10776 Uppsatser om Environmental Management Systems - Sida 54 av 719
Japan & Sverige: En komparation av pensionssystemen
The purpose of this essay was to compare the Swedish and the Japanese pension system and see if there were any big differences or similarities. I was looking for answers to such questions as if the systems were modelled with the problematic demographic situation in mind and also how these two countries had tried to manage the problems. Path dependency was also a central conception when I studied the reforms of the two pension systems. I mainly used literature and Internet sources in my study. There were many books on the Swedish pension system and the debates that had been going on since the 80's.
Risk Management for commodity consumers -A study of the Airline industry-
The aim of this study is two folded. We wish to investigate if there is a value premium from hedging jet fuel exposure for American and European airlines. We also seek to answer if airlines can affect their probability to default by using Risk Management. During the period 2003 ? 2006 there existed a value premium for airlines that hedged their expected future consumption of jet fuel.
Performance Management i svenska företag
Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga hur Performance Management-system praktiseras inom svenska organisationer. Med utgångspunkt ur de teorier och modeller som återfinns i litteraturen ska sedan resultatet analyseras. Samtliga av de undersökta industrikoncernerna har tagit till sig PM-synsättet och praktiserar det i någon mån. Skälen till detta benämns vara att verktygen i större grad än annars kan få hela företaget att uppnå gemensam fokus på företagens målsättningar. Hur detta senare visar sig i hur företaget faktiskt jobbar finns det, en del att vara ifrågasättande emot.
Cash Management : en studie av netting som verktyg vid likviditetshantering
Background: Liquidity and the management of liquidity are of great importance for companies. Cash management is not a new term, but the need for it has increased recently, for one thing because of the internationalisation and growing harmonisation between the countries in Europe. Netting is a cash management technique, where receivables and liabilities are netted. This technique can be used to release capital and increase the company?s cash flow by reducing the number of transactions in the internal payment system.
Design Management för Remote Control Sweden AB
This Degree Project is a cooperativ work with the advertising agency PAX in Falun and the industrial companyRemote Control, who constructs and sells actuators for the global market.The assignment concerns bringing out a graphic profile, or with another expression a Design Management, forRemote Control AB graphic materials. Remote Control AB has a quality certification ISO 9000 and is workingwith, when this report was wrote, an environment certification ISO 14001.The Company has been paid attention to Internet and other media.The supervisors are familiar to that Design Management is a soon coming competition element, like quality andenvironment management.This Degree project contains research, analysis and the construction of graphic material. The research has beencommitted most of the time to trace the customer, the market and the competitor, because its the most importantphase. It?s also important looking at competitor?s way of working with marketing management, so you can separatethem from the own company..
EARNINGS MANAGEMENT : En studie om förekomsten av resultatmanipulering i svenska börsföretag före och efter införandet av IFRS/IAS
Denna studie fokuserar på effekten av IFRS/IAS på earnings management. Huvudsyftet är att identifiera earnings management före och efter införandet av IFRS/IAS för att klargöra om de internationella redovisningsstandarderna har påverkat förekomsten av resultatmanipulering inom svenska börsbolag. Perioden som studeras är åren 2002-2008. För att identifiera earnings management används den modifierade Jones-modellen som går ut på att detektera förekomsten av godtyckliga periodiseringar som ett mått på resultatmanipulering. Vi kontrollerar även för om variablerna storlek och bransch kan förklara förekomsten av företeelsen före och efter införandet av IFRS/IAS.
"Hemma på min gata i stan..." : Tillhörighet, identitetsskapande och fritid bland unga flickor i Gottsunda
This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.
Följande rapport ingår som en del av managementprogrammet på magisternivå inom ämnet företagsekonomi på Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds Universitet. Rapporten innehåller reflektioner och kunskaper utifrån de praktiska erfarenheter vi fått under det projekt vi genomfört åt Sparbanken Finn kopplat till teori inom företagsekonomi. Projektarbetet på Sparbanken Finn innebar en kartläggning och analys av 14 skandinaviska banker med fokus på dessa bankers fundingstrategi. Vi vill även med denna rapport förmedla vår definition av management genom att åskådliggöra denna i en modell. De managementaspekter som presenteras i modellen är styrning, ledning, utveckling och situationsanpassning.
DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE - KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning
This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise
resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on
a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North
Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and
customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department
studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and
cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems
could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate
demands on a new ERP system.
New public management och den svenska gymnasieskolan : En ideologikritisk analys av Gy11-reformen kopplat till organisationskonceptet new public management
The purpose of this ideology critical study is to investigate the hidden content in the reform Gy11 and compare it with the concept new public management. After the clarification of the hidden content, we compare the structure of the organization in Swedish high schools with the structure in public sector called new public management. The main questions of this study are the following: Is it possible to see the foundation of new public management in the Swedish high schools when it comes to the views of knowledge and the formation of goals? Which similarities can we find when we look at the organization new public management and the Swedish high school?The result showed many similarities, both regarding the views of knowledge and the formations of goals. The structure of new public management has been largely implemented in the Swedish high schools and the schools now focus more on instrumental knowledge rather than universal knowledge based on understanding.This is not surprising due to the social progress.
Lönsamhet av Självscanningssystem
During the last decade, there has been an increase in the use of technology-based self-services within the retail sector. The increase is particularly noticeable within the grocery market. The reason behind the increased use of these systems is partially due to the fact that companies within highly competitive retail markets continually look for ways of decreasing costs while upholding efficiency. The problem is that it is difficult to understand the true economical implications of investments relating to these machines. The purpose of this study is to investigate and contribute with new insights regarding the cost-structures of the stationary self-checkout systems and traditional cashier desks, within the retail grocery market.
Tre nyanser av grönt : En studie om mötet mellan konstbaserat lärande, natur och miljö
I den här uppsatsen i ämnet bildpedagogik förenas konst, natur och frågan om hållbar utveckling. Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är att miljöfrågor är aktuella i vår tid. Barn som växer upp idag lever främst i urbana miljöer med liten naturkontakt. I uppsatsen beskrivs att naturkontakten tycks kunna ha betydelse för miljöengagemang. Genom intervjuer med forskare, konstnärer och lärare undersöks frågan om konstbaserat lärande tillsammans med fördjupad naturkontakt kan lyfta miljöfrågor.
Kravanalytikerns roll : Kommunikationsförmedlare mellan olika intressenter i ett IT-projekt
According to statistics, requirements management is identified as a major source of error to failed IT-projects. Moreover communication is identified as a factor affecting the require-ments management and can lead to deficiencies in the requirements. The requirements analyst is responsible for managing the requirements from the different stakeholders, act as a com-munication accommodator and to translate abstract requirements expressed by users to more specific requirements that developers can implement. The purpose of this thesis is to study the role of the requirements analyst to investigate the problems that may arise in working with requirements management. To achieve the purpose we have performed a requirements management process in which we ourselves took the role as the requirements analysts. The requirements management process consisted of three phases: gather requirements, document requirements and validate require-ments.
Regulatorer med styrsignalsbegränsning
This thesis studies the negative impact that control signal saturation may have on a controlled system. Different methods that are used to compensate for this problem are also studied and evaluated. Both sensitivity to disturbances and the effect the method has on the systems'ability to follow a reference signal will be examined. Stability will be discussed, but no conclusions whether the systems are stabilized or not can be drawn. Control signal saturation will lead to a slower behavior in general.
Jordbruksdränering, kostnader och genomförande :
Underdrainage is a costly investment but often a necessity to maintain rationalized plant cultivation, one can also see underdrainage as insurance to successful plant cultivation. Late ripening crops, low yield and difficult tillage cultivation are examples on an insufficient drainage. (Kvarnemo 1983) A drained field rise in land price and the scheme of the tiled drains is seen as a value item.
The interest for underdrainage among the farmers follows with shifting economic situations within agriculture and has for long time been low.
A big part of the Swedish tiled drainage systems is since 1930 and ahead. Many of these tiled drainage systems need to be replaced or complemented. The life length of one tiled drainage system varies with maintenance but can still remain in good function after 75 years with correct management.