

2917 Uppsatser om Energy and resource consumption - Sida 55 av 195

Förändringar av marknadsdesign och deras påverkan på balanshållningen i det svenska kraftsystemet : En kartläggning och analys av de balansansvarigas arbetsgång

A future expansion of wind power in the Nordic power system makes the balancing for the transmission system operator Svenska Kraftnät (SvK) more complicated. Up to the hour of delivery the balance responsible parties? (BRP) makes prognoses and plans, for consumption and production, to help maintain the balance in the electrical grid. How well this is accomplished is affected by the setup of the market design. Therefore SvK has proposed the following possible changes in market design: Increase the imbalance costsIntensify the regulation of imbalancesIncrease the temporal resolution on the different marketsPresent the prices for balancing power in real-timeModify the balancing market to simplify auction of consumption bidsA mapping over the BRPs? processes within planning and trading on the day-ahead, intra-day, and the balancing market has been performed in this thesis.

Hållbar utveckling och CSR inom foderindustrin för hund och katt : Med fokus på det ekologiska perspektivet

Pets like dogs and cats have a considerable importance for humans and research demonstrate a variety of positive economic and social effects in society due to our pet companions. The presences of pets are increasing on a global scale with correlation to economic development in low- and middle income countries. For example dogs have doubled in India over a five year period. The feed industry for dogs and cats is also the fastest growing sector in the food industry and certain pets have a significant animal protein intake which, depending on the choice of resources may provide a high ecological footprint. Examples of environmental effects with distribution and manufacturing of pet food are increased greenhouse gas emissions, waste, use of water and energy.

Kartläggning av material flödesflaskhals i ICA butik.

In the spring of 2014 Sweco Systems AB were commissioned to design a ventilation system for a newly built preschool in Linköping. Terms from the client was that it cost efficiency would cope with the energy demands that are placed on the building. The unit chosen was a cross-flow heat exchanger, and this work is to compare it with two other heat exchangers to see if a more energy and cost efficient could have been chosen. The heat exchangers that was chosen for the comparison was a rotating- and a counterflow heat exchanger. Simulations have been made to the different heat exchangers by the manufacturers.

Vad ska vi dricka idag?

Background The usage of Nutrition supplement in the elderly care is commonly occurring and plays an important role in the intake of nutrition for the elderly. The usage of nutrition supplement is to reduce malnutrition within elderly care. For the elderly it is crucial to keep a healthy diet and to never lose weight. The loss of weight can be very dangerous it could even be fatal for the aged and should therefore be avoided. To have a diet that is rich in energy such as enriched meals prevents the elderly from receiving a shortage of calories since the diet is rich in fat, protein and thus also rich in energy.

Elevers attityder, kunskaper och beteenden : inom kunskapsområdet konsumtion och ekonomi i Hem- och konsumentkunskap

SammanfattningKonsumtion och ekonomi är områden som på olika sätt påverkar människors liv. Forskning visar att värderingar, identiteter och idéer grundas på konsumtion. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka elevernas attityder, kunskaper och beteenden inom konsumtion och ekonomi som är ett kunskapsområde inom ämnet hem- och konsumentkunskap. Författaren var även intresserad av att undersöka om det fanns skillnader mellan två skolor bland elever i årskurs nio som skiljer sig åt vad gäller upptagningsområde och skolans geografiska läge. 153 enkäter delades ut och resultatet analyserades med dataprogrammet IBM Statistics Version 20 (SPSS 2010).

Utveckling av ett dammsugarmunstycke för energieffektiv dammupptagning

Development of a vacuum cleaner nozzle for energy efficient dust pick-up.

Effektmätning i pump

The interest for power and energy measurement has greatly raised with todays increasing electricity prices and enviromental awareness. In the search for energy efficient solutions, the measurements are more complex due to increasing of non linear components. Harmonics and non sinusoidal voltages put high demands on sampling and filtering. Meanwhile, the price must be controlled so the customer still will find it interesting to invest in smaller plants. ITT W&WW asks for a robust, heat resistant power meter with compact dimensions to allow mounting inside the casing of a pump.

Energideklaration av Svenska kyrkans byggnader i Växjö : utredning, deklaration och fördjupning nattkyla

Detta examensarbete syftar till att utreda vilka av Svenska kyrkans byggnader i Växjö som ska energideklareras samt utföra en energideklaration av en kontorsbyggnad. I energideklarationen ingår det även att ge åtgärdsförslag för olika energibesparingsmöjligheter. En fördjupad studie i nattkylning av stommen har också utförts. Examensarbetet är uppdelat i tre huvuddelar, indelning av byggnader, utförande av energideklaration samt fördjupad studie av nattkyla. I den första delen delas byggnaderna in i grupper utifrån verksamhet och byggnadstyp och därefter utreds om de ska energideklareras.

Underlag för BREEAM-certifiering : Kristianstad Nya Galleria

The company Olofsfors AB manufactures drive belts for forest machinery, known as ECO-Tracks, and abrasion-resistant steel and cutting edges for graders, excavators and tractors, known as Bruxite and SharqEdges. Manufacturing these products requires the steel to be heated and molded, then submerged in water and hardened. The water used in the hardening of steel is pumped to the process from pits below the floor and then pumped back to the pit after it?s been used. Since the temperature of this water rises after being used to harden the steel the temperature of the pumping pit needs to be adjusted to maintain its setpoint of 21°C.

Human resource managment på den svenska hotellmarknaden : Vilka stategier används av aktörerna på den svenska hotellmarknaden

SammanfattningDen svenska hotellmarknaden domineras till stor del av utländska aktörer. Stora hotellkedjor som Hilton, som representerar Storbritannien, Accor, som representerar Frankrike är bland de dominerande aktörerna. Bland de nordiska representanterna så är First/Tribe Hotels en organisation som ?sticker ut?. Alla dessa organisationer präglas av den organisationskultur som de uppstod i.

Enterprise Resource Planning och Best of Breed : En beskrivande studie om vad valet av IT-system kan innebära

IT-system kan delas upp i två huvudgrupper: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)-system och Best of Breed (BoB)-system. Ett ERP-system definieras som ett system vars funktioner använder en gemensam databas och kan därigenom binda ihop olika IT-system. Användaren kan då enkelt komma åt data inom den egna organisationen från sin egen arbetsstation utan att söka igenom flera olika system, jämfört med system som arbetar parallellt och inte samlar data i en gemensam databas. BoB-system a?r inriktade pa? en specifik tja?nst, men a?r utvecklade fo?r att klara av att utföra den sa? bra som mo?jligt.

Simulering av simulinkmodeller med Extended Kalman Filter

Simulations of simulink models using Kalman filters are often very time-consuming. This problem depends mainly on the fact that the Kalman correction has to be performed at each sample instance through the whole simulation. The goal for this thesis work is to reduce that time-consumption for the filtering part (the integration partis treated in a complementary report) of a simulation. Furthermore a Matlab routine to perform parameter tuning and finally a graphical user interface is developed.The filtering part of the simulation in this thesis is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The time optimization of this filter considers searching for the possibility to replace the today?s existing Matlab functions that is used to perform the filtering calculations.

Life Cycle Cost : Studie om LCC som verktyg att utva?rdera geoenergianla?ggningar

Life Cycle Cost, often abbreviated as LCC, is a common tool for comparing the total cost of different alternatives, such as heating and cooling methods. Common heating and cooling methods in Sweden are geothermal energy, district heating and district cooling. This report aims to evaluate how different heating and cooling methods differ from each other while being applied on three different types of buildings, using selected LCC-models. Information about the selected LCC-models wasretrieved from each separate model and its website. Reports and agencies were used as sources for information about the heating and cooling methods.

Konsumentskyddet vid småhusentreprenader : Särskilt angående problematiken med s k utvecklingsfel

An important task for project managers in multi-project environments is to effectively choose the right people to the project team. For organizations, it means being able to prioritize and plan human resources among the various projects running in parallel. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a project manager in multi-project environments looks at the allocation of people in their projects. We did our research through literature reviews and interviews with seven project managers.The research shows that the studied organizations highlight both the expertise and the personal factors in an election. They do not use any specific personality test to identify their staff.

Ärtrev som substrat för biogasproduktion : En litteraturstudie och rötning i labbskala

Until 2020, 49% of Sweden's use of energy must derive from renewable sources. Greenhouse gases must as well decline with 40% compared to 1990 as a part of Sweden's 16 environmental objectives. Biogas is part of the effort to achieve these objectives, but as the demand for biogas increases, more substrates are needed to meet the demand. The purpose is to investigate the conditions for pea residue as substrate by performing lab-scale mesophilic digestion with different fractions and notch lengths and then to summarize pea residue as a substrate for biogas production. During anaerobic digestion, 1000 ml bottles were used as reactors for digestion.

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