

2917 Uppsatser om Energy and resource consumption - Sida 25 av 195

Hållbara projekteringsverktyg : Från byggnadsinformationsmodell till simulering ? en utvärdering av Revit och Virtual Environment

This study examines the use of building modeling and energy simulations in the design process  of  a  building.  The  take-off  point  is  the  notion  of  energy  simulations  being needed early and throughout the building design process, and that the lack of energy simulations may be explained by the fact that they are time consuming and therefore often too expensive. A greater interoperability between software tools used by relevant disciplines,  such  as  the  architect  and  the  energy  specialist,  would  create  smoother workflows, which would reduce this cost and open up for more frequent and iterative energy  simulation  processes.  The  study  is  an  assessment  of  the  modeling  tool  Revit and  the  simulation  tool  Virtual  Environment  and  whether  they  can  create  smoother workflows, and make leeway for a more frequent use of energy simulations throughout the  design  process.  It  also  investigates  the  limitations  of  what  can  be  examined  by simulations in Virtual Environment. This will hopefully help clarify the future role of energy  simulations  in  design  processes.  The  method  is  a  trial  by  error  approach  of testing the two software tools by building and simulating a model. The results of these tests  show  that  the  workflow  is  not  optimal  (and  therefore  time  consuming)  for frequent  and  iterative simulations  throughout the  design  process,  but  it  also  reveals some  great  possibilities  of  what  can  be  performed  with  these  two  powerful  tools  at hand.  Further  development  with  regards  on  platform  independency  of  the  building information  model,  including  seamless  exporting  and  importing,  seems  necessary  to strengthen the future role of energy simulations..

Fordonsgas ur gödsel och vall

AbstractThe dependency of fossil fuels in the transport sector causes large emissions of carbondioxide. This problem can we reduce by using vehicle gas from digested solid manure and leftover of pasture. I have studied the potential for this in the county of Västernorrland. Thepurpose is to investigate how much vehicle gas that can be extracted.One central, large scale digestion and upgrade plant should be placed in Härnösand. Theamount of pasture and manure that is economical and practical available is enough to produce2,7-3,5 millions Nm3 vehicle gas.

Engagerade ungdomar : en hållbar energistrategi

The consumption and energy use in today's society contributes to the on-going climate change that creates a debt of life quality for future generations (www, DN, 2007, a). The resources that are used by humans exceed by far what is sustainable (www, Regeringen, 2007, a). The purpose of this paper is to examine how a message about energy conservation should be designed to reach youths. This will be attempted by showing their thoughts on energy and environmental issues and also what it would take for them to get more involved in these issues. The views of the youths are gained by a number of focus group-interviews, which where carried out in the fall of 2007, with kids in the ages 12 to 19. Apart from these interviews, interviews where also conducted with representatives from different youth organisations in Sweden, which gave their views on how to get a message across to kids.

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems as a Service: Hur genomförs en framgångsrik implementation?

Denna uppsats har sin utgångspunkt i den tekniska evolution som har skett i affärssystemens värld. Syftet var att undersöka och beskriva implementat-ionsfasen av ett Enterprise Resource Planning System som tillhandahålls som en tjänst via internet. Fokus var att identifiera framgångsfaktorer för implementationen med hjälp av ett fallstudiebaserat tillvägagångssätt där tonvikt legat på intervjuer och andrahandsmaterial. Undersökningen visade att bland annat valet av ett för organisationen passande system, en omfattande verksamhetsanalys, implementeringshjälp av konsulter samt anpassning av affärsprocesser är viktiga faktorer för en framgångsrik implementation. Därtill såg vi att en tydlig projektplan, en Project Champion och dedikerade resurser också var viktiga faktorer för framgång..

LCA av dricksvattendesinfektion : en jämförelse av klor och UV-ljus

Disinfection methods for drinking-water produced at the two water works of Stockholm Water Co are compared in this study. Three different nethods are compared; disinfection with chlorine gas, disinfection with sodium hypochlorite and disinfection with UV-light and monochloramine. The method used is Life cycle assessment, LCA. LCA is defined as the compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and potential environmental impact of a product system shroughout its life cycle. The environmental burden is compared for the three different disinfection methods.

EU:s omställning till en hållbar jordbruksnäring

Cultivable land is a limited resource and agriculture contributes to some of the most serious environmental problems facing the planet like, global warming, eutrophication and loss of biodiversity. The specialized, industrial agriculture with monoculture and extensive input of external energy, commercial fertilizer, and chemical pesticides are all essentially unsustainable. An adaptation to other methods of production is necessary to preserve the environment for future generations. The aim of this study is to describe the factors that distinguish sustainable from unsustainable agriculture. The results will be used to examine if and how the European Union (EU) works in order to create a more sustainable agricultural industry and to analyze the preconditions for such development.

Perfect match? : Kombinationen av Knowledge Management & Human Resource Management i konsultbolag

Background: We have identified the combination of Knowledge Management and Human Resource Management as interesting because of this constellation has been mentioned scarcely in previous studies. There also seem to be some interesting correlations with personnel turnover.Aim: The aim of this study is to describe and understand the theoretically best combination of Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management, by creating a model. The model is also going to be tested empirically through consulting firms, to see if they meet the ideal combination. With this model we also want to describe in what way the different combinations of strategies will affect the personnel turnover.Definitions: A huge part of this study concerns the theoretical area Human Resource Management, which we have entitled HRM. Similarly, Knowledge Management has been entitled KM.Completion: The study is designed both as a literature review and as a comparative case study in which empirical data has been collected through qualitative interviews with four Swedish management consulting firms.Results: The best combinations of KM and HRM are according to this study that strategies should consist of a thoroughgoing personalization or codification.

Att bygga arbetsgivarvarumärke - en uppgift för Human Resource

En personalomsättning på 70 procent och en minskning av antalet sökande på 50 procent ledde till att Gröna Lunds arbetsgivarvarumärke ifrågasattes, eftersom ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke bidrar till ökad arbetslojalitet samt ökar arbetsgivarens attraktivitet.För att se hur Gröna Lunds Human Resource (HR) avdelning förmedlar arbetsgivarvarumärket internt gentemot säsongsansanställda, genomfördes intervjuer med HR-personal och personer i företagsledning samt bearbetades ett flertal dokument.HR kommunicerade arbetsgivarvarumärket i enlighet med teorier och tidigare forskning, ändå kvarstår problemen. Gröna Lund måste visa ett större engagemang för långsiktiga satsningar på sin personal genom att undersöka möjligheterna till utvecklingssamtal, utbildning och tillsvidareanställningar. Alternativt acceptera sin situation och lägga resurserna på att göra det bästa utav det..

Ungdomar, alkohol och normer

This master essay is about teenagers, alcohol and the preventing measures taken by the Swedish government. Consequences of the rising consumption of alcohol among adolescents and how to prevent dangerous alcohol consumption in the future is one of the most prioritized issues in the Swedish society today. Today there is no prevention that clearly shows any effect on teenager?s alcohol consumption and the education about the dangerous effect of alcohol is clearly not the same in schools around Sweden. To gain knowledge about how teenagers view their own consumption of alcohol we have used the Grounded Theory.

Nollenergihus i Borlänge : Är det möjligt med biomassa, solenergi och vindkraft?

This report is of technical character and treats how to plan a small building in Borlänge, Sweden.The technical components that have been treated in the report are the construction, foundation,installations and thermic abilities of the house. In addition to planning this house the report alsocontains a part that deepens in net zero energy buildings. The purpose of the report is toinvestigate if the house in Borlänge can be constructed to meet net zero energy buildingdemands.Energy efficient houses such as passive- and net zero energy houses are showing more frequenton the market in Sweden. Ongoing climate changes and growing consciousness about theenvironment in society have contributed to that the environment is a well discussed topic. Toconsume small amounts of energy and at the same time produce local energy is thereforesomething that lies in the future and future houses.

Utvärdering av tillgänglighet på Stora Ensos massabruk i Skutskär

Self-driving cars are soon to become a reality to the commercial market. A self-driving car does not have a human operator, which enables some interesting characteristics. The main benefits are considered to be:The number of accidents and traffic jams should be reduced.Enhanced comfort.Energy usage could be decreased while capacity could be increased.This study concerns the causes for improved energy efficiency. The reason for improved energy efficiency is mainly because of the variation in terms of acceleration, braking and distance holding are reduced. The vehicles are more intelligent and can work together as a unity.

Geotermi i Ungern : Undersökning av Ungerns energisituation inriktat på geotermi samt kapacitetsfaktorn för det största geotermiska värmeverket i Mellaneuropa.

Hungary?s share of renewable energy in 2010 was 7.9 %, and their renewable energy goal for 2020 is 14.65 %. Geothermal energy is one option that could help to achieve the goal, since Hungary has favorable bedrock, the temperature gradient is above average and thepermeability is high. Today Hungary is importing just over half of its primary energy supply. Because of political conflicts between nations Hungary wants to expand its own production of energy.

Energisystemanalys av ABB AB LV Motors

With a larger awareness of the climate changes and increasing electricity prices, energy efficiency measures in the industry have become more common. By rationalize the activity and by the same time decrease the emission of greenhouse gases the company can both save money and reduce negative environmental impact. For the Swedish industries the electricity price have traditional been relative low, which has resulted in a considerable larger usage than other European countries. By a deregulation of the European electricity market the electricity price will level off between the countries, which will cause a higher electricity price in Sweden than we are use to. To prevent that the Swedish industry don?t lose competitiveness against the other European countries, it will require energy efficiency activities in all different forms.ABB Sweden has decided to decrease their total energy usage with five percent in two years.

Prediktering av fartygsbränsleförbrukning i varierandesjötillstånd

  During the 2000s, the ship owners have become more and more concerned thattheir ships save fuel. Several projects have been undertaken to exploit the resourcesavailable on board today?s vessels to reduce fuel consumption. As a stepin this the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) today offera Weather Routing service to ships. By planning your route more effectivelymuch fuel can be saved.This thesis has been about developing a fuel prediction program (FPP) forhow much fuel a ship consumes in different sea conditions.

Solenergi och värmelagring i kvarteret Lagern

Humanity stands before a huge challenge to lower its emissions of carbon dioxide and its use of energy at the same time as the global population is rising and the developing countries are being industrialized. A lot of newly built buildings are due to this challenge, designed to be more energy efficient but also use renewable energy resources instead of pollutant fossil fuels .Solar energy is one of the purest forms of energy that exists in abundant amounts, which is why it is most likely that it could come to play a major part in the future energy market. The main purpose of this report is to investigate the possibility to implement a sustainable energy system with solar thermal heat and  heat storage as main sources of energy in the neighborhood ?kvarteret Lagern?, which is the area where the old football stadium ?Rasunda Stadion? was located. New developments within different heat storage techniques have opened up new approaches to enable buildings an all year round heat supply from solar energy. This report will focus on heat storage in boreholes. At the present here is only a preliminary plan of how the neighborhood is supposed to be designed.

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