

486 Uppsatser om Employee downsizing - Sida 26 av 33

En meningsskapande introduktionsprocess : En kvalitativ studie om introduktionsprogram

Introduktionsprocessen har betydelse för den nyanställde likväl som för organisationen. Detta då anställda numera oftare byter arbete och organisationerna behöver få den nyanställde snabbt arbetsförd samt hålla kvar sin personal. Vårt syfte med denna studie är att få en ökad förståelse för den formella introduktionen vid en organisation. Vi ville undersöka hur introduktionen förstås och upplevs i praktiken. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med fokus på intervjuer med en komplettering av relevanta dokument för introduktionsprogrammet.

Projektledarutbildningar på svenska universitet och högskolor : Innehåll och relevans för yrkesrollen

One year Master's thesis, Degree of master in Business and Economics, School ofBusiness and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 4FE10E SpringSemester 2014.Author: Johanna Björklund and Sarah Gustafsson.Mentor: Magnus Forslund.Title: Lean in the public sector - Potential barriers to a long-term Lean work.Background: Organizational changes are something that is constantly done inorganizations, and in the last decade, there has arisen a plethora of different changemodels. A reorganization that is popular among companies today is Lean. Lean is aconcept that was developed within the Japanese automotive industry, but has evolvedfrom the Japanese shop floor and is now a concept that can be found in, for example,several Swedish municipalities.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of why the conceptLean may have difficulty getting a hold in the in the long term.Methodology: The study was done with a qualitative research approach and through anabductive approach. As we intended to create an understanding, of what potentialbarriers that may affect that a Lean work, in some cases, does not become a long-termcondition, it seemed natural to choose a hermeneutic approach to knowledge. Theempirical data collected via individual unstructured interviews, through a groupinterview, and by non-participant observations.

Makten att välja klienter : En studie om maktobalans i samverkan kring barn och unga med psykisk ohälsa utifrån skolkuratorers och socialsekreterares erfarenheter

The purpose of this study was to examine the school counsellors and social service workers experience of how the child psychiatry manage their authority in the collaboration concerning children with mental health problems. The study was conducted using qualitative interviews with school counsellors, social service workers and one former employee of the Swedish child psychiatric care. Our results are divided into two themes: Collaboration and distribution of responsibility and Children who fall between the cracks. Examples of groups of children who according to our study are at risk of falling between the cracks are those who apart from mental issues have substance abuse issues or social issues, those whose parents are in a child custody dispute, children who are acting out and children with self-harm issues. The study also reveals that it's easier for children whose parents are active and knowledgeable to get help from the child psychiatric care and that it's a requirement for both parents and children to be highly motivated.There are established social hierarchs between agencies who partake in collaboration regarding children with mental illness.

Rutiner och regler kring instegsarbete : En studie gjord för att undersöka vilka regler och rutiner som finns kring instegsjobb för nyanlända, hur dessa följs och eventuella förbättringsåtgärder.

This essay illustrates the rules and procedures when it comes to inclusive labor markets. In Sweden we have a labor market program called entry-level jobs, which makes it easier for immigrants to get work since our public employment agency pay remuneration to the employers.In this essay I am answering the following questions:How does the work of our public employment agency and trade union looks like before, during and after an employee has gotten a subsidized employment called entry-level job, and in which way can this work be improved if necessary?How extensive do entry-level jobs contribute to increased integration and establishment on the labor market for newly arrived immigrants?How does the Swedish measure on entry-level jobs approach within the scope of European regulations about measures for inclusive labor market?To find answers to my questions I have used social science methodology and juridical method. I have performed document studies and interviews with concerned parts.The conclusion of above subordinated questions is that we need to extend the Swedish laws covering entry-level jobs so that the concerned parts know which assignments they will be responsible for when problems emerge on a workplace.When it comes to if entry-level jobs contribute to increase integration and establishment on the labor market it seems to be more important to integrate the immigrants quickly, and with which quality it is made does not seems to matter. The public employment agency has to emphasize the importance of Swedish language so that the employees can be independent from authorities in the future.

Uppförandekoder inom livsmedelsindustrin : en fallstudie

The world has changed its understanding of environmental issues dramatically and more people are showing awareness of social and environmental problems. Various stakeholders have increasingly begun to show an interest in how companies are taking responsibility for their actions. This has led to an improved activity amongst organizations to make their production consequences positive. They work with Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR). In order to communicate their responsibilities, many companies work with CSR and ethical guidelines.

Skolbiblioteksmodeller: en studie i två kommuners sätt att organisera skolbiblioteksverksamhet

Our purpose with this master thesis is to look at school libraries in two separate municipal contexts and with the help of case studies try to reach understanding of how the municipal organisation in general influences and co-operates with day to day reality. In order to achieve this objective we have posed the following questions: What importance are school libraries given in relation to questions of overall management and goals in the greater organisation? How are resources distributed and management allocated in the two cases? How are the various school libraries in the two municipalities organised when it comes to workload, employee role assumption and teamwork? In the section dealing with theory and previous research we present the theoretical viewpoint and the literature of importance for our subject. This includes a short history, reports and laws, and also some research and theory on school library organisation. Our method has been to study the circumstances in two separate municipalities, Varberg and Växjö.

Förmånsbeskattning av terminer : De skatterättsliga konsekvenserna av terminsavtal i incitamentsprogram

Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda två skatterättsliga frågor som uppkommit i samband med ett avvisat avgörande från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen avseende terminsavtal i ett incitamentsprogram. Frågorna är om terminer och terminsavtal utgör värdepapper och om eventuella förfoganderättsinskränkningar i dessa avtal har betydelse för förmånsbeskattningen. Utgångspunkten i uppsatsen är beslutet från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen som avvisades och det därtill hörande förhandsbeskedet från Skatterättsnämnden.Utifrån de diskussioner som förts i uppsatsen kan författaren konstatera att terminer och terminsavtal kan klassificeras som värdepapper. Begreppet värdepapper är inte definierat i lagtext men utifrån praxis och doktrin samt viss EU-lagstiftning kan det utläsas att terminsavtal uppfyller de krav som ställs på en klassificering som värdepapper. När det gäller beskattning av en förmån krävs det att den anställde förvärvar ett värdepapper, annars utgör rättigheten en personaloption.Författaren anser att då ett terminsavtal ingår i ett incitamentsprogram så representerar det ett ekonomiskt värde för den anställde som ska förmånsbeskattas.

Kommunikation mellan företag - förutsättningar för bruket av sociala medier i en företag-till-företagskontext

The study examines how social media can be used in a business-to-business context. To understand the communication conditions, factors has been identified that affects the choice of communication channels for different types of information transferred between parts. Furthermore, the study investigates the underlying reasons for why certain communication channels are chosen before others, in different situations. The study results are based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with employees in a small engineering consulting company. The investigation has focused on employee communication and choice of communication tools primarily in relation to the business relationship.

Outsourcing av kundtjänst : - Vilka företag bör callcentren rikta sig mot?

Information technology and globalization has led to an increasing competition and service production has been more and more independent of locations. This has made a market of outsourced telephone costumer service possible. Due to high establishment the market has been saturated and with that price has sunk. Customer companies have the last few years got more negative to outsourcing of their telephone customer service as they through operating the customer service internally want to get closer to their customers.In the empirical study the writers try to figure out which companies the callcenters should try to aim towards to get long and profitable cooperation. This will be done through deducing guiding principles from theories about how different factors around companies costumer service should look like.

Orsaksfaktorer till personalomsättning i fastighetsmäklarbranschen : Med fokus på ledarskapets betydelse

Syfte: Personalomsättning är ett omfattande problem i fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Eftersom vi utbildar oss till fastighetsmäklare, är studien av intresse för oss då vi vill få insikt i personalomsättning och vilken betydelse ledarskapet har för medarbetarna. -          Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur ledarskapet kan påverka personalomsättningen inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen i Sverige.Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod. Datainsamlingen har utförts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vi har utfört totalt 16 intervjuer, fördelat på 11 medarbetare och 4 ledare. 14 av intervjuerna har utförts face-to-face, och två har skett via telefon.

Utveckling och visualiseringav arbetet med ständiga förbättringar : För Pfizer, Strängnäs

Today it becomes more and more important to work with continuous improvements to stay ahead of the competitors. Pfizer in Strängsäs started working with continuous improvements in 2010. By the end of 2012, the company?s goal is to reach 24 improvements per employee at the factory.Their project has two main purposes; to examine the need and possibilities for visualization regarding continuous improvements at the production department and to develop a concept for visualisation of the entire factory?s continuous improvements.To attain the information required to examine the needs at the production department, interviews with relevant employees at the department were conducted. Using interviews as a benchmarking instrument was also helpful in getting different points of views.

Det sociala intranätet ? ett forum för information, interaktion och identifikation

Titel: Det sociala intranätet ? ett forum för information, interaktion och identifikationFörfattare: Jessika Hällerö, Emmy Nordin och Anna SalomonssonUppdragsgivare: Semcon ABKurs: Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapInstitution: Institutionen för journalistik, massmedier och kommunikation (JMG) Göteborgs universitetTermin: Vårterminen 2012Handledare: Malin SvenningssonSidantal: 52Antal ord: 15 020Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Semcons konsulter reflekterar över sin organisationstillhörighet och hur de identifierar sig med sin arbetsgivare, samt att öka kunskapen om konsulternas inställning till och användandet av Semcons intranät.Metod: Kvalitativa samtalsintervjuerMaterial: Resultatet baseras på intervjuer med tio av Semcons konsulter.Huvudresultat: Genomgående för studien är att det tenderar att finnas en positiv och en negativ strömning i förhållande till frågorna. Vad gäller organisationsidentifikation finns det konsulter som identifierar sig med Semcon, konsulter som identifierar sig med arbetsplatsen samt de som är osäkra över sin organisationstillhörighet. Det råder även delade meningar kring hur ett socialt intranät kan medverka till att identifikationen med Semcon stärks. Vissa menar att ett socialt intranät kan bidra till identifieringen som Semconit, medan andra menar att det finns för lite information på avdelningsnivå för att uppnå detta.

Vad skapar stress respektive trivsel hos avverkningslag? : en jämförelse mellan bolags- och entreprenörslag

As a student during my studies, I have been told about entrepreneurs who have red numbers in their financial statements, and there is a forest machine operator shortage in Sweden. The basic idea of this thesis was to examine the underlying factors that may have caused the problems described above. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the factors that create stress and job satisfaction as a forest machine operator. The study was performed as a comparison between forest companies own harvesting teams and entrepreneur teams to investigate if there are any differences in stress and job satisfaction between the two different types of team. The study was conducted in collaboration with SCA Skog. The material for this study was collected by doing interviews with SCA's harvesting teams. A total of 27 forest machine operators were interviewed, divided into a total of 10 separate harvesting teams. It was very similar between the different type of teams, which situations the operators experienced stress.

Glowtest Fixture

The project, Glowtest Fixture, has been carried out to and in collaboration with MSA SordinLtd. MSA Sordin Ltd produces and sells ear protector and is at present a supplier on theworld market. Glowtest Fixture is a product for glow testing off detailed components in oneear protector. MSA Sordin Ltd sends today away your products for testing what is anexpensive aspect in their development. The project's aim is to take forward a test equipmentthat copes with those high nonplussed requirements and wishes that are required for anapproved physical execution.Glowtest Fixture is a physical equipment that comes used stem glow physical off all detailedcomponents in one ear protector.

The decision-making process of hiring temporary employees

Background and problem discussionThe temporary employment industry has grown extensively during the past two decades since the market was deregulated. Companies today need to be flexible to meet fluctuating demand and economic climate in society which has made the market expand. When using employees not directly employed by the company there is a risk that long term effects appears that the companies have not thought of.Aim of studyTo create a model of what negative aspects companies should consider when making the decision to use temporary employees.Methodological frameworkThe study performed through an abdicative literature study and with an empirical data collection method of a qualitative approach where we interviewed five hiring companies and one temporary agency on the decision of hiring temporary employees.Frame of referenceProblem areas with the use of temporary employments were identified through four perspectives of the organization; the structural, human resource, symbolic and political perspective. The problem areas we address are organizational learning, motivation, risk of eroding human capital, belongingness and conflicts. These will be described and presented together with management control to counter the problems.EmpiricsThe empirics are focused on what aspects the companies of the study considered when making the decision to use temporary employment, what the companies? different reasons for using temporary employment are and what they do to minimize possible negative effects.Analysis and conclusionsCompanies use temporary employees mostly to become more flexible, both numerically and in their competence.

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