

620 Uppsatser om Entry mode - Sida 16 av 42

Affärsmodeller inom IP-telefoni

When communications traffic increasingly turned into data, IP telephony became a disruptive technology for the telecommunication business. IP telephony was a hot topic when voice over IP services started to become available to consumers in the 1990s. The new technology changed the rules of the game and many new actors entered the market.The purpose of this study is to describe, study, and analyze how the business models of the Swedish telecom sector developed in the middle of the 2000s. The study is delimited to the Swedish consumer market for telephony.The study is built mainly upon deep interviews with 24 prominent persons in the telecom sector in 2006. To aid understanding, two telecom companies that have been chosen to represent different kinds of actors are described and analyzed more closely.

Finns det mode i skriftliga räknemetoder? : Tillämpningar av skriftliga räknemetoder inom subtraktion i årskurs 3.

Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka elevers tillämpningar av skriftliga räknemetoder inom området subtraktion i årskurs 3 samt att få förståelse för elevers eventuella svårigheter med olika räknemetoder. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av diagnoser i två klasser samt kvalitativa intervjuer med nio elever och deras matematiklärare. Resultatet visar att den mest frekventa räknemetod eleverna använder, är standardalgoritmen. Studiens resultat visar även att fåtal av eleverna kan använda mer lämpade räknemetoder utifrån vilket typ av tal det är. De svårigheter eleverna beskriver med standardalgoritmen är främst när det krävs växling och dubbel växling över nollan..

Samverkan mellan myndigheter : En kvalitativ studie om hur ett integrationsprojekt utvecklat integrationsprocessen i Hörby Kommun.

During the past twenty years the immigration to Sweden has changed significantly. Earlier immigration mainly focused at filling the vacancies in the Swedish industry, today immigrants primarily come to Sweden as Refugees. This change of immigration combined with the restructuring of the Swedish industrial sector has resulted in great a deterioration of the chances for immigrants to gain entry to the Swedish labor market.This study aims at examining how the cooperation between authorities in the municipal of Hörby in Sweden fosters integration. The study primarily examines how the cooperation between authorities in a integration project can contribute to a better integration to the labor market.Through a qualitative study, five persons who occupy important roles in the project have been interviewed. The results of these interviews have been complemented by internal documents as well as extern material to validate the results.The most important findings that have been revealed are the importance of language in the process of gaining entrance to the Swedish labor market.

Fast fashion mot en hållbar framtid- En studie kring konsumenters attityder till hållbart mode

Under de senaste 15 åren har modeindustrin växt och blivit både snabbare och billigare och begreppet fast fashion har etablerats. Fast fashion är en affärsstrategi inom modeindustrin vars mål är att reducera ledtiderna från idé till butik. Strategin syftar till att tillfredsställa kundernas begär av de senaste trenderna på mycket kort tid. Fast fashion branschen kan sägas stå i motsägelse till en hållbar utveckling, då den representerar korta modecykler där kläder tenderar att bli ?slit och släng? varor.

ZigBee-teknikens möjligheter att trådlöst överföra EKG-signaler

In many clinical applications, it is desirable to transmit sensor information wireless. In earlier research, investigation transmit ECG signal using Bluetooth, was performed. However, when Bluetooth has some drawbacks it is of interest to investigate alternative methods, one such method is ZigBee. Bluetooth has higher data rate speed (1Mbps) than ZigBee (250kbps). However, Bluetooth consumes more power.

Vanebeteende - Det lojala beteendet?

The Swedish sports retail industry has experienced extensive growth during the last decade, and this has attracted new entrants to the market, both start-ups and international followers. This has inevitably put more pressure on incumbents, which are now confronted with major challenges as how to retain their customers and market shares. Customer loyalty has been proved to be an important factor for customer retention and proposed to constitute inertia of switching behavior. In light of this problematization, the purpose of this study is to describe the underlying factors of loyalty and whether purchase habits could further explain customer loyalty. The aim is also to understand the strategic implications of the factors involved.

Kognitiva stöd i köksmiljö : för personer med lindrig form av Alzheimers sjukdom

Människor har olika förutsättningar för att hitta i sin köksmiljö beroende på vilket hälsotillstånd som ligger till grund för den enskilde individen. Det finns personer som har ett försämrat arbetsminne på grund av att de fått diagnosen lindrig Alzheimers sjukdom. Idag ger många köksluckor ingen information om innehållet, och i varje enskild individs kök finns det olika objekt beroende på vad som används. Denna studie handlar om att hitta olika former av åtgärder i köksmiljöer för att lättare kunna hitta, det finns en förhoppning av att problemen med att inte hitta kan minska. Att använda datainsamlingstekniker som litteratur, intervjuer, workshop och fokusgrupp ska det gå att få reda på vilka åtgärder som kan fungera.

Det svenska modeundret : En empirisk studie om svenska modeföretags internationaliseringsprocess

Modebranschen har kommit att bli en uppmärksammad bransch och de senaste åren har svenskt mode visat sig starkt på den internationella scenen. Samtidigt är det en konkurrensutsatt bransch där mindre modeföretag trängs tillsammans med klädkedjor. För dessa aktörer blir det därmed allt viktigare att söka sig till utländska marknader för att kunna växa. Det kräver i sin tur resurser som många av de mindre modeföretagen idag saknar; kunskap om marknaden, exportkunskap och affärsmässig kunskap.Detta gör det intressant att se vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att mindre svenska modeföretag ska lyckas etablera sig på den internationella marknaden. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utvärdera och analysera förutsättningarna för fem mindre svenska modeföretags internationaliseringsprocess.

Vad tycker elever är viktigast när de läser? : Vilken eller vilka läsarter tillämpas av en klass gymnasieelever i mötet med novellen Ett anspråkslöst förslag (Swift, 1729) i en skolkontext?

This is a study of the reactions of high school students in Sweden when reading A Modest proposal (Swift, 1729). If they get the chance to write whatever they want about the text, what do they find important? This study emanates from Rosenblatts (2002) view of reading out of two different stances: the aesthetical and the efferent. The aesthetical mode is reading for pleasure and experiencing the text, whilst in efferent reading the reader is primarily focused on what he or she will carry away as information from the text (Rosenblatt). To be able to categorize the material from the students more properly, a different set of ideas about reading modes, obtained from Tengberg (2011), is also presented and used in this essay..

Att bli någon : Unga kvinnors identitetsskapande via Bloggar

The aim of the study was to through a qualitative method with two focus groups investigate how young women percieve that their identity creation is influenced by them reading celebrities Blogs and in that case, whether this type of Internet activity affect their autobiographical memory, the foundation for personal identity. Since the main task of the autobiographical memory is to give the ego and its social mode a foundation by sharing memories with others, the Internet activity should be seen as an important factor for the identity formation of young people. Today, the young spend equally mauch time being connected to various media as they do socializing with family and friends. The results indicate that young women view the world and lifestyle that known Bloggers expose intheir Blogs as a kind of ideal. The young women got an aha reaction when they realized that what the Bloggers expose is not always equal to the real life..

Multitorget :

This is a final project which makes up 20 credits at the Landscapearchitecture programme at SLU in Alnarp. The thesis is design based. My final project is comprised two parts; of a competition entry for ? A New Square in the Centre of Täby? as well as a theoretical study that derives from the competition proposal. The competiton itself was announced on March 1st 2007 with the final hand-in date on May 28th 2007. The program of the competition asked for a flexible urban square that offers a diverse range of activities that can be used during both night and day, all year around. I became interested in the term ?mutlifunctionality? and I went on to use the subject as a base for my design approach.

Säkerhet och integritet i närfältskommunikation

Context. In today?s society we use smart cards in many areas, NFC is a smart card technology that allows contactless interaction between a reader and the tag, the tag is often in the form of a card. NFC can be used for various payment methods or as access card to a building which makes life easier. In previous studies, the technique has proven to be weak to attacks using an NFC reader connected to a computer.

Dansundervisning under lupp : En studie i dansundervisning ur ett designteoretiskt perspektiv

In this study we examine trade patterns between Turkey and 13 member states of the European Union and how these have developed over the time period of 1983 ? 2006. To represent the industrial and agricultural goods included in the study we look at the United Nations Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). Following, we investigate internal differences in the EU by selecting four countries each to represent the Northern and Southern countries of the EU. Internal differences were studied in relation to the amount of trade occurring between Turkey and the Northern and Southern countries.

Underprissättningens identifieringsteorier - EG:s konkurrensrättsliga mångtydighet

Predatory pricing is one of the most frequently discussed topics in competition law and should be considered both from a legal and economic perspective. The concept of predatory pricing can bedescribed as a situation where a company is pricing at a level that, according to the assessment theories, is unreasonably low. The problems with this type of conduct arises when the low prices hinder competition. A company which uses predatory pricing will likely deter rivals entry to the market or drive the existing ones out of it. In the long run, the effects on competition will likely be higher prices which will hurt customers and consumers as well as competition.

Från digitalt utanförskap till digital gemenskap : En hypotetisk väg till digital gemenskap

We are in an emerging digital society where we are increasingly dependent on the mastery of IT and digital technologies to better carry out our everyday tasks. They cover everything from keeping in touch with family and friends to pay bills and declare. At the same time there are those who have not learned how to use the new technology and live their lives outside of the digital society. What happens to these people, in a society that is becoming increasingly digitized? Do they take harm by being in digital exclusion? It looks like this are issues that will not become less important as digital technology constantly changes.

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