

2917 Uppsatser om Energy and resource consumption - Sida 60 av 195

Informationsbehov och informationsflöden : en studie av hur Human Resource Partners upplever informationsutbytet inom Human Resource organisationen på Astra Zeneca

Informationsteknik (IT) är en marknad som förändras snabbt. Att investera i IT kan därför vara kritiskt. Att ha en strategi för hur satsningar på IT ska göras kan minska risken för felinvesteringar på IT men strategin kan även ge andra fördelar. Att ha en IT-strategi innebär dock inte automatiskt att den ger fördelar. IT-strategin bör även användas.

IT-utrustnings miljöeffektivitet : - En undersökning av Grön IT på Umeå Energi

The environmental issues have during the last decenniums gained an increased role in both the political arena and in the market economy. The society is therefore more knowledgeable about the environment and our impact on it. Through this enlightened state, stakeholders tend to put pressure on the organizations of today. They, more or less willingly, incorporate this responsibility to be a part of their business. Entrepreneurs in the environmental area have seen this rising market as an opportunity to gain market shares and other positive outcomes.

Studier av koppar i mjölk : en prooxidant med negativa effekter på mjölkkvaliteten

The taste of the dairy product is probably the main factor determining consumer?s dairy products choice. Consequently it is of great importance that the product tastes good and as expected every time. Off-flavors in milk can be caused by for example oxidation of the milk fat. Since copper is a prooxidant, a high copper content in the milk can cause oxidation.

Motiv och initiativ till hållbart företagande : En fallstudie av tryckeriet Edita Västra Aros AB

Today's unsustainable resource use is influenced by many factors. One key factor isproduction methods and patterns. Trough change of production patterns enterprises can bepart of the solution to a more sustainable society. This case study has analyzed environmentalperformance of the printer company Edita Västra Aros Ltd (EVA), who has gained awards forits environmental work, and what driving forces they have had during this work. The survey isbased on a qualitative method and the collected data consists of documents and staffinterviews, which have been analyzed with content analysis.

Energiförbrukning vid havspaddling

Syfte med denna studie var att undersöka energiförbrukningen vid havspaddling. Energiförbrukningen undersöktes i vila och vid två olika hastigheter (4 och 7 km/h), först med en olastad och sedan med en lastad kajak (20 kg). Dessutom undersöktes hur det passiva motståndet förändrades vid successivt ökad hastigheten. Studien genomfördes i en försöksgrupp med jämn könsfördelning och med varierande ålder och paddlingserfarenhet.I studiens första del uppmättes försökspersonernas hjärtfrekvens i förhållande till syrgasupptag och koldioxidproduktion vid en successivt ökad belastning i en kajakergometer. För varje försöksperson kunde sedan en korrelationskurva beräknas mellan hjärtfrekvens och syrgasupptag.

Upptäcka matematik utomhus : Vilket förhållningssätt till matematik utomhus har förskollärare som inspireras av olika pedagogiska inriktningar och hur beskriver förskollärarna att de arbetar med matematik utomhus?

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Utvärdering av olika sätt att hantera avloppsslam i Värmdö

Important issues for the local authorities are what to do with the sludge produced insewagetreatment plants. The tax for landfill leads to higher costs with 250 SEK/ton. On the 31December 2004 it will be forbidden to landfill sludge.In Sweden the yearly production of sludge is 240 000 tons, counted as DS. The phosphorouscontent is 3 % in sludge. The total yearly production of sludge gives 6000 tons of phosphorous.

Energieffektiv Linjesjöfart Till Och Från Gotland

The ferry traffic to Gotland is essential for the island?s ability to live and develop. Yearly, it transports 1,6 million passengers, 500 000 personal vehicles and 750 000 lane meters of freight with four Ro-Pax ferries. The traffic is controlled and subsidized by the Swedish government since 1971 in order to guarantee the inhabitants and industry of Gotland a satisfactory transportation service. As a consequence of the past decades increased traffic quality, mainly due to a decrease in crossing times, the traffic?s environmental impact and costs has also increased.The Master Thesis proposes a new energy efficient traffic arrangement that satisfies the users? preferences in the same extent as today.

Forsmark 3 ?Ett Framtida Biobränslekraftverk?

Recent turmoil surrounding nuclear power as an energy source, especially since the accidentat Fukushima, has largely contributed to the debate of whether or not nuclear power should beused as an energy source. This study has examined the economic feasibility of replacingForsmark?s 3rd nuclear reactor with a bio fueled power plant, and find out how this could bedone.The power generation that has to be replaced is equal to 1170 MWe. To replace this, 6 largescaleCFB-boilers, each providing over 200 MWe, were necessary. In addition to this, eachboiler required their respective turbine sets, comprising one high-pressure-, and one lowpressureturbine with intermediate reheating capacities.Based on this, a rankine-cycle was modeled using the software EES, to be able to calculatethe total heat required in the power plant.

Skogs- och energibolagens attityd till förnybara drivmedel vid upphandling av transporttjänster i norra Sverige

Sweden's government is dedicated to the goal of having a vehicle fleet that is independent of fossil fuels by 2030. Achieving these goals requires, among other things, new types of fuel that give lower net emissions of carbon dioxide. The present market includes stations offering lowlevel blends of renewable fuels in conventional diesel as well as some stations offering renewable fuels only. The purpose of this study is to survey purchasers? attitudes to the use renewable fuels in roundwood and bioenergy transport in forest- and energy companies. The study was based on qualitative interviews through a combination of face-to-face meetings and telephone interviews with each sample group. The total number of respondents was ten (10), consisting of five (5) from forest companies and five (5) from energy companies. Transport service purchasers were generally positive to renewable fuels and considered these necessary in the future.

Kompensering av reaktiv effekt vid vindkraftverk

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Användning av rötrest från kombinerad etanol och biogasproduktion : en jämförelse mellan tre alternativ

Scandinavian Biogas is involved in the planning of a combined ethanol and biogas factory in Karlskoga, Sweden. Besides biogas and ethanol large amounts of digester residues will be produced, about 450 000 liquid tonnes residue (~7,3 % Dry Substance( DS)). The objective of this thesis was to investigate possible uses of the residue from the biogas production process ScandgasEthanol developed by Scandinavian Biogas, and to derive a methodological approach how to evaluate and compare handling systems. Three systems where proposed and compared in this thesis; spreading of the untreated residue as fertilizer (system 1), dewatering to a higher DS content to reduce transportation before spreading as fertilizer (system 2) and production of a solid fuel by dewatering and drying the residue (system 3). The general conditions for the proposed systems were investigated in terms of practical viability, economical aspects, environmental impact and energy inputs/outputs.

Kommunernas rekryteringsprocess : HR i praktiken

Rekryteringsprocessens utformning och utövande är helt avgörande för att verksamheten ska kunna fortsätta att utvecklas samt nå uppsatta mål och visioner. Hur arbetsgivare rekryterar på ett professionellt och tillförlitligt sätt kräver kompetens. Organisationer idag har i regel en egen personalavdelning som inriktar sig på att rekrytera nya medarbetare. Många organisationer som anställer personer i betydande positioner använder sig av externa rekryteringsföretag. Rekrytering är en omfattande och kostnadskrävande process, men att göra rekryteringsprocessen rätt från början kan bli förhållandevis billigare än en felrekrytering.

Efterfrågeprognoser : ?En jämförelse av prognosmodeller med avseende på FMCG-marknaden?

An organization must manage its resource consumption and material flows in order to satisfy the demand of its products as efficiently as possible. Managing of the aforementioned requires a balance between the organizations resources (such as the capability of distribution and production) and the market demand. According to Gardner (1990), an estimation of future demand is a necessity for maintaining the balance. An instrument that is used frequently to estimate future demand is demand forecasting. The demand forecasting practice has been thoroughly studied and a plethora of academic contributions exist on the topic.

Är vinkritik nonsens - En explorativ studie av vinkritiker och deras bedömningsprocess i en kluven industri

With increasing wine consumption and a growing assortment at available to Swedish consumers, there is an interest in understanding the decision making process of Swedish wine consumers. In this thesis the expert phenomenon is studied with respect to wine through wine critic reliability: grading objectivity, understanding the process of wine criticism and possible critic influence on consumer behavior. Two studies were performed; a qualitative in-depth session of interviews with industry connoisseurs and a quantitative analysis of 589 online wine reviews. Our results indicate that wine reviews are highly subjective and defy prediction through analysis of external variables. Critics are likely to judge differently based on what information they have at hand, suggesting that expectations affect grading.

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