

3962 Uppsatser om Environmental assessment tools - Sida 21 av 265

Responsible sourcing and transparency in the home textile industry : the case of cotton

CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, has become increasingly important in a globalised world where the responsibilities of companies and governments are somewhat blurry. The textile industry is an industry where long supply chains and raw material production in developing countries are factors adding to the complexity and difficulties of solving ethical issues. Cotton production faces many environmental, social and financial challenges in the value chain. Therefore this case study takes a closer look at five Nordic home textile companies, Ikea, Hemtex, S Group, Moko and Finlayson, and how these companies choose their cotton related CSR tools and communicate their work on this area. These companies are of various sizes and therefore the resources for CSR work are also different, as well as the perceived values for working with CSR.

Konkursboets miljörättsliga ansvar : Särskilt vid gruvverksamhet i konkurs

The thesis addresses the issue of when a bankruptcy estate, under environmental law, is responsible for the debtor?s environmentally hazardous activities. A fundamental principle of insolvency law is that the bankruptcy estate is not responsible for the debtor?s prior obligations. The environmental legal rules do not distinguish whether an injunction liability is directed against a bankruptcy estate or another operator.

Morgontidningars miljöstrategier : drivkrafter idag och i framtiden

Society?s interest for environmental issues was reinforced in the 1960:s when the book by Rachel Carson, ?Silent Spring?, came out. She described a picture of a world without birds singing and this got the environmental debate going. Today, this debate has reached the corporate world since stakeholders are putting pressure on companies to show greater environmental awareness. Many companies show uncertainty when they are faced with these new market demands.

Bokslutsrapporten ? ett substitut eller komplement till revisionsberättelsen?

On the 1st of November 2010, the statutory audit was abolished for small limited companies. The amendment of the abolished statutory audit includes smaller private limited companies that for two years does not exceed more than one of the two following limits: net revenue of three million kronor, total assets of one and one half million kronor and three employees. The principal rule of chapter 9 section 1 Companies Act remains that a limited company should have at least one auditor. For limited companies included of the amendment has a opportunity to choose bokslutsrapporten instead of the auditor?s report as a proof of quality of the accounting and the financial reporting.

Usefulness of financial reports ?A study of the information need in banks? credit assessment

Background and problem: Financial reports are created for the users as decision support. Stakeholders are often subjects to information asymmetry. Banks represent one of the primary stakeholders and financiers of a company, and place great emphasis on financial reports in their credit assessment process. The question is, however, how useful the financial information actually is. According to previous research, banks consider accounting information as troublesome in some respects, mostly due to accounting choices and judgments.

Aegishjalmur, tyrrunan och valknuten : En kvalitativ studie i användandet av fornnordiska symboler bland nationalistiska rörelser.

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Muntliga förmågor, vad är det? : En analys av möjligheterna kring bedömning av elevers muntliga förmågor i samhällskunskap

 Through teaching, pupils are given the opportunity based on their personal experiences and current events to express and consider their views in relation to others who hold different views. As a result, pupils should be encouraged to get involved and participate in an open exchange of views on societal issues (Skolverket, 2011d, s. 189). To assess pupils orally in the subject of civics in primary education is an unexplored field, which makes this field relevant to explore. There are numerous researchers? who with the help of deliberative methods, formative feedback, formative assessment and studies regarding classroom climates whom all speak positive about using discussion/dialogue in education to upraise and develop learning among pupils.

Bidrar nationella prov i svenska till likvärdiga betyg?

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate if the national test results, in the subject of Swedish B at upper secondary school, are affecting a student?s final grade in varied degree among different teachers. The purpose has also been to investigate if the assessment of these tests is equivalent among different teachers. This particular investigation showed that there are big differences between how teachers grade, in relation to achieved results on the national test. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, the teacher should take all performance information available into consideration for each particular student.

Miljö- och samhällsekonomisk analys av behandling av biologiskt avfall

Biogas is a renewable fuel that can be extracted from anaerobic digestion of many differentsubstrates, for example biological household waste. An alternative handling of the waste is tomix it with other wastes and incinerate it in a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. Thisstudy uses life cycle assessment to investigate which type of waste handling that is betterfrom an environmental point of view, anaerobic digestion with biogas production orincineration. The results are based on a case study of a biogas production plant owned by thecompany Ragn-Sells in Vänersborg. The alternative is incineration at a CHP plant inGothenburg.

Energiförbättrande åtgärder på befintliga flerbostadshus : -En lönsamhetsanalys

The EU Council adopted in 2007, environmental and energy goals with the aim of them must be met by 2050. This, in combination with those of the Swedish government 15 enacted environmental goals is supposed to lead the way for the Swedish environmental work.This report has examined measures in properties in the Swedish Cooperative Housing Society (SKB) stocks.The report discusses a range of measures that might be appropriate to apply on the properties to make them more energy efficient.One of the measures discussed, the vent whose primary purpose is to create a good indoor environment for the residents but is also where the most energy is lost.Another measure discussed is insulation of the building envelope on the estate to make it more energy efficient. To put extra insulation on the building envelope is important because of the large amount of energy that is lost through the walls, ceilings and floors.Future actions that may be implemented is individual billing of heating and hot water. This system has been used in European countries since the 70's and today the EU wants to increase the own individuals control over their electricity costs. This has led to a discussion whether to implement the system in Sweden or not.However, there are a number of equitable measures to be sorted out before the system can be used in any great scale.Finally, it is important to remember that environmental measures should be the primary and the pursuit of cost reductions the secondary otherwise you risk the environmental work to be counterproductive..

Scanias arbete med miljöledningssystem : faktorer som motiverar medarbetarna

Societal expectations of responsible corporate conduct are currently a fact. It is manifested ina corporate need for limiting and managing external effects, such as environmental impact.An environmental management system is a tool for organizations to structure theirenvironmental work and increase their efficiency. Managing the corporate operations toaccommodate to environmental objectives requires an organizational understanding of theobjectives as well as the procedures. A condition for a successful implementation is the coworkers´ willingness to participate and collaborate.A study made on the co-workers attitude towards the ISO 9000 standard (i.e. qualitymanagement system) reveals that the earlier positive findings are not completely true.

Det bästa för miljön, det bästa för Europa?- Europeiska kommissionens argumentation i frågan om EU-harmonisering av miljöskatter The best of the environment, the best for Europe?- European Commission' s official arguments on EU hormonisotian of environmen

This thesis tackles the subject concerning arguments as a conceptual basis forunderstanding the general strategy of the European Union Commission on issuesconcerning EU-harmonized environmental taxes, politically delicate and intergovernmentaldependent. The Commission's official proposals, communications and other relevant documents are subject to inquiry, where the theoretical bases are that harmonized environmental taxes in the EU is an issue conceived as supported by academic debate, and where the institutional arrangement in relation to an European-national dimension alongside the discursive context, allows meaningfulspace for arguments. The study makes a distinction between substantial (environmental cancerns in itself) and instrumental (other benefits, mostly economic ones) rationality as a foundation in various types of arguments.The study's main findings are that the Commission's official documents over the past 20 years, have been trying to keep a strong image of reason and knowledge based arguments for an EU-wide environmental tax reform. In particular, the types of arguments tend to appeal to the Member States by stressing the instrumental rationality in a European environmental tax reform, indicating the value of good arguments as a part of the Commission's main strategies. In sum, this may have further theoretical suggestions concerning questions of environmental and elimate change policies in a European context or other more general studies relying on theoretical assumptions of logics of argument, legitimacy or studies of motives behind action strategies in politically sensitive issues such as taxation at supranationallevel..

Anställningsintervjun och dess personbedömningsmetoder en jämförelse mellan internrekryterare och rekryteringskonsulter

The employment interview is an important part of the recruitment process because the recruiter then has a chance to form an opinion about the applicant as a person. The purpose with this study has been to examine if there are any differences between inhouse-recruiters and recruiting consultants concerning the employment interview and its assessment methods. Five inhouse-recruiters and five recruiting consultants have been interviewed on the basis of a manual. There are differences between the groups in 6 of the 17 themes that have been examined: purpose with the employment interview, private-, double- or panelinterview, length of the interview, personal chemistry, appearance and objectivity in the assessment. Many of the differences are caused by the fact that inhouse-recruiters recruit for their own organisation and recruiting consultants recruit for a client.

Handel med utsläppsrätter - en granskning av ansökningsförfarandet för tillstånd till utsläpp av CO2

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att beskriva den lagstiftande bakgrunden till handeln med utsläppsrätter samt att granska hur det inledande förfarandet av handelssystemet har genomförts i Sverige..

Bedömning ur ett elevperspektiv

In society and school today there is a major focus on assessment, and this can for example be seen in an increased research on assessment over the last ten years. But one research topic still quite unexplored is how students perceive assessment. The main purpose with this study is to explore students? experiences of assessment, how assessment interferes with their volition and if the extent of the impact on the motivation varies depending on how the assessment is performed. In order to answer these questions a quantitative investigation was performed at first. 83 students answered a questionnaire about what kind of assessment they experience in school, if they receive feedback, what is important for being successful in school, if they know on what grounds they are assessed, what impact failure and/or success has on their motivation, if they are stressed by school etc.

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