

3962 Uppsatser om Environmental assessment tools - Sida 57 av 265

Aktiv miljöverksamhet? : en komparativ studie av kommuners miljöverksamhet

Active environmental activity?? a comparative study of the municipalities environmental activityThesis in Political Science D-Level at Karlstad University byJenny Ljung Spring 2008Tutor: Michelle MichelletiThe threat against our climate is one of our biggest challenges today. The awareness of the problem has grown rapidly for the last years in governments on international, national and regional level. The Swedish government is recognized as one of the leading countries in the climate and environmental work internationally. The Swedish municipalities play a big role in this successful work.

Hållbara transporter i Hemavan Tärnaby och Åre : En innehållsanalys av 13 Svenska turistaktörers hemsidor

Transport is an important aspect to take account in efforts to achieve sustainable tourism development. If we do not change our behavior regarding travel, the consequences will be significant for the environment. This study examines the various transport operators on the two Swedish ski resorts if their websites and marketing are different from each other in the mode selection. The destinations are Åre and Hemavan Tärnaby. They studied modes are two Swedish airlines, two train companies, three bus companies and three taxi companies.These corporate websites are studied with a content analysis in which the results of the keywords that have been developed are scored according to different categories.

The Toyota Production System (TPS) : ett verktyg för att skapa effektiv och lönsam produktion

Many companies are currently working to optimize and streamline their processes and production lines to achieve higher profitability. In increasingly competitive markets, companies are working to find solutions to increase the value of their production with such a small use of resources as possible. A tool used to accomplish this is the Lean management system. Lean comes from the production system that Toyota has been developing since the early 1900's, The Toyota Production System (TPS). The Lean philosophy helps companies, by working towards continuous improvement in its operations, to achieve higher customer satisfaction, more efficient production and ultimately higher profitability. Many companies are working to implement Lean in their organization. But there are many who fail to implement a complete change towards Lean.

Arbetssituationen för äldre montörer : En ergonomisk utvärdering för en förbättrad verktygsdesign

En åldrande befolkning är ett globalt problem. Länder så som USA, Kanada och Kina harproblem med åldrande befolkningar. Med en åldrande befolkning så ställs det nya krav påergonomi eftersom de biologiska förutsättningarna ändras när en person åldras. Styrka, syn ochuthållighet är alla egenskaper som försämras med ålder. Några av Atlas Copco Tools kunderbörjar oroa sig för deras åldrande montörer.

Demand and economic potential for working horses in Swedish municipalities

The aim of my study is to answer the question whether there is a potential for services by working horses in the Swedish municipalities. The Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Swedish Farmers Union (LRF) has started a cooperation called Climate School (Klimatskolan), with the purpose to increase knowledge in environmental and climate related issues in context of agriculture. This Master thesis is in the framework of the Climate School.Global warming is a problem that gets much attention today. Global warming and climate change are two subjects that are very much in focus on the political agenda. The municipalities of Sweden have a big responsibility concerning environmental work and to develop their own environmental thinking.

Det antropocentriskt styrda Sverige : En undersökning om riksdagspartiernas miljöideologiska närings-, miljö- och jordbrukspolitik under mandatperioden 2002-2006

This essay examines the environmental ideological direction of the Swedish parliamentary parties through the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture during the governmental time from 2002 to 2006.The environmental ideologies explained is anthropocentrism, ecocentrism and biocentrism. Based on the ideas of these three ideologies main points the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture, also matching the search words environment and energy, was compared and analysed.What has emerged is that all parliamentary parties express a desire to create an energy production and producing guide lines which are stringent environmentally and matches the safety requirements. Although the approach to environmental and safety standards differ significantly between them. Basically all Swedish parliamentary parties are more or less anthropocentric in its arguments, which in short terms means that they estimate natures and animals value through their usability for humans or based on their contribution to human feelings of wellbeing.The Centre Party and the Green Party shows hints of weak ecocentrism because in many cases they put animal intrinsic value high, but the human value higher. Moderates are predominantly anthropocentric but they also express some hint of biocentrism in one statement concerning research in order to reduce and rebuild environmentally destroyed areas.

Konsten att synas och skapa långsiktiga relationer med kunder : En studie om Sociala Medier och Sökmarknadsföring

The use of internet is growing rapidly and many people choose to spend a lot of their time in the virtual world. This is the reason why we believe that it is important for companies to consider using internet as a tool to reach their customers. Today many companies, especially within the fashion industry, have acknowledged this and use internet marketing to reach existing and potential customers. Social media and search marketing are two helpful tools that can be used in order to make a company visible on the web, given that they know how to use them effectively. The purpose of this study is to examine how companies within the fashion industry can use social media and search marketing to reach their customers and what kind of attitude they have towards using these tools.

NGO?s role in a public-private partnership : assessment of environmental educational efforts on short term

Business is changing and so are society?s expectations. Companies are expected to take responsibility for their trade and the context they are operating in, by looking at socially, economically and environmentally aspects. Many companies handle it by implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) to their line of action. This is often handled by collaborating with other organisations, such as non-governmental organisations.

Backpackers informationsanvändning: ett sociokulturellt perspektiv

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the information use among Swedish backpackers, both prior to departure and while travelling. The questions posed in this study are; which artefacts did the backpackers use, in what way were those used as tools of mediation within their social practice and how does a presumptive interaction between backpackers and information sources appear? The empirical material consists of interviews, held with eight backpackers, concerning their information use. The interviews reveal that a number of information sources are being consulted. The most commonly used sources identified in the empirical material are guide books, advice from other backpackers, fiction, TV programmes and periodicals.

Måltidskvalitet i förskolan : bidrag till ett kvalitetsbedömningssystem

The quality of meals is included in the constant improvement of each preschool. The study is carried out on behalf of the City of Malmö and Environmental Management and focuses on this quality work. By compiling a checklist of meal quality and by identifying what the meal quality means for persons working with the meal (managers, cooks, educators and parents), it is our wish that this will be a help in their quality work. To inspire the composition various organizations working methods and ways to manage, evaluate and make use of different models and tools to improve the dining quality, has been studied. In the literature, the work has received confirmation of theories that emerged during the analysis work of what a meal is and how quality can be measured. The results show that food quality is described as a complex concept consisting of different parts, where the food, atmosphere, service, together form the meal quality. The semi-structured interviews and the inquiry form, have given an indication of the preschool work with quality in the meal activities and it shows that on a wide range and large differences.

I andra hand en studie av attraktiviteten hos boenden med hållbarhetsanspråk

There is an irregularity in the interregional migration in Sweden. An increasing proportion ofthe population is drawn to the metropolitan areas, which creates problems for the smallermunicipalities and towns when their population declines. At the same time, our whole societyis faced with a great challenge: we need to redirect towards a sustainable development, wherethe environmental issues are discussed and dealt with to secure that all present and futuregenerations are given equal opportunities to live a good life.The aim of this study is to, focusing mainly on the environmental dimension of thesustainability concept, examine the attractivity of housing with sustainability claims. Toanswer this, three research questions were used:? Was the migration motive to reduce their environmental impact a part of the decision tomove, among migrants who had moved to housing with sustainability claims?? If the motive was a part of the decision, how much impact did it have compared to othermigration motives?? Which factors in housing aiming at sustainability are considered important by peopleliving in housing with sustainability claims?The research questions have been answered using quantitative data, gained in the form of selfadministeredquestionnaires which were distributed in four different residential areas withsustainability claims in the county of Västra Götaland, Sweden.

Expertkunskap och metakognition : experters förmåga till metakognitiv övervakning

Metakognitiva processer och förmågor innefattar bland annat människans förmåga att reflektera över sin egen kunskapsnivå och minneskapacitet, och att utifrån detta till exempel kunna reglera tid och inlärningsstrategier vid inlärningssituationer. Kännetecknande för en person som räknas till att vara expert inom en viss domän är bland annat att denne anses kunna övervaka sin kunskapsnivå på ett korrekt sätt. Denna studie undersöker om personer med stor domänkunskap uppvisar en större förmåga till metakognitiv övervakning än vad personer med sämre domänkunskap gör. Aktuell kunskapsdomän i denna studie är deklarativ kunskap kring fotboll, och fotbollsspelare och ledare rekryterades som försöksdeltagare. Förmågan till metakognitiv övervakning mättes med hjälp av mätteknikerna Assessment of Cognitive Monitoring Effectiveness (ACME) och Metacognitive Knowledge Monitoring Assessment (KMA), där försöksdeltagarna i samband med att ett kunskapstest genomförs får avgöra vilka frågor de tror sig kunna eller inte kunna svaret på.

Examensarbete i fördjupningsämnet språk- Integrering av modersmål i förskolan

Swedish preschools have a variety of children of different ethnic origins. The intention of this thesis is twofold; firstly to deeply examine how preschool teachers work with languages and secondly how to integrate the Swedish language with other native languages in practice. Hence, the aim is to get a deeper understanding and knowledge about how to integrate multilingual children that have other languages than Swedish as their mother tongue. The data collection for this dissertation is based on observations and interviews with three preschool teachers and child minders. The theoretical background is taken from literature which describes the social cultural perspective.

Utvärderande bibliometri: en jämförelse mellan två kvalitetsindikatorer

This master's thesis aims to explore the field of evaluative bibliometrics. In short, this field of research uses bibliometrics - i.e. the application of mathematical and statistical methods to books and other media of communication - as a research assessment tool. In recent years, evaluative bibliometrics has been an increasingly used method in research evaluation and is today used and implemented in many countries worldwide. Today, in Sweden, we can also see that evaluative bibliometrics is highly recognised and, in some cases, used in practice.

Kvalitetssäkring av hushållsnära avloppsfraktioner : vad kräver livsmedelsbranschen?

On-site sewage systems are common on the countryside of Sweden with approximately one million on-site systems installed. Due to insufficient function, these contribute significantly to the total discharge of phosphorus to rivers and lakes, causing eutrophication. In order to reduce eutrophication and to fulfil one of the environmental quality objectives, the decision was taken by the Swedish Government in 2005 that 60 % of phosphorous in sewage sludge is to be recycled to arable land before 2015. To make recycling a reality, new solutions have to be found. Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF) takes an active interest in this issue and has initiated this study. One problem is that the food industry is sceptical towards recirculation due to the risks that products from sewage systems may contain pathogens, heavy metals and unwanted chemical compounds, e.g.

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