

616 Uppsatser om Entry mode - Sida 1 av 42

Entry Mode Strategies for ire in to the Polish Market : A Case Study of ire Möbel AB

Background: In today?s business environment it is important to find new customers. An action that has been widely used is to enter foreignmarkets. Most firms are always seeking to maximize their profits,which can be achieved if an entry into a foreign market is performed.Due the European Union (EU), new economies open theirborders for international trade and foreign investments. In 2004 Poland received membership.

Internationalisering med entry mode i fokus ? en fallstudie av Zero Belysningar

Titel: Internationalisering med Entry mode i fokus ? en fallstudie av Zero BelysningarKurs: 2FE03E ? 15 hp. KandidatuppsatsFörfattare: David Gustafsson 870926, Emmie Thurn 880909, Jasenko Arsenovic 890119Bakgrund: Globalisering och inträde på internationella marknader har för SME blivit en trend. Åtskilliga företag väljer att konkurrera på en internationell nivå och internationaliseringen sker snabbare och på flera olika sätt än någonsin tidigare. Att välja rätt Entry mode har en stor påverkan på om företaget kommer att nå framgång eller ej på den nya marknaden.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka olika faktorer som påverkar småföretag val av Entry mode vid expansion.

The SMEs’ Internationalization Strategy --Foreign Market Entry Modes Selection

The SMEs’ internationalization strategy—Foreign Market Entry modes selection Title: 1st of June 2006 Date of the Seminar: Bus 809. Master thesis in international marketing Course: Han xiao Author: Ulf Elg, Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden Advisors: Ying Bin, Associate professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China. Guest researcher, Lund University, Sweden Internationalization, Entry mode, SMEs, foreign market Keywords: The purpose of this study is to understand the internationalization process of the SMEs, and try to define the motives and internal factors impact their foreign market Entry mode selection. Thesis purpose: This thesis is based on qualitative method using case study. The primary information sources are the interviews with key-persons in internationalization process of SMEs Methodology: The literature review in this study concerns areas of SMEs’ motives for internationalization, foreign market Entry mode approaches and influence of internal & external factors.

The SMEs? Internationalization Strategy --Foreign Market Entry Modes Selection

The SMEs? internationalization strategy?Foreign Market Entry modes selection Title: 1st of June 2006 Date of the Seminar: Bus 809. Master thesis in international marketing Course: Han xiao Author: Ulf Elg, Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden Advisors: Ying Bin, Associate professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China. Guest researcher, Lund University, Sweden Internationalization, Entry mode, SMEs, foreign market Keywords: The purpose of this study is to understand the internationalization process of the SMEs, and try to define the motives and internal factors impact their foreign market Entry mode selection. Thesis purpose: This thesis is based on qualitative method using case study.

Ethnic fashion : begrepp i förändring

Syftet med denna studie är att se på hur begreppet etniskt mode används i praktiken inom dagens modejournalistik och inom den mode- och dräkthistoriska litteraturen, med utgångspunkt i hur etniskt mode och dräkt presenteras i forskningen.Etniskt mode som idag är ett väl använt begrepp som visar sig ha många olika innebörder. För det har visat sig att man med begreppet etniskt mode menar olika saker inom forskningen respektive inom mode- och dräkthistoriska översiktsverk samt inom modejournalistiken..

Hur marknaden bedömer europeiska företagstillkännagivanden vid etablering i BRIC länder

The aim of this study is to examine how European companies? stock price is affected by an announcement about foreign direct investment in one of the BRIC countries. Another aim for the study is to examine if the market reacts differently to the three modes of entry methods in a given BRIC country and to examine if the market reacts differently to different European countries. The study also set out to answer if there were any effects of the three modes of entry that was visible a short time after the announcement. To answer and examine this, the authors used the event study approach. The study was conducted with a sample of 47 companies from France, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Germany.

Utlandsetableringar & aktieägares förmögenhetsvärde : En eventstudie om utlandsetableringars påverkan på aktiemarknaden

The aim of this study is to examine the market reaction when information about a company?s foreign direct investment is announced and how that affects the shareholder?s value. Also of interest is whether the market reacts differently depending on which country the investment is established in and which mode of entry is used. This will be achieved by using an event study approach. The selection that was used consisted of 206 companies registered on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic homepage, which had during a time period stretching from 1999 to 2009 established a foreign direct investment in the regions BRIC, Europe or the USA using the mode of organic growth, joint venture or acquisition.

Marknadsinträde i Kina? : de svåraste inträdesbarriärerna för svenska företag vid marknadsinträde i Kina

China is considered as one of the world?s fastest growing economies and the future of China looks promising. Even though the Chinese market attracts many new foreign companies to enter the market there are entry barriers which companies may encounter as obstacles, which will aggravate the market entry in China. As a result companies loose business opportunities and therefore it is of great importance for Swedish companies, which are planning a Chinese market entry, to identify which entry barriers that are considered to be the most difficult obstacles to overcome.The purpose of the thesis is to examine which entry barriers that are generally considered to be the most difficult obstacles for Swedish companies to overcome when entering Chinese markets and to rank the five most difficult entry barriers to overcome.Information about these entry barriers have been gathered from Swedish companies, which have carried out successful market entries in the Chinese markets, through an e-mail questionnaire.The result generally shows that the most difficult entry barriers to overcome in China were: bureaucracy, property laws, language, cultural differences and difficulties finding local partners. The ranking of the entry barriers? result shows that bureaucracy is the most difficult obstacle to overcome, followed by cultural differences, language, relations and access to distribution channels.We conclude that companies experience different difficulties overcoming these entry barriers, which depends on the companies? size, years in China, markets and if the entry barriers were considered controllable or uncontrollable.

För modet i tiden : ett representationshus för mode

En medelsvensson, en KTH:are och en kung, oavsett vilka vi är kommunicerar vi med våra kläder. Projektet är ett representationshus för mode där de olika delarna i modeindustrin blir synliga bakom den blanka fasaden..

Är grönt mode skönt? Unga kvinnliga modekonsumenters attityd gentemot hållbart mode.

I denna uppsats undersöker vi unga kvinnliga modekonsumenters attityder gentemot hållbart mode. Vi studerar också deras upplevda skillnad mellan hållbart och vanligt mode. Slutligen undersöks på vilket sätt de mjuka värdena påverkas av den hållbara egenskapen. Vi har använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex kvinnliga respondenter i åldern 29-35 år. Resultaten har analyserats med hjälp av Maslow´s behovspyramid, ABC-modellen, konsumtentbeteende enligt Kotler et al.

Etableringsprocessen på en tillväxtmarknad : En fallstudie om Scanias etableringsprocess på den indiska marknaden.

Objective: The objective of this thesis is to investigate how Scania has attained success to establish on the Indian market and to inquire into the establishment process of Scania and their entrance in the Indian market. The thesis describes different factors such as the product, mode of entry, time of entry and choice of market that play a role when a company establishes and invest in a foreign market.Method: This thesis is limited to the process of establishing Scania on the Indian truck market. A qualitative approach has being utilized in this study, consisting of interviews withStaffan Sjöström, development manager at the R&D department, Koen Knoops, vice president at Financial Services and Henrik Fagrenius, former managing director for Scania in India. Data collection from various journals and articles have been conducted for the presentation of the number of sold newly registered trucks in comparison to the number of sold newly registered trucks in India by Volvo, Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland during 2010, 2011, 2012 and the first three quarters of 2013.Theory: With a starting-point in empirism, we have used a theoretical frame of reference to describe Scania´s establishment process. Scania makes use of an internationalization strategy, namely Market Selection, Time of Entry and Entry mode and the network model, which describes the process of establishing on a foreign market as a business association with various players on the market.

Är grönt mode skönt? Unga kvinnliga modekonsumenters attityd gentemot hållbart mode.

I denna uppsats undersöker vi unga kvinnliga modekonsumenters attityder gentemot hållbart mode. Vi studerar också deras upplevda skillnad mellan hållbart och vanligt mode. Slutligen undersöks på vilket sätt de mjuka värdena påverkas av den hållbara egenskapen. Vi har använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex kvinnliga respondenter i åldern 29-35 år. Resultaten har analyserats med hjälp av Maslow´s behovspyramid, ABC-modellen, konsumtentbeteende enligt Kotler et al.


En kulturell infill i Stockholms innerstad som fyller behovet av en samlad plats för visning av och samtal kring mode..

Snabbspolat mode - en studie av modecykelns hastighet på den svenska marknaden

Syftet med vårt arbete är att ur ett företags perspektiv ta reda på vem som i första hand påverkar och driver modelivscykelns hastighet på den svenska marknaden. För att uppnå vårt syfte valde vi att utföra en kvalitativ undersökning. Telefonintervjuer utfördes med konsumenter och producenter, därefter analyserades och tolkades empirin med hjälp av teorin. Modelivscykeln, från det att ett mode uppkommer till det att det anses föråldrat, upplevs gå fortare. Vi tycker att behovet av mode kan likställas med en process.

Behaviour and throughput of dairy cows when entering and exiting two types of parallel rotaries

Today a trend can be seen towards fewer dairy farms and increasing number of cows per farm. Larger farms set a higher demand of more labour efficient milking systems. The time to enter and exit milking rotary platforms is crucial to maintain a high cow throughput. This study is a project initiated by DeLaval in order to evaluate the cow throughput and cow behaviour during entry and exit in two types of parallel external rotaries with different bail designs. The two rotaries compared were DeLaval parallel rotary PR2100 and PR3100HD.

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