the entireenvironment (integrated information about nature and culture, in a historical perspectiveand how it is today), about social structures, physical remains (buildings etc) and what thecollected information tell about the history of the studied area, as well as what is importantin the landscape of today. Information about how the environment should be treated in thefuture is also of importance.

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