

4373 Uppsatser om Enviromental education - Sida 44 av 292

"Lek är allt" : - Så arrangerar pedagoger den fria leken i förskolan

Stress is something that has increased in recent decades among adolescents. Several reports indicate that young people today are more stressed because of the many demands they wear. They should be good in school, achievement expectations, get an education or job, make choices and think about their future. The purpose of our essay is that we want to explore and gain an understanding of how young people in the third grade in high school looks to stress. To conduct this study, we used a qualitative approach, by doing interviews with 10 high school students attending third grade at Västerviks gymnasium. The result we got out of the interviews was that young people experience stress differently, depending on their different as individuals. We found that there are different causes of stress, such as school, media, friends, demands from various quarters and choosing education.The interviews showed that some kind of stress was possible to handle for the adolescents, for instance by making schedule. Some stress from society was, on the other hand, more difficult to avoid..

Musikterapi som redskap inom barnsjukvården : forskningsöversikt avseende smärta och rädsla

The aim is to describe the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement of pain in patients. Literature study based on 13 reviewed articles, searched in the Cinahl. Qualitative and quantitative articles were analyzed. Six themes were identified that can be seen as the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement. The themes were   pain education, nurses´ experience in the profession, nurses´ level of knowledge about pain relief, documentation about pain, nurse´s perspective on the patient, and pain measurement.

Metauppsats : studenter och lärares syn på uppsatsskrivande i idrottslärarutbildningen

The aim of this study is to examine physical education teachers? and students? views on the thesis and its part in the physical teacher education program at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.Does the view on the thesis differ between techers/students and the program with its curriculum and other policy documents?What does students/teachers value in a thesis?Does teachers/students have a mutual habitus concerning the thesis in the form of essay writing and how is this expressed?The study is based on a qualitative survey in which the respondents mainly answered open-ended questions with written answers. These answers have been categorized and analyzed with the aims of the study and the previous research in mind. The views on the purpose of the thesis differ, both within the group teachers/students and to a certain degree in relation to policy documents. The value of the thesis differs within the group.

NGO?s role in a public-private partnership : assessment of environmental educational efforts on short term

Business is changing and so are society?s expectations. Companies are expected to take responsibility for their trade and the context they are operating in, by looking at socially, economically and environmentally aspects. Many companies handle it by implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) to their line of action. This is often handled by collaborating with other organisations, such as non-governmental organisations.

Ensembleundervisning på lika villkor : En studie om fyra ensemblepedagogers syn på genuspedagogiska förhållningssätt och handlingar vid ensembleundervisning på gymnasiet

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka relationen mellan styrdokumen­tens föreskrifter gällande jämställdhet och lärares hantering av detta i ensemble­undervisning inom jazz och populärmusik på gymnasiet. Jag har valt att analysera ensemblepedagogernas förhållningssätt och handlingar vid ensembleundervisning utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Denna studie tar avstamp i synen på genus som en social konstruktion, där genusmönster genereras i möten mellan människor, genom ständig upprepning av handlingar och beteenden.För att få svar på mina frågor har jag genomfört halvstrukturerade kvalitativa in­tervjuer med fyra verksamma ensemblelärare vid fyra olika gymnasieskolor. Efter att ha analyserat intervjumaterialet visar resultatet att alla informanter anser att synen på jämställdhet och människors lika värde är grundläggande för hela under­visningen. Tillvägagångssätten för hur pedagogerna hanterar jämställdhet i en­sembleundervisningen skiljer sig något.

Får vårdpersonalen bästa tänkbara IT-stöd? : Kartläggning och analys av informationsflödet mellan EPJ systemförvaltning och vårdpersonal

In health care today at Uppsala County Council the daily work involves spending time at the computer. IT-systems were implemented to support and aid the care givers in their work. Around these systems there is a support organization to support the users in using the system. The aim of this thesis is to investigate this organization in terms of how well it works and how successful it is in helping the users. This has been done by investigating the flow of information trough the organization and by focusing at the role of IT-coordinators with responsibility for support, process development, education and statistics.

Bibliotekarie ? vad är du, vad kan du, vad vill du? - en kvalitativ studie om bibliotekariestudenters och utbildningsrepresentanters syn på yrkesidentitet, kompetens och karriär

The aim for this bachelor thesis was to form a deeper understanding of librarians? occupation and professional identity and therefore we have examined library students? and educators? view on professional identity, competence and career possibilities. Our take on this was that there seems to be little interest in managerial positions and we asked ourselves why this is and if we could see a change in interest in the librarians to become. As our theoretical framework, we chose Andrew Abbott?s, 'Theory of Profession'.

Praktikchock?! : En studie om hur erfarenheter från VFU påverkat studenters självkänsla

Background: All the students in the University College of Södertörn in Sweden who are studying to become a teacher, are attending practice education.Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to illuminate and analyze how the students experienced their practice education. My intent was to investigate if the students by their experiences have been affected in their own self-esteem.Method: This is a qualitative study that has been responded by 60 teacher students. The students attended in an internet- survey that included ten different questions.Result: The result of the interviews shows that the self-esteem has been affected, mostly in a positive way.Conclusion: The most common reason that affected the student self-esteem depended on how their supervisor has been treating them during their practice.

Matematik och modersmål : Pedagogers syn på modersmålets betydelse för flerspråkiga elevers matematiska förståelse

This research is about how the educators view the best way to help multilingual students develop their understanding for mathematics. The aim of the study is to identify the different aspects from the teacher?s point of view of this new approach of teaching: what are the limitations versus the opportunities? The study is limited to a multicultural school in Stockholm and to the experience of a few class teachers and mother tongue teachers.A qualitative approach was used and the interview was selected as the method to collect the data. Three class teachers as well as three mother tongue teachers were interviewed about their experiences. The interviews were recorded and transcribed word by word.There have been discussions about the skills in mathematics in multilingual speaking students, and that their greatest obstacle of understanding mathematics is that they are being taught in another language than their own mother tongue.

Allmänhetens kunskap om afasi ? ett svenskt stickprov

The aims were to investigate the public awareness of aphasia in a Swedish sample and examine if knowledge of aphasia relates to gender, education or age. Participant?s sources of knowledge of aphasia were examined. A total of 153 individuals, aged 18-90, were surveyed. Participants were categorized into three groups; heard of, knowledge of and not heard of aphasia.

Gröna bostadsbyggnader : En studie om vilka incitament privata fastighetsägare har för att uppföra gröna bostadsbyggnader

Gröna byggnader har under senare tid blivit ett alltmer aktuellt begrepp eftersom den globala uppvärmningen uppmärksammats och miljöfrågor har uppkommit i fler sammanhang för att reducera utsläppen. Mycket forskning inom området gröna byggnader hanterar till stor del kommersiella fastigheter, såsom lokaler och kontor. Studier har främst utförts i USA och Storbritannien. Nuvarande regering har som mål att uppföra 250 000 nya bostäder inom sex år. Detta väckte vår uppmärksamhet och uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka incitament privata fastighetsägare har för att uppföra gröna bostadsbyggnader med upplåtelsen hyresrätt samt om nuvarande regler inom det svenska hyressättningssystemet påverkar dessa fastighetsägare.

Bibliotekarien och professionen: En komparativ studie av DIK-forum och Biblioteksbladet 1990-2000.

This masters thesis concerns the professional knowledge of the librarian. It is a comparative study where two major ma-gazines in library press, Biblioteksbladet and DIK-forum, is compared between the years 1990-2000, in relation to the theories of professionalization and the associations to the union. The study focus on showing the differences and similarities between the two magazines according to how they interact from the subjects education, wages and status. The study is conducted from two questions: - Which are the central differences and similarities in the description of the librarian profession in the two magazines, from the perspectives of wage, status and education? - In what way do the two magazines reflect the theories of professionalization? To give a wider perspective of the librarian profession, there is also a historical chapter with an explanation to the making of the librarian profession..

Elitfotbollsföreningars Organisation

The overarching purpose is to describe how elite soccer clubs choose to structure their sport oriented organization. This purpose leads us to questions and areas involving sport managers, casting, operational directions, education and goal setting in sport.The results in this thesis are based upon a qualitative investigation of sport managers in Swedish elite soccer clubs. To strengthen the reliability in our choice of method we will fortify it with theories that reflect methodical choice.Our conclusions in this thesis is that one can see a clear difference in how the clubs choose to structure the casting and operational directions within their organization. We have also noted that there is a clear distinguish between the levels of education amongst sport managers in Swedish elite soccer clubs..

Idrottslärares tankar kring hälsa : Hur uppfattar lärare i idrott och hälsa begreppet hälsa?

The goal with this study have been to investigate how teachers in physical education perceive health as a concept, and how they choose to work with in the classes they teach. Health as a concept can be somewhat diffuse and as the Swedish curriculum doesn?t define the concept the teacher are given a freedom in interpreting what health is and how it will be taught to the students. This makes it interesting to study if teachers perceive health differently and if that affect what they are teaching their students.I used interviews as a method to answer my questions and the results show that there wasn?t much difference between the teachers in how they perceive health and how, and what, they teach their students.

En arbetsplats i världklass

AimThe purpose of this study is to, from a perspective of a PE teacher, look at how teachers of physical education in elementary school designs and assesses the teaching of swimming. The issues underlying the study are as follows:Which elements are included in the swimming education and how do teachers work with these operations?What does the PE teachers classify as swimming ability and what do teachers experience as obstacles for the students development of swimming ability?How do the PE teachers interpret the knowledge requirement in Lgr 11?MethodThe study is based on six interviews of qualitative nature, with PE teachers from various municipalities in the region of Mälardalen.ResultsThe result yielded by the study is that the swimming classes can take different forms depending on whom the teacher is. Common to all the teachers in the study is that they teach emergency management and lifesaving. When it later comes to teaching how to swim and practice, the teachers who teach in the younger age groups work more concentrated and continuously with swimming, while the teachers who work with the older age groups just checks whether students can swim or not.

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