

3962 Uppsatser om Environmental assessment tools - Sida 34 av 265

Formativ bedömning - en studie om hur lärare uppfattar formativ bedömning

Gustavsson, Charlotte (2015). Formativ bedömning ? en studie om hur lärare uppfattar formativ bedömning (Formative assessment ? a study how teachers perceive formative assessment). Malmö högskola, lärande och samhälle, institutionen för skolutveckling och ledarskap, kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning 90hp, huvudämne: pedagogik. Syftet med arbetet är att ta reda på om lärare använder sig av formativ bedömning och i så fall hur lärare definierar och lägger upp formativa bedömning. Med hjälp av teoretiska ramar tas det reda på hur verkligheten kan se ut för en urvalsgrupp.

Fibonacci och hans matematik : En titt på Fibonaccis matematiska liv och det han lämnat efter sig

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Elevers uppfattningar om betyg i idrottsundervisningen i grundskolan

Aim The purpose of this research is to study the need and the importance of marks in secondary school. The reason is to find out the students' perception of how they are motivated. Furthermore, how students experience the assessment and grading in physical education.What attitudes do students have towards the mark in the subject physical education in 6th and 9th grade, also how does SOC affect their attitudes towards marks?What kind of motivational significance do marks in physical education have in 6th and 9th grade based on their SOC?How do the students experience the assessment in grading in 6th and 9th grade based on their SOC?Method The data was collected with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of four classes from 6th grade and five classes from 9th grade; all from two different schools in the county of Stockholm.

Initial prövning av innehållsvaliditet och användbarhet för bedömningsinstrumentet Assessment of Work Performance : Försäkringskassan (AWP-FK)

Försäkringskassan (FK) har fått i uppdrag av regeringen att vidareutveckla bedömningsförfarandet för sjukskrivna i Sverige. Som en del i detta har bland annat ett nytt bedömningsinstrument tagits fram för att användas vid arbetsterapeutisk kompletterande bedömning av medicinska förutsättningar för arbete. Instrumentet bygger på det redan befintliga bedömningsinstrumentet Assessment of Work Performance (AWP), med tre utvalda arbetsuppgifter och kallas för AWP-FK. Syftet med den här studien var att göra en initial prövning av AWP-FK med fokus på innehållsvaliditet och användbarhet. Som metod användes kvalitativa telefonintervjuer med nio arbetsterapeuter som ingick i Försäkringskassans pilotstudie.

Biståndshandläggares uppfattning av begreppet skälig levnadsnivå och handlingsutrymme. : En kvalitativ studie.

Our aim of this study is to analyze how the concept of reasonable standard of living is by assistance officers in geriatric care, as well as the impact of their discretion on the assessment. We conducted a qualitative study with the help of interviews. During the collection of the empirical material, we have experienced greater confusion among assistance officers opinion about the concept of reasonable standard of living. We lacked a clear answer to the concept content. The interview subjects' responses did not differ so much, they said, among other things, that the concept is difficult to interpret, fuzzy, or that they do not have a good understanding of it.

Effektiva miljörevisioner - erfarenheter av och synpunkter på miljörevisioner vid miljöcertifierade organisationer

Miljörevisioner har en betydelsefull roll för att arbetet med miljölednings-system vid verksamheter ska utvecklas och leda till ständiga förbättringar av miljöprestandan. Syftet med arbetet är att granska effektiviteten av interna och externa miljörevisioner med utgångspunkt i Pfizer Site Helsingborgs miljörevisionsarbete. Dessutom syftar arbetet till att undersöka möjligheterna till utveckling av såväl interna som externa revisioner inom de definierade ramarna för miljörevision..

Praktisk och teoretisk matematik - Ur pedagogers synvinkel

In previous contact with secondary schools, we have noticed a dull setting for friluftsliv among teachers in Physical Education and Health. We suspected that both teaching and assessment are sometimes conducted in error. Under the provisions of Skolverket the teacher must involve all elements mentioned in the core content of the curriculum and the assessment of students' knowledge may be based only on what is expressed in the syllabus for each course. Research shows that the implementation of the curriculum have failed in the subjects investigated (Skolinspektionen, 2013:22). We have identified a gap of knowledge regarding the situation of friluftsliv in the course physical education 1.

EU som demokratifrämjare? : En jämförande studie av Europeiska Unionens demokratifrämjande politik gentemot Makedonien, Kroatien och Turkiet

 In this essay the aim was to investigate how the EU is trying to function as a democracy promoter in three particular countries, the so called candidate-countries Croatia, Macedonia and Turkey. The aim was also to analyze if there exist any differences in how the EU functions in these countries as a democracy promoter with a focus on how acts of democracy promotion is taken place. In order to fulfil the purpose of the essay two questions were addressed, how does the EU perform in promoting democracy in the three candidate-countries Croatia, Macedonia and Turkey? And also, is it possible to identify any differences in how the EU functions as a democracy promoter in those three countries?The method used to fulfil purpose and answering research-questions was qualitative text-analysis.  The results of the study were that the EU does perform in a number of ways to promote democracy in the three countries. The main differences are that the EU is using primarily political tools in Croatia and Macedonia which are channelized top-down and economic tools in Turkey channelized mainly top-down to promote democracy.

Barns egen lek ? En studie av pedagogers deltagande

Questions concerning the Cultural Heritage must be integrated in social planning.Therefore there is a need for adequate methods for cultural environmental analysis, toreceive knowledge that is relevant in an integrated conservation. The thesis is a review ofmethods for cultural environmental analysis and discusses the qualifications necessary fora method in order to receive adequate information as well as it discusses what kind ofinformation to be considered relevant. The thesis also analyzes a specific method forcultural environmental analysis in order to exam if it has got the qualifications concludedas necessary if it is to be used in an integrated conservation. The conclusion is that amethod for cultural environmental analysis should collect information about the entireenvironment (integrated information about nature and culture, in a historical perspectiveand how it is today), about social structures, physical remains (buildings etc) and what thecollected information tell about the history of the studied area, as well as what is importantin the landscape of today. Information about how the environment should be treated in thefuture is also of importance.

En beskrivning av manuellt test : Svagheter och styrkor med och utan stöd avett testverktyg

Test is an area in system development. Test can be performed manually or automated. Test activities can be supported by Word documents and Excel sheets for documenting and executing test cases and as well for follow up, but there are also new test tools designed to support and facilitate the testing process and the activities of the test. This study has described manual test and identified strengths and weaknesses of manual testing with a testing tool called Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) and of manual testing using test cases and test log templates developed by the testers at Sogeti. The result that emerged from the problem and strength analysis and the analysis of literature studies and firsthand experiences (in terms of creating, documenting and executing test cases) addresses the issue of the following weaknesses and strengths.

Tecken på smärta under anestesi - hur anestesisjuksköterskan bedömer patienten

ABSTRACT Introduction: One of the great difficulties that the nurse anesthetist encounter in their profession is to assess and estimate sleep depth versus signs of pain in the anesthetized patient. Based on a pre-operative appointment and the perioperative monitoring, an assessment of the patient is made. The experience that the nurse anesthetist has can make it easier to understand what subtile signs of the patient depends on. Purpose: With this in mind, the purpose of the pilot study was to try to find out if there are specific signs of pain during anesthesia and if the professional experience played a role. As a subsidiary aim the authors examined whether there were factors in the patient that the nurse anesthetist takes into account in the identification of pain during anesthesia.

Förebyggande förbättringsarbete med Design for Six Sigma

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a further development of the Six Sigma draft to carry through preventing quality measures in developing and designing of new products and processes. With increasing demands on enterprises development processes to be more safety and faster the need of DFSS arise as a product, process and service development concept in the organisations. Design for Six Sigma aims to improve and structure the development process of an organisation and consider the application of the innovation problem solving. The concept aims to leave the structure of the traditional Six Sigma concept and instead, from an innovative perspective, search for new solutions to existing problems. The concept constitute of a toolbox with a lot of quality tools that are divided into phases in a development model.

Utomhuspedagogik : En studie om lärares uppfattningar av utomhuspedagogik

In previous contact with secondary schools, we have noticed a dull setting for friluftsliv among teachers in Physical Education and Health. We suspected that both teaching and assessment are sometimes conducted in error. Under the provisions of Skolverket the teacher must involve all elements mentioned in the core content of the curriculum and the assessment of students' knowledge may be based only on what is expressed in the syllabus for each course. Research shows that the implementation of the curriculum have failed in the subjects investigated (Skolinspektionen, 2013:22). We have identified a gap of knowledge regarding the situation of friluftsliv in the course physical education 1.

Utveckling av en användarcentrerad designprocess för utformning av ergonomiska arbetsplatser enligt Lean

Uppdraget för detta examensarbete består i att utveckla en användarcentrerad designprocess för utformning av ergonomiska arbetsplatser som följer riktlinjer för Lean. Syftet är att studera hur filosofier och styrningsverktyg för Lean produktion, lagkrav i Arbetsmiljölagen och övriga föreskrifter samt ergonomiriktlinjer på ett framgångsrikt sätt kan integreras i produktutvecklingsprocesser. Utgångspunkten för detta arbete är att genomföra en kvalitativ analys av VPS assessment som är en prototyp av en utvärderingsmodell för Volvo Production System (VPS), utvecklad av sakkunniga inom ergonomiområdet på AB Volvo. Målsättningen är att stödja designarbetet så att riktlinjer för Lean, lagkrav i Arbetsmiljölagen och ergonomisk måluppfyllnad ingår i de typiska faserna av en designprocess; förstudie, formulering av kravspecifikation, generering och utvärdering av lösningar samt detaljkonstruktion. Den kvalitativa analysen som genomfördes resulterade i en integrering av aspekter från VPS assessment in i en generell designprocess.

Körplaner hos Solna Pressgjuteri : En undersökning av bristerna i användandet av ERP-systemet

This thesis investigates lacks in today?s use of the ERP-system Mapaz Affärssystem inthe production planning at Solna Pressgjuteri, and possible improvements. Today thedates calculated by the program to plan the orders are inaccurate and the ordersequence is not optimal, and therefore continuous manual corrections are needed.The approach was to study the program Mapaz to understand how it works, andidentify available parameters for input and output in the different tools offered in theprogram. By studying old lists of planned orders and relevant parameters in Mapaz forindividual orders, production groups, products and operations, the connectionbetween input and output parameters could be understood.Participating in planning meetings and discussions with the company behind theERP-system identified the current usage, desideratum and possibilities with theavailable tools. These were then matched to describe the reasons to the insufficientplanning and form possible actions for improvement.The work has showed poor understanding for the ERP-system and its functions, assome tools intended to assist the planning were not used, and some even usedincorrectly.

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