

10770 Uppsatser om Environmental Management Systems - Sida 17 av 718

Miljöarbete i förskoleklass : Jämförande studie om hur pedagoger integrerar miljöarbete i verksamheten och barnens kännedom om återvinning

The purpose of this study is to investigate what knowledge children in preschool have about recycling, and to examine how teachers work with environmental efforts to increase children's understanding of environment and sustainable development. And if there is differs between the two preschool classes, one of which has a environmental profile. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interview methods of teachers and children, and observation of the children during a sorting exercise with a number of garbage objects. The result shows that teachers in the environment profiled preschool spend more time per week on work related to environmental and natural issues and worked more thematic. Similarity between this preschool classes is that the use of outdoor education to get into environmental awareness.

The Future of ABC at Sandvik Tooling

Abstract Title: The Future of ABC at Sandvik Tooling ? Incorporating ABC with information systems in order to drive business development from a cost point of view. Authors: Jenny Andersson and Camilla Salomonsson. Supervisor: Charlotta Johnsson ? Department of Automatic Control, Lund University.

Uppvärmning och miljöpåverkan : -en jämförelse mellan fjärrvärme och bergvärme i villa

Many of todays studies show that district heating is one of the betteralternatives as heating source because of its low environmental load.The energy source is often leftovers from other processes producing energy or waste, like garbage or chips.Electricity in combination with geothermal heating is another heating system that has increased sharply during the last years, and also this system decreases the discharges that have negative affectson the environment compared to several other heating methods.This report aims to, concentrated towards these two different heating systems, estimate the amounts of discharges they indirect cause and how the environment is affected.We have calculated the mean value for discharges of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide and dust generated from electrical power used in Sweden.Through interviews and research we have gained data for the same substances that district heating based on combustion of garbage and biofuel generates.We have also in cooperation with a housing company chosen a building we see representative for many of the new single-family houses built in Sweden today.Based on its shape and appearance we theoretically created three alternatives of the same house, each of them with climate screens different from each other.Together with the amounts of discharged environmental affecting substances, these houses were the base for our calculations and studies when investigating the different heating sources environmental effect.The results have thereafter been analyzed and discussed from different angles..

För systemets skull och inte för naturens bästa : En studie av hållbar turism inom boendesektorn

In this study environmental work in the Swedish hotel chain "Scandic" is investigated. Earlier studies point out sustainability and different environmental certificate programs as essential for the housing sector to contribute to sustainable tourism. The purpose and willingness to fulfill such a mission has been investigated by interviewing central actors in the hotel chain. The result shows that there is a desire to be part of environmental certificate programs mainly for the reason to be part of the system and not for the benefit of nature. Sustainable development is understood as being environmentally friendly. Different solutions to adapt and being more environmentally friendly is discussed.

Value Creation Through Corporate Social Responsibility - An illustrative study of five Swedish insurance companies

Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their core business and in their interaction with stakeholders on a voluntarily basis. The purpose with our thesis is to study how Swedish insurance companies work with Corporate Social Responsibility and to analyse the underlying strategies of the companies? social, environmental and economical activities. We will analyse where, how and for whom value can be created with CSR. Where does the value creation take place, how can it be created through these activities and who will benefit from Corporate Social Responsibility? Theories point out that companies need to assemble and value the total package of benefits to be able to create successful corporate initiatives.

Redesign av gallervält för Svea Redskap AB : Examensarbete, produktutveckling

The environmental debate is more intensive than ever before and the demands on companies increase. There are a number of methods to make it easier for the companies to fulfil the demands. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) end ecodesign are some of the methods that can be used. Syntronic AB has the possibility to reduce the products´ environmental impact in the design phase. Therefore it is important for the company to make it possible to visualize the negative environmental impacts a product can cause in an easy way. It is also important to visualize for there clients if any improvement is possible. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a simplified model.

Miljöpolicyintegration hos Sida? - nedslag i ett policyurval för att identifiera EPI

The development aid from Sweden to developing countries is a activity thatinvolves a great deal of monetary founds as well as an opportunity to influence the environmental situation in a partner country. It´s also an opportunity to promote Sweden's values in a field like the environment, setting a good example is important. This thesis aims to evaluate Sida´s environmental policy and find out if there in fact is a Environmental Policy Integration Policy (EPI) taking place. EPI is a policyimplementation theory that emphasise the importance of the total integration of the environmental in the organisation as a whole. To identify this I will use a theoretical framework of indicators invented by William M.

Motiv och initiativ till hållbart företagande : En fallstudie av tryckeriet Edita Västra Aros AB

Today's unsustainable resource use is influenced by many factors. One key factor isproduction methods and patterns. Trough change of production patterns enterprises can bepart of the solution to a more sustainable society. This case study has analyzed environmentalperformance of the printer company Edita Västra Aros Ltd (EVA), who has gained awards forits environmental work, and what driving forces they have had during this work. The survey isbased on a qualitative method and the collected data consists of documents and staffinterviews, which have been analyzed with content analysis.

Studier av mjölkbarhet automatiskt mätt i mjölkningsanläggningar :

Milkability or ease of milking, has higher importance today for Swedish dairy cattle producers after the introduction of milking parlours and automatic milking systems. Milkability is the cow?s ability to quickly milk out and be completely milked. There are several measures of milkability available. Today the farmer measures the traits subjectively in relation to the conformation scoring of the cow 30-270 days after her first calving.

En studie i Culture management

Culture Management Cultural management administration producent KKE management.

Betydelsen av utfodring under sintiden, sintidens längd och kalvningsintervallet med avseende på kons hälsa under kommande laktation

This essay describes and compares the extensive reindeer management to the more intensive, but grazing based, sheep management system in Sweden. Differences and similarities between the two production systems will be investigated by elucidating the economy, land use and possibilities to influence production and economy through breeding, feeding and product development. The reindeer management area covers the northern part of Sweden whilst the sheep management is dispersed over the country. Both reindeer and sheep are ruminants and have relatively high demands on the quality and digestibility of the feed however reindeers graze on mountain-and forest lands whilst sheep often graze inaccessible areas or cultivated grasslands. Selection intensity is generally lower in the reindeer management compared to the intensity in sheep breeding.

Miljöanpassad offentlig upphandling: effektivt styrmedel mot koldioxidutsläpp? : En studie av kostnadseffektivitet, transaktionskostnader och teknisk utveckling

Green public procurement (GPP) can be used as an instrument to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and consideration of environmental aspects within public procurement is becoming more common in Sweden and internationally. Two product groups that have been pointed out as especially important are transports and electricity, where the opportunities for public purchasers to reduce emissions are relatively large. This paper studies GPP which aims at reducing emissions, primarily of carbon dioxide, through environmental requirements within these two product groups. A theoretical analysis of cost-effectiveness, transaction costs and effects on technological development is performed, followed by a closer study of how these aspects appear in practice within GPP. The results indicate that a cost-effective allocation of reductions between the two product groups is most likely to be attained if the main part of emission reduction is achieved through environmental requirements on electricity. The cost for emission reduction within transports is relatively high, especially for heavy transports. For transportation services, more generally focused requirements on emission reductions could probably give greater environmental gains, but the existence of transaction costs steer the environmental requirements towards more technology specific types.

Standardisering av kommunikation och styrning av leverantörer inom Build-to-Print vid BAE Systems

Idag arbetar avdelningen för extern produktion vid BAE Systems Hägglunds med produktions stödjande uppgifter för leverantörer av Build-to-Print komponenter. En allt större del av BAE Systems produkter konstrueras av BAE Systems konstruktörer medan tillverkning genomförs av leverantörer. Denna förändring har skapat ett behov för BAE Systems att kunna stödja leverantörer i produktionsprocessen för att förhindra att kvalitetproblem uppstår. Den produktionsstödjande uppgiften blir också viktig då det finns en vilja på BAE Systems att kunna genomföra kvalitetssäkring hos leverantörer innan ankomst. Dagens arbetsprocess för produktionsstöd har vuxit efter olika leverantörers tillfälliga behov vilket har gjort att inget standardiserat arbets- eller kommunikationssätt finns.

Tar vi vårt ansvar? En granskning av Sveriges politik för global utveckling

This thesis deals with the theories of ecological and environmental justice and applies them onto Swedish politics. Confronting the divide in the literature between anthropocentric and ecocentric perspectives, its aim is to seek points of agreement within this important field of environmental politics. In the theoretical discussion, definitions are made of the concepts sustainability, justice and responsibility. These definitions try to link ecological and environmental justice arguments with a focus on the global level.The object of analysis is the former Swedish governments? bill ?Common responsibility: Swedish politics for global development? which was accepted in 2003.

International Corporate Governance-A Comparison of the Corporate Governance Systems in Germany and Sweden

The purpose of the study is to investigate how much interest media has shown selected topics in the corporate governance systems in Germany and Sweden. The four selected aspects are: ownership structure, employee representation on the boards, disclosure of board members? compensation and female directors on the boards. The reasons for and consequences of the similarities and differences will also be discussed. The German and Swedish corporate governance systems construct the key basis of the study, emphasised on the four chosen aspects.

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