

2688 Uppsatser om Environmental Security - Sida 60 av 180

Avsättningsmöjligheter för slaggrus från avfallsförbränning vid Åmotfors Energi

The incineration of waste is steadily increasing in Sweden and so is the production of ashes. The bottom ash has for many years been used as construction material in landfills. Now many of the nation's landfills are closed and there is a great need to find another beneficial use for the ash. Bottom ash is a gravel-like material and with its material properties it can replace natural gravel in parts of roads and surface constructions. Today this use is only approved within landfill areas where leachate is collected and checked.

Skydd mot nitrat och bekämpningsmedel i dricksvatten : åtgärder och styrmedel i fem länder

In many European countries there is an increasing concern about the occasionally high concentrations of nitrate and pesticides in drinking water. The advent of the EU Water Framework Directive particularly highlights this. The directive states that all large drinking water sources should be identified and protected from pollution before 2009 and that by 2015 all water bodies should reach a 'good status'. In Sweden about 60 percent of the drinking water sources have protection areas. This means that about 700 new water protection areas need to be designated before 2009. This will affect many farmers, restricting their farming practices. The purpose of this study was to investigate which methods are used in other countries concerning nitrate and pesticide pollution from agriculture. From this, the expectation was to generate ideas on what could be undertaken in Sweden when designating new protection areas.

Hur ofta bör småhus sotas? : En samhällsekonomisk analys av ändrade sotningsfrister

Sweden recently changed the national regulation of chimney sweeping. This study has two purposes. The first purpose is to evaluate the effect of this reform to see if the new regulation has led to an effect in terms of increased chimney fires in single-family houses and for the wood-burning and oil-burning stoves, respectively. The second purpose is an updating of a previous study (Mattsson 1994) of analysis of society´s benefits and costs of different alternative sweeping frequencies for wood-burning and oil-burning stoves. This study also has a secondary purpose to examine the extent to which the local sweeping rules vary with climate conditions.  Mattsson, based on his results, proposed that the sweeping requirements for oil-burning stoves should be reduced from twice a year to once every second year and for wood-burning stoves the sweeping should be reduced from four times to once each year.

Kaffesump som substrat i biogasanläggningar eller som bränsle i fjärrvärmeverk : en studie av effekter på växthusgasutsläpp och kostnader

Each year, the coffee machines at Ericsson in Kista produce around 100 tons of ground coffee waste.The companies Coor Service Management, Löfbergs Lila and Selecta are all responsible for differentstages in the logistical chain in delivering coffee and, together with Ericsson, they want to increasetheir environmental benefit. The plan is to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion instead ofincinerating the coffee waste in a heating plant. The results are to be presented as different businesscases in which different biogas plants are compared with the reference case (heating plant),comparing costs and environmental impacts.There are two major environmental benefits from producing biogas; reduced carbon dioxideemissions from when fossile fule is replaced by carbon neutral biogas, and reduced emissions fromreturning digestate from the bio reactor to farmland instead of using industrial fertelizer.In order to determine the biogas potential in coffee waste, a couple of properties had to bedetermined in a laboratory. Properties such as the dry substance content, heating value, moisturecontent and ash content. The results show that 100 tons coffee waste could produce around 16 500Nm3 biogas which would contain 163 MWh.The biogas reactor and upgrade plant both need energy gas to function and uses around 14 MWh ofthe produced gas.

Småskalig vattenkraft : Dagsläge och framtidsplaner

This study focuses on small scale hydropower in Sweden. This means plants with a capacity of up to 10 MW. The study has a special focus on plants with a capacity up to 2 MW. The study has three aims. It strives to describe the small-scale hydroelectric industry in Sweden.

Rättssäkerhet i barnavårdsutredningar : BBIC - ett nytt sätt att arbeta i socialtjänsten

AbstractThe Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare has since a year or so started to introduce a new way to work with childcare investigations within the social services. This new concept, BBIC, is meant to put the child?s needs in the first room rather than the grownup?s as it used to be before. This study is about to examine how BBIC affects the legal security of the children within these childcare investigations.BBIC was first developed in England after a massive criticism against the way that the foster home- and institutional care was handled. In Sweden, BBIC was first tested and developed into Swedish conditions in a few project municipalities for about five years but is now being introduced all over the country.

Fallstudie av Pumas Environmental Profit and Loss Account

Introduktion:Att hållbarhetsredovisa efter GRI:s riktlinjer är idag en standard bland multinationella företag världen över. Vi anser dock att det är mer givande för intressenter att placera företaget i ett större sammanhang och för att se hur mycket företagets miljöpåverkan kostar samhället årligen. Sportsko- och klädesföretaget Puma har i en resultaträkning monetärt uppskattat hur mycket miljöpåverkan från deras leverantörer och egna aktiviteter kostar samhället varje år. Den kallas för Environmental Profit & Loss Account och fungerar som ett transparens-, strategi- och riskhanteringsverktyg.Syfte:Den här uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva hur EP&L kan användas i framtiden.Problemformulering:1. Hur används EP&L som strategi- risk- och transparensverktyg?2.

Design comparison between HiperLAN/2 and IEEE802.11a services

This paper is a study and comparison between the two Wireless LAN (WLAN) standards HiperLAN/2 and IEEE 802.11a. WLANs are used instead or together with ordinary LANs to increase mobility in for example an office. HiperLAN/2 is an European standard developed by ETSI and the IEEEs standard is American. A WLAN-card consists roughly of a Medium Access Control (MAC), Physichal layer (PHY) and an antenna. The antenna is the same for the different standards.

Miljöval för byggnadsmaterial : Med häktet i Helsingborg som referensobjekt

Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.

Skadlig kod och sårbarheter i Windows : En studie i virusens historia och nutidens olika säkerhetsrisker

I dag kan man oftast läsa om olika säkerhetshot och risker en datoranvändare måste tänka på för att inte ge någon utomstående möjlighet att komma åt känslig och/eller privat information. Här talas det om nya virus och nya typer av trojaner som sprids som epidemier över Internet, och i bland handlar det om ett spionprogram som följer med en nedladdad fil. Det är svårt att hålla reda på alla typer av skadlig kod som nämns fast med ökad förståelse ökar också chanserna för att klara sig från smitta. Det har visat sig att utvecklingen av skadlig kod är lika stark som den inom kommersiella mjukvaror. Från persondatorns uppkomst i början av 80-talet och fram till i dag, har utveckling skett i alla områden av den skadliga kod det handlar om strategi, syfte och framförallt ren kodkomplexitet.Dagens ledande leverantör av operativsystem och webbläsare, Microsoft, lovar allt mer sofistikerade säkerhetslösningar varje gång en ny version av ett program släpps.

Effektiva styrmedel i jakten på den miljövänliga människan : Miljömål i Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm

Uppsatsen behandlar styrningsverktyg i arbetet mot ett ekologiskt hållbart samhälle, av kommuner nyttjade styrmedel och de boendes uppfattning av dessa. Fokus ligger på de boendes respons på miljömål i uppbyggnaden av den ekologiska stadsdelen Hammarby Sjöstad i Stockholm.Med hjälp av kvalitativ metod och djupintervjuer med 14 boende studeras de styrmedel som används för att påverka och förändra de boendes miljöbeteende, de boendes inställning till dessa samt vilka drivkrafter som finns bland de boende för att agera miljövänligt.De aktuella styrmedlen; regleringar, ekonomiska styrmedel och informativa styrmedel presenteras med hjälp av citat från intervjuerna och redovisas utifrån strukturell, positionell samt individuell nivå. Dessutom redovisas meso-kontextens påverkan samt individens egna drivkrafter för miljöbeteende.Teorier som tas upp och relateras till det empirirska materialet är makt, governmentality samt relevant urban- och miljöforskning. I resultatet framkommer exempelvis att de boende efterfrågar inbyggda lösningar för ett miljövänligare samhälle. I diskussionen resoneras bland annat kring den krock som kan finnas mellan de olika diskurserna; miljövänlighet och senmodernitet..

Kartläggning av en fastighets miljöpåverkan : Livscykelanalys av flerfamiljsfastigheten "Teodoliten"

Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.

Fysisk aktivitet- En social gemenskap : Motionsgympans effekt på den upplevda fysiska och psykosociala hälsan

Background: Examinations with the intent to assess neurological functions and level of conciousness are common in neurocritical care, but the effect on the patient is not entirely researched.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe the patient?s situation at the neurological wake-up test concerning the environment, nursing interventions and the possibility given the patient to become awake, and if these conditions affect the outcome of the wake-up test.Methods: A quantitative observational study took place at a neurocritical care unit, where 20 patients were observed from interruption of sedation to the neurological assessment, which was performed by a neurosurgeon or a specialized critical care registered nurse. Nursing interventions, environmental factors and physiological parameters were documented.Result: Twelve intervention varieties to control patients? physiological parameters were used. CPP > 80 mmHg was found in 90 % of observations.

Valutariskhantering vid exportaffärer : - en studie av stora svenska exportföretag

AbstractBusiness, or business decisions always involves an endangerment from the company?s aspect, but when it comes to business with foreign countries the risk profile looks quite different from the profile the company has when its doing business inside the country. Therefore, it is extremely important for an export company or import company to carefully consider the risks that are enclosed with the deal, before he makes the decision to enter a deal. One of the most important risks a company have to considerate when doing business with foreign countries is the currency risk. A company is exposed to currency risk when either long-term or short-term changes in the exchange rate may affect the result of the company, competitive position and growth.

Cykeltrafiken i Karlstad : En studie om vad som påverkar valet att cykla

Karlstads kommun har satt upp mål i transportstrategin som syftar till att öka antal cykelresor i Karlstad. Vid användning avger cykeln varken växthusgaser eller föroreningar. Vardagsbeslut att ta cykeln exempelvis till arbetet leder till att koldioxidutsläpp kan reduceras. Cykling kan därmed bidra till att uppfylla viktiga miljömål. Cykling främjar hälsa.

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