

3962 Uppsatser om Environmental assessment tools - Sida 23 av 265

Fonologisk bedömning baserad på bildbenämning jämfört med spontantal av barn med fonologisk språkstörning

In a phonological assessment, the aim is to obtain systematic and reliable data of a child's speech output, which can then serve as a basis for a decision on an appropriate intervention (Wolk & Meisler, 1998). Whether phonological assessment should be derived from an analysis of picture-naming or a conversation with the child, and whether the two methods for elicitation generate equivalent results, has been debated among clinicians and researchers for an extended time (Masterson, Bernhardt & Hofheintz, 2005).The aim of the present study was to compare two methods of speech elicitation for phonological assessment: spontaneous conversation and picture-naming, respectively. In the study, the procedures have been used when assessing children with phonological disorders as well as children with typical language development. The results are presented using two levels of phonological analysis; degree of phonological impairment, in terms of percentage of phonemes correct (PPC), and type of phonological impairment, in terms of phonological simplification processes. Eighteen (18) children participated in the study, nine (9) with phonological impairment (age 3;10 ? 5;11), and nine with typical phonologic development (age 3;2 ? 4;6).

Är efterfrågan på plastkassar känslig för avgifter? : En studie om hur efterfrågan på plastkassar påverkas av införandet av en avgift samt vilka åsikter som företag och konsumenter har om en CSRåtgärd i detaljhandeln för att minska användningen av plastka

The representative democracy has become weakened during the last decades. At the same time the United Nations declared at the Rio de Janeiro meeting in 1992 that environmental problems can best be solved by involvement of all concerned citizens in decision-making. The main purpose of this study has been to examine if citizens panels is a possible way to involve citizens in environmental decision-making and what the outcomes can be. Furthermore the study has investigated what the participation has contributed to environmental politics and how representative the results have been. This has been carried out by investigating the Piteåpanel in the municipality of Piteå by conducting interviews.The result of the study shows that the involvement of the citizens in the decision-making influenced the environmental politics of the municipality.

Från miljövård till hållbart samhällsbyggande - Förändringar i den Svenska miljöpolitiska diskursen under perioden 1987 - 2005

The aim of this thesis is to study discursive change in the Swedish environmental political discourse between 1987-2005. The text of three Swedish budget propositions are analysed for this purpose.The results from the analysis are related to a few relevant theoretical perspectives that hold partly different views on what constitutes ?sustainable development? and ?ecological modernization?. Through these theories the thesis continues the discussion around the two central but somewhat blurry terms sustainable development and ecological modernization. The aim of this discussion is to conclude whether the discursive change in Swedish environmental politics can be said to go more in the direction of sustainable development or ecological modernization, or if elements of both perspectives can be found.The analysis shows that the Swedish environmental discourse has come to include more and more political fields such as general welfare politics, during the period.

Övergripande kvalitets och kapabilitets granskning av produktionsprocessen ? en implementering av SPS. : Overall Quality and Capability Study of the Production Process ? an Implement of SPC.

Quality was earlier only an issue for the company?s quality departments but today is the entire organization involved in quality- and improvements work. With the customers in focus, both external and internal, quality and improvement work should be integrated in the daily activities. The management shall state goals and visions together with a policy. Through participation the correct requirements for a successful work are created.With SPC, statistics process control, there is an opportunity to perceive variations in the process and with the correct tools make it stable.

Utvecklad modell för enklare djurskyddsbedömning : med exempel från mjölkkor i lösdrift

Developed model for easier animal welfare assessment- with examples from dairy cows in loose housingAnimals in captivity are completely dependent on human care. If captive animals are prevented from exhibiting their natural behavior, they may suffer. Animal welfare inspectors, who insure that the animal welfare legislation is followed, use a checklist to assess the situation in the husbandry. This checklist contains only two levels of assessment, which may result in a lack of detail in the assessment of the husbandry. The objective of this report was to develop a more detailed model that provides an overview of the situation in husbandry.

Sjuksköterskans identifiering av nutritionsstatus med bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment

Undernäring förekommer både inom sjukvård och inom omsorg. Det är sjuksköterskans uppgift att identifiera näringstillstånd och det kan göras genom antropometriska mått och bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa sjuksköterskans nytta av bedömningsinstrument MNA. Resultatet baserades på 15 artiklar. Det är vanligt inom omvårdnad att personer är undernärda eller är i riskzonen för att drabbas av undernäring.

Lantbruket som energiproducent : tekniska, ekonomiska och miljömässiga förutsättningar för fjärrvärmeproduktion med lokalt skogsbränsle

A third party access to district heating networks has been proposed in Sweden, to increase the competition on the district heating market. Such third party access could create opportunities for the agricultural sector as an energy producer. This study describes the technical, economical and environmental prerequisites for a farmer cluster to build and run a heating plant, fueled with local wood fuel. The heating plant in the described scenario is 8 MW and will supply a village of 1000 houses, and is fueled with wood chips exclusively. Supplying a heating plant with fuel puts high demands on the logistics, since there need to be a continuous flow of fuel. In the scenario, wood residues from felling and thinning is stored in stacks in the forest, and a few times a year chipped and transported to a storage area at the heating plant. In the study, an estimation of the profitability has been made by estimating the cost of the investment, personnel, operating and maintenance costs and costs for the fuel and ash handling.

Analys av systemfaktorers påverkan på tillförlitligheten i distributionsnät

In this master thesis outage statistics covering tree years from two distribution grids are analyzed with the purpose to deduce which factors yield outages. The statistics are extensive therefore allowing in-depth analysis of both customer and system related factors. From this starting point and as a model of explanation energy not supplied is studied as the consequence and the measurement of the inconvenience caused by outages. Different methods for calculating energy not supplied are developed and studied and put in comparison to the method used in Network Performance Assessment Model, which is the Swedish frame work for regulating electricity distribution.Analysis of the outage statistics show a relation between the type category of customer and outages that can be deduced to the variance and the density associated with that customer category. Prioritization of different customer categories is elevated also in this aspect.

Hållbar tillväxt - möjlighet eller motsägelse? : En granskning av EU:s Lissabonstrategi ur ett humanekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to make a close and critical scrutiny of the EU Lisbon Strategy and the assumption of `sustainable growth´. A basic question is to clarify what is meant by `sustainability´ in the economic and the environmental dimension respectively, and also, to analyse the meaning of `sustainable growth´. Secondly, I try to investigate the relationship between the economical and environmental dimensions of the strategy. Are the goals of the dimensions compatible and mutually supporting or are they conflicting? By illuminating these issues the study moves towards a final set of questions: What are the arguments that encourage or counteract the Lisbon assumption of `sustainable growth´? Is the European Union approaching `sustainable growth´ looking at different economical and ecological indicators? What are the prospects for the Lisbon Strategy as a way towards global `sustainable development´?.

CEEQUAL : Ekonomisk, social och miljömässig hållbarhet i produktionen

CEEQUAL är ett klassningssystem utvecklad av ICE, den brittiska Institutionen för Civilingenjörer, för att bättra på anläggningsbranschens sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässiga hållbarhetsarbete. Systemet utvecklades år 2003 och användes fram till år 2011 endast i Storbritannien och Irland. År 2011 utvecklades en internationell version för organisationer som är intresserade av att certifiera projekt i andra delar av världen.Syftet med rapporten är att utvärdera konsekvenser för ett projekt som skall miljöcertifieras. Detta sker med hjälp av tre fallstudier från Skanska Sverige AB:Projekt Skarplöt, exploatering av en åkermark i Västerhaninge.Projekt Folkparksvägen, ombyggnation av en 1500 meter vägsträcka.Projekt Tyresövägen-Simvägen, en avsmalning av Tyresövägen från  motorvägsstandard till stadsväg.          Målet med rapporten är att:Identifiera förbättringsåtgärder för att främja hållbarhet och resurseffektivitet i produktion.Uppskatta vilka resurser förbättringsåtgärderna för certifiering kräver.Resultat från fallstudierna visar att Skanska har väl inarbetade rutiner i företagets ledningssystem, dock finns det förbättringspotential som kan uppnås med integrering av CEEQUALs krav i dagens arbetssätt.Merkostnaden av förbättringsåtgärderna består mestadels av tjänstemannatid för ett utökat samhällsengagemang, planering och bevakning av åtgärder som främjar hållbarhet samt insamling av bevismaterial för certifiering.

Datorstödd implementering med hjälp av Xilinx System Generator

The development in electronics increases the demand for good design methods and design tools in the field of electrical engeneering. To improve their design methods Ericsson Microwave Systems AB is interested in using computer tools to create a link between the specification and the implementation of a digital system in a FPGA. Xilinx System Generator for DSP is a tool for implementing a model of a digital signalprocessing algorithm in a Xilinx FPGA. To evaluate Xilinx System Generator two testcases has been designed. The testcases are selected to represent the FPGA designs made at Ericsson Microwave Systems.

Folkbibliotekarier om omvärldsbevakning - Intervjustudie med 5 svenska folkbibliotekarier

The purpose of the study is to reach knowledge about how public librarians understands and describes environmental scanning as a working process in a Swedish public library. The study consists of 5 interviews with public librarians working within the same organization. The empirical material is presented in two ways. The first one is what aspects of the external world the librarians find important. The second is through a theoretical framework based on Magnus Hoppes model of environmental scanning, including communication and cognitive processes aswell as ways of analyzing information from the external world.

En miljo?ja?mfo?relse av traditionellt stambyte kontra relining av tappvattenro?r : Med hja?lp av livscykelanalys

This study was a final thesis, for the bachelor program in civil engineering at theUniversity of Uppsala, which was made on behalf of Riksbyggen in Uppsala. Acomparative study of two stain renovation methods; tradition pipe replacement andrelining was done with an environmental perspective. A simplified life cycleassessment (LCA) was done according to the International Organization ofStandardization (ISO) with the LCA tool Eco-indicator 99, in order to be estimate theimpact on the environment. LCA is a method that follows a product or a system?from the cradle to the grave?, which means that all the environmental impact over alifetime is considered.The work was executed by using a stairway with nine apartments in a house called?Uppsala Hus 9? as a reference object, which was provided by Riksbyggen.

Följsamhet till en kvalitetsnorm för fall- och fallprevention inom geriatrisk slutenvård : En studie baserad på journalgranskning

PurposeThe purpose of this study has been to investigate the documentation process following the guiding principles of the Quality Norms for Fall Prevention concerning fall risk assessment, risk identification, fall preventive measures, information and the making of an individual care plan.MethodThis study is a quantitative, descriptive and retrospective journal review study. There were 100 journals examine the existing documentation concerning fall risk assessment of patients who received treatment in geriatric patient care. The sample was consecutively.ResultsThe results showed that fall risk assessment was documented in 79 of 100 examined journals. 56 (71 %) of the fall risk assessments were made within 24 hours. In 59 of 100 journals the patient, relatives or former caretakers was asked whether the patient had had a fall within the last year, and in 61 of 100 journals it was documented that the nursing staff had made an assessment that the patient was going to have a fall during his or her length of stay if no preventive measures were set in.The majority of fall risk factors and fall preventive measures were documented within the areas of walking and transfer. It was documented that the patient was informed of fall risk, fall risk factors and fall preventive measures in 15 of 100 journals.

Översättning och anpassning av Kortfattad Afasiprövning till arabiska : Jämförelse med arabiska Bilingual Aphasia Test och självskattad språkförmåga

With the growing amount of citizens with another mother tongue than Swedish, the need for assessment instruments in other languages than Swedish within the Swedish health care increases. To enable this, the knowledge of multilingualism and adequate assessments are required. The aim is to develop a modern Arabic version of a screening material that is comparable to what is used in the Swedish clinic in the assessment of people diagnosed with aphasia. In the present study, Short Aphasia Examination (Kortfattad Afasiprövning), which is one of the few screening material is available in Swedish and among the ten most frequently used assessment materials (Blom Johansson, Carlsson & Sonnander, 2011). Translation and adaptation was made to the Standard Arabic (KAPARABISKA) and Arabic dialect of Hadari (KAPHADARI).

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