

3962 Uppsatser om Environmental assessment tools - Sida 65 av 265

Vad är viktigt? : Läroboken i biologi som förmedlare av kunskapsideal kring innehåll och mening

The aim for this paper has been to examine three textbooks designed for science education in upper secondary school in order to determine whether they convey any specific attitudes regarding what is considered to be ideal knowledge within the field of biology. The main focus has been to investigate if different types of design strategies have been used to emphasize certain values or attitudes and if this proves to be the case, how is this achieved specifically?                      For this purpose I have conducted several different qualitative linguistic analyses of the textbooks. The theoretical framework for the analyses lies within the main field of critical linguistics and more specifically in the context of systemic functional linguistics. The two main language models I have chosen to use for my investigations are functional grammar and multimodal text analysis.                      My results imply amongst other things that by conducting an overall assessment of the headlines in the textbooks a fair assessment can be made of which overall attitudes the books convey.

Enkelt utbytbara instegs delar : En ny lösning för en instegsmodul till lastbil med högmognadsgrad. Forskning har fokuserats på ergonomi och materialval.

The task was to deliver a solution that could be implemented in today?s production of the FH truck. To make the project successful it was most important that the end result had a high maturity level. For that reason an analysis of ergonomic, laws and regulations, and possible materials where conducted. To show that this project is profitable and can be realized a ruff cost estimated of material and tools is added to the research.

Hur arbetar och resonerar några lärare kring bedömning och hur är detta relaterat till deras syn på olika måltyper?

Syftet med detta arbete har främst varit att lära oss mer om bedömning. Vi har uppmärksammat bedömningens avgörande roll för elevers kunskapsinlärning och intervjuat några lärare om vad de har för uppfattning om bedömning. Fokus har lagts på resonemanget kring relationen mellan de-ras syn på bedömning och olika måltyper. I resultatet redogör vi för de olika lärarnas resonemang kring målen, bedömningssätt och bedöm-ningssituationer. Vi har även uppmärksammat att vissa lärare har en intuitiv kunskap om vad ele-verna kan och detta problematiserar vi i diskussionen, men har även redogjort för, de av oss in-tervjuade lärarnas resonemang kring detta.

Mobbning Maktspel mellan Mobbaren och Offret : En fallstudie som lyfter fram problemet och skolans kamp

Swedish students' knowledge of mathematics has deteriorated in recent years. Teaching of mathematics is therefore starting point in an ongoing discussion among researchers, school leaders, politicians, teachers and others, who all thinks they know best about how teaching should be designed to the greatest extent possible to raise students' proficiency levels in the subject. Teachers' practices have long been the focus of discussions and views on these differ. The purpose of this paper is therefore to study students 'conceptions of mathematics and mathematics teaching, with teachers' methods and tools of focus, in relation to previous research on the subject. The method used was a survey of students in secondary school and a textual analysis of previous studies on the subject.As revealed by the survey was that the textbook has a big advantage in mathematics education in Sweden today.Many students are not accustomed to working in a different way and thereforedoes not know either what the alternative approach entails.

Det nya verktyget : En undersökning av förskollärares upplevelser med surfplattan

The aim of this thesis is to study preschool-teachers? experiences from using the computertablet as a tool for learning and teaching, in order to gain knowledge of how the integrationalprocess of information and communications technology (ICT) in preschool has progressedsince its instatement. The background that caused interest to make this study was the rapidprogression of the use of ICT-tools in childrens? everyday lives and the troubles that havesurrounded the process of integrating these tools into preschool-practices. The theoreticalbasis for the analysis of the research lies within the socio-cultural perspective.

Vad är hållbarhetsredovisning? : En kartläggande litteraturstudie

Företag som upprättar så kallade hållbarhetsredovisningar har blivit allt vanligare. Dock råder det inom forskningen på området en oenighet om vad hållbarhetsredovisning egentligen är. En mängd olika begrepp används om vartannat och några klara definitioner finns inte fastlagda. Syftet med denna studie är därför att göra en kartläggning av de olika begrepp som används inom den globala, akademiska hållbarhetsredovisningslitteraturen för att utreda innebörden av dessa begrepp samt för att utreda hur dessa begrepp förhåller sig till varandra. Studien genomförs med hjälp av en litteraturstudie där 12 artiklar väljs ut genom ett intensitetsurval och sedan analyseras och jämförs med varandra.

Hantering av överblivet material i järnvägsentreprenader - att effektivisera processer genom tillämpning av Lean

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Turismindustrin - ett verktyg för att hjälpa människor välja Klimatsmartare Mat.

About 30 % of our greenhouse gas admission comes from the food we are eating, and food plays a crucial role in the choice of destinations. The tourism industry has a great opportunity to affect our food habits. Used in the right way, the industry can teach us to eat more environmental friendly..

Suicidefterlevande familjers upplevelse av stöd i samband med en stödhelgsinsats

About 30 % of our greenhouse gas admission comes from the food we are eating, and food plays a crucial role in the choice of destinations. The tourism industry has a great opportunity to affect our food habits. Used in the right way, the industry can teach us to eat more environmental friendly..

Älvkarleby, landskapskaraktär och gestaltningsförslag : landskapskaraktärsbeskrivning med inspiration av metoden Landscape Character Assessment, med riktlinjer och gestaltningsförslag

Älvkarleby, landscape character and design proposal is a Graduated Thesis (30 ECCcredtis), in the subject of landscape planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, the Department of Rural and Urban Development. This thesis is a study and implement of the method "Landscape Character Assessment" (LCA), developed in England and Scotland as tool to analyse and highlight the landscape in different planning processes. The purpose of LCA is to increase the understanding and strengthen the role of the landscape. The thesis consists of three main parts: landscape characterization, guidelines and a design proposal. The landscape characterization emphasizes the values of the landscape in different types of planning processes, a documentation to base estimations on in any kind of change in the area. Theese estimations have resulted in guidelines that give proposals to the development of the landcape, focusing at the desingproposal.

Talent Management : Att behålla och utveckla anställda

Title: Talent Management: Retention and development of employeesLevel: Bachelor?s Degree in Business and AdministrationAuthors: Amra Abdulic Dzankovic and Anna JaurénSupervisor: Per-Arne WikströmDate: June 2013Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how an organization can implement talent management strategies to retain and develop their employees. We intend to increase the understanding of talent management by highlighting various strategies to retain and develop employees.Methodology: The study has been carried out with a qualitative approach through a case study in cooperation with a large organization within the public sector in Sweden. Empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with all the divisional managers. An extensive analysis of literature and research connected to Talent Management and tools for retention and development has formed the basis of the theoretical framework.Result and Conclusion: The conclusions we have drawn from this study is that to succeed with Talent Management, and the strategies that are in place to retain and develop employees, there must be an integral and comprehensive approach where business strategy and vision also permeates personnel strategy.

Vilken effekt har omvårdnadsmodellen Newborn individualized development care and assessment program (NIDCAP) för det prematura barnets utveckling?

Newborn Individualized Development Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) är en modell för omvårdnad av prematura barn samt dess familj och ett huvudsyfte med denna modell är att stödja utvecklingen av barnet. I Sverige kallas NIDCAP för familjecentrerad utvecklings-stödjande neonatalvård. Enligt internationell praxis anges en okomplicerad graviditet ha en längd av ca 280 dagar, 40 veckor. En fullgången graviditet varar från 37+0 till 41+6 veckor. De flesta av de prematurt födda barnen har en medicinsk komplikation.Syftet var att belysa hur NIDCAP påverkar det prematura barnets utveckling.Metoden för studien var en forskningsöversikt.

En förändrad värld, en omdanad säkerhet? - En studie om klimatförändringars effekt på svensk säkerhetspolitik

The concept of national security has been a matter for debate during recent years, especially in academic fields. Criticism has surfaced since the end of the cold war, directed towards the traditional perspective's dogmatic focus on armed threats and interstate war. Questions concerning an oncoming paradigm shift have been raised, regarding a widening of the security agenda among national states to also include alternative threats, such as environmental hazards. In this thesis, the focus lies on the effects that climate changes have caused in the Swedish national security agenda during the last 15 years. Swedish policy documents show that there have been some major changes, not only the widening of the security agenda but the entire security domain seems to have changed.

Jämförelse av resultaten på Nordic Stroke Driver Screening Assessment mellan äldre friska individer och äldre individer med stroke.

SammanfattningI dagens samhälle är bilkörning en viktig aktivitet för många individer. Att köra bil påverkar individens möjligheter till meningsfulla aktiviteter och självständighet. Efter att en person har fått en stroke kan personens körkort bli ifrågasatt. Ett vanligt bedömningsinstrument som arbetsterapeuter använder vid bedömning av kognitiv lämplighet inför fortsatt körkortsinnehav är Nordic Stroke Driver Screening Assessment (NorSDSA).Syftet med denna kvantitativa studie var att jämföra parvisa NorSDSA-bedömningars resultat mellan äldre friska individer och äldre individer med stroke. Sex friska äldre individer matchades med sex äldre individer med stroke avseende ålder och kön.

Relining ur ett beställarperspektiv

This report is focusing upon relining from a client?s point of view. Potential buyers are given a presentation of the different methods available today together with a general briefing describing the process. An important part of this report are the interviews that took place with already established customers. Property owners, managers, pipe cleaners, and project managers whom all been in contact with relining have answered the questions given along with their own thoughts and have also given recommendations of other persons to talk to.

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